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<br /> � �`ra
<br />. �m�—_'_
<br /> �a�-:
<br />. � . . � �P:zrtsQi=-
<br /> ' � c�."�_._-r_..
<br /> • , �d° ��r�� �•±�_N t`.
<br /> �----
<br /> --;�:e��=..;
<br /> (e) Th� sale, tranef�r, asaigmnent„ convey+ E�i���`
<br /> ance or furtlaer encumbrance of a21 or any pasrt aiF or ��-:7='•`
<br /> .�.�- :�.�.
<br /> � a�y �e.ntereat in the Prop�rty, either noluntaril� ox ' '� f`
<br /> �°' inna�untasily, with�ut the expresa rr�ritten conse�st of �,�:�Y
<br /> '�„ .
<br /> � Lendez. �:�;;-
<br /> �'�='_:
<br /> 11. �temedi�s Accelerafion U an befault. Iat the even� � `-'
<br /> �" of any Event of De atalt, Lender may, � �ut not ce. except ac
<br /> ��.�-.r,.
<br /> �,-.,��a
<br /> requixed by law, cleclare all indebt�dness secnred heseby to be __
<br /> " due and papabl.e aaid �he sa�e ahall thereup�a� became due and �=�
<br /> payable without any presentinant, demand, proteat or notiae of any �,���_
<br /> kind. Th�reafter, L�c3nder mags �,�
<br /> �°-�.-__
<br /> (ai D�mand tEi�.� Trus�e� �a:dise tlae POWSR
<br /> � OF SAi�E granted heref.n, and Tltustee shall thereaft�r �:
<br /> cause Borrowes's intores� in Y.�ae Proper�Y to be sold �;
<br /> . and �hhe proceeds to be distribnted, all in the manner @_�:_��:;.;
<br />. , prooided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; ��j��
<br /> �>� -
<br /> �E;�`°
<br /> (b) F�cercise any and all riqhts provided for ��,�
<br /> " in any of tYie �an Ynstruments or by law aipon occur- �---_
<br /> y�`.:� renc� of any Ever�t of Defaultf and ''��'�
<br /> �::�:�,
<br /> � (c) Commeac� an action to foreclose this �-�_--=_.
<br /> � � Deed of Trust as a mortgaqe, appoint a receiver, or
<br /> � apecifically enforce any of the covenants hereo�. ���
<br /> �'-5't —'_--
<br /> ��l:s., _ � _'==
<br /> ���- �io rer�dy herein c4nferred �npon or reserved to Trastee or Lender �._�__.
<br />=�'�"�2 � is intended to be exclusi� ��f a�v o�her. rA�ned� herein in f.�e
<br /> �1%a1FtT � �"
<br /> '��'�n' Loaa Inst�cuments or by l�c� ���.�==ra`�. or g�trnsi��ted, laut �acls shall _---
<br />_���: � be cuffiulative, shalZ me in ac3�i���s�: !`..�.�'��°-�" flth.� remady given
<br /> -�"P"'; h�reunder in the Loasz Instxumeats ��e �.�a r�� ���+"� �i��ing at _,,,_�___
<br /> -{�?����` law or iaz eqnity or lby stat�ate• � ��' � ex�cfo:��d COIbC91Y- -----
<br /> �. renfily, indep�nde�f.l.y or su�ceasitrelp• --
<br /> . .�.::.
<br /> 12. Trustee. The Tru�t�e may resiqn at aay tiate wfth-
<br /> � ou� aauge, an� �en�maY at anY ti.me and without cause �gpoint a r�
<br /> � s�nccesser or s�abstitute �ru�tee. Trustee shall not be lfable ta
<br /> _ _� any party, 3ncluding, witcl����t limitatioa, Lender, Berrower or any
<br /> . : purchaser o� the Property, i�.ir aay loss �s �3amage unless du� to ,...�. ��'
<br /> '��`��� reckless or svi.11ful mi�acon��rc�, aa�! s�aa3.i rrs�� be �eqnired �o take
<br /> :.�,,,. .
<br /> -j::��:t an� aation 3n comn�2ian with ttaa r�.��r��n� of this Deed of •
<br /> . ��s�:
<br /> 'Pres,�� unl�� indeasssi�ied, fn �rit.�arr,�� �� �11 cvat�.�o. coa�p����� . � ...-
<br /> -- � or �xpen�� ��eialh may be associat� .�.:�ith. In add�f�"��:�,.'... . -
<br /> Trustes r..�j.g .�ecome a purchaser at ���f :9��,e of the Prog�u^�t� `�� _
<br /> !fud3cfaF. �� under the power of sale gs�.sa.�ed herein) t pos�on� ----
<br /> the oale c�f all or aay portion o€ �hh� �PropertY. as �arovided b�,+' � . �__
<br /> :� " lawg or ��11 the Property as a vahttle, os in aeparate parce2s or
<br /> lot�. .
<br /> �� 13. Peea and Ex��es. Tn thc� rts�ent Trttstea sells �It� . �� .�,���'
<br /> . . Froperty by exere se of paw�r of sale, Trustee staall be entitl�, °
<br /> . ,<� to apply any sa1Q p�coceeds ffrst ta payaient of all aoats and
<br /> • expenses of eaercieing power of ea2e, f.nc�uaing all Truatee s
<br /> - �ees actnally incurreci. En tYce eveait Bc7rrt�wer exercfses any
<br /> �` right pronid�d by law to cure ma Eve�t o� U�fault, a.ender ahall �''�•�
<br /> bo et�ti�le8 to rocover Esom Bosresw�s all cosls anr3 expenses
<br /> aatually incurro� as a result of Sorro-��r's 8efauZt, including,
<br /> v�fthout lfmftation, all Tru�tee's and atto�ney'e fees, in th�
<br /> maximum atnount alloyved by law. In ad�ition, in the event of each
<br /> such cnr�, Le�der ehall be entitled to a xeinstatement fee of One
<br /> . Hu�►8red and Ro/100 Dollara ti100.00�. —
<br /> � 14. Fnture Advancea. Ujp�a request of Hosrower, Leuder
<br /> may, a� ito opt on, make`�i�itional and fnture advaY►ces and
<br /> re-advances to Borroarer. Such advances and readvances, with
<br /> • fnterest thereon, shall be secure8 b� th�s Daed of irust. At nc� �,�;:,
<br /> • time shall �tte p�incipal arao�at o£ the indebtedness aecnred by
<br /> � thfs Deed af Truat, aoic in�ludfnq atuns advanced to protECt the �
<br /> security of tl�is IIeed of Trns�, exc�ed th@ originag pxincipal �`'y''
<br /> amoun� statEd herein. _
<br /> .� �`�
<br /> �., ,-
<br /> —5— ���;i:;
<br /> _��.�
<br /> - - .-, .�. s ' __._...—.
<br /> . . , .. ': � . - . �'+r.; � _�. • ,_ . ' . „ . •.��.,_ , . -. .
<br />