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.� ��� i. a . t� - _• . .�•l.n.��� <br /> � _ . ,G.�t� f..`'`.r �- — ,� - s x " _ <br /> ''�i,, � �,,,,� � � <br /> =;_:,::�y.._<sf.3E��'e.� iO3'73� <br /> -=-_-=--= 92-. <br /> --�� ---------� of ewle,wnd Ihe swle,IacludinQ the pvymeat o�Ihe 7Y�ustee•s feea ectuplly Incnrred�nM to esceed 3.0 �,� <br /> � ---�;:�.� the principAl arnount or tiu nMe pl the Nme of the declaratbn af debutt,ond reaAanwbk qtto�•ney�•�ee9�x Itted <br /> by I�w;(6)to�II wau r�cural by Ihis Secu�ity InNranieati�u d(c l�ay ezce�to the perroa or pe�aw k�l y eatUMd <br /> ��z:=a ���2Z. Reeonveyance. Upan payment of all sums secured by this Secu�iiy laswment,Lendc�xholl reques�7Yustee lo <br /> ��+ a�x--�"--��°�'"•� reconvoy the Property and shnll sumender this Secu�iry In.rwment ond all notex cvidencing debt securai by this Security <br /> �'"'' Instn�ment to 7tustee. 7Yustee ahnll remnvey ihc Property without wurtunty wid wilhou�chugc to thc p�:rxon or percuna <br /> ,���-��:��ti;���;a r IeQeNy cntiqed to it. Such per�on or pensan�shall pay any recordu�ian rnsts. <br /> " "'� 73. Substitute'iYustec. Lender,su its opNon,muy from time to time rcmove'Ihuxtcc and ap�+oint a+�ucceswr trustec to <br /> _ __ , _ - - <br /> � ' any'itustee appointed hereunde� by an instrument recorded in the county in which thia Securlly Ins�rument is recorded. <br /> -_ .� • � : Withow conveyance of the Property, the xuccessor tru�tce ah++ll succecd to ull�hc litle, power und dutier: cnnfemed upan <br /> ���. �-- �--' 7tustee herein and by applicable law. <br /> �����:�.•.� Z4. Request for Noticea. Barrower requests�hut copies oP�ho natices of defauU and sule be�ent io Borrower R addreas <br /> : .+u,��;,�a��i,: _6 which is the Praperty Addres4. <br /> , 2S. RWers to Ihls Security InslrumeaG If ane or mare ridera ure execuied by Borrower und recorded lagethcr with <br /> `.,�,�_„ �r _w. this Security losuumem, the cuvenants and agrcemcnts of each such rlder chall be incorpomted inlo and chall amend and _-_-_ <br /> '�n". Y supplement Ihe covenants and agreemen�a af Ihis Secudty Instrument us if thc rldet(s)were u purt of�his Secudty Inslrument. <br /> -- �°r'�'""`�-�'•'' " (Chak applicabfe box(es)� � <br /> --- .;.__.r <br /> ';���,.Si,'�4.'Jr�b.•,,,. I <br /> �:a k;.-�_�b;1;'±C.' ' �AdjustaMeRAteRidcsr �CandominiumRider �1-4FumilyRider - <br /> __,�---.�sr�.�a �..1 — <br /> ' ' '''� �Ciraduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Ridar �Biweekly Puyment Rider � _ <br /> ._,��, :�, -__. <br /> =-..��,,;,:=.�:, �- <br /> -, :7::`,sr iie : �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Hame Rider �r: <br /> �".,� `�`;���y?4•.:��':,.tiu . �; <br /> u•. <br /> "-;.,,�� � •�''��' , x�Other(s)[specify) acknowledgment ��. <br /> - .",:;�,6;: .. .. �d- <br />[m'�� .' s�`." ' '� • BY SIl3NINd BELOW,Borrowcr nccepi4 nnd agreec to the tcrms and covenonts wntained in this Security lnxaument �°- <br /> -- .��.;�? ��;•• _'.: <br /> - `�r:� „ ° „ ; and in any ridcr(s)executed by Borrower aad recarded wilh it. - <br /> + `_... <br /> �:1,��. � -- <br /> �1`��L�r^ °° <br /> ar,:�.i: .r � , �:;° <br /> _ �� "'s,`a,�� �' I Witnesses: �.� <br /> �::�� „• .. '. .:,�;: , �-:- <br /> ,y�';;,: (Se�+l) ,� <br /> 1.�.a _� � � �� �.�: <br /> _ Yi� 'WS111 �..�j \ <br /> ..'�.''�"1�•''� Sherrall W Sim� -6onower --_ <br /> - , -"`I <br /> :`.i . � SocialSecudtyNumber �n5 a � ��, �,� „ <br /> o�� <br /> -'r, ' .;� .° ' I `f�''" `��Qr.asaa� ISeap �r <br /> _ '` ., .,,.I •Bartawer - ••� <br /> Vera m S ims �1, <br /> ° Sacial Securicy Number ��• '� 1,.... <br /> . i - <br />;-��,�. .. . �,�. <br /> " . ' STATE OF NEBRASKA, Ha11 County ss: �: <br /> � • On this 24th day of April, 1992 ,beforc me.the und�tFigned.a Notary Public• �"'-�= <br />� ..,-� #•.., , . <br /> � '� duly commissioncd nnd quulified far rakl caunty,persc�nnlly cume Sherrell W 5ims and �'"� <br /> - � -• Vere m Sims� husband and wife .�o me known to bc the <br /> identical pernons(�) whose name(s1 are tiub�cribed to the foregoing instrument end acknowledged ihe execution thereof to � <br />.���Ti,.•, �' � � b� tFieir volwtary uct and deed. �; <br /> Witness my hund und no[;uial scal ut Grand la , ebras in said counry.the �T <br />=.,°tr, .� .. �;,. <br /> dutc afixesaid. <br />`::��.-� . �� � � . �t�auns�M wr�n <br /> - My Commisgio zp ��pppNpM <br /> _ .�v. n, ��(�.�.�11� Ndxry Wblk �x;� <br />- � • T FOR RECONVEYANCE - <br /> ,, -- <br /> . - , � TO TRUSTEE: �. - <br />,- ' ! .. : The undersigned is Ihc holder of thc nate or notrs securcd by ihi,DccJ oi 7ivxt. Said note��r notes, togethcr with nll „ <br /> � a "�"'•; other inJebtedness secured by this Deed of 7iust,have bern puid in full. Yiw urc hereby directeJ tu rancel s�id note or notez <br /> ' and this Deed of Tivst,which ure delivereJ hereby,und tu reconvcy,withiwt warranty,all Ihe cslute now held by you under <br /> • . • thix Deed of'll�usl to the person or pertions legally enlitled�hereto. <br /> �_ <br /> � �� Date: — <br /> � torm J028 9190 IpuKe n ujb�n�x�t� <br /> � � • <br /> - � h' <br /> • � �, . _--.:�;- _ . .- . . _ ._ . .. . • _ <br /> '��� . . <br /> , . <br /> ,� <br /> .. � . <br /> I . <br /> � , � <br /> i <br /> , ; <br /> . ,, _ � <br />