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,.+�_ .�_ � r__ . . � _ <br /> r� � -- - __ _ :�.,y�,�RRSyt"a a' �� ...c _' __ <br /> _...L�i�l�!�'�.,. . . ++��. __ <br /> _- • `- --_ii'r'.__ . � _ _ '_'..�SU�4t.1�...�'--� <br /> :� . . _ .:�.. 92— 1o�3s <br /> � <br /> ��:::�. �:�.' <br /> ��f.:�.-�.-,ar,�,�:;:� condemna�inn ur�Hhcr[nking of uny pun of th�Pro{kny,ur f�x cwwuyun�c in licu e�f cundcmnaiiw�,urc hrrcby a�Kipned wW <br /> ,�,�,,;.,,a�,e.�,;� xhall bc puid to l.cnJer. <br /> . In ihc cvcnt ai a �atal tuking ui' Ihe Propcny, tlx pnxccds rhull bc applicd tu Ihc �umx n�curcd by ihir; Sccurity <br /> --- Ins.UUmrnt,whether or not then duc,wilh any cnces�pufJ tu Barrawcr. In thc event uf u panial��king uf thc Property in <br /> -_��'�-� � • which the iuir murket vAlue of'the Pn�peny bnmcdiutcly brfi►re�hc�aking ix cyual w ur grrutrr�han the umoun�uf ihe Kumti � <br /> "�'�,�'�''.r %'�a'�, �cecure�by�hir. Security Instrumcnt immcdiutely bcfore ihr tuking,unle�� Barn►wcr und l.endcr othcrwf�e ag�ec in wri�ing. <br /> ��� �� ' the xums tiecured by�his Security In��rument shull lx: rcduccd hy lhu amiwm of the pnx:ccd� multiplied by ihe fullowing <br /> ��!�''':T� fraction: [a1 ihe tMul um�►unt uf ihe,ums xecured immediately hefnr��he taking,divided by Ib►thc fuir murket value of thc <br /> "�� "" ' Property immcdiately bciorc the Inking. Any b:�lunre chs�ll ix: paid to Borrawrr. In�hc event at'u partiol m!►ing of the <br /> .� n[�' �• � Property in which the fair murket value uf'the Praperty immediately befon thc laking iy lehs�han the umount of the �umx r <br /> :,�r_-�,:.�����.5;.�,: hecun:d Immedintely beforc t6e tuking. unlcss Borrower und I.endcr athenvi+e agrec in wriling or unlexx applicable law <br /> •,�'�}"..'ar '� • then du�e provides,the pmcecdv shall be applied to Ihe+um��ecured by this Security ln�trumam whe�her or nat�he sums ure <br /> "r' �";' ' If ihe Prapcny ix ubandancJ by Borruwer,o�if,aftcr nmice by l.ender to Burrower thut the cundemnur affen to muke <br /> .�-.".` �n owurd or settle u cluim far damAge+,Borrower fuih�o re�pond t�►LenJrr wiihin 30 duy�ufter the da�e�he no�ice i„given. <br /> �°� -' ." `'}"' • Lender ic autharized�o collect anJ npply�he prixeedti,a� it�oplion,either�o re�tcuutian i�r repair oi the Propeny or to the _ <br /> - _� ,�-,,..,.-.,�-.- -- <br /> -- � •;, rums tiecureJ by thi�Security Imlrument,whether or not Ihen due. <br /> —•:�`'�`"��;.��._-'. Udeas Lender und Burruwcr�Nhenvi.r,��!ree in writing. uny upplicu�iun of prc�cced�m principul �holl not extend or __ <br /> �--:���q�,., pos�ponc the dur dute of the monthly puymem+rcfeRed to in p•rrugn�phs I und 2 or chungc the amnunt of such paymems. <br /> - �,�,;�.--���, !1. liurrower Not Releasedt Furbearance By I.ender Not o Waive� Extenwiun of thr time for paymem or <br /> �•' �- ,���1_ � moditicyian of AmoAi�Ation of the rums xecured by Ihis Security Insl�ument gmnted by l.ender�o uny�uccexsor in interest <br /> _- �«��:.'� , , . of Bormwcr shall na operute �o relea�ihe liability of Ihc originul Borrawcr or BorrowerK succeswrs in interext.Lender <br />_,_��' __ ,�,..-;�:,y�_ _, ghall nd be rcyuir+ed to commence proceeding�ugc�inst any successar in interest or refuxe to extend�ime fi�r ps�yment or <br /> -=-�+�� `- otberwise modify umartizution of�he sums secured by this Scwurity Imuum�nl by reacon af uny dcm:�nd mudc by thc originul � - <br /> � �` ' Borrower or Banower's surceswn in intemtit. Any forbeaau�ce by Lender in exenising uny right or remedy shull not be a ---- <br /> ,. " �;'��at:�'` wuiver of or preclude�he exercise of Any right ar remedy. <br /> ' �� 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Li�bilit�;Co-signers. The coven:mlz und ugreemems��f thiti <br /> :i�„- � Security 1 n.wment shall bind and beneGt the tiuccessan and ns�igns of Lender and Bcxrower,subject to ihc provixiom uf <br /> , pumgraph 17. Borrowrr's cuvenuntx und ugrcements shall be joinl unJ severul. Any Borrower w•ho co-signs this 5ecurity ^ <br /> = . Instrumrnt but dces not execure the Note: 1n)is ca-�igning this Security Instrument only to mangage,grual und convey that �,�:----- <br /> '_��' , uu.,. Bortower's interest in th�Propeny under the terms ot'thi.Security Ins�n�ment; Ib)i,not persanally obliguted to pny Ihe sum+ �,___. <br /> - • t;ecuredby�his Security Inti�rumenr und Irl ugree.that Lender and uny other Borrower may agrce to extend,madify,forbeur �{,�;s_,: <br /> „ or make uny uccommodationx wi�h rcgard to �he termz of�hir Security Inswment or the Natc wi�how�hut Bormwer ti ,��'�.::-= <br /> _ • .. � � ronxen�. _ <br />- ., 13. l.oan Charses� If�hc loun .recurcd by this Securiry In.trumen� i.rubject to a Ivw which �r�s muximum loun = <br /> . . <br /> � � • _ _.��,, .� . __ eharaes,and�hut luw i+finully inlerpreted+o�hut Ihe interetit or othe�loun chargex cnllected nr�a 6r coU�cted in conneclian <br />-�° � ° � ��` � with�the loan exreed ihe�rmitted limits,lhen: lu1 uny.uch loun charge shul l be reduced by�he umcwnt ne�eswry to reduce °-q� <br /> � � the churge tu thc pern�itted limil:und Ib)any.rum�ulreudy collrcteJ i�om Bormwer which excecded permiaed limu��vill t�e <br /> � r+efunded ta Bo�rower. LenJer mu chix�.e to muke�hix mfund b mducin the rinci �I owed under the Note or b mukin�u �! � <br /> y Y � P P Y !. .�o�.�=°-- <br /> , . � ., direc[ payment In Borrowcr. If a refund reduceti principal, the reduction will be treuted uz u partiul pr.:puym�nt wilhow any <br /> prepayment rhu�ge under�he Note. _� <br />� ' . 14, Notke!i� Any mitice tn Bom�wrr provided tix in thi. Serurity Intitrument ,hull bc givrn by deliverin�; it ur by � <br /> • mailing it by fint rluz+ muil unles:;upplicablc law reyuire�u,e of unother mcth��d.The noticc.hull he Jirected u��h�Pro{xny =_- <br /> . Address ur any aher uddrc+z Borrower drsfgnu�rs by notire Io Lcnder. Any notice to Lender shs+ll lx �tiveq by first clus, �t��`- <br />- mnil to I.endcr:uddretis.�a�ed hercin or any uthcr uddr«.LcnJer Jc� notwe to Burrower. Any naice provided for «z— <br /> � in �his Securi�y Insaument shull Ix Jermed u�havr bcen givrn to Borrower or I.endcr whrn Fivcn a,provided in thi. `_____- <br /> paragruph. ...,_- <br /> � ° 13. Coverning Laws tieverabUitv. This Securily In.trument �hull lxx govemed hy fcJerul law und thc law of�he ��..•.., <br />= jurisJiciicm in which Ihc Propeny i�hxiued. In the rvent thut any provi.ion��r rlauu uf thi+5rcurity Instrumcm or�he Notc <br /> L���-� conilicls wiih upplirahle law.,uch contlicl shull nat ut'fcr���ther pn►vision+ot'thi.Securiiy Instn�ment or the Note which can <br /> ' � . be given effect without Ihc ranflirting provision. Ti� this end the pmvi.ionx of Ihix Security In��rument and Ihe Note are � <br />- declnred to be xeveruble. <br /> ^ 16, Borr�wer's Copy. HoROwer�hall Ix givrn��ix runli�rnicJ ropy of thr Nar anJ ol'lhi,Sccuriry In+trument. d`-.;`, <br /> � �� ,. 17, 'IYansPer oP the Pruperty or u Reneficiul Intcretit in Borrawer. It'aU or uny p•rrt of thc Property ur any imere.[in y_.= <br />` • it is soW or trnnsf'crtrd lur it'u FKr.cFiri:d intrrL.l in B��rn�wer iti.rold��r irun+lrrred unJ Borrowcr i�not u nulurul�xnun) ��?''`: <br />, .. ,. withow Lcndrr±prior wriuen comen�. Lendrr may.a�il,.��iun.rryuirc immedimr paymem in full of�.ccur�d by <br />- this Securily In�trument. Howe�cr.Ihis c�tion shall not he exrn:ixd by l.ender if exrni.e i�prohibiteJ by federnl luw u.��f �4 - <br /> • . ' Ihedutcof Ihis Sccurity Inti�rumrnt. -- <br /> !"f:..:.'.� <br /> -- . If LcnJer exerci��.this nptiun.Lender�hull giv�B��rroucr n�itice of'acrelrruti��n. Thr n��ticr.hall provide u prrioJ of w;;�_ <br /> � not Ics+lhun 3U duyti fr.�m Ihc dutc th�rn�lirr i.dcliverrJ or muileJ���ilhin whirb B�urowcr mu,t pay .ceured hy this ;:�?:';:' <br /> . '��"`. S�KUrity ln+trument. lf Borrower t'uil� 10 pay Ihr.e ,um, prior lu Ihe rxpir•r�i�m of Ihi. �ri�xi. Lendcr may invoke any <br /> ,, ' remeJi�x prmiiucJ by thi�Srrurily In+trumrn�ti•i�huut funhrr nutir�•urd�nr,�nJ un Bono�vrr. <br />• 1& ilnrruwer'a RIAht to Iteinstutc. II' BoiTUwer inrct. rcnuin r�mdiiiun,. Hurro"cr ,hall huve th� ri�ht lo havr <br /> eni'onemcnt ol'thi.Sccurity In.�rumrm Ji.runtinurd:u un��iimr prior����hr carl�cr ut: lul S J:iy. 1ur.urh i�thcr�xriixi a. � <br /> tim�lc I�.�uul�••Fannfe\fuQ�FY�vldk�1uc l 11P'IIR�t I\Sl'RI'\1F:\7'•-1�ulami c'u��naw. 4i90 ��w�¢�•-1��I n lr�YC�i ! <br /> 4 <br /> . . ... �,�>: .. . . �. . � .. . . . • • <br /> ' <br /> I <br /> � 1 <br /> � <br /> . i <br /> . . <br />