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<br /> :�,,,.;��,�,�-��•.� Tp(3ETFI�R W17'H all Ihc impwvctnemr now un c�reufl��r crctitcd iin�hc pn►pcny,und all r•r.remcN�,uppurtcnani:ca.
<br /> ���::���_r� and fialures nuw or Ixrcvftc�u ps+n of thc propeny. Al)rcpl�cmcntx und uJ�litiunr shall ulsw bc rovcred by Ihi�Security
<br /> Inurument. All ot Ihc fun:going ix rcfcrrcJ ta in lhis Sccurity Inti�ronum ar,�hc"Pr�rty."
<br /> ����=��r� BORROWER COV�NANTS�hut Borruwcr is luwfully+c1+wJ of�hc cxtutc hcrcby convcycd und hux ihc�ight ta gram
<br /> . i�dIDf�I'6
<br /> IDf'I'
<br /> ���T,�,�,��r .� und�onvey�hc('�openy aml�hut Ihe Pru�wny ix unrncumlxr�d.exccpi for encumbraaccx of rccord. urrower warr�ts
<br /> :� -�- �•- ' will defend generally the�itle to tlu Pt�peny ugain+�ull rlaimx ond demunJs,suhjec�lo any encumlxuncez af r�YOrd.
<br /> :;plaar�cP:�3�:,�
<br /> �x ; TNIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combineti unitorm covenanth for nntiunui u�e and non•uniform covenanu wilh
<br /> :�'�?'�;;����6,_:;_� limited vsuiation�+by juri+diction to con�ti�ute a uniform tiecuriry inr�wnxnl covcring rcal propeny.
<br /> --;.._
<br /> _ ��`'°���. ` UNIFORM COVENANTS. Norrower and Lender covcnant and ugrce u�follaws: �'
<br /> J?i'F'/9
<br /> ��'�4� t. Poyment af Princlppl And Intereslt Prepwyment And Late Charges. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when due Uie
<br /> —��--
<br /> �,�,t:•. ° principal af And imcrest c►n thc dcbt evidenced hy ihc Nolc and uny prepayment unJ luic churgcs duc under the Nac. _
<br /> ;„��-�i,�,; "' " 2, Funds�i►r Tqxes and lawraace. Subject to applicublc low or to A wrillen wuiver by Lender.Borrawer ahall pay to =
<br /> �� � t �_kt,l,;�;,, ._. l.ender on the day manlhly paym�rns arc due under thc Note,until thc Nae is paid in full.u+�um f'Fundti')for. lal ycarly
<br /> .� .
<br /> �.� tu�cew and assessments which muy uttuin priority over Ihis Securiry In+trument us u tien on the Properiy:(b)yeurly leasehold
<br /> � ,....�,�•:.�, payments or ground remr on the Property. if any: lc) yesuly hu�urd or property insuwrce premiumti: ld) yearly flaod ---_� 4
<br /> --_ �;'�' . " ., insurance premiumc, if uny; (el yearly monguge insurance premiums, if any; und lfl any sumr payubte by Borrower to
<br /> -�4y_ „�,_.e,.._.,c�,. I,cn J er, i�►accordwue with the provision�of paraEtrnph 8, in lieu af the payment of mongoge insur•ence�uemiumr. The�e
<br />-=;;,�•r���" • items are called"Esca�w Items." Lcnder moy,at uny�ime,collect tutd hold Funds in un amount not to exreed the maaimum c— -
<br />°�� ;,��►-- �' amount a lender for A federally reluted moAgage loan may require ibr Borrowers escrow account under the federal Renl _,.
<br />-�� :R , � Esuuc Settlement Procedurcs Aa of 1974 ns ameixied fram time lo iime,12 U.S.C.$260t er sey.("RESPA">,unleas a�wther �_ _
<br />-:4��-� • law thut applies to the Funds sets s►le�ser umount. If so,Lender may,At any time,collect and hold Funds in un amount not to
<br /> •��� �� .�,:�� �• exceed the lesser umoum. Lender may estimAtc the wnount of Funds duc on the basis of current data and reasoiwble
<br /> �..,��-f estimates af expenditures of future Escrow Items ur otherwise in acc�xdance with Applicahle law.
<br /> The Funds shall be hcld in an instilution whose deposi�s sue insured by a federnl s�gency, instrumentality,or entity
<br /> ,��e-._..•:-�•..:=;�=r �:. �- •-
<br /> e� lincluding Lender,if L.ender is such an inr�tilution)or in uny Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lender shall apply ihe Funds to pay
<br /> � the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding und npplying 1he Funds,unnually analyzing Ihe e.scrow ���r,_
<br /> - � � � accaunt, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Fwxls and applicuble luw permits �.•-+�:•--
<br /> � � " Lender to make such u ch�rge. However, Lender may require Bormwer to pay A one•time charge for nn independent real —,-=
<br /> estate tax reporting service used by Lender in cannection with this laao,unless applicable law provides atherwi�e. Unless an ���-_
<br /> is4 Is.)v:.�•".
<br /> • � agreement is made or applicablc law require.�interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requir d to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> ; .� ' „ . � ° earnings on the Funda. Horrower and Lcndcr may agrcr in wriling,however,thut interexl shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �Q.____
<br /> shnll give to Borrower,wi�hout churge,an annuul accaunting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds und the ___-�._...
<br /> � ' " purpose for which each debit to the Fundr wos made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums�ecured by —
<br /> � this Securiry Ins[rumcnt. _.�.__
<br /> '4�'^�`�"'"'^ If the Funds held by Lendcr excced Ihe umountw permitted to be held by applicublc law. Lender shall pccaunt to �,�
<br /> tsorrower for the ezcewa Fu�iJa iu w:cu��fuii��wiih ih�:requirernents of a�rp{icabl�law. !t the atnauni of she Funds!sel�by -
<br /> Lender at any time is nat sufficient ta p•ry the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in � �
<br /> ' • such cuse Bortower sholl pay to Lender the nmount nece.sury lo make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the.
<br /> , �� deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at I.enderk sole discre�iun. -- ,___
<br /> ; . Upon pAyment in full of all sum.srcuRd by this Security Instrument,l.ender shall prompUy refund to Bonawsr any �'—'^"—'
<br /> ' . Funds held by Lender. lf,under paragraph 11,Lender shall acyuire or sell�he Properiy.Lender,prior to the Acquixilfon or '
<br /> � sale of the Pro rry, shall upply uny Funds held by l.ender at Ihe time of acquisition or wle as u credit against ihe gum.c,, �----y M--.'~
<br /> Pe
<br /> secured by this Security Insaumenl. _--�_-
<br /> 3. Application of Ptiymenls. Unle.s Applicuble law provides otherwise, all paymenln ceceived by l.ender under F�;:•-;�;
<br /> psuagraphs I und 2 tihall be upplied:fin�,to;u�y prcpayment charges due under the Nate;tiecond,to amouma,puyable,under ��,..,;,ti.~��,';;��-
<br /> •. o p;uugraph 2;third,to intcrest due;fourth,w principal due:su�d last,to any late chargec due under the Noie. -�-_—__
<br /> 4. Charges; l.icns. Borrowcr .hall puy ull taxes, asscxsmentti, charges, fines and impc�silions attributable to thc ,^���:K:,..
<br /> . ' Property wbich muy attain prioriry over this 5ecurity Instniment,und leasehold paymenls�r gruund rents,if any. Borrower �
<br /> ..• y� ' -'ry.:r..r.
<br /> . shall pay these obligutions in the m:►nner provided in parograph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shull ppy them on �a: ..
<br /> � �;��,,; time directly to the person owed payment, Borrower,hall promptly iurnish w Lender•rll nutices of amounts to be pnid under
<br /> � ���•, • this paragraph. If Burrower mukes these payments dircclly, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _.�__
<br /> �• . ' the paynients. `"
<br /> Borrower ahall prompUy disch•rrFe uny licn which hati priority over thi�5ecuriry In,�rument unless Borrowrr:lu)agrees �_�•+:-��
<br /> • . in writing to the payment of the obligation�ccured by Ihe lien in a munner accrptuble to I.rnder,(b�comes�,in good faith�he --
<br /> „,..�_,-w-..
<br /> • lien by,or defends aguinsl enforcement of the lien m,Ie�al prucreJings whirh in the LenJrr.opinion operutc to pre�•ent thc *•;;;-._.;-___
<br /> ' � enforcement of the lien:or(c)securex from the holder of the lien un ugrrement tiatitifactory to Lender subordinvling the lien ' '�.�a�..: :s�_
<br /> ' - ° to this Security Inswment. If Lender determines that any pan of the Pmpeny is�uhjcct to a licn which may attain priorily �'.,,_;,,„ .
<br /> � over this Securiry Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a noi�cc idcntifying the lien. Borcower sh�ll wtisfy the lien or tnke , `;,;�-�;-�
<br /> one or mare of thc uctionti set fonh abovc within 10 duys of thc giving of naicr. '•''' '�`����°•�
<br /> �'' ,' ', S. Hazard or Propertv 1nsu�Ance. Borrowcr.h•rll kc�p the improvement�now exisling or here:�fler erected on the • �. �;� �
<br /> ' � Property insured ogainst loss by fire,h;uurds incluJed wilhin thr�em�"rxtended roveragr"unJ any other hazsuds,including �
<br /> � flooda or ilooding, for which Lender reyuires insurance. Thi, imururrne xhull be muintuined in thr amounts and for thc ,
<br /> ... �': .
<br /> � � Form Wffi 9/9Y ��wge:nJ n�Rtsl �. • .
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