<br />Atl msura.uca poi'zcies required by Lendar and re�wals of such policies sttall i�e subject W I,eudex s right io disappmve
<br />such policies, sk�aU include a star�dacd m4rtgage clause, aad shaU name I-ender as mort�,agee and/ar as an addiuo¢1a1. loss
<br />PaY� l.ender shsll have the right to hotd the policies and renewal certificates. rt T,ender requires, Rorrovuer shaU prompilY
<br />�ve to Leadcr all receipts o£ paid �uemiurtbs and mnenrel notices. [f Bozrowex abtains a�ry fomi af insaance coverage, not
<br />ntherwise required by Lende[, far damage to, o� deskuction of, tlu Propaxty, such policy sha11 inckude a stsnderd mortgage
<br />clause and sha31 name Lender as mortgagee and/ar as an addidonal loss payee.
<br />Tn the cvent of loss, Bareower &hali givc �rOZnpt mtice to the iinsura�ce carri�r and Lender. Lend�r may meke proof oF loss
<br />if not made prompcly by Borrower. Uialess Lendex and Bv�sowex otherwise agee in writin�, any insurance proceeds, whether
<br />ar not thG uuderlying insurance was required by Landes, s,hall be appJied to cestaration or repau of the P�o�criy, if the
<br />rvsto�atsou or repair is ecozwmi.cally feasible and Lender's seaixity is not lessened. During such �opait aud restoration peri.od,
<br />Lender shall Lavs the righc w hald such insurance pmceeds uncil Lender has had an opportuniry tv inspect such Pcoperty to
<br />ensure the wa�k ha� been completed m Lender's saiisfaction, provided that such inspection shall 6e undeztatr�n promptly.
<br />Lcnder may disburse procccds for tho x'cpau's and reaWxatinn in a single paymmt ar in a series of progress paymcnls as the
<br />work is complet�d. Unless an agx'eemeat ia made in writing or Applicablc T.aw requirea int�rest W be paid an such insurence
<br />proceeds, Lender shaU. zrot be requued w pay Honowe�' any interast ox eamings on such proceeds. l�ees for public ac�juste�s,
<br />or other third par[ies, retained by Harrowea' shall not be paid rn1t of ihe insurance proceeds and shall be tha sole obligation oP
<br />$orrower. ff the restoration or repa'v is not ecoaomicallY feasi'b1e or Lender's sectaity wvuld be lessened, ilie insurence
<br />proceeds s4all be spplied to the sums axured by this Security Instnmvuat, whether or not ihen due, with thc exsess, if auy,
<br />patd Oo Borrower. Such insurance }moceeds sl�alt 6e applied in tho ocder provided f� ia Section 2.
<br />If Borrower almtidons fhe Proparty, Lender znay 61�,negotiate and seitie any available ansuxauce claimand related matttirs.
<br />Tf Bprrpwer does nnt respond within 30 days to a notica &om Lender ihat fhe insuranice carricr has of�ered to settle a claim,
<br />then Lender maq negotiate and settie the claim. The 30�day period will begnt vvhen the aoiice is givetz. In ather event, or i�
<br />Lendcr acc�uires the Property under 8ecdon 22 or othe�wise, Sonawen c�reby assi�s tv I.endcr (a) Borrower'a righis to azry
<br />insurancc Euoceeds in an auwwAt not to excced the antounGS umpaid vndeir the Nate ar this Seciaity Inatrument. and (b) a�y
<br />other oe soanwet's riBhts (ott�c than fhe right to asry refima af uueamed Pxemiums pa.id by Borcowet) under all insuranee
<br />policies cavering fhe Prope�ty, insofar as such rights aze appiicable W the covecage of ihe PA'opertq. Lender may use Uie
<br />insurauce p�oceeds aither to repau' crr restore the Pmpary nr to pay amounts unpaid under thw �Tvte or this Security
<br />Insirumei�t, whefhcr or not ib�eu duc.
<br />G Occupancy. Bocrower shall oceupy, eskablisb, and use the Ptopetty as Borrowcr's pirincipal residence wltLin 60 days
<br />after the e�txution of this Sacurity L�shvmc� and shai� camtinue to occupy the Proparty as Bnrrowcr's principal residence for
<br />at least one ycxr afttt the date of accupancy, unless Lender othexwise ��es in writi.n� which co�nt s1�a11 not be
<br />unreasonably wi.ihtleld, or Unless extemidting Cirasmstances exis[whiCh are lxyond 9crtror�ee's co�dmL
<br />9. Preaervation, Mamtenance and Pmdectlon oP the ProP�Yi �I►�ione. Borrowea' shall nat ciesk�oY� damage or innpflir
<br />The P[operty, allow the Pen[�tY to deteniorate ar cammitwaste ou the Properly. Whether ar not Harc�aror is residing in tlae
<br />ProperCy, Borrovma st�all maiutain the Pmperty in ordcr to prevem tl�e Property finru deteumatiag or decreasing in value due w
<br />its eonclition. iJnless it is detennined pursuant to Scerion S that rcpa'v or restoration is mt arouomicatly Feasible, Harrower
<br />shall promptty repaix the Property if damagcd tv avoid Twtha' deGerioratioa or damage. If insurance ar condemnation proceeds
<br />are paid in connection with daraage to, ar the taking ot the ProperiY, Borrower shall be respansible for repairing or restorin�
<br />the PropeR.y a�niy if Ler�der has neleasad pa»ceeds fa� such purposes X.ender may �sburse p�oceeds foc' the rcpairs aud
<br />restoratioa in a�ngle peymcnt �r iz� n series oF pmgress paYmenls as tha wark is cvmpleteod. if the inaursnce or wqdetnnatian
<br />proceeds are not sufficient to repai.[ pr restore ihe Pxopert3', Ba�rowex is not relicwed of Haarowet's ab&g�atiqn for the
<br />complelion of'such repair ar xestaration.
<br />Lender or its agam may mak� t'easona6lc en�i.es upon and inspections of the Pioperty. lf it bas reasonable causc. Lender
<br />muy iaspect the intenor of fhe iznpro'�emerts on the k�opexty. Lcnder ahsl] give Bvanwes moti,ce at the time of ar prior to such
<br />un iutierior inapectioa specifying sucp rea�nable cause.
<br />S. Horrarrer'a I.aaia A,ppGcation Borrower shaR be in default if, during the Loan appiicatian pcvicess, Borrower or +my
<br />peisons or cntilies acting at the d'ueCtion of Bocznwer or with Boaowe�s lmawledge or consem. gave msterislly falac,
<br />misleading, � inaccurate information or stata�nenta to I.ender (ar Yailed to provide Lender wi.th materisi infcaxiaadon) in
<br />connecdon with the Loan. Material represeaNations include, but are not limited to, represezatations wnecxning Horrower's
<br />occupancy of ihe Property as Bouow�s principal residence.
<br />NEBqABKA - Sllgk PamilY - Fannir MaelFteddio Meq UNIPORM INS7RUMFd�1T
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