'��@.�_ .wirytll}��:w+ _ _ �6�� . ._ .• .. . �i k {�� ,Y,-,��:»;
<br /> �. — ,.. �-- ..�.n...,. _-f u . —
<br /> �T y�.. �Ej�K�ii._. -�i'PH.�?tM�14�'� �" ..r,irn.rs..�
<br /> 4I�W.M�9Y�lR►L' fj}i!
<br />. __s�iiai .' _ '_ i�'r.�rc"��5� .:�'��' .�.r.._. _ � ..'_.�r�_.
<br /> ... .�n..�,�"��;'I��..y -
<br /> . . . �:a�,.,i�s;7":�t''' . .._-- . --- " _-.._...
<br /> . � . ' -'- ' �9��:—
<br /> �'+��.. ,. i.��N�T•� Y���S�� —��_
<br /> .A y�,R���t� '�
<br /> .. a7�: q� .� pe�icxlx thul l.eixier rcyuim�+. The in�+urome currfer pn►viJing�he imurunce shull f+c rha.rn by Horr�►wrr�uhjrct tu I.emk r'ti �
<br /> ���'��� '� uppn�val which►hull not l+c unmuronuhly wi�hheld. If Burrowcr fuiln tu mi�fntuin rovcrugc druritxJ uMivc,l.cn�kr may.ui
<br /> .��� . ' .� �•:.� LcndcrA�ptiun,ohtufn cuvcrugc�o pmtect l.rndcr i:right+i��thc Pro�xny fn uc.orJunrc wi�h puru��ruph 7.
<br /> :,�,�.��i;,;;,,�,���``' All inrurunee�licier und renewul,�hull tx ucceptahle to Lrnde�und ,hull includr u,iundard nn►n�nKe clouK. Lender �
<br /> '�^,,;,�,,,K":"y*.7i'. c�hall havc thc right to hold thc policicx und nnrwuls. II'Lcndcr rcyuirrw,Surr��wer,h�dl prompUy givc�o L�nd.r uU rcccipi+
<br /> `,.. a,� ,:,. " o(puid premium�.und renewal nmfcc�. In�he evenl uf lotiti,B�xruwcr�hull givr pn�mpt nulicr k�tlx in�uruncu rurrf��unJ
<br /> �� . - - Lender. Lrnder muy makc prc►uf uY l��.s if nut mude promptly by Born�wer. - -
<br /> .-i;".:.', •;bF 'r
<br /> _..,�,,
<br /> • ti��,, Unless Lendcrund Burtawer atherwisc ugree in writing.in.uruncc prikrrdti�hall tk upplicd N,rr,i��rn�i�a� �,r r��pa r�� �_,__,._ _
<br /> fir�'�'-'-'=^�:.•j�.`r� ' tlx� Pru{mny damuged. if �he «slara�ion or re�wir ix ecunumicully Irutiihle unJ l.cndrr: �crurity i+ nat Ic++rneJ. 11'�hc
<br /> " • ,� ' ', m+lorution or repuir is not economicully feu+ible ar l.ender; securiry would txr Ie..rnud,lhr in.urunrr pnkred� +hall t+c
<br /> _�,^;��,...,: ,;• applied w Ihe xums rccund by Ihis S�curily Inxtrument. whether��r niH thrn due. with uny excc.+ puiJ t�►Burruw�er. If
<br /> Burruwer ubandanK�h� Pr��peny,or due� not unswNr wi�hin :�U Juyx u notice fram l.ender �h•rt Ihr m.urunrc raRi�r hu.
<br /> offered�a+eu�e u cluim.then Lender muy collect�he in+uruncc prcxecJr, LenJer ma�• u�e the pr�xrrd.to repvir ur re�t�ir�
<br /> ,•;i:. ._ .. . ��pro�xny�►r to pay xumz securcd by this Scrurity In��rum�nt.whetlur ur nai then duc. Thr�t)•duy{xnixl will t�bin when _ --
<br />�� the notice ix given. — __
<br /> Unless Lrnder unJ Bortowcr aherwise agree in wnting.:my upplicu�ion��f prcxerdx ti�pri�kipal.hall nu�c+�tend or
<br /> • " „ .. .. p�►r�pone the due date nf�hr montldy puymentti rcfcmd[o in parugrarh. I unci 2 ar rhangc thc amaunl of Ihc(�aymcnls. li� `_._ —
<br /> . utKler purug�aph 21 the Prop�rty i� acyuir�•d by L.:nd�r. Borrowrr;nght tu uny in�urimce policirs und pr�xerJ� rewhing _
<br />+,.``� .•�,;,_� ;,'; ,Y,.�;. . • from damuga to tha Pn�perty prior to the acyuixUion sholl pass�a l.ender u��he ertent i�i'Ihe sum.kcured hy thiti Securily
<br />, ° .,;",;,`:�::";:,-; Inx�rument immediutely prwr w the acqui.r•ition. �_-- _
<br /> ��''�1�•�"�', :- 6. Occupancy, Preservullon. MpintenAnce und Protection of the Prnper��; Borrower'g l.oan Applic�tiun;
<br /> . :-'��,�.:'�'` Leuseholds. Rorrower,hall accupy.cslsd+ti�h,und uxc ihu Pro�rty u.ti Borri�wrr's principul residenre wilhin tiixty duys ufier � - - - -
<br /> . � ;.��. ,. ° ' �he execution of this Security Imtrument and vhall cimtinua ta�xcupy tlk Pm{xny uti Barrnwer:principul residrnce for ut —4___
<br /> ' � leusl one yeur after the drte nf occup:amy, unl¢nti Lender Mherwi�e ugrrex in writin�, which ron�em �hull nat be
<br /> ° " unrcutionably withheld,or unlexti extcnuuting circumstunceti exist which ure Ixry�mJ Borrower's contri�� B��rrnwer xhull nw
<br /> � � destroy,dumuge or impuir thc Prapeny,u���W�he Property lo drtcrioru�c, or commit wa�le on ihe Pm n Sorrnwer.hull
<br /> ' � ult if an forfei�ure nc�irni or proceedin�,whether rivil or criminul,i.hegun thut in LenJer'+go�xl fuith judgment ��
<br /> be in ikfu y
<br /> � could rcsult in fo�friture of thc Praperty or i�lhcrwi�c mu�rnully impair thr lien rrcuted by �hix Scrurity Intiirumcnt r �
<br /> ..�:, • ' � Lender;.ecu�i�y imerext. Barrowc�muy cure tiuch u Jefuult und reimtu�c,ux prmided in parugraph Ilt,by ruu.ing�he uctinn 1�;__� �
<br /> . ' �' ' . .. • or procecding to tx Jitimitiud with u ruling that.in l.enJcr:gocxl i'uith determination.prtcludez turfrilure oi��hc B�nowcr's EE�,�-
<br /> � �• intcrest in �he Property or o�hcr mntcrial impaimmm ol'thr licn rrcuted hy �hi� Srcurity Insirumcnt or l.endrr: .ccurity —;��:.__.
<br /> " inte�est. BoROwcr +hall ulso Ix� in default ii Sorrowcr, during �hc luan upplicution pnxc++. �uvc mulcriully ful+c or ��;,_;�,;r
<br /> ' inucrurate infom�ulion ur slu�emen�+�o LcnJer(or fuiled t�►proviJc Lrnikr with uny mutrriul inti�rmu�i��nl in runi�ctian with �..�=�.`—'
<br /> ' �����.
<br /> _ ;,�,_. ih� loan evidenred hy �Ix Note, including, bw nut limited t��. n�pn+en�ution, canremin�e Hurrnwer: ixci�puncy ol' thr
<br /> ' `�-�: pmpuny ux u principui rc.iJrucc. it'ihi;Sccurity ln�.tru:nrnt is en u lr�+�ch�ld,RoROwrr shall comply wi�h s�U the provi.iom �'�. .
<br /> uf the leare. If Borrowcr ucqulres tiee lilk to tFx F'ru�xny.�he Ieuschnld und thc frc till�shull nut mer�c unle�s Lendcr a�reer ��.
<br /> ,r " tu thc mergcr in writing. ° _
<br /> •' '�����''� ' ` 7. Pratection uf l.ender's Rights in the Property. If Nc►rruwrr fuil+ to Fxrf'urni thc covrnum� und u�rcem�nt+ r,.;{•,=;,.'
<br /> ,,�.'� '
<br /> cuntuined in ihi. Security Instrumant. ar Iherc i� u Irg:d pnxrrding thut m+�y �igmficunlly i�ftecl L.enJcr's right+ in ihc ,,,.t,,��•
<br /> .i,.,.t, . � �...'=;.:. . ..
<br /> , � .�i�•... Prupcny I+uch as u pr�xecding in hunkruptcy.prubu�r.for condemniuiun�,r t'��rlaiwre��r to c�forrc Inw,or rcEulation,l.thrn ' .
<br /> . ' l.rndcr may do and p+iy ti�r whntcvrr iy nccr�+ury k�prutcrl the vulue of the Pruperty und l.endrr'� righ�s in �hc Pro�xny.
<br /> r �� . LenJerk uctiun.may include puying imy+wm,crurrJ hy a lirn���hich h:��priixiry o��cr�hi�Scrurit� In.trument.up�x:arinE
<br /> ' in cuurt.puyin� rc;i�onublc uuam�y,'I'ec.unJ enlcring�►n thc F'ru�xrty tn mukr repair,.Although Lrnder mcry�ukr action �..�,��:Y
<br /> undur�hin purt�graph 7.LcnJrr d��,nut huvr tu d��,o. " � �•` _.
<br /> �' Any unniunH di+6unrd hy l.end�r undrr thi, ps►ragr.�ph 7 ,hall hecome uddiii�m�d deM at'Burrowrr,rcureJ by thiti ;.,,; ,,s,:,.
<br /> � " Sccurity ln,trunirnt. Unlc,ti Burruwcr und l.endrr agrcc t�,other�crm.nf p:iymen�.thr.r�mi��unl��hull ikur intcretit IYum Uir � !';': '-
<br /> . datu of Jiyhuncmcnl al thc Notc ralc und tihidl tx puyahlc. wiU� inlcnst.upan nutirc 1'rom l.�ndcr to Burruwrr rryurtilinE . _
<br /> , puymcnt. . ...::: �`�
<br /> . R. Mort{�age Insurunce. Ii LrnJcr r�quiird moilgagr in.uranre a,u conJiiiun ul'mahing the luan,�curcd by ihi. ,;�;_;,
<br /> • Srrurity In.lrumcn�. Harrowcr.hidl puy �hc prcmiwn, rrquirrd tu maint:�in thr ntt�rlgugr insuruncc in rltcrt. It'. li�r rny ��F-.=':.r°- _
<br /> ., . rras�m. Ihc mongugc intiuranrc ruvrragr rcyuirrJ h�• l.rnJrr I:ip.r,��r rru.e, lu hc in cfl'rct. Burcowcr .hull pay Ihr =�:
<br /> . ` . prrmium, r�yuired to ohliiin r�rverugr +uN�l:mlialh• cyui��idcnl 1�� tlic muil�:n�c in.ur:uxr pre�•iuu�ly in cfl'rcl. at a ro,l `: �. .%�
<br /> . � . sub,tantiully cyuiv:�lent lu Ihc co�l li�Rurro�n•rr ut lhc morlE:igc in.ur:incc prrviuu,l�• in rl�tect. I��mi an uhrrnulc m��rtgugr , . ..,�•---
<br /> . :n.iircr unprcwed by l.rndcr. If,uh�t+m�iully�yuivalrnl murlgagr in.uranrr ru��rcig� i.n��t :nail:�hlc.liarru��cr�hall pay to
<br /> , ,. .. �.cnder�ach mon�h u,um eyu:d tu onr-iwrltth ul Ihr yr:rrl�• mungagr insuranr.premiwu heing paid hy Nurn»�rr�vhen�hr =_
<br /> ' intiurunce r�w�r+�ge I.ipsed or crf�.�d tu Ix in rlTecl. l.endrr�rill s�rrrpl.u,�:ind rr�am�he,�p:i}•mrnl,:i,u lu.� rrtirn•e in lieu ,+,+�• _
<br /> * �if m��rlgugr in�umncr. La.s re,rn•r pnym�nl, m:i�• n��lunger Ix rrquirrd.+u Ihe u���iun„I'l.cnJer. if murtg:►ge in.orunrr ` . - -
<br /> ruvcraZzr lin thc :xnounl;�nJ li►r Ih.�xrii�d ihal l.rndrr rrquirc�l pro�•iJrJ h����n in,orcr;ip��ruvrd h�� Lrndrr:�gain hcrumr, t
<br /> ,. . . irvuilahlc�md i�uhtiiin�d.Hurro�acr.hull p��y�hr prrmium+�rquir�J t��m:iintiiin mon�!:ig.in.ur;�nrc in clTrrt.ur 1�,pro�•idc:i �
<br /> ' lu.�rc.rn•e.�m�il ihc rcyuirement lor murtgugc in,uruncr end.in arr��rd:mr�•��ilh imy�u•inrn uLicanxnt Ixlwren Bon�u«•rr
<br /> and Lrndcr ornppli�,ihl� I;i�e.
<br />; 9. Impection. l.rndrr ur i�, :��rnl ma� mal.e rra,unahlr rnu•ie. �q�,n :�nd m.��rrli��n.�,f Ihe I'r��p�•rt��. Lendrr ,hall %
<br />, , givc Burr�»�rr n�qirr:d ihr tintc nfur priur tu an im�krtion tipccil�inL rc:i.un:�hl.rau.r fur Ih.in,p�.li�m.
<br /> IU. Condemnulion. The prurred.ul am a��arJ��r rlaim I�rc d.unat.•�.dirert ur:�,n.ryurn�ial.in runnrcuun��ith+im �
<br />� . �mclrl.aml� Fmude�l+icfrcd�Uc�lucl\IF'lIN\II\ti1R1\IF'YI' Imt.�nutl��ru.mn 940 ��ve� t•�„�I��ia•, p
<br /> . . ��ir.d�.i►�.�m,�n��..l�xnn �m ■ - .
<br /> ����F�!�'1 1.III I 111��".11l'l l'11 I���.I��i'll 1111
<br /> � ' •
<br /> ' . 1
<br /> , 1
<br /> �
<br /> �_ .
<br /> • �i . . . . .. _ .
<br />