<br />9, Protection oF Lender'a Lnte�reet in ti►e Property and Righb IInder tl�ia Security Ia�trument If (a) Hoirtower fsils to
<br />pexForm the covenants and agrcernems cantained in tkds Senuity Tnsmunent, N7 thete is a le€,al Proceedin8 that migM
<br />signi�cartly affect Lendcr's iMerest in the Property and/or rigUts under this Secwity Inst�wnent (such as a proceeding in
<br />baniaupt�y, probate, Fox wndemnatinn � foxfeiturc. for enfoxcemca�t of a lien which may attain prioritY over this Security
<br />Tnstnttneirt or to enforce laws or regulatians), ar (c) Boxrarover has atmndoned the Properiy, then Lender may do and pay far
<br />whate�rer is reasonable ar aPP�PT�� �O P�ct T.eader's imerest in the Pxoperty and xiglzts �mder rhis Sccuxity Insaument,
<br />incl�ding protoeting and/or assessing the valun of The Prope�ty, amd securing and/a rcpairing the Property. Lender's actions
<br />exn include, but arc not limtte�l to: (a) paying any sums secured by a licn which has pu�ioiicy ovix this Secutity instrsmYent; (B)
<br />appearing in cotut; and (c) paying reasanabie attomeys' fees ta p�otecc i� interest in the Prvperry and/or righte under 11ils
<br />Seouxity Jnsiniment, inciudin� its aecu�red position in a banlatYptcs' Procceding. Securing the Prupc[ty includes, but is not
<br />limited to, entering the Pxaperiy to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up daors and windows, drain water fiom pipes,
<br />eliminate» 6uilding or other code violations or dangexous conditiona, and ha�e utitities tunsed on or off. Althaugh Lender may
<br />take action uncle�' this 5action 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not undez an.y duty or obli$ation to do so. It is agreed
<br />thet Leuder iuzcurs no ]aabiliry Por not takiag auy or all actions authoriaod vndsr 1his Settian 9.
<br />Any amormts disb�used by Le�nda undex tbis Section 9 sh�all b�axne additi:onal debt of Boaowu aecured by this Secw'ity
<br />Ins�m�ent. Thesc amounts shell bear intexes[ at the Note rate &am the date of disbwaement and shall be payable, with such
<br />imezest, upon norice £mmLender to Boqrower requesting patymant
<br />If this Securily [nsh'ument ia oe s leasehold, Borrowex shall comply witlx aU the provisions of thc lease. If Borrower
<br />accririres Fee tifle to the Properiy, the tea�hold and the fee title shall �ot merge vnless Lendar ag�es to lhe mcx�ter in wriiing.
<br />]p. Mortga�e Jnaurana. Cf L�uder zoquired Mortgage jnsurance ea a condition of making tho Lnan, Harro'cver shall pay
<br />the premiums royuired to maintsin the Moztgage Insura»ce in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insuzance coverage
<br />required by Le�der ccases to be availaUle fromthe mortgage insurez that prcviously pmvided such insurance and Horrowex
<br />rovas roquired W malce separately designated paymen� mward the premiums for Mo�rtgage Imurance, 6oiro�vec sl�all pay tk�e
<br />p�mnnns required tn obtain wverege substantially cquivalent to tbe Moctgage T�uaqcc previausly in cf}'cxt, at a c4st
<br />substantially eqqiwalwt m the cast to Boanwer af ttze ARortgage Insurance previously in eftec� fmm� an alteanafs mort�age
<br />ins��er selected by Leuder. If substautially equi.aalep[ Martgage Insurance coverxge as not availa6le, Bon:owa sha]I continue
<br />to pay to Lender the amount of the separately desig�ated paymaats that were dne whtn the ins�sanGe covnrege ceas�d to 1x
<br />in effocG Laoder will accept, usc and retain tluse payments as a non-refimdab�ee loss reserve in licu of Mortgage Inaw�ance.
<br />Such loss rasern shall be uon-refundablo, uot�vichatunding the fact that the Loau is ultimaiely peid in full, azrd Lender shail
<br />nut be requirad ta pay Boimwer aay interest or eanuib8s on such losa resern. Lender eaa no lon�a require loss reserve
<br />paym�uts if Mortgsge Insurence covera6s ('u� tt� am�ni and for the periad that T.e�er requires) pinvided by an insurcr
<br />selxCtd by Lender again becomes availa6le, is obtained, and Lendes requirca separately designaud payments toward the
<br />premiums for �vioitgage rnsarance. If Lender re4uired Mottgage Ina�aanee as a co�ition oF uu�king tlea I,oan. and Honrowec
<br />was requised ta malae separateTy desi�ated paymen� toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Basotver shall pay the
<br />prcmiums xeyuired to uiair�tnin Mortgage Cnsurance in effect, or to provide d non-rrfundaUle loss ncswve, until Lende�s
<br />mquiresnent for Mortgage insurance ends in accordaace with anY watten agreemcat betrveen Bvuower and I.euder {�oriding
<br />for such texmination ar wxil tenninarion is roc�iied 6y ApPlicsble Law. Nothing in tYns Section LO aft'ects Hou+ower's
<br />obligatian to pay interest at thc rate provided izt the Note.
<br />Moz�age lnsu¢auce �imbuiar,a Lendcr Lor aup' �tity that pu�rhasCS the hTote) foc eertain loases it zn;qy inau if Borrawcr
<br />does not repay tha Loan ae a�rted. Bcmownr ia awt a�riy to die Mnrtgage Insuntnce,
<br />Mort�aga insurexs cvaluate their total risk on all such insurance in forca &nm l'ant to time, azxi mtry mttr inGO ag[�eeme�s
<br />with ott�er pazties tl�at sk�ara or modify their risk, or reduce losses. These ngre�neiNs aro om benns and coa�dhions ihat ara
<br />satisfactory to t�e moregage insurer acd the other paRy (or parties) to these agre�anents. Thesc agreements may require the
<br />martgage iqsuceY to make payments using auy sowrce af Cunds that tt�e ma�tgage iasurer may hxve a��ailablc (which msy
<br />imclude funds obtained 5um Mortgage Instivance pzemiwns).
<br />As a result of these a�nts, Lender, arry p�nrchaser of the Nore, annthex insurer, xny reins�ml, anY dtha[ enp�y, or
<br />any atTliate af a�ry of the foregoiug, maY receive (dicecily or indiiectly) amounts that iFeaive fmm (or mighi be chacacteriz�i as)
<br />a poriivn of Borrowets paynnertts foi Mortgagc Luurance, in exc.�ange for st�aring ar modifyiq; the mortgage 'vrsurer's cisk, ox
<br />reducing losses. If sich agreernent p�ovides thet an affiliate of Lender mkes a share of the aasurer's risk in exctange for a share
<br />of the premiuzn& paid w ihe insnrer, tho anrangement is afteu termed "cap[ive teinsurana," Further:
<br />IJ�Rpsltll _ Shgh Fstillly - Fannla I'AAWfroddle Msc IJNIF�RM INSTRUMENT
<br />A�T�,�ryq (ae�11 ww�du
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<br />ADS-TB9
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<br />Forpt 9a�9 1N1
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<br />1�11 �I � �1 H�
<br />OOOpNE9841358
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