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<br /> ____ -._. — applicabic low may dpecify ior rcinstn�ement)befo�e sele af thu Property puBUant to�ny power of x�lo cantalned in Ihf� _
<br /> Socurity Initrumem;or lb)enlry of�}udgment enforcing thix Sceu�ity Inetrumem. Thoce co�ditions arc tha�Boirower: la)
<br /> p�ys Lender all aumr which then would tse due under ihiA Secudty Inatrument ond the Notc as if no acceleration hpd
<br /> occumed;(b)curcs ony default of any�iher covenams or egrcement�;(c)payx all expenses incumed in enforeing�hia Security
<br /> - I�mument,including, 6ut nM limited to,rcasonable attorneys'fees; and(d)tukes such action us l.ender may reosonably
<br /> ��~� reyuirc to assure that thc Ifen af thia Securiry Instn�ment,Lenderk righte in thc Propeny and Borrowerh obligation to pay thc
<br /> � �� suma secute�l by thia Secudty Inslrument xhall cantinue unchunged. Upon refmtutement by Borruwer, thia Security
<br /> R�,� -- InaUument ond Ihe abligwtfon��ecurcd he�eby xhall remoin fully effeclive us if no accelemtion had accurred. However.thir
<br /> �-�-_ °- -'--�''"� rl�ht to rcinstatc shull not apply in thc cASC of accclerntion under paragraph 17.
<br /> �--s lq, g�le at Not�;Chap�e oi Loon 3ervice� The Notc or u partial intcrext in �he Notc(toge�hxr with thi� Securiry �
<br /> � __ . �.,-,.__� lasuument)may be sotd txk or more�imes withou�prior notice ta Banawer. A sule may result in o change in the entity
<br /> ------ - (known as the'Loan Servicer')thut collccts monthly payments due�under the Note and this Securlty Instrument. There also
<br /> ,����,�--=�a may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is u change of the I.oan Servicer.
<br /> _- -- ,_«'x� Botrower will be given w�tten notice of the change in accardance with p�ragruph 14 above und Applicuble law. The notice -
<br /> --- - ��_.�r will state�he name and uddmxx of the naw lw�an Servicer and the nddress�o which paymentg�hould be made. The nalce will
<br /> -_:_��._;_�,����e�:t;',�� plso contain eny othcr iniormulion required by applicable luw. _.
<br /> �.• 20. Haywrdous Subatauces. Borrawar shall not cAU�e or pormit the prcsence,usc.disposal.xtorage,or release of any
<br /> --•ry,,; ,.;�•t-;�--�,�, ,_�,_. Huzssrdous SubstanceK �►n nr in the Property. DoROwer sh�ll not do,nar allow anyone elre to do,any�hing nffecling the
<br /> ��� ,;. ,,,,,,�q:;; Property that is in violation of any Environmenwl Law. The preceding�wa sentences shnll nat upply�o the prcsence,use,or
<br /> �g,,,��'. _:��!�� '�="-' atorage on the Proparty of small quantiticx of Huzardous Substam�ex Ihat ore$enerplly rccognised to be approprinte to normal
<br /> �-_-__��,�:�:'x�;� residentiul uses and to maintenance of the Praperty. �_
<br /> _�;;,�,���'� Borrower shall promptly give[.ender wriuen notice of any investigation,cluim,demond.luwsuit or other uc�ion by any
<br /> ---����u-�- ovemmental or re ulato a enc or rivute an involvin the Pra Ry nnd un Hauirdaus SubstAnce or Enviranmental
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