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:. �1�' +Ie�� . .,w,. ..�..:ti,`��` . . . _. . , d.., <br /> .. .��_ 1� �� ,r -- -- - <br /> - _ ���a��;�.-=•is_— ' - .�.`'_ <br /> :�.. _`�,-_- . �.-- <br /> , ... <br /> --:t� — <br /> r ��,�,� , 92- �3� <br /> r .::::;:;;�:.w:::. : <br /> '';�:�?��,�:, �, <br /> �r�, peri�xlx Ihut I.cndcr myuircx. Tlic insuruncc cmricr providing�he inKuruncr�hull Ix choticn hy B��rmwcr huhjrc��o Lcncler!v <br /> '�.',��,�qc�;2'�':�- ^� <br /> � ' nppravul which xhall nrn hc unRi��onobly wiihhcW. It'BaR��wcr fuil��a muintuin c�wcra�r deKrihcJ utxrvr,Lcn�kr nwy,ut -- <br /> ly.4f]Wa� C.l;�.��t.4 �AT.ZLI.ZI.ra�r <br /> f��,�'��;•.�,;:' L.ende�'s aptian,uhluin coveruge tci pn�tcct Letukr;righls in�hc Prupeny in urc�►rdunrc wnh parugruph 7. <br /> • , •. All in�uruncc policic►und nncwula�hull he uccrptublv lu Lcndrr u��l�hull inrlu�k u�iundurd mungug�rluu+�. Len�kr —� <br /> ,�:.::a�..��� �d` ,.. „hull huvu ihc right lu hol�l the pulicic�und renewal.. If l.�:nikr rrNuirr.,Nu�ruwrr,ball pannp�ly µivr lu Lrnder ull rerrip�� _ <br /> ' . uf paW pr�mium+und�enrwal nrnirrti. In ihr evem ot'lu,��ru►wcr tihull Kivv prun►pt nutice w Uir inwrwue cuRier wx! _ <br /> � � .d: ' ., � Lendcr. l.c�xler may n�ukc pnK►f of lu,x if nut nu�dc pr��mp�ly by tiuRUwrr. ��'='`"` <br /> • . '�F`��+�`'�� l�nlr,+Lcndrr imd Hurtnwrr�Nhcn+�ik�grcc in writing,in.urunce pnxecJ,,hull hc a�plicJ io rc,iurudnn ur rcps�ir�►t' —"'°�-- <br /> � ihr Pnryxny Juroagcd, if th� r"turatiun nr np;iir i, .�cnnumirully ti+i.iMc lu�� LenJcr: .crurily i� nu1 Ic.ticnrd. If dir =-_= _ -- : <br /> R�..Y�':;::°1-'.;i;a.'' , n���,ruliun ur repuir i� M�t ccunumicully teurihlc or l.cndrr; •rcurity wiwld lu I�.+cnrJ.thc imurunre pr�kccd� rh:�ll Ix —�- - - <br /> - ---�t�•,a.t�ti,_�;,yr,�t.: upplled It�1hC .umti ucurcd by �hi� Serurny Inrtrumrnl, whcthc�or nnt �hen du�.with uny c�ccti, puid lo Bon��we�. II' . <br /> "' ' Borruwcr ub:uidonr �hc Pn�perty.or d�x+nc+t unxwrr wilhin i0 Jay� n n��ti�c fr�►m l.ander thut thc imurunce currier huw ����,��. <br />� offercd to�+ettle p claim,lhen Lrnder miry c��Ucrt Ihe in�urunre pnKreJ.. l.emier muy u�e the pr�K��J.t�►npair��r re+turu �__ <br />:�'w;-• „ � the P�rup�ny or�o pny sum+�ecurcd by thix Securiry In�trumcnt,whethrr�x not�hcn due. Thr 31I•iluy prrnxt will hegfn when <br />:µ,�. _=-- <br /> s,� the nutire is given. <br /> T Unlesti Lendcr unJ BoROwe�oeherwi� ugrer in wrflin�. cmy applirtni�►n uf pnkecJ, �o principul�hull not extrnd or �-;:.�,,,�__„_ <br />�•�~"' ' post�ne�he due dute of the monthly puyment.ref'rrred to in pi�rugrupha 1 and?or change �he umaunl of�ho puyments. !f ��-_� <br /> . '-`�. under parugruph�I the 1'rapeny is acyuired by Lrnder. HoROwcr', nght to uny in+u�unce �x►licir, .�nd pr�xeeJ, r�+ulting � <br />�4: ,� from dumuge to ihe Pn,peny prior to the acyui.itian shall pas+�o Lenekr tc,Ihe cztcnt uf the.un»�ecuroJ by thi�Security �— <br /> lnrlrument immediulely prior lo the acqu�.ition. <br /> e �. � � ' 6. (kcupancy, Preservation. MaintenAnce +�nd Prutertion oi' the Properly: liur�ower'x Lon� Applicadan: eS_'tiT�- <br />; . Leaceholds. Bormwer�hall�cupp,estLbli.h.und u�e the Pra�xrty a�B��rrow•cr.principul nsidcnce wi�hin tiixty duy�utler ��.:�-__- <br /> � the execution��f this Secu�ity Ins�rument and rhull con�inue tu cxcupy�he F'rapeny us BoROwer�principul retiidence fur ut "f',��,� <br /> .��..�..., •:: <br />' • leust onc yeur afler the date af i�ccupancy. unles. i.ender otherwiw ugrcrs in writing, which con.ent xhaU rtot be ;,,,;-.,-�;_ -__ <br /> 7 " ' unrcationably unles,extenuating cin:um�tunccs ezixt which uru 1►ry�xid Borrow•er:rcmtrol. BoROwrr.hall aot : , � _ <br />.. dextroy.damage or impair the Property. ulloa•�he Property��deterio�u�n.or rornmit on�he F'roperly. Borroa•er xhull �-;-�� °� <br /> � be in defnult if uny fort'eilun uction ��r pnxeediag.wheth�r civil or rriminol,is ix:gun thut in l.ender�g�wd fuith judgmenl <br /> ,c�jc;H►,--- <br /> • � cou1J resul� in forfeitura of the Propehy or rnhervvi� muteriully imp•rir �ha lien creule J hy t hi. Srcuci ty In+tru ment ��r ��1:,,_� <br /> � Lender+�ecurity interes�. Borr��wrr may cure.uch u defuult unJ rcin+tute.uti pr��vided in paragruph I R,by caurinE the uction —_•�:,..;, 1,._ <br /> . , or prcxecdinF�a lx Ji.mix�d with u ruling thut, in l.endcr:�cxxl fui�h detcrminatiun.prccludes f��rfciturr of thc B�xruwer+ .. - � <br />�, . :�,�'i`.�,{�. •• in�errst in �he 1'ropeny or uther miuerii�l impainnent of �he lien rrcuted by thir Sccurin lo��rumrnt ar L�nJer� srcurity ' J��n��= <br /> , �I` �,',,,.`�,."• intrr�+►. Borrowcr zhull ultio tx in defaul� if Borr�iwcr. du�ing thc loun upplicution prckesti, gu��c mutcriully t'alK ��r •�,:''...*_-"— <br /> . ,::;.i;�,,�:: :,. •:,�x:,,• ..•:..d.:;_-. <br /> ..� ��. „ inuccurutc inforn�ution or slutemem�ta L.e�xler(��r fuiled to provid�L.enJcr wiih uny materiul ininrmutiunl in cunnrc�iun wiih ; z�,w <br /> 'the loun evidenced by �he Nute, including. but not limited to, repre.entu�innz ranceroing BoROwer; ixcupunry of �he •• • ,-__ <br />"i Propeny u�u prinripul re�idencc. N'thi�Security In�+trumrnt is em u Ie�i,chiilJ.Rorcowcr�hiill camply with ull�hr prnvision+ ,•'.. � <br /> - - - cof i!�lea:x. !!'Borrower iu•�Z��im.fec�iUe�o�he Pro�xny,lhe��ld und thc fee�idr shnli nrn merge unlr.s l.endrr ngrre� _.,{�u ' <br />� to the mrrgcr in writing. `` <br /> 7. Proteclion oP l.eader's Righte in the Praperty. II' Bortowrr fuil� to perti�mi �he c��venant. und ugr�emem+ �, , <br /> rontaincd in this Serurity (mtrumenl, ur thot� iy a Icgul pnxceJing thul muy tiignifirantly ut'i'�ct Lendcr� ri�!ht� in the __,.� 3 <br /> • �,v�,, <br /> Pro�xny l�uch a.u pr�xcrdinF in bunkruplry.prohnw.liv c�mdcmnulion ur Ilxfutur�or to�nibrre luw��x rcguliHions),tfirn - <br /> Lcnder muy da unJ pa}•f��r whatrvcr i� n�rc�+ury lu�NUlect lhe vulu�ot�the Pro�xny and Lrn�kr: riFht. in the Pri�prrty. �'�� <br /> • • LrnJcr;+Ktionti may includu piryinu uny+wm+rcurcd hy u lirn whirh hu.prii�riry ovrr thi�Sccuriry In.trumrn4 apExtaring �+�.� <br /> in cuun.paying reau►nahlc uuumay,'f�r.and rmrring on thr Pro�xny to makc repuirs.Allhough LrnJrr may lukr urtion ��f�� t r..__- <br /> � �. . ��...'''•.�'._ <br /> j• �.., . i �. .. undcr ihi�p•rragruph 7.l.endet dtx s�wt huv�lo du+u. .,:�F,�,; � <br /> Any wnount+ di�l.ur�d ny Lrndcr undcr thi. paragrnph 7 ,hall Ikcumc t�ddiliunal dcM i►f Born►acr icrur�J hy �hi. . 1�:�t' <br /> ' ' Security In�trument. Unlc�,R�,rn��r�r inid Lendcr ugrec k�ulhcr trnm ul'puym�nt.�hc.�nmounh+hall ikur intcre.t 1'rum thr '� <br /> •: ;. <br /> ':,� :,:: Jutr of di.Nurµmrnt ut thr Nutc rut�and.hall 1x��ii)'uMc.u i1h intrred. u��n n���icc I'n�m Lcndcr tu Rorcuwcr rryuc�ting �:'��; '- <br /> �Z?V�_:'- <br />