, • . � ` _�;
<br /> _ . ..�:. _ - - `�.�::� -
<br /> . - .. _ _ __.,.�.,_�,.,.._,., �_ .
<br /> . • �. �=�.
<br /> . . �.���,--
<br /> , ,�-
<br /> `: , �t.�
<br /> <e: e�. ���� --,:r_;
<br /> Lender. ��te foreqofng wa�ranties and representations, and '"�`-�"`=
<br /> `, �ozrowar•s abligations p�rsnan� �o �he �oregaing indemnity, ehall �.�� ,?
<br /> suYVive r�g9ay=a�nt af the Note an8 the reconveyance of thia Deed � '
<br /> F.° of Trust.
<br /> , 9. As�ai aament of Rents Mana ement of Pra �rt . As E'''�"��
<br />"�. as��tionab se�s ty areundor, Borgower hare y aas gne to Lender �,.._�?_
<br /> the reats, iset�es and proffica o: the PZOpG,�tye provided that �__�'�,�
<br /> Borrawer �2aa11, grios to accelexation under paragraph 11 hereof �'�.:-��,�
<br /> os altandonrneafi of the Prapericy, have the acight to col�ect and ��
<br /> retain auch rents, i.s3nes and proffta as they become due and pay- �- _.
<br /> able. Upon accelexation or aban8enment of the Prap�rty, Lender =,
<br /> �s.;,,�, may, either f.n perso�a or b� ag�nt, eii�h or ��ithout brinqing any �.�._;,-
<br /> �t"` action ar proceedinc�Q or by a receiver appointed• bp a court and -
<br /> without rec�ard �o the adeqea�ey of ita secuscit�, e�t�r upon aaid -----
<br /> � • take poseeseion of t�e Pxopes'ty� ar any part thsreof, in i�� own r� _-__•
<br /> name o� in the aame of �he Tr�xstee, and do any acts e�hich it -�- =-�•
<br />;`�` '� deems necessary or dc�si�able tio preserv� t�e nalue, marketability ��_:
<br /> or rentabiii�y af tbe Property� or any part thereof or interest �� -
<br /> ° therein, faicrease th� i�uco� t.Yierofrom or protec� the secority ��..
<br />- hereof and, with ar without talcincy possess�on of the Property,
<br /> � sue for os �theri�fse collect the rents, 3.ssues asic2 pro�its ,�� —��'_-`_'�
<br /> � tiiereof, inclualing those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, '`''
<br /> . �r,
<br /> :���:: less costs and ex�z�nses of operation and colle�ction, including �"
<br /> -=__= attorneys' fees, ��n any indebtec�ness secuxed hereby, a�.l in
<br /> --=_= suc?a +�rdes as Lsnd�+�x may determ9.ne_ The ent�ring npon and �aking. �.�'�
<br /> ��� possesaioa of �e �roperty, the cvllection of such rents, issne� `,_
<br /> •�r' aad prqfitg aud Ehe ap�lica�ion thereof as aforesaid, sP�all not �
<br /> :,.��•;:. cuse or wa�ve ��;� de€ault os notice o£ default her�under or• . � �,:�
<br /> _-_ - f�lidate any ar� ��one in response to suc� defat�.lt ar pursuant . !'._ .,
<br /> '��? �c�i notice e�:�.rt�€�ul� amd, a�o��i�hetandfnq �h� �ant�.nuance fr�,:�� -
<br /> ,;i;{;:,� possession of �he �r�coper�y or th@ collect3.on, recc.,�t and applia��-;
<br /> � �� ti.on �of rents• ie:sues or �..r�iEits, and TJCU�tee aad i�ender s�al.2 bs �"-.
<br /> ����� entitied �o exer��a�, e�v �i ht p�ovicl�d for in an oE �:�:Zoan
<br /> ����� Ynst��ments or b�-���.�� up occur��ce of any Event of, Detr�i�l�, . , :���` �
<br />,,����.-, includliag, wf.tho�.fc �3mftation, thr: ��ig�it to exercise tRe pawe� Q�::: �. . �
<br /> , � sale. 8'ur�hc�r, Ye�nder's rights aac� rem�dies uaider �Itie pa�ac,������.�
<br /> . 9 eball b��cwaulative wi�1a, and in no way a lfmi.tation �da�� :.:�. • ,�-�a�
<br /> � Lender's ��ghts and reiaedies un�3er any Assic,�en� of I,ea��.� . ^�'..:.;. �.:.�s:r:,-.=:-
<br /> Ftents reamrded agai:sst the Property. Len�er, Trustee ait� .�a3:',:.,:.., ```:'�"�.
<br /> recefver 'sl�all be liable to account only for those rents ac�ual�;�� � . �
<br /> ' received. � � �
<br /> �;
<br /> � �Qo � Ev�n�s of 17efm�it. The �oi�.�owia sha11 r���•�i�nte �'
<br /> q _.,:.;l�,r-:����
<br /> � � ' an Svent.o��Defau�.t under s Deed of Trustr � • . '" '��
<br /> �a�. Pailure to pay any installment of � �
<br /> . pxin�ipal o� ��ereet or any other an�a secused hereby -�
<br /> � wha� c�e, os:.�r�.alure to pay when duQ. �ny othe�e indebted- ;�;��,
<br /> ' � .� ness �of 8or��� to L�nder� .
<br />;�rh�: � . � -
<br /> �b) A breach o� or default und�.-ram� provi- ..
<br /> _ sion coa�taiaed in the Note, this Deed of Tx�st, a�.�a, �af �
<br /> the Loan Instrumerato, or any other eacumbranc� ugar�:��is�s�
<br /> Propea�tp, after givinq effoct to any appltaab2e cuxra
<br /> ' pesiod containec�l thereint � �
<br /> .; � .
<br /> (a) A writ of execntiom or attacDun�nt oa any
<br /> aim.3:Z.�a pxocess ehall b� en�ered against Horrower v�h�ah
<br /> . • s�tts.�� become a lien on the Property or any partion -
<br /> th�reof or inteaes� therefnt .-
<br /> (d➢ There shall be f31ed by or acysin�t
<br /> 8o�cra�tes an ac�iom under a�y present or fa�ture fed�rnl, �'��•'
<br /> �� stati� or other atatute, law or regulation relating to �,—=;--
<br /> baiatcro�p�ey, insol�ency or other relief for debtora= or ,
<br /> � . there shall be appoin�ed any trustee, receiver or �.�
<br /> � � liquida�ur of Borsawes or of alI or� any part of the _
<br /> ' Prope�rty, or tlxe rQnta, isaueg or profits �hereof, or --
<br /> � . Bo�r���aer ehall make any gen�ral ass�ignm�nt Ear the �:�:
<br /> � .-�-. ben��it of cred�torap �
<br /> _. . ��_--
<br /> .. - �.-'.,:
<br /> . .. �,�::::
<br /> ' -4- „'�.
<br /> ,. n, . , . : . . . . . .. . ' � .., . - -_.
<br />