. ,y.. ... . .. . , t. . . . . . . .. r�c;r•� •
<br /> �" !• ' � Y , t� r � �� `t��. 4.�� .• .� ��22'� ;
<br /> . . , 't, , y � , —••-�---�� ��i-,,•��`�T.
<br /> r.�--:T�+?..
<br /> `1�a.
<br /> . � � g��, �.����'� _ � .�;,
<br /> �
<br /> :�- � �.
<br /> the Property 3n violation ok any I.aw, ordinance, os regulationf �����'�
<br /> and ahall pay aaid prumptly diaaharge at �orrower's cflst and =�-,-'
<br /> expensp a11 liens, encuaAbra.aieea ancl charqes levied, �.mposec�i or .
<br /> assess�d against the Prope�c�.y or any part thereof.
<br /> ,;�
<br />- �y'
<br /> �'` 6. Eanin�nt Domain. Leadeg is hereby aasigned all
<br /> compensa�ion, awar a, alamages and oither payments os relief ' �
<br /> 1`� (heseinafter "Proceeds") it� connectfan s��.th conde�nat�.on or okher _
<br /> taRing of the Fzoperty or part thezeof, or for conveyance in lieu -� .
<br /> of condem�at�ion. Lendes shall be �ntitled, at its option, to $;:' �.;
<br /> comm�nce, appear in and prosecute in its own name azay action or
<br /> proaeeciings, and snall also be en�ftlesi to make aaay c�npzomi.se or `�-'b-z-
<br /> �: settlement ia connection w�th suc�t �aking or damage. Zn t�e �"i=-
<br /> event aay postion of the Propa�ty is so tak�n or da2n�ged, I�ender �`�'.
<br /> � shall have the option, in ite Stly�3 and absolute diaczetxon, to ____
<br /> ��� apply a11 such Proceeds, af�er da�ductinq therefrom all cos�s ana ��W�,
<br /> -'�} expens�s inct2rred by it in connecirion t�ath snch Proceeds, ugon s: �,._.
<br /> `}` ����`�T
<br /> ;��� any itz�debt�dnQSS secured hereb�► at►d in such order as Lender m�y �..
<br />:;� detarmin�, or to apply all sucln Proceeds. agter such deduations, �,,,n,,:
<br />`�t� � to the restotatio�a of tY�e Proper�g upoa such cond3.tions as Lender __;
<br />.�=; may determine. Any application of Proceeds to ind�btedness ahall °=,_�.:_:.
<br /> -�- nat ostend or pastpane the dne dmte of any gayments under the s"'"""
<br />:.�:�i �'::.:=
<br />;;�� Nate, or ciuc� any default t&aereuna�er or hereunder.
<br /> �_
<br /> Xr��
<br />�?�'� 7. Performaace b Ler�dexo In the eve.�at of Boxrower's �
<br /> k��Nt � ,
<br /> failure to p�s oam any o t.Iae co�nanta herein os make any pay- .
<br /> r��� ments r�qv.i�c 3 hQreby, or if anp act is taken or 1ega1 proceedinq `l �.�
<br />,�;��- co�enced �aEs�ch materially a€��ects Lender's interest in the ` "`�
<br />'.;�: . p�o�z�xty. Len�der mmy in its o�rn� discretaoa, bu� cvithout abliqa- s�,
<br /> -�-- tio8. +to do so, anai wi.tho�at not�ae to or demand upon Bonawer, and ���
<br /> h
<br /> -=- � witFs��tt r�leasinq Horravaer €ro�z aaiy obliqa�aon, do any act which �rt=
<br />=r`` � tE�e� 3�rrow�r has agreed but �a:ls to do and may also do any other �_�=
<br />>�'��� act ,�� deeat� n2aessary to pgotaat the securit� hereof. Horsoroa�sc �
<br />--_- � shal:�o i.�mtediat�ly upaA dem.�nd th�r�or by Y,Pnder, pap to T.�zul�r ��
<br /> nm
<br /> ���� all �easts ana� exg��as�s incu.�xecl a�r�i rums esap�nnded �y L�udas in
<br />'`�'° conn�ctioa �it.d� f�e exercise bp Lend�r of t&e foregoinq rfqhts, �_
<br /> ` togethe� witfll int�est thereon. at th� de�aul� ratce gsrovidec� in �'�"
<br /> �� the Note, which sha].l be adde�d to the n e tedness secnred
<br /> �"_...
<br /> ;,�;;t hereby. Lc�na3er shall not iaseu� aaiy ��.ab3l.itp becanse of anything �,
<br /> , k 3t may do or omit to do her�under.
<br />,,;� ,.
<br /> �-� 8. �aaardo�as Matfi.e�cials. Borrower slaall keep .the �r•�°�
<br /> ptoperty i�. �ompl auce t8�. nt�� and �11 fed�ral, state aad: �v.oc.a]. `}�'`"
<br /> •;�r,.
<br /> laws, ordg.x�us.�es anai regnla�:kans zelatir.� t� indmatrial hy+�:ene ��
<br /> ���, or � en�vi���nental coradita0ns dn, �a�'� ��r about t�►� Pra�exty, �=
<br />;�t�;. fncTr.�igo 1��st nv� li�ted ta„ soi� ��d� c��undw��r �nc��.�ions. •F,_��
<br /> TruQSt�r t��;t�..�., not use. qeneacate, asanufactuic�� stotrc� mr df.rs�a�e of
<br /> �� , on. undcr +a� about the Propoety or trana�x�� to os. ��c�[� iilte �--.�
<br />�r_-��'t� Pso,�e�ty ax�� flammabbe expl�s�r+�es, radioac�rs� m�1t��.als�, �ra:uardous ��,__
<br /> �.�����±% waat,:�es, toxic subs't:n;�ces os re�lated ma�erials, in��.ttr�inq, c+��tt�tot�� �--
<br />_,,.,�;,
<br /> _-- ° l��atiom, any s�iF�#:ances da�fnerl as or include�3 9:u thc d+��in�.� �
<br /> tion of "P�zardous substana�ea°', "hazardous wastes�, 'hax��m3�� __�
<br /> . . ma�erials� or "toxic suba�an�ess nnder any applicable Triw�, ___.
<br /> ordinances or regulationa �eoYlectively refersed to hese�rn�f�er �-:.•.,
<br /> �'-�r� � ae ��azarc3otns Niat�riala"). B�rrawex he�eby warr�u� and r�pre-
<br />��l-: Be�afis to Lender th�� fhere ar� no Hazardons Materi�t� om os nndeg ,�;��
<br /> � t&e Pxog�rty. Borrawez hereby aqreea to inc�emTa�.�� ana] hola ;
<br /> harmles� Le�er, its dir�c��x�, off3cera, emlaYoy�e�s and aqents, �.�`��Y
<br /> and any s�a�cessors to Lende�c'a interest, from anrl aqaittst any and -••--
<br /> ,,;�, all claima, damages and li�bilitiea arisinq in conrzsction with
<br /> the preIIQnce, use, storags, d�sposal or transpost o£ an�* Hazarddtns __
<br /> �: Mater3als om. under, from or a�ouSc �he Proper�y, includinq, with�
<br /> - out lfmit�tion, (�) a�l dm�gea directly ox indi.sectly asieinq
<br /> out of th� use, qeneratioan.. storaqe or d$sposal of Hazardana --
<br /> • b�terials by Borraa�as or any prior awner or operator of the -=
<br /> Prop�rty, an�l �b) all coatE of any re�iree� or necessary repair, �
<br /> cleaaup or c3etoxification and the preparation o� any closure or _
<br /> � � other req�i�ed plans, whetlzor auch actfon is reqnired or neces-
<br /> sary prior to or following transfer of title to �he Property, to r"°
<br /> the full ex�enf� that such action is attrf.bu�able, directly or �'_"�"
<br /> � indirec�ly, to the presenaa or use, generation, stosage, release, C� �_
<br /> �hreatened selease or dis�ooal af Aazardous Material� by any rTa�=
<br /> � parson orn th� Property pxaor to �r�afer of tftle thereto by ��-
<br /> � -3- �'�
<br /> - . - -- -. ..- -- - ---- - - --._.- - —;^-�:=
<br /> � � � , ' �.: � . , .. . ' , . --:`.;, � ' .
<br /> . . ,
<br /> .. . . ...: ,. . ,
<br /> .. .. . . . , � . .. ,
<br /> ...
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<br />