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<br /> �,���. �e �COSegoing rr�arr�t�.es and rep�esenta�iong, and ==v_
<br /> IDn�rar��r's abliga�ioa�s gursuan� t� tBie foregcinq f.ndemnity, ahal� �__
<br /> t stitr•rv��� xepay�acQnt of the Note aas3 Y.kie reco�veyaaiae of this Deec3 �'_'
<br /> O� '��UCi�. �'
<br /> �, A�tr�i n�nent of R�a�.t�� M�na emsut of Pso er� . As =
<br /> :v>t; aadlt��na3. sac�aar, fiy ereun er, �o�roi,�er er � ass gns to L�nc3er �,.._
<br />:.w�� �e re��sr a��3u�au anai profi�s o£ the ��opsrt�: Pxovided t&i�:t ��=
<br /> Ba�xa;i�� sYiril��, Prior to accelerati.on under p�ragxapl� il h�.reof r�'
<br /> . o� aba.nc�as���tn� �g ithe Propar�y, have f�ne right te collec� and -L�,:�
<br /> r�tain sucB1 rga���� issue� aac� pro�i�s as �hey bacc�e due and p�y_ �
<br /> a
<br /> ab3�. IIpan acae�����ion or abar�onaaeat of the P�operty. ?�nndex ��•
<br /> . ma�, eath�.r isi pa�sQa or by agen�, arf.� or wit�na�ic �ringiuq an.p r�T•
<br /> ac�ian Qs p�csra�se�l3.ng.. ��c mS� a receiver appointed• by a court and _ -
<br /> �cra�thau'�c rega.�c� .L•tn th� a�ec�tsav� oi f�s s�c�rity, �ntes t�oa an�Y -,
<br /> . taT�e �8ses�s3�s�. aS �h� �ropert�, or any pa.Yft tc&ie��of, f.ia its owu
<br /> n�ns or in th� narsr�t of the Tz�astee, anc2 do a�ay �ets which it �__
<br /> cTQems necessary a� desiscable to preserv� ttae va2n�� mark�tabil��p �`'``_
<br /> o� ren�abilit� a�� �h� Praperty. or a�y p�st �er�of o� �nterest �-
<br /> ' therein, �ncsaas�: th+� inca�r�e theref�com as pro�� �r.e �itY �,��-
<br /> he�ec�€ atta, �th �z-witlsmut �atcing possessio�a v.� �� �'m�lert�„ �
<br /> s�ae f�r m� �the�se c�71�c�� .�Q �en�s, iss�s�- a�3 � �:_:"
<br /> �hereo€, ancl�ng �taaa �ae� tH�e and wnpaid, anel� apg�,�.�e s�, =--
<br /> iese costs ancT euger►t3e$ �� ogea'ation aazd eollectiora, 3E..r.rrx�luding
<br /> attosn.ega' Pees, u���u, �ng indebtedness secwrerl laereby�n.. �11 in ___-
<br /> siach mac�ar a� bend�� na� 8etermine. The enterinq upan aad taking
<br /> ��ssessi�mn mE tbe A�cd�pesty, the collec:kion of s�xc& sents, iss�2as �___
<br /> assd p�ofrits and �h� applfcation thereof as BfCOY@E��t e3�a11 aca� ��,
<br /> c�uce o� x�+3�e aci�� defanit or no�fce of de£avsl� herQU�Qr or .,.::
<br />: ia�al;da�e an� ac� done in response to sncl� defaul�: or ptarsuant
<br /> �o such nm�3.�� m�' default and, notwithstandina� the contiaua�a��.,�u .
<br /> - gmssesai�n �f �b� Propexty or � collection, xc��ipt and app�.`�i�- ��
<br /> t:s.on o£ rents 0 �:�$uea or profits, and Trustee ari�3 Lende�c ehal�'�� . .
<br /> ent�tlQd tm e����ise e�rerg► rfght prcovided for in an� ot �he Y.c�an ¢
<br /> � Ins��uaasn�o c�� la� law tagon accurrence of any 8v�ant of D�fault,
<br /> �.z�clttd$11ga w�.�th��t 13�mitataan, t�e right to exerciae tfris� g2�r af �`
<br /> , . aal�. -� Fnu.�ha�o,. ��eASler's rights axcd re.medfes u�x t�is.pa�cag�aph . '�_;
<br /> � g shall be c�t�at�.ve csith. aad in no way a l�a,i3l�a�iosa oa, . _
<br /> _-- = i�nde$•a r�gh�o attd remedies under any Ass3qa�m�nt of �eases a� �_
<br /> - Ren�s reao�ded aqainst the Propertp. Len�er. T�rustee anal the `P'
<br /> receive�c sh�11 �e liable to acc�unt only f�r those rents a�'tually
<br /> receivad. � ;!.��
<br />'';-__ ' 2�p. � gvent9 0� De#�n1�- The £al�.owiug slxa�l co�t$tittit�9t�e �
<br /> an Bvc�n� oi� �.�fa�a t vn�.c� � �?eed af �at:
<br /> i
<br /> c-
<br /> (a) Pai.luYe to pay any insta��ment of
<br /> ��n.a�g�a��.or int�reet or any other sum sescured &ereby
<br />�•� whe�a duct,, or failusre to pay wh�n dne aap other iudebted- �
<br /> a�t�n er�� �3orrower to Lender= ;
<br /> �:
<br /> _ i�) � breach o� or d�faultc un�caz any pravi- , . ---
<br /> � s�on aet��t���ed in the Not@, thie De�� of T�st, any o�
<br /> thQ La�n Tns�arur�a�atg, or any other enct�ro.���,i�ce upon the ; . � �
<br /> Properti�, a�ter q3ving effect to any agpb��cable c��re �
<br /> � pe�Sact �ontafned tpaerein= . ' � �
<br /> ., f�1 A writ of er�ec�atio�a or attar�ment os any
<br /> � s�m£l�as procesa ahall bs entere� a�ga�i�aat H�rso�rer �hich
<br /> sha11 ba�co�e a lfen o�n thes Property or any port�Lon �
<br /> . theb�so� or intereat t��rein� ---.
<br /> � (d1 Theze ska►lY h� fi�.e� h�p or against
<br /> Hctr���s �n action uraa��r ar�y► psesent or fu�o�r� f�dQ�al o -
<br /> atia�� asr o�her sGa�u�e. Z�w or re�alation rela�3azc� to
<br /> . @a�c�wp�.rg, fnso2vren�y� or othes relfef for delatora� or .
<br /> - - �ha�� �Y�aZl be �pga�ntea� anp traste�, receiver e3g . -
<br /> Ziqq�ldut*�c� o£ Horra►er or of al! or any past of the
<br /> . Pruparty, ar the renta, iosuea or profits �hereog, or
<br /> Ha►�rur�+�� �ahall �e�ke ang� general assignn�n� fox the --
<br /> '� m�n�t�.� rrr cr�dgto�cst
<br /> .'�_�,;.;:.
<br /> 5 _-
<br />•r.°:i
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