. . . .� . . . . , . „ C;. -�. ..r..a _.
<br />. l • • t • t :'!,r ♦ • � ' .�..`,.z����_j.._'_ ___'
<br />. t. • �Y� ( C�r''. .
<br /> TQt'iE'E'EIER�'`l1TI�&ail tAe icnprovem�nts rtuw or hereafter erecte�on the proparty�an���nts, appurtenances.and --_:-
<br /> ��:-
<br /> ' fixtures aow or Eaereaftes a past of the pra�rtY• Au reAl$sem�nts a� ��aons shall �lso be sovered by ahis Sgceirity ---_.
<br />. insnument.All of th�fo:egQing is�feaad to in[{us Security I�tniment as the°Property" L�:"==`_
<br /> $ORROWER COVLIVAM'S Eh�t 3orrowet is laR'fuf13�sd of!he esi2te 1s.erchy oonveyed attd has the tight to pr�eu asd =- _ _
<br /> oonvey the Fraperry aad thai th:lProperry �s unemcumbered.eucept for encumbrances of rec�n3. Bonawer wartants and wiU �'=;�
<br /> defen�geaerally the dt�e to the Progecty ad lnct all ctaims and de�nands.subject to any encumbrances of record. �:,�
<br /> Tf�S SECUItITY INSTKl1M�iT combines unifarm covenants for national use ar+d non-uniforsn oovenants with limited _
<br /> variations by jurisdict9or�to consutuie a uniform securiry ins�u:nent covereng reai property. ��
<br /> UNII�ORM COVENANfS.IIorrower and Lender rn�enant and agee as faAows: when due the ��
<br /> 1. Paymeat of Prinripst euad En2eaest; PrepaYme�t and I.ate Ci�alges. Bomo�ver sizal!promPdY PaY �
<br /> j - principal af and int+erest ot�the d�tss edidr�re�bi'tI�N°�e and any prepaymeut and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2, �and�for Taxes and Iaseraa�. Suhlea to applicable law or to a written wai�er by l,ender.Burrower shall pay to �:
<br /> • i,end�on the day monthly paymeuu are due�nder the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a susn("Furtds"l for.(a)yearly taxey �e�
<br /> • '� and assessments which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearlY leasekold payments �.
<br /> ��n , or giaund t�ents on the Prop�rty.if ai►y:(c)Year1Y ha�ard or progerty insarance premiums:(d}yearly flaod insur'ance pzemiums.
<br /> . � if any:(e)ye�1Y mortgage insurance premiums, if any:and(fl auY Sums PaYable by Borrower to Lender. in accordunce aith __
<br /> .. the pmvisions of pacagrapb 8,in lieu of the payment of moagage insusance pm.miw�ns•These ite������Esc�°w Items.' _ _
<br /> � I,ende�r rmy,at any time.oollect and hold F�s in an amount not to exce�l tlie maximuu► amown a�ender for a faderally
<br /> related mortgage laan muy require for Borrowei s escrow aocount under the federal Rea! Estate Settlement Praoedures Act of R..__
<br /> 1974 as artt��d fimuc c3me m time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2l01 ei seq. ("RESPA").unless anather law that applies to the Funds �,"."-
<br /> sds u l�r.�m3s..I�so, Lender may. at anY wae. wllea and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amnunt. —•-T
<br /> ` �m�y�te tisE:ammuu of Funds ctae on the basis of ctureIIt data and�easonable�tes of expenditures of futtu�
<br /> Escravv Items or othetwi-_e in atcordance'with aPp�icable la�v. �`
<br /> 'Tt�e Funds slia3l be held in are ia�tihrtion whose deposits aze insured by a federal agency. insuumentality. or emity �J_,,,-
<br /> (inciuding�uder.if Lender is surh an institution)or in any Feder,�l Home Lo�Bank.Leade�s6all apply the Funds to pay the r
<br /> �scrmv IIs�ns.Lender may aat charge Bormwer for halding and apptyi!�g titp��nds,annnallY analYzutg the esc�w acco�.'�t,or �-
<br /> interest on the i'-u�ds and plirable law peratits I.ender to m�� ���.,��.
<br /> .. verifying the Escrow Ivems.unless Lender pays Borrower -a. ap
<br /> .. a charge.However.Ler,�ter may require Borrower to pay a one-time char�e C�G an independent real estate t�re�sorti�„�vice -_ -
<br /> � u�ed by 1.�nder in oormection with this loan. unless applicable law pmvid�otheiwise. Udess an a�ment is made or _.._.._
<br /> r': ;. applicable 7aw requires interest to bz paid.Lender sha!!not bs required to pay Borrower an}r interesc ar r�sF�gs on the Funds. e=-�.�.
<br /> Bormwer and L.ender may agreP in writing. however. that interest shall be paid on the Funds. fender shaflL gEvB to I�usrawer. aa•,�.
<br /> a+ithout charge. an anmaal aocountin$of the Funds,showing cnedits and dehits to the Funds and the pur�z�se for w6*ch each _
<br /> �. ' debi�to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additio�l security for ai�sums sewred by this Secv�P.y Insuume�t-
<br /> If We Funds ltel�i�I.ender exc�ed the amouuts pea�mitted to b�held bY aPPlicable law,Lender shall aocount w Borcower
<br /> ' fur th�excess Funds ir�.�i;,xordance witb the reAui�us�3s of appGcable law. If the amount of the Funds held lry I..ender at any. . . '
<br /> dme is nr�:�ffccient ta p�ay the Escrow Items when due,Leadcr rr,�ay so notify Bomnwer in wr;ting,and,in sucb case&,�owca` :
<br /> shalj p��-y tts II.ender thK amount n�,.�ry to m�ap tl::�9Yi;iia�►:��. Borrower shall Qnatie�the deficiency in no irar3rt��t�2n �•r=•�
<br /> : twelve mon2iilY PaY�:,at L.eader's sole cti�crc�nar. : .`::` .
<br /> , Upot►PaYmem.i�;fi�ll of all suras securai.f�tRu.� �.���:! �ment. Lender shall promptly�!"ti�d to Earts���any , . .
<br /> Fu�.s heI��y Lendex��t�€,un�er paragmph 21,[.ender shall aa�.,+a:se or se11 the Property,Lender.prior to t�acquisfaian..+a�se�e
<br /> •' .: of the Ptn�itY,sha11 aPP�Y�Y F�s held by lxnder at the.4iizu:.of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums�rcrad by
<br /> � � this Securir�r Insmu�e:as. �;. . i.
<br /> � i 3.Apptication r�l'rT'ayments.Unless epplicable!aw pmvid�:�s otherwise,ap payments received by Ls;nde:under Pt�;."a�hs �;:
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appt3c��:first.to anY P�Fa3+mznt charges dae ttIIder the NQ;�e;secand.to amaunts gayab2�under paiagraph 2; • �
<br /> �. thisd.to interest due:•Cs�uub,w Princi8al due:and tast,to a�ry late charges dc��ande,the Note. �a�
<br /> ' , 4.,�h�c�;�e�s.Eorroaver.ball paY e11 taxes.°�-�s"'°�ra.c�arges:�es aad impnsitions ataibutable w th�.ProPert3+
<br /> :`�,-'. which:fariS atsain priority over viif�!lecuriry I�strament, and Uamr'�.nld pa+�snts or gracrn�i Qent�, if any. Barrowr.f�lr.a11 pay �.
<br /> ttiese t,�s4rgations in t�mat�nes provided in pardgtaph 2.or if nrN��aid in d�;r.t aratmer.Bonower shall pau ti��aa tit��irecxly [:•-�_
<br /> .xo tLe person owed paymeni.Borrower shall proraplly fumi�b u�•�.Ender all.nu.ices of amounts to 6e paui:��tmd�u.`�is P�S�aPh• . . -!
<br /> .b
<br /> ' if Borrower malces these payments directly.$om�wer shall�rm�13y furaish to Lender receipts evidenciaj�r.r81��ayments• • -• �.'
<br /> • Aa�sower shall promptly discha7ge any Ilen cvhioh has gtirr.ii:u over this Security Instrument untess E�rrowu:(a)��rs:tes in +:.`' .
<br /> . A.
<br /> � • � writiu�tra the payment of the abligation sec�ued by the lien ur.:c i�nner acceptable to i.ender:(b)contests in good fait�ldtr�`�ien � ---
<br /> „ by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal pmas�lings ahich in the Lender's opinion operate to ptcl��:t the �
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hoider of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lettder subordinariag the llen to _
<br /> � this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that eny part of the Property is subjtct to a lien whieh ma'►attain priority over . --
<br /> this Security Instrument.l.eneiec may give Borrower.a notice(dentifyjng the lien.Borrower shatl satisfy the lien ot take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth ulwve within 10 days of the giving of notice. _
<br /> , Fartn 8tJ�3 9190 =
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