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��„y / '��3 Y. " ____ _aY__.'h1.....�T — T - �__ <br /> u�5 <br /> +�' k '•r.. F,' -i.�. <br /> .:':s7sse�1 �rr:- ... .--= - <br /> �_���=MC.•X.. �a __ <br /> .-' __._�. .. <br /> w�i " - <br /> � '�aAe A � --�-- <br /> V��i <br /> _ � ^.'1.•`:•�:��" • <br /> ";i, �� ,. �.•S <br /> : `'' ,•" ,, iy " cund�ron,itiun��r olh�r�ukinK nt uny p�r1�►1 Ihe F'ro�kn�.or lur c�+ov.yunce in hru�+1 cundemnuii�►n.ore ik rchy u.�ig�kd unJ <br /> ,�;�.1,�'.... •�:�<'��' �balllw paid�ul.cndcr. -- <br /> In �hc cvcm ul u I�NUI lukiog �•1 �he I'ro�xny. ihr pnxccd. �hull Ix u��i��a �„ �iw �umn krure�l hy �bi+ Sccurily °_� <br /> ` " • In,�rumcn�.whethcr or n�d thrn Juc. wilh uny r�ce„puid tu Nurrowcr. In�hu�vrnl of a puni�d�ul,ing•►f Ihc Nm�xny in <br /> `,'r . •�. '�'..` y whirh�hc iiiir murkr�vul��c ul'Ihr 14���xrty imiurdi�tely h.ti►rc d�r i.cyuul i��ur�rcu�cr�hun Ihc unmwn��t thu,um� — <br /> �� � r,erur�d hy �hi,Securi�y In�trumrm immedi�i��ly hrture�he�uliu�:.unlc,. Hurrow•rr und Lcnder u�hrrwi+�u�tn:r in wriiing. <br /> , :...,;�`,�_. � ' �hc�unt��ccunJ hy thi.tiecurity In.�rumen� .hull t►r rrduc�d by Ihc uoionm ol�hc pr�k�ed� muUiplied hy ihu i'ulluwing <br /> . ,„ <br /> I'r:Kiinn: lul ll�c wtul um�wnl ol'Ihc.wm Kcurcd immrJiulrl��Ixlim thc tuking.dividrd hy Ihl Ihc fuir murket valuc of Ihu <br /> `., ._ -. -° _ _ prn�n}• immcdiatcly txfnr� thc tnkinN. Any h�dunrr .hull Ix• �uid �o R��rmwrr. In Ihc rvcm uf u purtial tukin� of Ihc <br /> � � Pro�:ny in which�hc fuir murl.c�vulue nf'thc Pn��ny immrdi:u�ly tx�fuR�hr tukin�t i� Ic.,ll�un �hc+m��wnt uf�hc suma L —�! ' <br /> • � �, �, ; ���„' xcureJ intnudiutcly txrii�rc thc wling. w�k�ti BuROwcr und Lcndrr uthrrwiu agrcc in wri�ing ur unlc..u�►IicuMc luw <br /> u t hcr�v i+c proviJc�,tha pnwecd.shull hc upplicci�u the sum�.ccur�d by�his Sccurity Instnimcnt whethcr i�r nn��hu xum�ure <br /> -�_:s- �:-":+�.�� then duc. <br /> �� . Ii tik I'ropc:ny i+uhandim�d by Borruw•rr.or it',uGcr n�nire hy Lender�u Hurruwer Ihut Ihe cundemnar uffen Io muke <br /> �:��•� un uwurd or Kidc u cluim fur dumugc�.Horrowcr 1'uil�tu n,pond tu Lcndr�within 111 duy+ut'tcr thc du�c�hc noticc iti given. � <br /> - LenJer i�uulhari�ed w coll��t und apply the prcxrrd.,ut u.option,rnhrr 1��rc�loratir►n or ropuir uf�he Prupeny ur lo thc _______ <br /> �:: � .umx.ecurcJ by�his Security In�+tNm�nt,wh��hcr or nnt Ihen due. � <br />_ - .. Uolr.,Lcuder un.l O�nruw�ar athcn��ix agnc in t�•nlingr uny p�rlll'IIIIOI�OI�'1�OltYllh ��,��������al�hall nnl cal�txi or ` _ ---_------ <br /> , . p�n�pimc the duc dute ul'�hc mnmhly puymcn�s roi'cReJ to in puru�truphti I nnd�ur chimgc the umoum af,urh puymemn. <br /> - � - lL Burrower Not Rekased; Furl�earance By I.ende� Nut a W�iver. Ex�en�ion c�f �hc lim� for puyment or <br /> �;';• �� madificati�m of amonirution �if the.ums.ccured by this Security Inntrument grunl�d by Len�kr w uny+ucces+or in iMerest _ _ _ <br /> , '` ' of Borrowcr shull nw operate to relev�c the liubility af Uxe originul Borcuwer or Bom�wc�.xucce.tion io intcrcst. Lender — <br /> " �7 • shull no� I+e rcyuired�o�xceding�uguin�t any •�rrr.or in ii�iurer:� ��r refu.e ta cx�end lime fc�r puymcnt or --' <br />_ '-. .. ._..:-.- <br />- .. � otherwik modity umoniia�ion oi ihr,um.serured by thi�.Secunry In,aumm��by rcu,u„nl �ny Jei, �nd mude by tha or+$inal = -- - ---- <br /> ••� • Borrower or B�xruwer; surcc»on;in intcre.t. Any i'orbcarunre by Lendo�in exercixing uny righl or remeJy +hull nat bu u __�v <br /> . ` � waiver uf or preclude the eKCrci.c of uny ri�ht i�r rcmcJy. — <br /> �� . l2. Succe�.cars and�ssisos Bound;,loinl und Several l.iub0ity;(:axtRners. Thr cuvenunts und ugrcenientr+of thi�: --___ _ <br /> ' Srcurily Ins�rument rhull hlnd und t+eneGt �he+uccc.sors:u�d ussignn of Lendur and BoROwer, �ubjec�to Ihe pruvisiuns of --���- <br /> ;' parugruph 17. Borrower's crnenamti and agrcanems shidl he joint and +everul. Any BoROwer who co-�igns �hin Securiry <br /> � .. Insirument lwt doe�nct cxecute the NWC: lAI is co-,igning thix Security In+.lrument only to nwnguge,grunt und cunvey�hat = <br /> Borrower's intcrest in thr Propeny undrr thr Icrn�.of Ihis Security Inntrument: 11�1 i.nut penonully obligmcd io puy the sum� _ <br /> � secun:d by Ihi+Securiry Instrumrm:und(r 1 u�ree,thu�Lendrr und imy u�hcr Borrower may ugrce to ex��.��d,mexiify,f'orbcau <br />� ''� „ o�make uny accumm�xiwi�n wilh tr�arJ to the termr.of ihi. Security Ins�rument or Ihe Note wi�hnut�hut Borraweri �--_--- - --_- <br /> � . " c�nsent. — <br /> '. 13. L.oan Char�es. If�he kiun�ecureJ by thfr. Seruri�y Instrumcnt iti suMject �o U luw which sets maximum loun = <br /> ` _ churge�,und lhin luw iti finully inlerpreled xn Ihul lhe intcrcxt or other loun churges collected��r li�Ix collecled in connesction -- <br /> !';..•" , . ' . wi�h thc lotm exceed Ihr�+erniiueA limiiK,then: (u1 uny such luun churge shull lx reduceJ Ny�he umount necexxury to rcduce �,,,.��_._ <br /> , • the churgr�a the permitted I imi1;und Ib)uny sum+ulmsidy cullrr�cd t'ram B��ni»ver which rxceeded�x;rn►iued limiln will bu �„f;�,�_:__:.-- <br /> refundcd to Borcower. L��ndar mi�y rh�x�.r w mnkc Ihi�rcfunJ by reducing thu principul owcJ undcr thc Notc or by muking u ��.=�_ ; <br /> � _ , Jirert puymcnt to Bormwcr. If:�refund reducr.principul.Ihc rrduction will Iw traolad u�n puniul p�cpuyment wUhnut ony �'�"M <br /> � prepuymrm chur�e under�he N�ite, �_------ <br /> , 14, NqUees. Any nnt icc tu H�ircawrr provideJ ti�r in Ihi� 5ecurity In+.trumunt .hull Ix givrn by delivrring it or hy =_--- <br /> mailing it by fir��cluss muil unlr..upplicuhl�luw rcyuirr,u�c ul'unolhcr muthoJ.Thu n�nirr shull lx�diR�ctcd to�hc Pmp►�ny -�— <br /> ' Addn�sti nr uny i�thcr addR..RuROw•cr Jr.igna�lus by nutiur�u Lendur. Any nutirc lu Lendcr tihall be given by lint rlu+� —T-= = -, <br /> mnil to LenJer.uddn:.��latcd hercin ar uny��thcr uJdm�..L�ndur du�i�nulun by nulirc lo R�►rn�wcr. Any nuticr proviJeJ for ,s .' <br /> in Ihir� Serurity Inr.trument �hull�Iw decmud ta hu��e tx�cn•�!iven to Bwrourr ur LrnJrr whrn �!ivrn u.providvd in thiti �•}W!�`' ': r,l", <br /> 1T1 i�Y_L!� <br /> ' •. " �i1�0�.'�ll�l�l. M�. ,:P.r„- <br /> I5. (:overoinp Lae�; tierc�abilitp. Thi� Srrurily Imtrumom �hull Ix guvrrncJ by f�dcral luw unJ thc luw nf Ihr �"*y""� <br /> . jurisdirtion in which Ihv Pro�xrty i�I�K+ucJ. In ihc rvcnl lh:u uny pruvi�fon or clau,c ol'�hi.Security In�trwnrnt�r thc Notr • - <br /> .. conllict,with upplicahlu luw..unc�ontlirl.hidl not at7rc�o�hrr pnwi�f��n�of�hi,Scruriry In,tnimc:m�K�hc N��tc which cun <br /> , . fxr given cffrc��vi�hout tlw c�a�tlir�in�provi�iun. Ti�Ihi+rnJ Ih�pnwkiom of thin Serurity Intilrument and the Note ure ,,.;.��r�:.-�;- <br /> declurcd to hr,cvcrahle. :;�,. .,'�'"'. <br /> ,. � 16. Bnrroa•er's Copy. Borra��•�r+hull ix givcn unu conli,nnrd copy ul Ihr NiNC and��t thi+Srcuriiy In��runxnt. , �� ,, � <br /> 17. 'IYanhfer of the Propert,v ur u Heneliriul Intcresl in Born�a•er. If all ur:wy pan ul�hc Pro�xny or uny intcre�t io <br /> it iti snld��r t�:mxferrcd Nx if u Fxneticial intcrc.t in Hurto�a�r i.,ol�i or Ir:m,l'rrrrd �mJ Burro�rer i.not a nulural �xr.unl . ....-- '—�` <br /> without Lcndcrs prinr�vnttrn r�m�cnt.Lcndrr ih option.reyuiR immcdia�r payntrnt in full uf ull tiu�ns.rcurrd hy .l�� <br /> . �hir Seruri�y In��rumen�. Hoa•c�•cr.thi.op�ion.hull mx Ik rxerci.�d hy l.rrxler il'r�rrci.r i,pruhibi�eJ by 1'edcral I►iw u.uf ,.-��T==�� <br /> �hc dato oF thir Sccurity In�uumon�. '�' �'�:"r� <br /> . ,a-��,fi; <br /> ' , . . If Lendor excrciu.this c�ptiun. Lendrr.hull gi��r RaRa�eer n�nice ol':ucclrra�inn. 1'hr nulice.hall rmvid�a�xriiKi ol� .... - <br /> not Icss thun 30 dnys frum Uu d:itc the noticc i�Jrlivrrc.l ur�nailed��id�in���hirh liurru��rr mu,l pay:dl wrn��ecurcd h�thi, .', <br /> . Sccurity In�lrumun6 If Barn,wrr fuil.tu paw ihr,r .um� priur iu �hc r�pira�iun ��I'�hi, �kri�xl. l.rn�kr may iitvukc :�ny (, <br /> rcnxdie.pemiined by thfh Securiiy In+inimenl��ilhuul funhrr nulic.��r drm:u�d un NoiTU��er. .. <br /> , IR. Rorroa•er� RigIU to Rein+tale. 11 Burru�crr mrr1. .rnain �unJuiun�. I;urr����er ,hall ha�r Ihr righl ta ha�•r <br /> cnii►rcemcm uf�hi�.Security Inurumrnt di,rominu�d at :uiy �imr pn�,r tu�he r:n•her�d: �:u ��I:��.i�,r,urh��Ih�r�xriixl a, ' <br /> ti�n;!k limid� -Mimnlc�1w�-FrcAdic�luc 1'\II�I1R111\N7'NI�IF:\7'..1 wloim C��� 4.911 ya�e,•J,.I n�+�er.� � <br /> ' � . <br /> i <br /> • '.. , _ . <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> ! <br /> . , , <br /> �..1 _ _ <br />