, � � y. � � � ,. � ' ' ' .t` .-1_.-. ` . c _ y � � . .
<br /> i , :i - - �..��c ,�•—:=_
<br />� '- . - +. ' � cir:`-_..
<br />`:; 9�' g��� ��=
<br /> p�ym�ts may no la�s�tr be requued.gt the aption of I.eader.if mortgage insuianve ooverage(in ohe amaunt and for the period ==m=�
<br /> th�t i.end�r rea�uir�s)providcd by a+�insurer..�spmv�d by Lender again becomes ava?lable and is obtained.Sorrower sha11 gay �,.
<br /> t�przruiums�,ur:.�ro�rt;im m�rtg�Se it�'u''�nce in effe�,..or to prnvide a loss resenre.until ths iequiKment for mozt�age g_
<br /> �n
<br /> iasurante e�ds in ucca�danc:�with any tivritten agraemem betrxeen�ornn�ver and Lender or appticablc l�w. �:_Y-
<br /> 9.inspe�tlan. L.eader or its ngem m�y ma1c�e�flt�ble entries upon and inspectians of�he Property. L.ender shall geve �
<br /> Borrawer notiae m the time ot or prior to nn inspecdon specifying re3sonable cause for the u�sp�ctian. �'�--,°
<br /> 10. Cons�etnnailaa. 'i1�e proc�ds of any award or daim for damages. direct or consequential• in conne�ion with aay
<br /> oonQemnation or othcr 1ak.ing of aay{rart of the Pimperty.or for comeyance in Geu of oandemnasion,are hereby assigned and �<;�
<br /> shail be paid to Lendrr. �"�.
<br /> �.�_
<br /> [a the ev�nt of a toml tsking of the Property.the proceeds shall 6e applied to the sums secured by this Security lnsmiment, �.__`.__
<br /> °� whe3hee or noi t�en due, with�ny excess paid to Barrocver. In�e evet�t af a partial takinS of tke Pr°pe�Y in wluch the fair ���:;
<br /> rnarE;et value of the Proyerty imm�iately before the takin$ is equal to or greater thnn the amouni of the sams s°.+cured by this ��=�=:'
<br /> � �:�:.-:
<br /> `� geecuiry Instrument cmmafiately befare the taking.unless Borrower and Lender athen�rise agree in wrinnS.the sums s��by
<br /> this Secariry lnswmettt sl�all he reduoed by th�a�anunt of the praceeds mutdplied by the fallo�ving fraction: (a) the total _
<br /> ainount af the sums secu�d i�r��liatety before the ta�dng, divided by(b)tEe fair cnarket value of the Pra�erty immediately
<br /> bef�re the takiag. Any balauce shail 6e paid w Sorrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair =— -
<br /> matl�et value of the�roperty immediately before tha taking is less tttan the amount of ths sums secured irBnsgiiately before the
<br /> taking.untess Borrcasver and Lettder oiheswise agree in writing oa uniess applicable!aw otherwiss provids�.d�proseeds sl�sll
<br /> be agplied to the sums secured by this Seauity Instruznent whether or not the sv�ns ane then due.
<br /> If the Praperty is ab�ndoned by Barrowet.or if,after notioe by Lender to Burro�er that the oon�ra�nr�ffers to mt�a�an ,q[�:�:Y
<br /> award or settie a claim fmr dumages. Borsowez fails to res�ond to I.ender witTu.v 30 days after the dat�ti�nouce is.give�►. . ��_
<br /> �„�:.�
<br /> L.ender is aut�orize�to coflect nnd apply the prooeeds,at its o�vat�.eitl:er to�tos�iian ar r�ir of the Property ar to tS�su.�ss _
<br /> secured�rf this S�uriry laswmgnt.wh:ther or nnt then du•�. ��ioa of oee�i4 to prin�ipal shall nat c�i�m3 ur °`�
<br /> � lTnless i.�e�e� and �otrower otl�erarise agcee ia writing. anY xPP PTn
<br /> an
<br /> �i . postpone the�a daie of tt�e monYhiY PaYtuents refemed w in pa�agraphs i and Z a�change the aucount of�p�ay�.,°°�ss. (�-�-�;
<br /> ;, Il.Borrawer Not Releas�t3:E'orbearnaaz�y g.enBer l�tot a QVaiver.Estension of the tis�far�y�or madif cation -
<br /> of amoxtirdti�n of t�e sums cerured by this Security Instnu�nt Sxanted by L.nder to any�ucoessor in imert�•nf Burrower sl�all �-�_
<br /> ; �r.
<br /> ' nat operate to�elease the liability of ths a�nginal Eorrower or Borrower s successo�s in�n�:s• I.ender shall n°t b����O et
<br /> "' ���ce p�ings against any suocessar in i�erest or refuse to eatend ame for payn�G n:othenvise modify amorti�tion ,:
<br /> . bf the sums se��d by this Secarity Instrument by reason of su►y demai►d made by the original Bo�rower or Sorrower's
<br /> succ;essors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercisimg any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclade che . �_^__
<br /> � e�ceFCise af any ri�ha or re�aedy. �
<br /> 12.Snc�t�ead Asigns IIaund;duint and Severa! LlssbiDi4y,Casfg►ers. The co�enants aud agr�n�,U�� • -
<br /> Serurity Inst�nment shal! 6irtd and benefit the successors and a..��''igns of Y.ender and Iiarmwier, subject w the prml�iS�of ��:==.;:
<br /> shatl 6e oint ancf several. Any Er�r�res who arsigas this S�,�rity ' � ���
<br /> paragraph 1'9. Borrower's covenants aad a�reements� � ,t ,�and oonv that -
<br /> • t� �m�nt but does aot execute the Note: (a) is co-si n this Sesurity Instrument anly�+a•�nrtgage,.�xr' eY
<br /> �s uffc .. .��ally abti W a the sums �:
<br /> � Borrawer's anterest in the Pmperty under the terms of ttl�iis Secvsiry Insuvment:(b)' I� � P Y �-..,-
<br /> ;s; . secuted bY this Security Insirument:and(c)agrees that l.ender a�d any other Borrowei ma��'sr{�t�to exteud,modify.forbear or �;,}
<br />`i.�� ' ms�ke�y aocommadations with regacd ro the terms of t6is Seavri►Y Inswment or the Na.e�uitttrs,�c that Bomuwer's canseni. —.-
<br /> p3.Loan CH�gev. If the toan sec,vred by this Security IRSUament is saBject ta a Isva wfd�sfi sets maxim��+n losn cuarges. �^=.
<br /> • and that law is 6na11y intetQrecod so that the interest or other loan charges ooJl�or to�se coile�cted'm conae�tiaa with the �-
<br /> loan cxceed�he permitted limits.then:ia)any s�ch ioao charge shalt be red+*_s�d E��t�e�c�t n�cessary to reduce tha charge . �
<br /> . h
<br />� to the pemtitted linrit:and(b)any sums already collected from 6r.,ar,vwer w h fc b ex ce o�a i:�tt e d l i m i t s w i l l b c r e f i u s��d t o �.
<br /> Borrower. I.ender may chaose to make t�is refund by reduc�,;�he prirtc�pa� owed�u►�fi�r'f�ae Note or by rnafdng�rr:diraci. �
<br />' payment to Botro�xer. If a refimd redufles princip�al. the relr:ry.ion will 6e uezte8 ��.�}.l�+v'tial Pre�.Ya►ent vyitltaut ar►y+.
<br /> � �.�
<br /> • � � PreP�Y�IIt charBe under the Note. . �.� ', • � ' ����,�`.
<br /> '.' 14.Notices.Any noticcs to�orrower prov}d�for in tbis Cci.•urity Instc�iatu�?�:�%�=)-�S�yen by detiv'ering it ai�by mailin� .'�•,�•. �r
<br /> it by fitst ctass rtrail�u►less agplicab2e[aw requires use of ana���thod.T::e cs�tiCe r��{�:t�z directed to the Fropetty Address • �*°
<br /> or any othes address Borrower designates 6y aotire to Len� Any aotice to 1Pn:,+r�'!=1ia�1 be pven by fi�st class mai�! to �;y:_-
<br /> Lender's address siated nerein or uny otheT address Lender de�ignates by notice co�rs+r,M�er. Any notice provide�for in this :.._-
<br /> , • � Seavity Instnirnent shali be deeme4 to have been given tu Bamower or i.ead��i'r���,;t�[as provided in this paraS�P�-
<br /> 1S.GoveraCag La+w; SsverabSfity. This Sec�riry Insmanent shall i,ne ��,.:er,�e����by federal law and tha law of the
<br /> ., jurisdiczion in which the Fcoperty is located. ln ths event thai+s�y��srovisio�cr ci�'�'n�ih�ls Seavity lns3�vm$nt or the Note ��,,,
<br /> ' .� conflicts with e�plir�able taa.sucb conflict shall not affect oth��¢r,visions of¢hIs S�utri��'��rr�wment or the Note wEifcis.�an 6e _
<br /> given Effec3.without the oonflicting pmvision.To this end che�rovisions of t�is s�auiYy trestmment and che Nate ar�:dC:�lared _�.,._
<br /> ;�'•., . to 6e severable.
<br /> 16.Borro�er's Copy Borrower shnll bE given one oonfom�ed copy of�ire nute an�of this Security tnsttument• �
<br /> �.'�i Form'�dZi) 919a
<br /> p�pp2ot 8
<br /> . . , . . . , . , . �� . t . ' . . � 1��'�S: _ : . �. .
<br /> .. . . ., . �.. ,
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