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<br /> ` - . . . .. . ....sr�.. � . . !�_
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<br /> • . � 6GY- .
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<br /> .� �!�q ��. .
<br /> � (e) 3'he sale, txaaefer, �saig ent�;�CO�7Q� --
<br /> ance or £�rther enaumbrance of all or any pagt af or --`
<br /> any inte�es� in t�.e Pro�oer�, �i�her volunt�rily or _—
<br /> �nvoluntmri�yo c��itP�ont the exp��ss �sitten aonaent o£ �-
<br />,.< Leadet.
<br /> :,, 22. A�aQdies; �3ccelerat3on II�oA Defaul.t. In �he even�
<br /> of,any Event of Defaul4t, Lender may, w ichout notiicc:, excePt as -
<br /> r�qa�red by l.aw, declare all in8ebtednass secuace� herebp to bQ _
<br /> due a�nd payable and the same ehall tiv�reupon h�comQ duQ and i-�
<br /> payable witdiont auy ps�sentmeat, denearad, protest os �cotics oE any
<br /> ' kind. Z'iserea£ter, �.ender mays =
<br /> ;,.°�;< � ta) �emand ithat Trustee exercfae the POWBlt =
<br /> �F SALE graated heref�� aaid Trisst�e sha31 thereafter
<br /> ' � . canse Horxower's in�erest fn the �operty to ha sold
<br /> , and the proceeds ta be d��trib�ateS, all in the maainer _
<br /> �� pronided � the Nebraslea ��st Deeds Act= _.
<br /> • (b) Exe�cise aay and all right� provided for m'
<br /> in any of the Zoasz Inatruineats or by �.�er upon occur- __
<br /> .(Y.: rexice of �y Even� of Defau�.tf and _
<br /> �.
<br /> � '(�� Commence an act3.on to €c��+��scrse this -
<br /> t';��,.;; . Deed of Trust as � martgage, apZaca�a# a :�����.��-n or `
<br />,�;�;:<.x�.��.,-:. specificallgt e=a�r*...��e any of the ��� ��re+^.�,.�a .
<br />°.i...r?,�.,.., . . .
<br /> '�:;,�:;,:::;. ._ No remedy her� confe�ed up+a� ox seserv� � Trnstee os Le��r . _
<br /> �•�`<:�•-i;'.< . ' is intend�d i�c��e e�c��.s�ve �� �np o�.�� �nx�y herein in �.�, .
<br />,.'<',.,`..;;. _ I,oaxi Instrt�ente or' l�r�, ��&tv g�i�id�d 4�'�i�sr�'I�c�� b�, �ach sha�l --
<br /> . ._...`. . be c�mttl�ti.ve+ shall �:..�.� acldit�.on '� ever�_"ta�her��redY givex�
<br /> � S�ereunt3er in ��� Loari ]�trai��e or ��c��or �:�reafter existing at ' �
<br /> �•„Yr. la� or. .in eqrt�.iL�y o� by $t���� and may �ar� �r�ercised ccncut- �
<br />. • rently, inc3ependantly or suc���.vely. � --
<br /> � 12. Truatee. The Trustee pn�a�r reaign at any tia�e with-
<br /> � out aause, and LenQer map at any time'�nd wtthont cau3e appoint a � _
<br /> �� �uccessor dr substitute TrasteQ. Trta�tee ahall not be lfabl.�:. to =
<br /> - . �: any partiy, is�cluc3fag, �iY�o�� lfm3�a�ion, Lender, �arrauer c�:.t�'aY �
<br /> ' pvrchaser of the Property, far any losa or damaqe unless duer��,t�c�,
<br /> � � � reckleas or wi11fn1 mfsconduct, and s�aall nct be required to ta�Ce � �
<br /> � �y act�on in.�connection.witb the enforcement of thi.s Deed of •;:'..`��
<br /> � ' ` • Trust u:e2ess ��ntnffied. ia �ncitirn�r, fos a1l,. costs, rompensation �'�� � _
<br /> ,;��;��.� or expensea ce�t;�;ch may be associated tfierew�:t�.. Zn addition, ' -
<br /> � • � Trus�ee may bQCO�e a purchaser at any eale� of �h� Pr�operty , � _
<br /> � �';� � � �3u83cia1 or under the power of sale granted herein) = postpane •
<br />�����' ����� the nale of all or any port:�on of the Property, as provfded by
<br /> . � Iaw= o� sell the Propezty as a whole, or in separate parce2e �r -
<br /> � lots. � -
<br /> :� ,. ��� - 13. . Fees ancl E� enses.. I� fihe event T�asfcce sells the .
<br /> Prapt�az� b� exere se of pcwer oE sa].c�n •�'rustee shall �ie entftled
<br /> �. ,; �o�apply any o3�e proceeda fisst tm '��tn��.w� of all �osta and � `
<br /> . �, oxp.enses of exercisinq paw�� o� �aZe. ���a�'ui�g all Truste�'�s � �, .
<br /> ' '.� fees .���tuallp incursed. In the ev�A��i.; ���.�a�er exercises an�► .
<br />=�:s�Z�;,���, � righti���►�ovided by lac,�.. to cure an Ev�i�#t:�c�� �efault, Lend�r sha2! --
<br /> ;�,44� . be ei����led to xeaov+� from BorroweL. ��.1 costa and expen3es .
<br />•�y.';� actual.ly �axticc�.�ed as a result of Horrawez•a defani�, includirr.g,
<br /> wi.thont ].isn�l;.a�:ion, all Trustee's an3 attorney'a fees, in �tas� -
<br /> • r�axfmum amdu�.�L allawed by �aw. 2n additior�, f.n the eaent ot• r�r�als _
<br /> such c�e, Leader eha13 be entftled �o a xeinr��a�emen� fee af One
<br /> <�,�� Hunr3re� and No/100 Dollars ($100.00� .
<br /> � 1�. L�utnre Advaraces. Opon rec�uest of Bosrower. Lender
<br /> � may, at its opt on, make a�id3tcional and future adv�nces and
<br /> re-advanc�s to Borsower. SucU adv�aces and readvances, with
<br /> . interest thereon, shall be secured by this be�ed of Tru�t. At no
<br /> time shall the principal amaunt of the indebtedneas �ecured by �
<br /> � f.his Deed of Trust, not inciuding snms adnar�ced �o protec� the =
<br /> ' secnrity of thio Deed of Trust, exceed the oziginal principal
<br /> � affioun� stat�8 heref�.
<br /> •ti
<br /> -5-
<br /> ' .1 , , . . .. . . , • . . • -
<br /> . .. . . • ,., ' ,.� �_ • . . . .
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