' . . ` - . _ ' ' . iS _ . .. ' ' _ _ -
<br /> j .� . ��r..L,3�'��� - . .. ... 3^ ' '� �.S:'`
<br />- . , gpf`h�.
<br /> C`�"
<br /> ' . ���
<br /> � ��_.
<br /> �� �� ���� �'�
<br /> t�e Propegty fn viola�ion of any 2aw, ord�narncQ, or regula onf ��•-.z
<br /> � ansl eha15. pay and gxo�nptly discharge a� �orYOw�r's cost and �-_
<br /> exp�n�e all 9.iena, flnaumb�cancoe and c�►�gg�� ].oviQd, imposed or },��-
<br /> aoeeased aga�aa� the �ropezty o� mny p�x't �hereQf. �-�
<br /> � _
<br />� 6. �ninent Domain. �ender is hereby asaignes� all �1:.
<br /> _ �o�yg��e���n, awarc�s, damages and otiaer paymenta os relieF �...
<br /> -: m
<br /> ` (�ieseinaxter "FroceedsB) in COIlIl@Ct3.0A with cane3emnation or other �.;,
<br /> `� tak3nq of the Pacc�c�rty or part t�ereof o or for conveyance �n lieu
<br /> �_
<br /> o£ condesa�ation. Lendea shall be eatf.tled, at its option, t� _
<br /> co�aence, agpear in and p�osecnte i� its �v� nama any action or =_
<br /> proaeedineys, and ahall also be �ntitled to �a�ke anp ccr�so�se or -�
<br /> �(, settletaent ia connec�ioa with such taltiaq or d�nag�. In the r"��
<br /> e o e a t a n y portion of tlse Property fa so taken or dar�aged, Lender �'�
<br /> ahall have the option, 3.n ita so�e a=ad alasolute disc�etidan, to �����'
<br /> � apply al� such Proceede, after d�d�actinq �herefrota all costs and
<br /> expenses inausred by it in connec�on F�itn such Proceeds, upon ��.
<br />� ., any in8�l�a�ealneae secured hereby amd fn such order as Lemder snay r °
<br /> � determtne, or to apply a13. such Isroceeds, after such d�ductianoa _
<br /> � to the restoratfo� of the Property ugon such conditions as Len��
<br /> . may dete�ne. Aay apPlic��ion of Praaeeds to indebtedness aha11 Cf_
<br /> not ext•end or gos�pone the dne date of anp payiaents �ander the {-�=�=
<br /> �:r �Iote, ar cure any default thereunder ox hereuader.
<br /> ..�,}. -
<br /> 7. Perfqrmance by Lender. In the event of Bonower's �=_.
<br /> �=,:$:, . failure to per€oz�► any of the apvenants herein or niake aay pay-
<br /> �;;�� .�` . ments regufred hereby, or i� au.�- �ia� is taken or legal psoceeding R„=
<br />:.��:R:.
<br /> �,..�� , commenced which ma�er�t:lp. af�e�t�. &ender's anterest in the � •
<br /> Prope�ty. Leader �aa�r � i�'ts c+�: �isarE�fon, but without obl3ga- —
<br /> � tion to do so� �nd ��i��� ��tta,�cs� ta or deinarad upoa Borrac���, .+�ts�3 I,
<br /> . withou� relea��CS.3 �brrotoer �ram any obliga�ion, do any aat wr�i� __
<br /> thQ 13o�c�w�ac:r has agreed but fails to da and �naY also d� ax►y a�ki��r
<br /> act i��citc-�ems ttecesea�*,��. �.� pro�ect th� .�r�z'i�y h�xeofo Porrrs�er
<br /> shal�C;.�u�di�tely a� c3emand .tihere£� by I►end�r, pay�� :&+ender _
<br /> . . all �at� anc� .�a.���enses incurr� anei sums expende8 by ���sa3c�..�.. �.:
<br /> : � conne��;czn witY�� �he exercise 3a� Lender of the foregoinq sig����.;,,� � �
<br /> . ,,, ;;'� � �oge�ir,�.0 with interes�.. thereon at the default rate provic�Qd as�
<br /> �� � the N�4*��, which sha1�: 3?e aaa�a to the�s.nc�e tedness s��c�ed
<br /> . . . herebp� �ende� s�all �^�� iracar any liabili�y becausQ r�� any�&ing . �
<br /> it may 80 or er�st� ta do hexeua��r.
<br /> . . -.
<br />.�.':�. � :. �. . ;'J��aazdo s Mate��.als. Borrower ehall �+ceep the �_
<br /> �� • , proger�t��r f:n cotz�l anc�..� th any and all federal, sl:rs&s��•�•and loca3.
<br /> law�� '��a���ces and r�r�alations =elating to industr���A' Mygiene .
<br /> � � or t� e��risonmental ��:�3itiona o�, uaider or about the�',l��caperty, . •
<br /> 3ne1u83.ng, but not lfmi4:ed �o.� soi]. and grouncl�iater ce��tc�$.tfar��;y _ � .
<br /> ' Trus�or shall ao� u��n.. genera�e, manufacture, store o� �ai�sga�+�.,±���
<br /> � on, uu��r or abaut �ts�� Praperty or txan�port to or £soYn th�� _
<br /> � prope�'��. �ny flammalaTi�.+�xploaives, rac�a:�nactiae ma�eria�.s, hazardous . <
<br /> wastes,'� ;�psic �auystanc�a or relate8 r��tt�rials, 3.�pcluding, wiichou� .
<br /> � limi�tatimn, aaay substances deffned as or inc��ader� in the de�inf.- f
<br /> tian o�..•hazardous aubstaQCes", "hazarc�oua crar��tea", •hazardens =_
<br /> � m�te��.1Cs�" os "toxfca subatances" uttc�w� any �ppli.cable laws, ' =
<br /> ordina.nm+�s or requlal�.,�ns (collectf,v+��.� referred to �.2reinafter
<br /> ��` as "gsa�ardous Materir�.;��s�). Horrower ixereby caa�raaa�; ��d repre- .. _
<br /> een�ca to Lendes tha� Cl'2�re ax� no Hazardous i�fa�c:r£a�r� ��sn os un8er _
<br /> +�,.he P�operty. Borrot�e�� herc�p agrees to itt��,.ien���% ���d holfl -�
<br /> hartaxraII� Lend�r, ita c�frectas�a, offirers, employe�s A�� agenta,
<br /> and an:� auccessors �a Lr�nder's intorest, from and ag��xr�t any arad
<br /> •� all csZ�!ims, dam�qes asrl liabilitiea arising in cann�r�f:fon �rith
<br /> �1te presence, use, aLosage. dfaposal or tra�eport of any Haaardous °
<br /> Ma�er9.als on, und�s, from or abont tho Praperty, inclmdfng, witih-
<br /> ou� lfm�tation, (a) all damages dfreat2p or indirect].p ar�sincy
<br /> ���,:. � ou� of the uae, gEneratfon, atorage or disposal o� Haaardaus
<br /> Ma�erials by Horrower ar any prior owner or operator of the
<br /> • . Propert;; and (b) all coats of any requi.red or �ecessary repair,
<br /> � cleanup or de�oxiffcatfon and the preparation of any cloanre or
<br /> � othar requfred plans, whether suah action :� reqnired or neces-
<br /> � _ eary prior to or following transfer of title to the Property, to
<br /> the fnll ex�ent tha� osch action is attzibutable, di�ectly o�
<br /> � indirec�ly, to the presence or use, generation, stor�ge, release,
<br /> `. thseatened release or clieposal of Hazardons Ma�erials by any
<br /> - person on a.i�a Pi��eb�y ����r �rs �r�.sisfcr of t3t�s th�ret4 by .
<br /> _-- ,, _
<br /> -3-
<br /> . . . . , � . . ... -, � . '' . . .� .��� � . . . . . ,. ��
<br /> .,. : � : . �,.. -��;. . ' . � . '= .� .. , .. . . .
<br />