2 010 0 S 2 6 5 Hall Co Easement #20�4D789R
<br />�� A't"hiny (3P.0) foot wida sasement situated in a part o( d�e 5authoast Quaner (SBl/4) and a pan of the Sautbwea�
<br />Qusrter (SWI/4) af 5ection Eight (B), Township Ele�nn (I1) North, Ciange Ten (IQ) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Hali County, Neb�ska; the eenterline vf said easement being more particularly deacribed as follows:
<br />First to ascerwin the point of bcginning, staR at the southweat cvrner of said 5outheast Quartar (561/4), thc
<br />southwest corner of aaid Svutheast Quarter (SEI/4) also heing e aoutherly comer of e parcel survayed and
<br />plaaed by i.ee 0. Wugncr, L. S. No. 337, dated )anuery 12, Z003 (reviscd February 3, Z003 nnd February
<br />27, 2003) and knnwn as "7"RACT NO. 268"; thcnce running casteriy, along and upon the south linc of said
<br />5outheast Quarter (S�I/4), and alsn 6etng along end upon a aouth line of said "TRACT NO. 26B", a
<br />diatance vf 5ix Hundred Fifty Two and Sevenry Three Nundredths (632.73) feat tv the southeast comar of
<br />said "7FWCi' NO. 25B"; thence deflecring laft 89°5fl'A3" end running narthariy, ulong and upan the eest
<br />line of said "TRACT NQ. 16B", a distance oP Fnur Hundrcd Eighry One and Eight Tenths (48I .80) feet to
<br />the AC'T'UAL point c�f beginning, said point 6eing on the centerline of an existing railroad treck; thence
<br />running northweaterly, along and upon thn arc of' a curve ta the left whose ndius is S77.SQ feet, a distanec
<br />of Four Wundred FiRy Nine and FiAy 5ix Mundredths (459.56) feet (long chord distance - 447.54' - iang
<br />chqrd def(ecting kft 63°32'J3"); thence deflecting IeR l4°29'40" from the cMord of the previously
<br />describcd curve and running westcrly, a dist�nee of 5eventy Nine (79.0) feet; thence deflecting lafl
<br />AI°36'01" nnd running westerly, e distance of Two Thousand Light Hundred Twenty Nine and Forty Qne
<br />Hundredths (2,824.A]) ftet to a paint af tertninaticxi, said point oftermination being an the west line of seid
<br />Southwest Qumrter (5W I/4), �nd being Sevnn Hundred Nine snd 5ixry Qne tiundredths (709.61) feet north
<br />of (aa meesurad along and upon the west line of aaid Southwes( Cruarter (SW 1/4) the souU�west cornnr of
<br />said Southwcst Quarter). (NOT�: Tt� west lina of ssid 5outhwest Quarcer (SWI/4) is alao a west line of
<br />said "7RACT NO. 26A",)
<br />S A"fhiRy (30.0) Poot wide aasement situ�t�d in, e part of the 5vutheest Quartat (5E1/b) of 5ection Eight (8),
<br />Tpwnship Eleven (i i) Nocth, Range 1"en (10) We�c oPthe 6th P.M., ��rr co��e� Nebrasks, the centerline oFsaid
<br />ess�rrrent being mare particularly dexeribed as foilows:
<br />First tn wcertain the painc of beginning, start at che �oulhwast cvmar nf said 5outheast Quarter {5E 1/4), thn
<br />southwast cornar of said Southeast QusAer (5E1/4) alsa heing a xouthcrly cpmer of a parcel surveycd and
<br />plattnd by Lee p. Wagner, L. 8. Na. 357, datrd January 12, 2UQ3 (roviscd Febwuary 3, �UO3 and
<br />February 27, Z007) and known as "TRAGT NO. 268"; thence running easterly, along and upnn the south
<br />line of said Sautheast Quarter (SEI/4), and siaa b+ring alnng and upon a south line of said "T'RACT
<br />NO. 266", a distancc of Six Hundred Fifty Two and 5evenry Tlrtea Nundredths (65Z.73) feet ro the
<br />sautheast camar of said ""C'RACT tJQ. 268"; thenca dctleeting �eft 89°SO'43" and running nocthnrly, along
<br />and upon the east line of said "TItACT N0. 2bH", a dist�nce af Seven Hundred Ninety (79p.U) feet to the
<br />nartheast comer vf said "TRACT NQ. 26B", seid patnt alaa being the southenst corner af s parcel surveyed
<br />apd platted by l.ec D. Wagner, L. S. Nn. 557, detnd lanuary 13, 2(103 (nvisad Fcbrusry d, 2003 and
<br />Februsry 27, 2Q03) und known aa °TRACT NO. 26A"; thence deflocting Mght tl0°00'00" and n�nning
<br />northerly, along and upon tha east line of said "�'RACT N0. 26A", a distance of �ighry Sevcn and Sixteen
<br />Hundredths (87.16) fecc co �,e ACTUAL point vf begirtning, said point being on the cflnterline af an
<br />existing railroad tract; thence running southwesteriy, mlang end upan the arc of e curve to the rlght whase
<br />radius is 57A.55 feet, a distance of Faur Hundred Fifty Four �rd Thirty Five Hundredths (454.35) faet (long
<br />chnrd distanec - 442.61'); thence deflecting right 26°48'24" from the chord of the provinusly described
<br />curve and running wcsterly, a dfs�nce af Eighry Thras aad Two Tenths (83.20) fcet to the point of
<br />tetrnination.
<br />#13360044 vl(135642.2)
<br />