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� - - .._. __ <br /> �'. ..�..� ..,.;......: t���-- <br /> _ � ..,_ �.7 � ... ~� ����J___` <br /> �1,. ._�__l. . <br /> � _�,._ „ 9�- ��,;f�-'7�g -- <br /> -: ���� <br /> _-�_,.o,,,,,,,,e,,,,�y �xrkxlx�hwt Lender reyuimx. Thc in�uranrc c�rricr pmviJing Ihc insuroncc�hall Fie ch���en by Bom►wcr tiuMjcct to I.endcrk <br /> ________ _ upproval which�hull nw l+c unrcw�an++hly witbix:ld. If Burtowcr fails tu mwin�uin awcrLgc dcacriiud ubuve.Lendcr may.�t <br /> � �"-� L.e�Kte�R op�ion,nb�ain cuve��o w prcdcct�le�:ri�hts in�he Pro�cny in uccorduncr wflb parugruph 7. <br /> �K��„�,a All in�urwxe policicw nnd renewAlv�hall i+e wrcMahlc to Lender WnJ hhLll include a titwularJ matguye ciuw�e. Lrnder <br /> ,�� '"�,' Rhpll iwve the right�u ho1J Ihe pnlicic�anJ rcnewulx. If Lende� rcyuimR.llorrower+holl pnxnptly Qive�o Lender all teceipls — <br /> ��� '`�' oi paid premiums und nnewal nuticeti. In�he even�u t'lu.r,Bixn�wer s h a l l g i v e p r o m p�n u t i c�t u U u:in�urunce carrier und <br /> =���" Letxlcr. l.cixlcr ms�y makc pr�wf uf loxr it'n�M madc prumplly by HoRUwer. _ <br /> �' Unle�r l.cndr�and&xrowcr ult�ervvl+c ugrec in w�itinK.inwrancc�xcK:ccd�.Khall Me upplicd w r�swraliaa�x repuir oi <br /> • :�-=k:"....^"'°iX°�6•° `"�•=3 thc 1'�c,perty dumi+geel, if ihe rr,uxa�ii►n ur rcpair i� ernnumic•rlly fratiiMc und LrnJer: Mcuri�y i� n�u Ie.renrJ. If�he <br /> � ''' _�• �c rcshxalion or repAir is not ccawmicully feu�iblc ur l.cndcr� uwurity w��uW b� Icw�cnrJ,ihc in�u�r pnwred+ +Iwll bc � <br /> �.�_ , . <br /> �..:.; _ opplied�u tlk Kumx aecurcd by ihi� Sccurity Im�n�mcn�,whethcr��nw ihrn Jue, with uny exreti�paid w Bo�rower. If <br /> - �'"' Borruwer abat�ion� �hc I'mperty, cir dae� nut un�wcr wilhin;0 duy� u nnticc from l.cnJer Ihut Ihc in�urunrc curricr haw <br /> x����:�r:+.'" �, <br /> � " affbred to�elde a claim,then LcnJer may callect the in+ur+ukc pnxccd+. Lrnder may ucc the pnxecJv to rcpair ur resture <br /> �`,s=�;:-:: PL ...,'-�' the Praperty or ia p•ry+um�wcurr.d by this Sccuri�y In,trumcnt.wi�eUkr�tt nut�hrn due. The;11•day pericxl will ix�in whcn <br /> �`���'� �, Ihe notice i.given. �-- <br /> '�"`"�'�'"`'"'�'' Unless Lender s►nd Borrower rnherwire u�rcc in writing, uny upplicutiun of pnke� prinripnl �h:�ll n���rxtend or � _ <br /> �� �,,.� <br /> �!??_�;.r�,, po�tpone the dur dute af iho m�m!hly pvymems rricrrcd to in p•rragruph, I unJ 2 or chun�;e Ihc�mauni i�1'the payments. If <br /> _ - _ �,�_��..��-�_,.. under parugraph 21 �he Pn�perty is iuyuired by l.endrr. BuRUwcr+righi w any in+urnnce policie+unJ proreeda re�ulting ` <br /> _r.�..•- i_:,:y�.: from dumagr m the Propeny priar�o�he a�yuismoo shuil pass w LriKtr��u thc cat�nt nf the�:umY,ecurrd by�hi� Sec��ri�y �__- <br /> _. �..... �'-.. <br /> �t•�:�'_+�.,s��+ Inurument immediately prior�o the ucyu�tiitiun. <br /> _�!s''�=":�'�!�����- 6. (kcupaacy, PraservAlion. Mainten�nce and Protection of the Property; Borrower'e l.�wn AppUcaiNon; <br /> . :�,,,..;,��:�•• ' <br /> ••��'�:•-:�:. •.•:•.»-�,e� ' Le�selqWs. Borrower shall accupy.egtablitih,und use the Ropeny as 8atrower±principul re.idencc within sixty days after _ <br /> -_�- � ;,._,,;;,�,;,,;::_ ' �he execution of this Secu�ity Instrument und shail contiaue to acupy tha Propeny w: Borroweri principal residence for a� <br /> � '� least one year After the dAte of a:cupuncy, unle+, Lender othenvi,e agrees in wriling. whinc �ansent shall not be �__ <br /> -�_.,. ' unreasonably withheld,or unles�extenuating circumtitunces exi,t which wr lxyond Borrc►wer,r�x��rol. Borrower�hull nat �,__ <br /> - �:`;;;� destroy,dnmage or impair the Property,Allow the Property�o dcteriorutc,ar cammit wu�te on the PropeRy. Bort4wer shall _ <br />'���� � ' be in default if ony forfeiture nctian ar pra:eeding,whether civil or crimin•rl,ix begun �hat in LenJer�good faith judgment _ <br /> e <br />�-�� z. �„ . °'� � could result in forFei�ure of the Propetty or materiully impuir thc lien creuled by thiw Security Inxtrument or .:.:.� <br /> _*� �„ �' �•' Lenders security interest. Rorrower may cure ruch u Jefaul�and rein�tute,u�provided in parugraph causing the uction �Q <br /> � • ..;� or praceeding to be dismissed W�ith A ruling thut,in Lender�goud fuith detertnina�fan.precludes fo►ici�ure of the Borrower's �;.- <br /> :';� ,. � , � interest in the Property or other materinl impaimient of the lien crcuted by�hi� Security Instrument or Lender: security <br /> �— intenst. Borrower shall alsu br in defuul� if Borrower, during �he I�u►n applicatian proce�s, guve muteriully false or � <br /> -�?�;� � .. ° inaccurate informution or stntemen��to Lender l�r fuiled to p�ovide l.ender wi�h any mn�eriul informnuon)in connection with _T. <br /> �� � � the laan evidenced by �he Nate, including, bul not limitrd to, repre+enta�ions canceming Barrower's occupuncy of the �; <br /> �tl: , Praperty us a principal residence. If thi�Security Instrument ix on a Ieusehold,Borrawer zhuil comply with uU�he provisions <br />" �:;�•;�..:.:-..:r, of the leu.r•e. If BcKrower uc uires fee dde to 1he Pmpeny.�he leasehold and�hc fee tiUe tihull not merge unle��Lender ag�+ees � <br /> _ 9 <br /> — —--_-- _ _ .— - ta the merger in writing. <br /> . � � 7. Protectiun of Lender's Righ4g In Ihe Propenv. If Burrow�r fails to perform the covenants und agreements ___ <br /> � contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that muy +ignificantly uffect Lender+ rightti in the _ <br /> • {. .. Property(auch os a praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnaiion or fodeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then -- <br /> - l.ender may do and pay for whutever iti necessary to prxnec� the v;due of the Propeny and Lender�rights in the Propeny. �` <br /> Lendar's nclions may include paying ony sums securrd by a lien which ha.priorily over thi�Security Insuument,c+ppeuring � • <br />' - in court,paying res�sonuble uttomcyti'fees�nd entering on the Property to m�lce repuirs.Although Lender muy tuke action �;-- <br /> • • under Ihis puragroph 7.Lender dces not huve to do.o. <br /> ' • „ Any umounts disbur,ed by LenJer under �his p•rragraph 7�hull becume udditional debt of Borrower�cured by this ____ <br /> - Securiry Imtrument. Unle�x Borrower:md Lcnder u�eree to other tertn.of payment,thetie amounts shall be:ir interest fram the �,1 <br /> •� • date of dixbursemrnt a1 ihe Note �ule unJ.hull be payable.wilh imerc,�,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. — <br /> S. Morlgage Insurance. If Lender rcyuimd mortguge in,uruncc u+ u conditiim of mafcing the low��ecured by this �, <br />' • Security Imtrument, Borrowcr shall pay Ihe premiumti required �o muintuin thc mortgage insur•mcc in effect. lf,for any � <br /> reason, the morigAge in.urunce covemge reyuired by Lender lupuu� or cea+c� to be in effect. Borrower shaU pay the �,_: <br /> - - ., • ' ' premiums required ta obtuin cm�crage subs�untially eyuivulent lo the munguge in.urunce previously in effect, ui a cost ��__ <br /> : • substAntiully equivalen�to the ccnt to Barrower of the manguge insur•rme prcviou�ly in cffect.from an alternute rnorl�oge �___ <br /> � .. insurer approved by Lender. If subwtuntially eyuivulent mo„gage in�urrncr coveruge �s no�availuble.Bomower shall pay to — <br /> . � Lender e:Kh month•r sum eyual to ane-twelfth��f thr yrurly mong•rge incurunce premium heing paid hy Borrower when�he � <br /> � insuruncc ci�verage lupxed or cea�ed to lx:in eff'rct. Lrndrr will accept,uzr anJ rctain the�e paymenlx us a la.�resrn�e in lieu -'- ,. <br />`- ° ' of mong•rge in.urance. Lu+, reservc p•rymrm+nwy nu luncur Ix rryuimd,at �hr optian of Lendcr,if mnrtgagc insur:uice <br /> , � coverugc lin►he arnounl anJ fur Ihe prri�xl thut LenJer require.)pmviJed h�•an in.urrr uppr����ed hy LenJer aEain hecome+ �_�•- <br /> • „ , • nvoilable and iti obt:�ined.Born�wer tihull pay the prrmium.rcNuirrJ to maintum mungugc imuruncc m rt7ect,or w provide u J'" <br />- � �. losti reserve,until the reyuircment for murt�uEe inxurunce end�in acrnrdance wiih uny written ugtrement betwecn Borrnwer <br /> � " und Lender or upplirubk luw. <br /> � 9. InKpection. Lcnder o�its agenl muy mukc n a�unuhk cntric+u�x►n and inspertirnt�uf the Pruperty. Lender shall , <br /> � give Burmwer notice•rt the time of or priar t��an inzpcctiim xperit�ymF rra,unublc cuu.c fiir the in.prcli�in. <br /> ; " 10. Condemnation. The pnxeeJ.r ai'any aw�:ud ur�lairn lur Jama�c,.dirrct ur rrni.ryu�nti• connection wilh any <br /> tiinfle famdy-•Fannk NaNFreddie Nae l'\IFOR�1 I!�ti?Rl'�1F:\T-•Undumi Curnnant, 9�90 qa�p�• t,�/r,�r,ig,��i ��•' <br /> „�,� • ���i ur�a�.��►�.m._i�r■ � <br /> Tu11nYr1�11 I�IIIP.'..4)pJ'IJ 'FA\R11.7b��1171 <br /> „ • <br /> y �. <br /> , 7. <br /> , � <br /> 1 1 <br /> 1 <br /> � � � <br />. ��� � <br />