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<br /> ,. ,•' ',
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<br /> � 17.Tr�nsfer of tPae�operiy or u�eaeft�l Iater�st i�IInrraRer.If ap or any part of the PropYrty or any interest in it �_.-_
<br /> �-i:_.-
<br />`'._%�' is sotd or transfersed(or if a brnefccial interest ia�arCvi�er is sotd or tr�nsferred asd Berrouer�s not u n�aumt person)without �„�,�.
<br /> �``� Lendcr'a pri�r r:ritten cor►sent. Lender cnay. at its option, regui� imm.°d�at�: PaYment in futl of a!1 sums secured by this
<br /> - • �e��rity ir�struru�t,Ho�ever,this upticn sh:!!not be exercised by Lender if cxcrcise is prohibited by foderal law as of the date �+;.
<br /> of this Sesurity Insuument. �,..
<br /> If Lendcr exercises this option. [xndcr shall give Bomau�x�natice of ucceteratiQn. 'fhe r�otice shall pmyide a p2riad of not —
<br /> less than 30 days from the date[t►: notice is d'elivered or rt:aitvd within tivhicfi Borrawer enust pay a!I sums securesi by this �--
<br /> Security Inswment.if Barro�ver faiis to pay tt�se�ums prior tn the expiration af this periad.Lertder m�invoke any remedies ��+_°'
<br /> °� pemutte�i by ttis Security Insiiument without funher notioe ar�mand oa Bnrrozver. �"�
<br /> ` 1�. Lorro�¢r's Ed�ght ta ReEn.ttstte. If Borrawer meeu ozrtain con�iitu�ns• Borrower shall have the rigHt to have
<br /> tst
<br /> ' enforrement of this Security Ins�rum�nt discantin��d at any time prinr!o the earlier of: la)S days (or such osher p:ciad as ��4';.=:
<br /> applipble law a�y sprcify for ceinstateutent� before �1e of the Pro�ert}+ Pursuant co any po«u of sale coatuin9d in �his a
<br /> Pro
<br /> �,� gecuriry Insuument•or(b}entry of a jud�meni eitforc�rt�this�5�1'�ment.Thase coudiuonc are that Borro�rer: la)pays �;�:'_:
<br /> Lender u!1 sums which then would h�due uadsr thia Security lnstr�ment and the Note as if no acceteh►tion htid occurred: (b! ______
<br /> cvres any defauft of any asher eovenants or�greemr.nts: (c)Pays all expeiues iacurred in enf�rcing this Security insttu�4 ���4,_
<br /> `''.`•�;. including.6ut not limited to.reasonable attom�ys f�s:and id)u3ke.s such action as Lender may reason�ly require to assure ��__
<br /> � tdai tha lien of this Secarity Insnument. LBader s rights in the Property and Barrowei s obligation to pay�Ir strum �ansf the "-°-�-
<br /> `' this Securiry [nstnnn�nt shall oontinue uns.han�ed. 13pon rziastatement by Borratver. this Security R_—
<br /> obli�arions secu�rl bereby shall rzmain fulty effective as if no aoceleratioa had aoa►rted•FEowe�rer.this right Eo rcinstt�te sitall
<br /> not apply in th:r+se of acceteratioa under psragraph 17. ��'�'
<br /> ,� 19. Saie o?Ko� C�ge of L�an-S�vioe�'• 7'he Note or a p�raa; interest in the Nate Etogether witt�►h�s SecuMY � u_.
<br /> ..�' Inspvment)may he sald on.or m��tin'.es+Nithout prior notice to Bormwer.A sale may resutt in a cl�ange in the entity tlmown =___
<br /> ay the^Loan Service=")chat eoilects monthly paymeuts due under the Note and this Secunty Instrument•There also may be on� ___
<br /> ch
<br /> �.,• O3��g�of�Loan gesvioer unr�latad to a sale of the Nute. If�ltere es a change of the Loan Senricer.Borrower arill be �{,iz
<br /> "`" given written nauce o€the change in accardanoe with paragraPh 14 a9suve and appiicable la�v.The nouce cvill state the name and ��__-
<br />,,:: - n ,
<br />..;if_ addiess of the new Loaa Se�rvicer an�the address to which payments shoWd be made.The notice wiil alsn wntain any ot6er
<br /> :�.;:'. i�'oramtion requir�ad bY aPPiir�le law- __��:.�-
<br /> � Zp. �dOt�s Sntiy-tunses, Borrotiver sl�Il not cau�or pecynit�lie praence, use, disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> i1S
<br /> Ht7.�ndoas Subs4auceg on�a:.�m the ProPe�tY- Bflsr�'+�s? sl�all not do, rmr altaw anyone else to do, anyc6iitf3 affecting the Y;::':;.
<br /> Pro�erty tha4 is in viotaticr�cf:any FJr�ifonmentsil Lan'.T�'E re�eding t�o senie�tc�shall noi appiy to the pmsease,use.or �'.�t;`'
<br /><'��:F,,� storage on the Froperty of sm�il c�anrities of Hazardaus 5ubsptances tlmt are generally rer°gniT�ad to be appanpriate w nonaal �:-'f_•
<br />;r�y residential uses aad[o maintenance of th�Property. _. -
<br /> ,'rt���: �orrower shall promptlY give Lend�r wnnen notice of any investigation, claim.demand. ���t or other action bg a� _ _
<br />;',.�f govemm�l or regulatary agency or private��tj+involving the Propetty and any HazaTdot�Su3�stnnce or Envimnntenta!L�►w --
<br /> ;:;:�; of which Bamoa�rer has actuai knotivledge. If Borrmver leams.or is notifeed by any govemmentnl or regniatory authority.that ----
<br /> �" �y remava!or other remediation of any Harandous Subftunce affecaing the Property is aecessary.Barrower shaU prompdy taice �_y,L:
<br /> !:a���' aii necess�rsry rentedial ac7ions in accorda.•r.e with Eavicotimental Law. ------
<br /> �y�m� As ase4:in.ihis paiagaph 20. 'Hs�nrd�s Substanoes" are those substances defined as tosic or hazardnus sc�bEtances by --
<br />:�-':�° • �nvironm�itt�!�k�tiw and the following subvt�nees• gasaline. kerosene, other flamrnahte or touic�oleum pnxiucts. toxie ---
<br />'''�•�.'� pesticIdes ansi lu�icides,vol�ti[e sol�ems.m�t�rials rntuaining asbestos er formalde�iyde.and radi�ve matezials.As us�d in
<br /> �`�'., this ParaSraPh Za.°Environsnt�ri►,a1 Ia�"'�n.s federal [aws and laws of che juriedidion where ti:e Propeny is to�that i;.__,.
<br /> :.,� relate to health,safeiY or envlmus�ul proteztion. �� '
<br /> �`',•" .
<br /> PtOId-LJNI�ORPd COVENANTS.@osrower aad L�der further cavenant and agree a�follows: ���,"•',
<br />� :�... 2I.Aov��aflon;R�edics.i.emdtss�trall�ive Qotice to Barratver prtor to aoceie�ation fof�awjng Burnn�r�s br�ad'� "°='
<br /> ' �` af azry oovc�n3•or sgreeenart,in Wis��c�ta�sctg' Inst�ament Na�nat ptior to a�celerati� �aIes par.►�aph 17 u�s r�.•.
<br /> , appticabie taw pmvtdes oxherwjse).The ao�toe shail s�edf9: (�)tlie ddsait,(b?the acttoa required to care tlhe defaait; 1�:°'"-
<br /> edf
<br /> t�).a d�te.tapi tess ihan 30 days flmm We dste thE atYttoe ts givea to Borrorrer,Ay�v��t6e defauLt must be c�+ed;sutd �=
<br /> . (t1a`;@b3t�SLtIT2 t0 CIITY tt1Y dC1�QIII3 fSD OT II2gUYU' �YiD t�OtC SpQCi�Ca III t�lC 00tIC2 mAy [2SIIIt III i��OCtCl�l1011 Of�DC 51ffiS� :�=
<br /> �
<br /> s�r��by t3�:���'ttY I�ira��t flnd�1e ufitrie Fro�crty. T6e uo4ice sh�U further tnfoem�orro�rr of thP eigR�t to �
<br /> :��';;? rei�tate e4�s^.':uncele�tton mud the r1�7!n 6ring o wmt act�an t6 ase�4 the aoa-��ce of a�►ntt or any otkc�r
<br /> ,',.i defe�se aP 1Ti�t�t1��to�cc�terzttan anr�;as�ie.IP the defaalt is n�cnre�l an or befare Wa cttrte sp�cfiied in the notldC� �
<br /> �„•aL�t��a,�stbn,ma9 ret¢al�umi�t3�te Payment in[atl of afl sams secm�ed by tttifl�sitY I�'�t witttont•
<br /> . r ��Pa�. �i3�'rtem�ii�sad ansy tnv�3ie thc�parre�of s�le su�d enq ot�er remed�cs pes�iYte�6y ap�able tow.l.eucter sball lso �;rE%�
<br /> �{t��tf��o c�a��aD�gxpet}�#!����E6a r�edi�s pravLdeB tn tht��ara�saDs B�,1ncla�Iag,9f!at aot Iimited . ..,�,�,,;x�
<br /> .;:; spet .;.. .���M;
<br /> to;�sou�tT�;'�turneYs'[i��nt➢c�ts: �t�tle ev�dc�. � 'A � ot the ("':";''
<br /> � . �E'ti�e, , Mc�'of sais i�i�oSt�cf,:'i�sluill �c�rd a tio��c�Y dctaa��9)e�ae6 can�I;�.'a Wbic�r�9�4 �r�
<br /> Ynaperty�S"�:�u2e�and sh�il mail uaDl�sr�rof sacb aattoe i�t6e m�amc�r pre�ii�r��P�q zpptt�.i�ia�to Borrower and¢t� ��',._�,
<br /> ' the othQr pe�soas presartbed by appl3tufd.4:�utiv.Atter the ttme.s+eqair�,i by ap�(��te�aw,'�'i�oe shalt give pnblk aotla .
<br /> �'� of syie to tfie persons aad in the mannet�resc��Ibed�by applirabte Inw.Tra�.�;:��itGuont�nand on Bor��ser.shall se1D �
<br /> ,�,.'�,;r ths P�aperDy at pnblk anction to the highest 6fdt3�r:�t�the ttme and pfzee r+ncf�l�iLer tlfe ter�s dcsig�aierl in the notice of �9'�if,=
<br /> " ' � suie ld on�or monc parc.�]s�ad in any o:der 1`rmst�d�3e�ines.Trustee ar���OStpone sale of all or auy parcel o!the :�,
<br /> ;�•-�",� prope�ty 1/j�:�. t�ltc ennomtoemeni a1 ift�time€�nc7 pl�oe of sny�yiunsly s�e�vled sale.Lendcr or its d�sigaee may ' �..,�_
<br /> :�-ti���: pnretw�e,tti��ri�rat aay s�2e. - --
<br /> ,i��(�,_, �,.
<br />. . . '
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