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<br /> _ - ,. . =°'..
<br /> s�
<br /> ,Y/ M� � :.
<br />•y'1 e� ���� -'_
<br /> �4" S. gYa�rd ar Pro�,�ty H�su�. L�rmaea shafl &eep tkz irriprovements now eacisang or her�after erected on the f�;?��f•r,
<br />..� F' �,�`_,.�
<br /> Peap2rty insured against loss by fue.harar�s included c�iLhin Yke term "extcnded rnverage" en�vny uther haz�rds, in�luding
<br /> a
<br /> �,.i:.;`
<br /> Roods or flooding,ior which t.e�er mqnises insuiunce. Tnis insura,-►�z�`iali be.�intainr.�in the um.oanu and for tt:e pPriods �u
<br /> , that L,en�er requir�s,The insurance carrirr p�avidin�the insarance sh�tl be chosea by Boirower ss�bject to l.ender's�proval ��F�
<br /> which shal! acoi b;. �nreasonabfy «ithheld• if Bomnwer faits to maintain cavera;e descdhed above. Lender may. at Ler.d2r's
<br /> �'�•.
<br /> . aption.abiain c�verage to protect Lecd�r's rigl�ts in the Property izt ar,cordnitce with paragraph 7.
<br /> ��--,=
<br /> �_�
<br /> ".� ,�11 insuranoe policies acd renecvals st�all be acoepiable ta Lender and shall inc9ude a standard mortgage claaase. Lender _
<br /> � shall have the right to hold the palicies acd.renewats.If Leis�der requires.Bosrewer shall promptly give to Lender aSi receipss uf ___.
<br />. �° paid premiums and reaecval notices.In tF:e e•rcta flf loss.Borrow..r sfiail give prompt rrotice to the insurance carrier and Lend�. �'`-�;-
<br /> �. Lax•der m3y ma�e pmof of lass if rtot made p::ur.�y by Borrower. ��:�x_,
<br /> Unless.Lender and Borrower o�envise agsYe in v+riang,insvrance procee�s s5ali be applied to restorstian or repair of[he ��,�:,�
<br /> � Pro tf the testoration ar is economicalty fea�+61e and Lendei s secwity is not lesss�ad.If the rescoration or �x°^'�=
<br /> A�Y�g�- � �=SX�'�
<br /> repair is not eoonomirally feasible or LeadPr's�ecuriry would be lessened.the inswancE prac�eds shall be applied ta the sums «_�`_��
<br /> `�� sec.ured by this Sesurity Iasuument,wpuetl�ea ar nui then dae. tivith any excess paid to Baaower. If Borrotiver abandons the �.�._-
<br /> � Property.or daes uot answer within 30 day3 a aotice fcom 1.ender that the insurance carrier hns affered to settle a claim.then
<br /> ' IBader may collact tLe insur�ce proceeds. L.e�der may �se the pmceads to mpair or restore the Frnp�ny ar to pay sums �
<br /> .. secu�ed by this Seauity Inswment,whetber gs s�ot then due.The 3Q-0ay p�od will he�in when the aotiae is giveu. ,
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrovrer otbenvise 2ge�in cvtiting. anY ap�lication of gmc�ods to principal shall ncit extemd ar �
<br /> , postpons tke due date of the rnonthly payr,�ea:s r�f�red to jn pazugrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amawat of the gayme.m�. if __
<br /> ur,der paiagragh 21 the Property is acq�aired tr,�Leuder.�orrower's right to any insurance poliaes amd proo�eds r�a►iti�.fram -L-a-
<br /> darnage to the Fraperty prior to the acquisitiaix st�ll pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secvmd by this Secvritg►Ins�cut 6;;�r�:
<br /> z .
<br /> irnmediatety prior to the acquisition. �;;�4,';.
<br /> 6.Oocapaucy.P�at�na.Maintca��e s��i Froter�ion oi the Feogerty,Barcn�r's I.Qan Appffs�t€o�F.�e�uids. ,• r�
<br /> gomnv�rer sha11 vocupy.establish,and vse th�Property as Ss�rocver's principal residerwe witiun sixry days after¢�e exonation of i__--
<br /> . this 3ecurity I�#rrmeat and shal!coarinue to�srxupy the Pro�perty as Bflrrower's princ'spal residencs for at least one year ati�r = --
<br /> .. ti�dsite of occu�r.sncy,untess Les�.der otfiecwise ag�ees in K�ting,�ttucla sonsent sLall not be unreatanably witl�ttefd,ur unl�s —_.-..,.
<br /> dt n
<br /> .,. �g�ating cir�sances e�cist whic6 ate ix,�yo�d Bo�mvs�t's ce�l. Bon�wer shall noi destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> • �?. Fcmrerty,altow the Property�.deieriorat:. or eommii�va�on the Properry. Borrower shall be in dcfautt if any forfeiture �;_
<br /> sctian or praoee�in�,v�hether civ'sl or caim*.�1,is i�eg�n•t�'�a3 in I.ender's good faith,judg�aeat ooutd cesvIt in forfeiture of the —_
<br /> � Pcopert3+or otherwise materially impair the}isn tzeated by this Security Iastnuaent or L.endea's sesurity i�enest.Bonower may ��
<br /> ; .•;� can:such a default and reinstate,as providad i���b i8.by causin�the�ction or pror�ling to be disa�sssed with a mling ----
<br /> .r.. tirstt, in I.ender's good faith dr.ta�rrninatinia. p�r'-sudes Cai{i�i�of We 8mxower's interest in t3ne Pruperty or oii�er materi�i g==-
<br /> 3[i
<br /> �rmeat of the lien crea�i3�C� this Sacasi$Y I�ur L,ender's secnrity interest. Bomacve�r shall atso(�i.n d�faalt if
<br /> �rrtrower.d�uing the toan appt�.taon pmses3.gave marerially false or inaocurate infor�atiion or statements to F�;cdxar(or fa�'ted
<br />„,�•,:�; to provide Lender with auy u�serial infaaparia��in oonnect�ion witb tts,�Inan eviden�by the Note.incIudiaa,�'.a�'mmz limite�
<br /> . :-%•i. . to.tePmsentations canceming.Horrowec's�ac�ncy of the Pmp�ty u:,��.�siacipul residence.If this Securiry Instrument is op a ----
<br /> .�t; .teasehoId. Barrower shal! awi���lY �vith aL! t3u�provi�c�as of the l�s�: �f Borto�r,�aas�ui�.s fee title to tha Property, the _:.;�
<br /> ,�..:s� �,.. �;:��::
<br /> ;,;;;:, .: lmsc�oid and the fee title shpl2,n�zt��rge u..*il�r.ss L�nder pgces to the merg2r ir�nrisSyt#,, -
<br /> '•':r�'f': 7.Pratectton ot Leada's Itjg�ts in sh�Pmperty.If Borrower fa�s to per�ri�tlfa:covenants and agreeinent�coarnined in --
<br /> . '"��(,�•: this Security Insuument,or there is a leg,� �ing that raay signifcr�ntly afi�'�endcr's rigtrts in the P�npercy(suah as a
<br /> r`�;a , pTppet�iDg irt ban�uptcy,probate,far carrd;[rLation or forfeihuc or w enforce laas ar regulations),then Lender may do and. �
<br /> . �..t.�. PaY fos whatever is nec�ssary to protect ttue val:�:of ih:Praperty and l.eaQer's ri�;:�en the Pmperty. Lender's actions�may �•
<br /> • iaclude PaYinS anY sums secured by a li�e afiach has_priority over this Security; Trratcument. appearing in canrt, PaY�B =---
<br /> ' reasonable auomays'fees and enterin�on�Prope,rly to make repairs.Although Lender may cake action undtr tf�p a r�g t a D h '
<br /> � 7,I.ender does aat have to do so. . . —.
<br /> •�'!��' Any amounts disbuised by Lender �:ndes�ttis Daragraph 7 ahpi�.isxome additional deUt of Borrower secaretl by fhLq.
<br /> � �',` :'.. Secvrity Insuument.Unless Borrnwer ard Lendxr a;ree to other tex���5t payment. these amounYs shall bcar iraerest fm�n tint� �
<br />_ . :; ,v �;�.
<br /> ,<,.
<br /> •;.,`•+ il ,• , rJa'�of disbuss�aent at the Kote rate ac� sha11 i�e paya;�:e, with i.Rterest, upan,�i�i�ce from Yendtt to Bonrow�r ceqnesting
<br /> ,y:.;;fr.i;.>,' . ::t���. : . ',
<br />';�°:- ' '� S.Mortgage Iasnranc�.if i.ender rcr��tiaad aiortgage iasurance as a canditian of making the Ioan sECUred by this Security �j
<br /> j;�j� ,. . Instrument, �orrower simli pay the prem�i{�mm���'eqnired.to maintain the mortgage insurance in effsct. If, for any t�son, the ---
<br /> „_y„ . .. `",�.'
<br /> ;�� mortgage insu�nce coveiage r�quired by f�lapses.os ceases to 6e in etfect,Borrower shall puy the premiums required to � ��u:
<br /> '�i�'�`��` obtain ooverage substantisiliy equivaleat ta�.martgag�bFUUrance previousiy in effect.at a cast substautinlly equivalent to the =,,,;__
<br /> •�•�_� ---.._
<br /> �• cost to Borrawer of the mortglge insu�zacc yreviousls in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approv�by Le�er. If
<br />:�%ti�. substantialty equivaient mortgege insu�ce emverage is not uvailable,Barrowes sh�)1 pay to Lender eaah month a sum equal ta
<br />.�;;����.,� � oao-twtlfth of the yearly mortgage insur�ce p�gmium being paid by 13o:cower when the insuranoe eovernge taDsed or c�eased to
<br /> be in effect.i�ender wilt acaept.use asd retain thas�payxnents as a(o�fJ reserve in tieu of mortgage ins�ts�nce. Loss resexve-
<br />� . . , krm 3028 0180
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