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tl3`Ip`�'`°��p:�� t r a`.; " 2,� �. . '��r? '�,.u'��: <br /> f •�, '.'; °:- ,�, r�(�,�i+9C� '4. . , . . . � _ --- <br /> . - . �.i�'"�y{���•'1'i. a• ��. . - :�-� <br /> ' k�.� 1��;!�k�". . �—� <br /> �.� ______. ..,._� <br /> ��� �r�.-,...""_ "._._�� . '�.� " . .____--_ ___ .. <br /> - _�:�'� � .. �. � 92� io�a� �- <br /> �- <br /> �r a:d.c�A,.`;+!�- q•' <br /> :. ,.d*�L..- . . - . <br /> . •T"t.f':.�."�,..�,�.:.r . , <br /> *` , f��a;}4:�,a;.,t�� �. 'r TOGEfHER WITH all the irnprovements nuw or hemaUcr em�:ted on Ihc property,und ull caxcmcros,oppuKcnuncex, <br /> _�.: 1 <br /> ' -•����:-�� . " and fixtures now or hercAftcr a part af�he pmperty. All replacemrntx and ndditianx xhall �I��bc covered by�hi4 Secu�lly <br /> � �`�'"��`�'�f� `Y Intqument. All oi thc foregoing ia refemed to in this Securhy Instrument as the"RopeAy." <br /> �+ "�.. �'., f. � <br /> ""!�'� '� =��;-•� -- �� BORROWBR COVENANTS that Barrower is lawfully sc{�ed af�hc eslnte hercby convcyed und haw Ilu�ight w grant <br /> ^ ��+�����k"+�`•° ' and convey the Properly and thnt the Pmperty is unencumbered,except for encumbruncew of recorJ. B�xruwer wurrwits And <br /> ,.. � "" � will defend generally the title ta the Praperty ugainxt ull claima und demandy,cub���t to uny cncumhrunce+:��f rccord. —... .. <br /> ;�,,..,-,•.n••,+,,,;. <br /> � � o��'-����" %' THIS SECURITY INS'i'RUMENT rnmbincs uniform rovcnantx fi►r nadonal u.r und n��n•unifonn cuvenuntx whh <br /> .: .. -_ .. ._._ _ <br /> - -~-- - limitrJ vuri�tiunx by juriuiicliun tu�umlitetc�uniform sccuelty insin�menl covrring mwl prn�nY• l---2_,- <br /> *��A'� ' r ' UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrowcrund Lendcrcovenant und ugrcc as fiillowx: <br /> ' 1. P�ymenl o�Principwl and Interextt Prepayment aad I.ote�'ha�eA. s��rtowcr.hull prumptly pay whcn Juc�hc <br />� '' '�` p ��" � pr inc ipa l n f on d imcres t on t hc d e b t e v i de n c c d b y t h e N a t c a n d a n y p r e po ymcnt und luic chur ge4 duc under�hc N�Nc. <br /> � 2. �unds for'Ibxes and IngurAnce. SubJeci to uppllcable law or to n wri�ten waiver by Len�kr,BoROwer shull pay to <br /> I.endcr on �nc day monlhly payments ure due undcr thc Note,umil thc Nate iti pAid in full,u r:um("Funds°1 fa�:lu)yeurly <br /> � iwees and�+s�eccmentc which muy uttuin p�forily over this Secu�ity Instrumenl us n lien on the Property:lb)yearly leasseehald <br /> �� ' n ;=•�r M� �y • paymenls or ground mn�s on the Property. if any: (c1 yenrly hnzurd nr pruperty insurancc premiums; (d) yearly flood <br /> h,..r„r,�,;,k f insurunce premium�, if any; (el yeurly mongage insuruunce premiums, if uny; and 1� uny sumx puyuble by Borr»wer to <br />�,�,:. . <br /> � ; -.—_-_-,�... Lender,in Accordance with the provisiana of parngrnph lieu of the payment of monRoge Msuronce premiums. These � __ <br /> ,. . . . � __�-�_— <br /> ,�,,. ° items are cAlkd"Escrow Items:' Lendcr may,ut uny nme,calect und hoid Fund�iu uu anwunt uut tu Ca�CC,i ti�e u�a���iiuui <br /> i �• , ���-" ' omount o Iender for A federnlly reluted mortgnge loan moy require Por Borrawerls escrow account under the federal ReAI <br /> `' � � Estate Seltlement Pracedures Act of 1974 As amended from t ime to time, 12 U.S.C.#2601 et sey.("RFSPA"),unless unother <br /> ; ' . � Iaw that applfes to the Funds sets u lesser amount. If so,Lender mny,nt any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to <br /> -���••°, exceed the Icsser umount. l.ender may esumate the umount of Funds due on Ihc basis of rurrent da�u and reasoneblc � ` <br /> ' •. estimates of expenditures af future Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with upplicnble luw. -•-. <br /> � � Thc Funds shull be held in un institution whose dep�sils arc insured by u federnl ugency, instrumentaliry,or entity <br /> � � (including Lender,if Lender is such�n ins�itutian)or in any Federul Home Loan Bank. I.ender shnll apply the Funds to pny <br /> • , the Escrow Ilems, Lender mny not charge Borrower fbr halding and applying the Funds,unnually unalyzing [he escrow �___ <br /> uccount,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interesl on Ihe Funds and applicable luw permits _� <br /> Lender to mnke such n chnrge. However.Lender mAy require Borrower to pay u one-time charge for un independent real �v=_ <br /> �� estate tax reporting service used by Lender in cannection with this loan,unless applicublc law provides otherwise. Unless an ��;__ <br /> � ugreement is made or npplicuble IAw requires interest to be ps►id,Lender shall na be rcquired to pay Borrowcr Any interest or �,.d,__ <br /> ' � , , eamings on thc Funds. Barrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that in[erest shull be paid on Ihe Funds. Lender <br /> .3��is.,. <br /> . ••_ .,,,� ehull give to Borrower,without churge.nn Annunl accouniing of the Funds,showing credits end debi�s[o�he Funds und the ��_��.,.�.. <br /> purpose for which euch debit to the Funds wus mude. Tlie Funds ore pledged us additional secuory for All sums secured by r�e�=-== <br /> this Sewriry Insaument. �f r' � <br /> _ - — if tiie Funds held by Lend�r excecd ihe amounts permitted to 6e held by npplicnble IAw. Lender shAll Account to <br /> 9orrower for the exeess Funds in accordnnce with the requirements o f app l icu b le law. If Ihe�mount af the Flmds held by <br /> ' Lender ut any time is not sufficicnl to puy the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wriling,and,in ---_ <br /> t such case Borrawer shull puy to Lender Ihe umount neces�nry to mAke up the deficiency. BoROwer shall muke up the ��1-'�`•^'==- <br /> ��,....� <br /> deticiency in no more thun twelvc monthly puyments,At Lender:�sole discrelion. �.�:.___�....._.A <br /> Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Barrawer any <br /> ' Funds held by Lender. If,under p�rngruph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Praperty,Lendcr,priar to tBe acquisition or "�• ���.'�%��-. <br /> sale of ihe Propeny, shall npply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or sule as u credit ugains� the sums ���`_ <br /> � ' 4ecured by this Securlty Instrument. ���"'" <br /> 3. ApplicMion of Payments. Unless upplicuble law provides otherwise, All payments received by Lender under �---R• = <br /> nra rn hc I and 2 shall lx a lied: first,to an re a ment char e�due under�he Note: second,to amountx payuble under �'�''�� - <br /> p � P - pP Y P P Y B •' �,a=�.-,�: <br /> � parogrnph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principal duc;and lu+t,to uny lale rharges due undcr the Nole. �i;�;�_ <br /> , • 4. Charges: Liens. Bonower shull pay ull taxes, assestiments, charges, fincti und impasitionz uuributable ta the ��,tc���; <br /> ��� Propetty which may ultnin priority over this Security Instn�rnent.ond leusehold payments or ground rcnts,if any. Borcower �,h_: <br /> shAll puy these obligu�ions in the manncr�xovided in paragrs�ph 3,or if nut paid in thnt manner,Borrower shall puy them on � I��:.����.. <br /> time dircctly to the person owed paymcnt. Borrower shull prompily fumish to Lendcr all notices ot amounts ro tx:paid under . �:?�'���:=__ <br /> this pumgruph. If Borrower mukes these puymen�x direcdy,Borrower shull promptly t'umish to Lender reccipts evidencing ,_�:�,''" <br /> � ' thepAymems. ,'_`�''�;_:_' <br /> '� Borrower shnll promptly dischnrge any licn which has prarity ovcr this Sccurity In+trument unless Horrawer:(a>ugrees -__ ---= <br /> in writing�o the payimnt of the obligation xecured by the lien in u manncr acceptable io Lrnikr:(b)contests in good fni�h the -_-- <br /> • � lien by,or defends ng�+inst enforcement of the lien in.Iegal proccedingx which in ihr Lcndrr;upinion operutc ro prcven:the ,;;.•,;�;'�� <br /> ` ° ' enforcement of Ihe lien;or(r)secures fmm the holder oF�hc licn an agrcrment.utitifartory to Lender subordinuting the lien � ,;,;�M: <br /> ..-S�rS., . <br /> ro this Security Instrument. If Lender de�ermines that uny part o(the Pn�peny is wbject iu a lien which may attain priority - -• :�r• <br /> � over this Secu�ity Instrument,Lender muy give Borrower a ncNicc idemifying the tien, Borrnwer shaU�utisfy tMe lien or tuke " <br /> +� ' ' • one or more of the actions�et fonB above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �' <br /> , . S. Hazard or Property Insu�nnce. Borrowcr.hull kcep thr improvrments now existing or here•rfter crected on the 1: <br />, Property insurcd aFninst loss by firc,hozards includcd wiihin thr tcrm"cxtrndrJ ruvcru�:r"and an� rnhrr hazurds,including <br /> � �� � floods or flooding, for which Lendcr reyuire. inxurunce. Thi, imurancr +hall tk maintained in the umounts and for�he � <br /> , k <br /> � F'ormJ02% 9/90 �/wxr:n/e�uqru ; <br /> r . <br />� � , <br /> I • . <br /> i , I <br /> � <br /> . ' <br /> � , <br /> • . 'i J _ <br />