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<br /> ��t��°�'�`�"'�r.:'� cundemnation or othcr tuking of uny part of thc Pm�x:ny.ur t'ar conveyunce in licu ui roncicmnuli�m,nrc hcr�hy uwnfgneJ und �_
<br /> �;�-_�,.��:.: ahull be paiJ�o l.ender. ! _
<br /> _��� +r� i'�� In �he event af u totul laking af �he Pro�xny, ihe pr�+ceedti ,hull Ix upplicd to Ihe ,umw +rcured hy thiy Se�uri�y
<br /> `;�;�� _ ,°� . In�trumenl,whethcr ur nat then duc, wi��ony cxccti,puid to Borcc�wcr. In�hc cv�nt of a punial �uking uf�hc I'ropeny in
<br /> '�',-T`�'�'�+'° N: �a which�he fuir murket vAluc of�hc Rupeny immediatcly txi'orc thc�aking i�cyuul tu ur gre•rter�han ihr amuum uf thc sums -
<br /> �;��Yl�� `'g�tf`- r,erured by this Seru�ity Inslrument immediu�cly hcturc thc Iaking, unlc+�Borrowrr und l.endcr u�hcrwi+r;�gn:c in ariting.
<br /> """ '' '' . �he rum�ucurcd by Ihix Scrurity Im�rumcnl�hall tx redurcd by thc unwunt of�hc prcxrrd.inuUiplirJ by Ihc fc�lbwing �_�=„�__�
<br /> - ` � " fraclian: (A)(I1l'IQIAI 3!(110U01 O� II1C�UITI�tiL•CURIJ IIIlI11C�IlAICIy I1tt�UtY'III�(akin�,Ji�•iJ�d hy (h►thc Fa�r markct ��lur nf thr �_ : ----.-.._
<br /> '����' Pmperty immediutely t+eforc thc tuking. Any bulnncc xhull tx paiJ�o Sum�wcr. In dic cvent uf u purtiul tuking uf the _
<br /> � k°'%-'• ••.� •.� Piropeny in which tl�e fair murkei vulue of the P'ro�xny immediutcly t�farr thc�ukin�iti Ie,x ihuo thr unu�unt af th�+umw _
<br /> ,�' • ..�»:s� ,�;;�r rccured immcdiately befure the lakin�, unlexy f3aROwcr uaJ Lendcr �►thcrwisc ugrce in wriling or um�,ti u�plicuble law :� _
<br /> �s.:Ats�.;��.�tixk;� �:•
<br /> - , otherwitie provides,the procceds r;hull be upplied to the+ums xecurral by ihiw Security M«trument whe�h�r or not�he.um�:ure �, _
<br /> �;-_
<br />�, ` „.. •. �. .�.. . then due. �-
<br />:'��':=�' , ' '. � , If Ihe Pmpeny i+:abandoned by Bormwer,ur it',uf�er nnt ice by Lendcr t�►Burrowe��hut �ha ci�ndenuinr ot'fen to make �4
<br /> '''".�`�",--�°� � . Lender�nu hur i.ed to��UeetA+nd�ppy�hc prcieeed+�ut itr c�ion c il 4r���n:ti�orrti n ur'repuh ti Iiutl�Pm�xrty c rto the -
<br />?'` " `�'='�.`�� ,um+:..•rurrd by Wir.Security Intitrument,whcthar M not then due. `- ----�-
<br /> ' • . �• �•• Unley+ Lendcr und BoRnwer othcrwitie agroc in wri�ing,ony upplicution of pnKC�dti u�prinripul +hull not extenJ or _ _
<br /> � •� �• postpunc Ihc due dute of'the manlhly puymcnl+refarred to in p:�rugruphr I and 2 ar changc thc umaunt ol'.urh puyntaniti. � ,,,.:_
<br />-T '{=�-""""_�'��� y U. Borrnwer Nol Re ks�r,c dt Hur b earance By Lender Nut u Wnivcr. F.xten�inn nf thr timr far puyrnent or
<br />�°��* .�.`-.. ��T''^T, i a n o f o m o n i z n l i o n�f Ihe xunis srcumd b this Securil y In+�rument grAnted hy Lcndcr lo uny.urrc.�or in inte�,l � _ '"°
<br />^._, � r,; modificat Y �•
<br />, ,�;�• - - of Borrowcr shall not opera�o t.�rclensc ihe liubiliry nf the origin:d BaROwcr or B��rmwerti.ucce.xor in interc,t. l.endcr __
<br /> ,•.,;;� . ..
<br /> ,;�•., shall no�be mquir�d ta commencr proceedings uguinr�t iiny tiucce,u►c•in interest or refuu lo extenJ time ti►r puymem or r _;�;,���
<br />'�i'' • ;,;t�• �• otherwir.e mi►dify umonization of the�um�xecured by ihis Secudty In�trumcnt hy rcusna ot'any demund muJe by�hr nri�tinul �'°
<br />; ":;
<br /> Burrower or Borrowcrk xuccesxor.in interesi, Any ti�rt�umnce by Lcndcr in exrrcising uny righ�or remedy�hull nnl be a •�,� .,
<br /> , _,...�'
<br /> � v►•aivar of a�preclude the o�crcisc of uny righi or mmrd�. ����;;��-��;j�-
<br /> i�` ' , 12. Successor�und Ar,signs Bounds Jolnt and Several l.fubillty;Co•signera. The covenunt.und agr�e�mnt�at'thir: ;!�;,�•;.;. . .-..
<br /> � �� � Security Inxtrument shaU bind unJ lxneiii the succe.+arr:imd n+tii�ens cif Lender imJ Bunowcr,subjcri�o�he pmvi�nim of �;.;:, �•-•,.-
<br />�-..'+ ,Jy q, ..—
<br /> uru ru 17. Sorrowcrz covenunts und ugrcementn+hull bc joint anJ�cvcrul. Any Borrower who cn-,ign. thiti Securiry �,':C�; . �_
<br />�• ' P B Ph ti:.,� ..
<br /> s •� '• � Instrumen�but dcros nut exccute�hr Nrne: (ul i.cm�igning thi�Security Imtrument unly ti�mortguFe.�runt und cunvey �hut �, .,:.�-���-
<br /> �ti =—
<br />� � ' Borrowerc imerest in the Pro�xhy unJer the iemi+M'Ihf�Suuri�y In�irumcnt: lh)i�nut pcnemally obligutcJ w puy the.ums ... ,_
<br /> . xecured hy�hit�Security Ins�nimenr,t�nd lc) ugrr�x�hui Lcndcr unJ uny othcr Burrower nuiy agrec to ex�enJ,mcxlify,fonc�ur f,;'_°i�
<br /> ' � . ,, •• or make any nceommudutions with re�turJ to the term. of thi� SccurUy tns�rumem or Ihe Note wiihout ihcu Bc�rmwcr's M��._�
<br /> � consem. "�''�'--
<br /> - i3. LU�iB Clifii�i'S. 1f ihr foan �;�rund hy sl�is Security lnstrument i� �t�hJe�•� to:� Inw whirh scts muximum luun �'s"m""_-;=Y
<br /> � ; rhargez,und Ihut law Ir IinuUy intcrproted.0 ihut�hr interoz� or othcr loun churgeti cnUerted ar to tx collec�ecl in connectiun ����__
<br /> � � • wi�h the loun excerd the permitteJ limit..�hen: lul uny such loun rharge.hull he rcduced hy ihc wnount nece+�uq•to reduce
<br />