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•;t M��V;.��},rq 1� .:�is .�. y ..,a��ri'a , t 'd'f,. �:Y'r �5'i GR'i'r�.3.,:. - � I 5 �•^ s <br /> �b.. �� �if�� tia�j�� t�Hi: �� '1 � 'i. �'�. 4;( r....,: . ��. t ���I�-�c-. <br /> �h .?� '��s I '{ '� - . d`•Mtysit..e��a;�„�`M y — <br /> il I .uMr 4. . <br /> _���ya...1.� ��'�w.+�-.-�......—_-- - - _----�. <br /> ._.. <br /> �� _ <br /> . • ... <br /> � <br /> , r. <br /> . I .r. <br /> .._ ; � . �ro, is'_ <br /> •w.. . ' ����1��:'-•.. <br /> - _. __ _—-______—__ ' ' ' —. <br /> .._. �•_�:_:____" '—. _ • (.7lti5 _ _ <br /> �i•YK �,+ w� �I�F).- • k i�. �en.ri <br /> ,+r'�,��:. "' ". <br /> - _- --� -- - -- .. .������{-f---- <br /> ., : 92— sa�see <br /> ., . ..:..:, �:�; <br /> ; ,.�L��,' :.__` <br /> .,,�6�p��: ��,��..� <br /> _ ��.tY�f.P�ti...1.�., <br /> �'��'� P NK Y <br /> � �,.. �,u..��,_,��.�,� TOGETHER WITH uU thc impmvcmcnl� nuw on c�rcuf�cr cr��tcd�►n thc r� rt .unJ»II eax:mcn�ti.�r�� cnuncrs. <br /> �k� � �•�r� ,r• und fixlures naw or Urrcoflcr u pun nf�hr pmpcny. All rcplaccmenls.und additii►nti +hull olsc�hc cuv�KCd by Ihi�Security <br /> .q•�g�`4. ' Inrlrumenl. AU oi Ihe forcgaing ix refcrred lu in thl�Securily Iminimcnt ax ihr"1'�operly:' <br /> '� ' ' BORRQWER COVENANTS thul Horruwcr i�luwfully +ci.ed uf�hr c��uic hcRby conveycd und hu+thc right to gront <br /> � �y. ond rnnvey the Prapeny and�hat Ibe I'ro�xny i�uacncumFwreJ,rzcept for enrumhrrnc�ti uf recurJ. B�►rrower wurcunta und <br /> `'°� ;�.-��;..s will drfind generatty the title to the Rnprrly aguinst pll elulmy und demund..�uhjecll��any encumhrunces oP record. �_ <br /> • '�"�'� ' � - � ' THlS SECURITY INSTRUMF.NT combine. unif��m� covenun�r li�r nu�iunul utic und non-unifiirn� rnvcnunl+ wi�h <br /> ,""? :.��•' .".i J limited vuriutions by jurirdictiun lo cun+titu�c a unii'omi yccurity inti�rumcnt cuvcring real prci�x ny. � � -� � <br /> • '' ' UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Burtowcr u�xl Lender cuvcnum und u�ree u+folluwx: <br /> '� 1. P�yment at PHncipAl and Interexh Prepnyment and I.Ate('hurRes. Burr�iwcr+hull promptly puy when due the <br /> , '. ."�;,"'• a � principal of and interest an lhe dc6t evidcnred by Ihc Note anJ nny prepuymcnt nnd luta churgcs duc undcr ihc Nutc. <br /> -- ' 2. Fu�ds tor 73�xes and Insurnnce. Suhj��ct�o upplicuble IAw or lo t►wriuen wuiver by L.ender,BoROwer shall puy w <br />--��n,��: :' ," „ • . Lender on Ihe day manthly puymen�.urc duc under�hc Nrnc,unlil thc Note i�puid in full,a sum("Fund..")far:(ul y�a�ly _ <br /> . luxcs cmd Acsessments which mny uuufn prn�rily uv�r thi..Security Instrumcnt u+u lien un the Pro�xny:lbl ycarly leuxehald _ <br />.��'� •• • • � �Ayments or graund �ems an Ihe Propeny. If uny: lc) yeurly huzard or propc:rty insumnce premiums: (dl ye�uly flaod <br />:_ ,; -- . -•• msurnnce pn:miwur, if uoy: (ul y�:uly mortguge intiurance premiums, if uny; und (Il uny sums payubk by Barcawer to � _ <br /> ' ' Lender,in uccardancc wi�h the provisiuns of purugraph R,in lieu of the puymrnt of m��rlgugc inxurancc premium+. The�e <br /> •'�'�'� ' itemy�re culled"Escrnw Items." L�ndrr muy.ut any time,collect und hold Fund�in un umuunt not w exceed the muximum <br />`ik_t} .i�__.�.�.:�L-v�;,_ '+'�..'' umuun�u Iruder fur a fedc�aliy�rclutcd mangagc loun may reyuin: fi�r RoROwrr�escrow uccount under the fede�l Reai _- <br /> ""u�� ~�" �' ' Es��te Se�Uement Procedurc�Ac�af 1974 us amended from time to�imc,I?U.S.C.�261►1 e•�sey.l"RESPA">,unlcss anolher ��- ° <br /> ' , .,.,,,.,.,. ,- ,�, ., <br /> ��'' . ' law thut upplies to�he Funds+cets a Ic�!�er umount. If u�.Lender muy,ut any�ime,rallac�und hold Funds in un nmoum nat to ki`'' <br /> - • ,' ' exceed the less�er Amoun�. Lender mpy estimate the nmount of �unds due un the baci�of currcnt duiu unJ reusonuble ==__ <br />: "` � " . estimates of expendilure�of fuwre E+crow Items or otherwise in accatdunce with upplicuble luw. ;;:._�°ti--._ <br /> � Thc Funds shall bc hrld in An in.r•ti�u�ian whoxe dcpcnits urc insured by u fcdcrul ugrncy, inclrumentulily,or cntiry � _ _ <br /> ° ' (including Lcnder,if'Leiuicr i,,uch an im�i�ulionl or in uny Fedcrul Home Loan Bunk. Lendcr.hull apply the Fundx ta puy ;�,_ -- <br /> ' �. the Escrow Items. Lender muy not churge BoROwcr far holding und applying the Fund.,unnuully unulyzing �he escraw R„�,. <br />° � uccount, or verifying the Escrow Itcros, unle,s Lender puyy Borrower inlcrext on the Funds and upplicuhlc luw permits ,��±���.. <br /> Lender ta mnke such n charge. Howeve�.Lender mny require Bonowcr li►puy u��ne-time churge fbr un indrpendent mal �-���•� <br /> ' ' "' � estute tox reporting scrvice u.ed by Lender in connection with this loun,unlexs upplicuble luw pruvides otherwize. Unle�.Ao �;;•.;�^1.:,;�_ <br /> • ���' ugrccmcnt is madc or applicuhlc luw myuires intcrent to be puid,Lender shull not bc rcyuircd to puy Borruw�r uny interext or -��,�,_ <br /> � " •� eumings on the Funds. Borrower und L.ender muy ugrce in writing,howevcr,thul inlcresl shall be puid on Ihc Fund�. Lender �_ti„��,,__ <br />. •� n " shall give to Borrower,withou�chnr�e,un unnuid uccountin�!of ihe Fundx,.r•howing credits smd debits to�he Funds and ihe =::.s:.�� <br /> , ' purpose for which cuch debit to the Fundx wos mudr. The Funds ive pledged as;xkli�ionul r,ecurity fur ull sum.xerured by �a�--__ <br /> .. - � � ,, shi.°.Seceedty lnstsument. [`{��a��1D` <br /> � � If Ihe Funds held by Lender excecd the amounts pr.nniued t�� be held by applic�t+le lax�. Lender �hull uccount w �—�,�,� <br /> ' Borrower for tlx exresr Funds in uccordimce wi�h the requiremems aP upplicablr law. If�he umaum of'the Funds held by `��,T��-�. �- :;:: <br /> • ' � Lenckr at uny time is not suFficient�o puy the Escrow Itemti when due,Lender muy so notify Bo�rower in wriling,und,in • �n�5�;r <br /> ' . such cuse Borrower shull pay to Lender the umaunt necrxwry to muke up �he deticiency. Burrower ehall mnke up thr ,,.�,,j.� ��- <br /> • deficiency in no more Ihan twclvc monlhly puymcnts,ut Lendcr's sale diuretion. ' ^ °"� � �" — <br /> , l�pon payment in full of ull sums secured by �his Scruri�y Instrument, Lender shull prontptly refund to BaROwcr:u►y �-���a:.�*�`• • ``� <br /> • ,.o:�. <br /> . Flinds held by Lender. IP,under pamgruph 21,Lender shull ucyuire or sell Ihe Propeny,L.rnder,prior to�he acyuisition or � :��; <br /> �, salc of thc Praperly, shall upply lin�•Fundx hcld by Lrndcr ul thc timc�f ucyui+ilion or .ul� as u cmdit aguimt thc sumx v_ �����" <br />: � secured by this Security Inxtrumcnt. !-�'`�''� �-.— <br /> .� � ' 3. Applfc�llon ot Paymenta Unlesx upplicuMr luw providr+ odurwi��,ull puyment� rcccived by Lcndcr undrr �-��; <br /> puragrophs 1 and 2 shall be applicd:first,to any prepaymcnt churgex due undrr thc Notc:sccond,tu umounts payuble under +'`{f;�Pfr;�`c J ' <br /> • '.;� ' parugrnph 2;thirJ,to interes�due;1'ounh,to principul due;and last,to any lutr charge,due under�he Nota �o,,, ___ <br /> � ' , ,�,: <br /> . y,�,`,} „ ', 4. Chprges; Liens. Bormwcr xhall pt�y oll tuxcs, usu,sments, churur., tinr+and impo.itions uttribut•rbl� w thc '��;,,, ;�•,`•T:;;�__ <br /> ' ,•";.� Propeny which muy uttain prioriry ovcr thi.Security Imtrumrm.und Icaschold paymcm+or ground rentx,if uny. Borrower � �, �•._�,��___ <br /> a � .. ;" shull pay Ihese obligations in t h c mannrr pr�wi de J in purugrup h�.or i i no t pui d i n i h a t m u n n c r.B o r row er shall pa y them on r-•�-.';.,;:�.�_ <br /> , �;,� time directly to the per.on owcd puyment. Borrowcr shall pn�mptly fwri.h to Lenckr ull nuticrs of umounl�ta lx p•rid undcr ,- �.�'m.F.. - _ <br /> - ..,?,',''; thix p�rngrAph. If Borrowcr makes Ihesc puymen�+direrdy. Ri�rmwcr.hull pmmpily furni,h to Lender receipts evidencing •-.- - <br /> '"::;�:,;,r;�.�:.; � the paymcnts. ' `� . .y <br /> ' � Bormwcr�hull prumpUy dischargc any licn which hos pri�xiry ovcr�hi.r•tircuriry In.trunxnt unless B�ttrowcr.(a)agrcr. ,;.-:,:�R,,.- <br /> ,::: ,,' ;."� ..; ....�_ <br /> : �, , in writing to the paymen�of�hr ubligation xccund tiy Ihc licn in a m�+nncr arcrprrhlc t��Lrndcr:Ib►contr+�s in gaxi fuith thr ;-!.""-�;.�-- <br /> ' � � lien b ,or defends u uinst cntorccmem uf�hc lien in.Ic�!al pr�xecding.whirh in �hc Lcndcr:opinion o�xrrte to prevent Ihr .'�':��`-- <br /> . y.� <br /> � "' enforycement of thc Ilcn;or(cl rerures from Ihe holder�►f�he licn un agrecmrm.ati.l�aclury to l.cndcr�utx�rdinating�he lien ��:j�:�.�:._-- <br /> � � �'�� to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender dctcrminex that uny pan of thr Propehy i+whjec�tu a lirn which muy uuuin priurity ; : � -- <br /> ;r�as ...:...:.:.... <br /> • .. � over lhis Securiry Instrumenl.Lender may givr Burrawrr u rn�ticc id�ntiFyin�the licn. B��rrnwrr xhull suti.l'y thc lien ar lal:r '�� t• '� <br /> ' ;�,.� onc or morc of Ihc actinns xct fonh ahovc wilhin 10 ds�y.ot'1hc giving ut'no�icr. <br /> •;�;,�� 5. Hayard ar Property InRUrance. Borruwcr.hall krrp�hr improvrmrn��nuw rxi�tinF on c�rraftrr crertcJ on the <br /> , . property insurcd againkt loxs by firc.ha�:vd.inrludrJ within thc trrm"cztend�d ru�•�ra�r"ancl nny rnhrr haiards,including <br /> '••• tloods or tlaading, for which Lenckr rcyuires imurancc. Tl�i. in.urnnce .h•rll t+c n►aintained in �hr um�iuntr and for the i . <br /> i,. .: `.; ' � <br /> 4 ,.. �,. <br /> i,, ' :{�, . Parm JOSlt Y�wl �/4r,er«n/n pue��c� � . ��,, <br /> k' .. - � , :r,� <br /> , • •�.;� � <br /> �, , <br /> ,;;.. <br /> + <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . . � — - - -- — - <br />