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-� ..�.,. �;�:ti�i}y���F -------- - , .�+..�i <br /> �k�'Y77r):. a•��- <br /> •�t . . <br /> � `�i�'i . . . . _. ..___ __r��"� Y`Y �• . .. �.. <br /> � �`Y .. .. ...� . .S.. _ <br /> . ; 92.-�a�s�� <br /> "J�V.r;r..^� <br /> _�il.�s. • • <br /> �➢�,�ik.8;''SL;�sr,re'a�r��� <br /> applicablc law may �p�cify for re{nctptcmentl bcforc �alc of�hc ProP�nY Pu�huunt u�uny ��wcr uf�ulc cuntuincd in�h x <br /> �="�� - ------ Security Ins�n�ment:or(b)entry oP a judgment enfuning thf.+Securi�y Imlrumenl. 7'h�x�e coixl����mw a�e�h���°m�wer: IAl <br /> `� *�-�—� a s Lxoder all aumc which Ihen wiwld I�e duc uncier �his Secu�ity Ins�rument und thr Notr o.r il' nu jiccelen►ti�m had <br /> ��, ,�,� ;t;�',;;. p Y v.+�II cx xmc.incurrcd in cnParring�i�ir tiecu�ily <br /> M -• occurced;(bl cures any defeu�U of any�wher cuvenunix or agree�neN�;(cl pa,: i ' <br /> � � , ,, Insirument. inciuding.but�t limited 1�. rcawnuble Auorncy�'1'ee,; und Idl take. .urh uclinn u� LenJer muy ro°n�mably — <br /> � ..n��� rc uirc to s�scure Ihut ihe lien of this S��curity In�Irument,l.cnderk�igh��in the F'n��ny und Borrowcr:uhligution to p:iy thc <br /> `�`�' -- -b�. a-�-�==-�' rum� sccured by this Securiry Inr�rumen� shaU caminue unchanged. U�xio reintilu�cmen� F+y Horn�wer, thiK Securfty r . <br /> � Inctmment and�he obligAtion�secured herehy xhuD remuin fully eftec�ive aR il ru�ucccic�u�iun ba:!�4cuRed. Hawevrr,thiy <br /> �,�.�......:..• • <br /> .�.,"r;. +��.:�';�'. �' ri�ht to rcinatatc�hall not npply in ihc cuu:of ucccicru�iun undc�parugruph I�. <br /> ^ .:�..� °"" /y, 5ale ot Notei('honge of I.oao tiervker. Thc Nntc ar u purtiul imcntil in Ihc N��tc Uuge�hc�with Ihi� Sccurity <br /> ;� „��,,,.�;';:`;,�,,t,�.. .�.. <br /> ..,,r��;•: . -,.. InylnimenU may be r�ald onc at marc 1ime►wilhout pri�ir n���ice to HoRawcr• A �ule muy rc�op in u chungc in thc cmiry <br /> `� jll��ti_.�•,'':'� �k�own�.�c�he"Loan Servicei'I lhal culkcts munlhly puyment�duc undcr Ihe Nwc unJ ihi+�Security In+irumcm. Thcre ulso <br /> ,. ,,, � muy b�or�or morc changex oi'thc l.o:�n Scrvicer unrclulcd to a xulc of thr No�c. If Ihcrc i�u chungc of Ihc Loun Scrvicer, <br />�• , � - �. Bartuwrr will be givcn ari�ten no�ice of Ihe chunge in accardunce with purugraph I�3 uhc�ve und upplicuble luw. Thc notice <br />'��� •�+ :'•.:t"°'��V'`}'•' " will stu�e the n�ne smd+�ddreww of Ihe new Laan Scrvicer t�nd the culdresr tn which{►uymem��h�►uld txr mude. 7'he notic�r wUl <br /> aa:�,'. ::�:...'.::.:: <br /> : �, ,, alw can[aio•ruy othcr informati�m reyuircd hy,�pplicuMc uw. ��__. <br />�,:.;�„�.�;;a',�y'-. 20. Hwwirdous Subslaact�. Burrawer.hall not cause or permi�Ihe prcsenec.use.di+Fx„ul.+�uragr.ur rcle•rrc of�ny. <br />�` .•�::-::':*:- - a Hiu.urdouc� Substuues on or in the Ptopeny. Bonower whall nat do,nor allow onyone clx ta do,uny�hing ut�'�w�►c�t d�e <br />��:,� �.....:�,. ._,�, , ,.. p�p�ny tha�is in violatic�n of any Envirnnmenwl l.uw. Thc prcccding�w��+cmcncrti.hull nat upply lo thc prcx��.}.use.o+ <br />;�� 'Fi°:-��. '�.' Ktorage on the Propeny af smull yuantiiie�of H��udous Substance,thut ure grnerally rccu�niieJ l01�upprupri�L:w nvnnal <br /> :�`. ::`�;�'`.' � reRidential uxes und ro mainlenance of Ihe F'copeny. <br />.v;• .. . . . --� BoRawer shull promptly givc Lci�ler wtilten nmicc of uny investigudim,rluim.dem�nd,law+uit or other�v�.�ce bv uny � - - <br />�r-;� ,:y,i;,;�,;,,+', . gavernmen�al or regulutory ugency or private pun� invol.•in�thc Propeny und uny Hai:irJou.Sub,�uncr oc En�inx►men�al —_ <br />��" ' • �' Law of whirh Borrowcr hus uc�u�+l knowledge. It' Bi�rrowtr Iesuns, or i+ n�►tifieJ by uny �tovernmenwl cx� n:�ulatory �-`_ <br /> � ;.. � � ' •� a • ' uWh��rity.thut uny removal ar othcr remediation af an�� Hazurduu�Subxtuncc uffcr�ing the 1'r��perty i�n«�Yti:�'Y-�°`��er ��� <br />�``.� ' � shall pramply talce all nrees.r•iuy rcmediul actiom in accordunee with Environmentul Luw. ��_� !� <br /> � �, pa in Ihi4 paragruph 20."Hu�urdaus Substunces"urc�ho,c,ub�tumc+dcfincJ u�toxic or har.arJuus w1r.t�'�ri bY -- <br /> p �.:�_�> <br /> 1'' , Environmenta! Luw and �he f��llowing substuncc+: guxolinc, kem�ene.��Ihrr Ilammublc or toxic pctralcum rcxiu�►xic — <br />�� �� . ;�.,. pesticirks and hcfiicide.,volatile+olvents,mutcriul�c�muining u�hcsa�s or fam►dJehydc, unJ ruJi��ACtive m�.�Y �►+ <br />�-' '"`��- used in Ihis puragruph 211."Environmentul Lu�+i'meun�1'eJerul luw,anJ luwz of�hc jurisdictiun whcre�he Pirnprrty�kK�ct i�� <br /> a, •� .; �".::��;;: <br /> •� �,i�,�,f�' ., thal relutc ta heaUh.xafety ur cnvironmcn�ul protec�ion. �.�a__ <br /> � ° • � NON•UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Bom►wcr und Lcixlcr funhcr covcnunt und ugrce a+follaw,: _ -a <br />�.',;,: � ' 21. Acceleralion; Remedies. Lender shall �ive notice to Borrower prior to acceleration Pollowing�ower's �__ <br /> � � •.•; �� �� ��e�h of ony covenanl a'agreement in this 3ecurity Inslrument Ibul nut prlur to acceleraUan under paragraph 17 =__ <br /> i ' � �pless ppplka6le Is�w provides otherwi.cel. 'i�he notice sbuii�+p�ii�: i�t1 ihe dcfaa!!;tbl!!sr srilot�rw{aired to care Ihe =�__�__ <br /> � defaulh,Icl A date�not lesv thAn ill doys Prom Ihe date Ihe naNce is�iven to Borroa•er,by whkh the dePpult mus!be �;�:,.y. <br /> �,,,:.�;,�,,;,��,,.;,.� cured;and Id1 that failure to cure the defuult un or before the date specitied in Ihe ootice may resuU in acceleratlon uP - - � <br /> y:..�� <br /> ��,,;,�;,,,,;,�,�, the sum4�cecured by thi.v Securlty Instrument and sale of the Property. The nMice chall i'uriher ini'urm Borrower oP ��}�.� <br /> , the right to reinstpte atter accelernlion und the ri�ht to brinR a cuurt action to yc5ert Ihe nan•exlstence oP a dePault or �'.-r . <br /> � ' ;1! � �'��'#: any other dePea�te nf Borrower ro aeceleration und snle. It'Ihe dei'uult ic not cured on ot 6efore Ihe dale specifird in ~ ''y,r,,}��,." <br /> , . -�;.,.t r . R��n"�iJdFTi��i.:: <br /> ,.';,;�, •,•;;;�,::;:: the nmice,Lender ul its optien m+y require immediute payment in Pull of aH�ums secured by this Securily lntitrument ��.g,� <br /> ' •�•��;;t}�;t-';'•E` wilhaut i'urther demand and may involce the power oP ss�k and any othrr remedlec permitted by app�icable law. ���,, <br /> ' •���:y,..�.• l.ender shall be eMitled to cullect ull expm►ce+ incurred in pursuM� Ihe�emedies provided in thi4 para�raph 2l. �,'r--��;`�,,, <br /> fncluding,but nnt limited to.reasun�ble ultorneys'fee�und cuslx oP title evfdence. "' `��M1� <br /> ��_.T.i�.�.� <br /> • li Ihe power oP sale is invaked,Truglee sh•rll record u notice oi'defs�ult in es�ch caunty in�vhkh any parl of the �.,y_ ____ <br /> � Property is located and shull muil cupies of such nolice in thr mnnner prescribed by upplicable law to Borrower und to ���� <br /> 'IYugtee xhall give public . r�:•. <br /> • : �r � the other persons prescribed by upplicable law. After the tfine reyuired b�• upplicuble low. ; �.,�..,..�. , <br /> ' � nMice of sale lo the persnns and in the manner pre�crfbed bv applicable lu��•. 7�uslee.wilhoW demund un Burrower. . ,;:, <br /> � ' � �hall sell lhe Property al public auclion to the hiKhest bidder ut Ihe time vnd plucr und under the terms desi�nnted in - �, <br /> ' .. ' ' ' t erce1oP the Prope ly by publlc unnouncement at the time and p aece oP aoY�prc�iou y cbr�duled yule1 l.ender ur fts � __ __' <br /> ' p ''u �,_:-.-.-- <br />' degignee may purchase the Properly s�t en�•sale. � '•;�m.r�• <br /> � � '1�3'���'�� Upon receipt oP paymeM oi'Ihe p�lce bid.'1'ruztee �h�ll deliver 1u Ihe purchs►ser'il�u!�tee's dred cnm�eying Ihe •:�_;,� .� ;;:_-. <br />. . •�t.��,�,: „ <br /> :�;;;';�. Pruperty. The recituls i�Ihe Tru+lee i deed!�h�ll lx prima iacie c��idrnce of Ihc trulh oP thc slutemeniti made therein. _ <br />; ,.�.; � � " 7lrustee shell apply the pruc�ds ui the.r'ule in the fulluwinR order: lu1 to uU co�ts und expentes uf exercisin�;the pow'er !�. <br />� . . <br />� , . <br />