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<br /> ' � � '�° ' .:•� applfcable law may rpecifv iar reins�atemcnt)before sale of the Prapeny purauont�u o»y pi�wer of ralu cuntwjoed in this
<br /> .��+',����ti�.�.;�r Securlty Inswment;or(b)entry af u judgmcnl cnforcing this S��curity lnslrumem. Thasc candiliona are thut Borrowcr. (a) ---
<br /> -�����i� , F�• puya Lender all suma which ihen would be due under�his Securlty Instrumcot ur�d �he Nate us if na ncceleralfan had
<br /> ����;:?��,x• ,�`. ;, occurred;(b)curc�uny defuuU of any�Nher covenunls or ogreemenl.�:(c)pays aU expensew incurred in cnfcircing Ihig 3ecudty
<br /> � D ,¢iSF i Insuument, including, bul not limited I�i,reasonable altomeys'fees;and(d)u►ke�xuch acliun ux l.ender may oeASUnAbly
<br /> . ��. r�cquirc to asxure thut the licn of�hix Sccu�l�y �nstrument,Lender's rlghu:in Ihe Property nnd Burruwcr4 ubligu�ion lo puy!he
<br /> - ,���.» � bums secured by Ihia Securfly Instnimem shult conUnue unch�nged. Upon reinblutcmcnt by B��rruwcr, thix Secutity
<br /> ° . .. .,�.:'�� • Instrument und the obltgutianx secund hemby xhull remain fully effecdve as if no occelerrtien had�xeu�red. H��wever,this�
<br /> ;;�y��„•:, . right to rcinstnte shall nd appty in the cAtie af ncccicration under p�ragmph 17. `
<br /> , , . _.y 19. Sple ot Note:Chaa�e ot l.oan Servker. The Nate or u putial intere�t in thc Natc ltogclhcr wlth thia Securlty
<br /> � �� � � � � Instrumeny may be s�ld anc or more time� wilhout prior notire ta Borrawer, A �wle m�y rowult in a chunge f�the entity
<br /> . "^""r��.��� (known as the"Lonn Serviccr")lhat callecls mon�hiy paymen4c due underthe Na10 und this Security Inb�rument. There also
<br /> „ ".• ,'���Y�� ' may be one or more chaoges of 1he Loan Servicer unrclated to a solc of the Nate. If ther�is u change of the Loan Scrvicer,
<br /> . Borrower will be given written notice of the change in Accordance w•ith puagruph IA abc�ve and applicable luw. The nWice
<br /> " " will state the namc and address of the ncw Loan Scrvicer ond the addre.�s ta whirh payment�should be mnde. 7'he notice will
<br />�xy� �-t.r '� =��"� also contain any other information required by applicable law.
<br />�"" • "�"•'�� 20: Hazprdow Subswnces. Borrowcr shall riot causc ar permit the prosence,use,disposnl,storuge,or release of s�ny
<br /> :-�''•'� ' ,',�'` llazarcious Subsl�nccs on ar in thc {'raperty. Borrower shall na do.nor allow anyonc cl:.c to do. snything sffccung thc °, -- _�=-
<br />; � , ..,',:,.:..
<br /> t:�,' ;_�;. Property that is in violation of nny Enviranmental Law. The precedi�g two sentences shall not upply�o the presence.use,or
<br />!�.^ .. glorage on the Prapeny ot small quantities af Hazanlou�Subslanvec Ihat are generally recognized to be appropriate to namal
<br />�.:i . • � ., ., ' residend�l useg and to maintenance of the Praperly.
<br /> �'r;;i � _ ,,,-, , .,�.; . � Barower shall prompNy give Lender wrilten notice of uny invesligu�ian,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by aoy
<br /> a`'. _. . u.!'.,:.; s govcrnmenta!ar regulatory agency or private pany involving thc Properly nnd Any Hazardous Subs�ancc or Enviroomental __ _.__
<br />"''�`�` '� '� I.aw of which Borrawer has ncluul knaw{edge. If Borrower Iearns, or ic notified by any governmentul or regulAtc►ry ��:--
<br /> ',:: ��• _
<br /> '•�' ' �'� �:c" . s�uthurity.�hat any removal or other remediation of any Huzardous Substunce affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower -
<br /> "` '' � •�" shall prompdy take all necessary mmedial actians in accordnnce wi�h Environmentnl Luw.
<br /> .:'�y •� , As used in this parngraph 20,"Hazardaus Substunces"are Ihose xub.r•lances defined us toxic or hw.ardous substunce+by �
<br /> "`�- ' •. ` Environmentul Lnw und the following subctunces: gutialine, keroune, other flummnble or toxic petroleum products,toxic __—
<br /> •- • ;,;�;�,,, pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, niutcrials containing a4bestos or fomiuldehyde,und rudioactive materials. As -- - --
<br />'• r ;� � '^ used in this purugraph 20,"Environmemal Luw"mcans fcdernl lnws und I�+wx of thc jurisdiction where the Properly is lacated ��"` �
<br /> ° that�+elnte to heulth,sufery ar environmental protec�ion. �-° -
<br /> � . • NON-UNIFnRM COVENANTS. Barrowcr and Lender funher covrnant and vgrce us followx: ��•?�__:__
<br /> '. � • " 21. Accekratlon; Remedies. Lender shall give notice lo Borrower prlor to acceleralion following Rorrower's -
<br /> breach oP any covenant or Agveement M this Security Instrument IbW not prior M accelerptbn under paragraph 17 �"'�-�`�
<br /> ' � unless applicable law provldes Mherwise). The notke shall specify: 1�1 the default;lb1 the acNon required to cure the �r;.;,:�_
<br /> _ - dei�uii;(r)a drir.noi irs�ii�an 3ii dry�ft•u�u ii�r d�ite iiie iioti�e is[�iyeli to i3oriotsei'.by K�hkh ils��efnali nsust be �-��_
<br /> ' cured;and Idl that tailure to cure the dePaull an or before the date specii'ied ln Ihe notice may rewN i�accelerAtion of �a,',,_-;,,..
<br /> • Ihe sums secured by this Securlty InstrumeM and sale of Ihe Property. The notice shaU further inPorm Borrower of
<br /> � • ' Ihe right to reinstAte af�er accekration pnd fhe right to brinR a raurt acUon l0 9sscrt the non-existence oP a default ar ��+L*��+� �
<br /> �:'�:
<br />. . any other defense oP Borrower to acceleration and s�le. IP tbe default Is nd cured on or before Ihe date spedFied in ��<
<br /> • the notice.Lender at iL�optbn may requlre immediate payment in full oP all.rums secured by Ihi�tiecurity Instrument �;��,��
<br /> ����+- withoW further demand and mwy invoke the power uf sule and any uther remedies permitted by applicable law. '' 3!:=�-�+_:-__�_-
<br /> Lender shall be enlitled to cullert all expenses Incurred in purwing the remedies provided in thir paragrAph 21. _"""�"`�"'"='
<br /> ' ' includinR,bul not Umited to,reaxonAble attorneys'fees und costs of titk r��idenre. �::�;=��:�.::.
<br /> . If the power oP sale ig invoked,'Irustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part of the `�t':-•.
<br /> Property is locuted and shall moil ropies of such nutice in Ihe manner prescribed by uppllcuble low to Borrorver and to "'`.;�'�'
<br /> � the othe�persons prescribed by appliruble law Af�er the lime reyuired bv applicable law Trustee rhall�i�•e pablic '�'�'•'�
<br /> .� a;�r�;� .
<br /> � notice of sale to the persony and in the manner prescribed by applicuble lua•. 'I�u�tee.withoul demand on Borrower. - • - ��
<br /> •� sholl seQ the Pro rt at ublic auction to the hi hest bidder at the time and luce and under the terms dtwl nnted in -� -
<br /> , ` Pp Y P R P B L,:=,=,1..�_..
<br /> ���;:',:,_._„ the naNce of sale in one or more purcels and in any order 7Yu!�tee determines. 7Yu.r•tee may postpone sale oP ull or any . .jr -..�.,-,-
<br /> �.;;,� �• pArcel oP the Properly by public unnuuncement wt the time and placr uF any previousl�scheduled wle. Lender or ils '�'�;;,���� :,
<br /> , , , . designee may purchnse the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of Ihe prire bid,7Yuslee zhall dell�er lo the purchuser Tru�lee's deed conveying the • ,
<br /> PropeMy. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed yhall be primu facie evideare of Ihe truth oP the stetements made therein. i
<br /> 7lrustee shall epply the proceeds ui'Ihe.r•ale in Ihe fulluwing urder: la)to all cu�t�and expenses uf exercisfng the power �___:
<br /> , ;• � V.*:.•'�,_L-�_
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