<br />Hall Co Easement 1�200407898
<br />Q A Thirty (30,0) foot widn easemant situatcd in a part of the Southwest Quarter (5W I/4) of Saction �ight (B),
<br />� Townahip Bleven (1 I) North, Ran�e Ten (10} West nF the 5th P.M., Hall County, Nabraslca, the ecnterline of said
<br />easement bain� more particulsriy describcd as fnllaws:
<br />�'irst tv ascercain the Fxxrine of beginnin�, start at the aauthwest camer aF said Southwest QaazOer (S W I/4),
<br />the southwcst corner oEs�id 5outhwast Quarter (5W 1/4) nlso being a svuthwest carnor of a partel su�veyed
<br />and piatted by Lae p. Wa�ner, L. 5. No. 357, dated lanaary l3, 200J (ravisad Febrvary 4, 200] nnd
<br />February 27, 2003) and known �s "TRACT NO. 26A"; thance running ea5torly, along and upon the seuth
<br />line af aaid 5outhWest Quartcr (5W 1/4), and alsa being along snd upvn a sauth line of s+�id "TRACT
<br />Nq. 26S", and along end upon a sauth linc af e parad sttrveyed and platted by Lee D. Wegner,
<br />L., S, No. 357, dated Jsnuary 12, 2tl03 (re�{and February 3, ZQA1 and F'ebruary 27, 20U3) and knawn es
<br />"TRAGT NO. 26A", a distance of Eighc Hundred Eighty Throe and Fifty Frnrr Hundrcdtha (883.54) feet to
<br />a point on Che centariina af an existing railroad track; thenca running northerly, along aard upan the
<br />centerlina of said ratisting raiiroed track, a distance of F'arty Two and Nineteen Hundredths (42.19) feet to
<br />the AC"1"UAL point of beginning, thence cpptinuine northerly, a distance nf Eighry �ight (88.0) feet; thente
<br />running northcastarly, alon� and upnn the eire of a curve to the righl whDSt radius is 580.32 fCCt, a disenttet
<br />of Nine Nundrod Fifteen and �leven Hundredths (915.1 I) f�et (long chnrd distence � 823.21', lan� chard
<br />deFlecting right 45°58'S9" from the previnasly deacribed cawse) tc the pqint oftermination.
<br />/� � A Thirty (30.0) Favt widt aazement situated in a part of the 5outhwest Quarter (SW1/4) af 5c�Hon Eight (B),
<br />Tawnship �leven (11) Norch, Asnga Tnn (IO) WexR a[the 6�h P.M., Hxll Counry, TJebraska, the centarlfne of said
<br />eaaernent being more particularty described eS follows:
<br />First ta ascr,rtain tha paint pf beginning, stsrt at the sauthwest corrrer of xaid Southwest Cjuartor (5W1/4),
<br />the aauthwest coroer nfsaid Souchweat t?uartcr (Swl/4) alao being n souchwest anrner of n pur�cel surveyed
<br />and plattad by Lee D. Wegner, L. S. Nu. 557, dated Jenuary 13. 2003 (ravised February 4, 2003 and
<br />February 27, 2003) and known u'"1"RACT NO. ZbA"; thenae running easterly, along and upon tt�e south
<br />line afsaid 5nuchwest Quartar (SW 1/4), and atso bcing alang and upan a south line vf said "TRaGT
<br />NO. 26A", and elnng and upnn a south line pf a pucal wrveyed and plattcd by l.ee p. Wagnnr,
<br />L. S. Nn. 557, datad January 12, 2003 (revixe� Fabruary 3. 2003 and Pabruary 27, 2003) end knawn as
<br />"1"ILACT Np. 26B"', a diatance of Eight Hundred Eighty Threa and Fifty Four Hundredtha (883.54) fett to
<br />a pofnt, said point being pn tha centerline of an axist{ng railrosd track; thence runaing northerly elong and
<br />upon the ccnterline of said existing rallroad h�ck, a dis�nce of Qne Hundred Thirty and Nineteen
<br />Hundredths { 130.19) feet tv the AC'I"UAL pctint of beginning; thence deflecting (eft Qn°04'40" and running
<br />northerly, a distana of Eighty Six and Twcnty Nine Hundredtha (86,29} feeh, thence running
<br />northwestcrly, along and upon the arc nf a curvc tv the left whose radius is 485.0 fcc� a distance of Seven
<br />Hundr�d Fifty Six and Ninety 5ix Hundredths (756.96) feet {long chord distance � 682.43', Iong chord
<br />daflectin� left 44°42'43" from the proviausly described coursc) to the poinc nf tarmination.
<br />#13360044 vl(1356422)
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