2 0 � O ����� Hall Co Easement #20040789R
<br />�� A tract of tand consisting of a Thirty (70.0) foot wida eaaament which lies Fifteen (#S.0) Cxt either sida of tha
<br />centerline af en exizRing railroxd track whiah ia lacated in s part oPthe 5nutheast Qusrcer (SEI/4) of Sbction Snven
<br />(7), Township Elrven (1 1) Nordt, Ran�e Tcn (10} West of the 6th P.M., Hali Cvunty, Nebreska, thp ccnterline uf
<br />ssid 'fl�irty (30.0) fonC wide e�sement being mara perticularly deacribed es follows:
<br />First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the snutheest comcr pf aaid Southeast Quaner (S�IlA);
<br />thence running nonherly, aiong and upon the aast line vf said Southeast Querter (5E1/4), s discance vf
<br />Sevnn Hurxlrad Nine and 5ixty Qne Hundredths (704.b1) feet; thence deflecting Icfl $9°53'37", mvra ar
<br />less, and running wcster►y, 8 dist9ncc of Fifty Three (53.0) Feet tn the ACTUAL point of beginning, said
<br />pc>int alao being a point vf turvaNre; thence running wpsteriy alOng end upon the prc af a curve to thc right
<br />whose radiva is 404,17 fret, a distnnce of 5evcaty Savcn and Ninnry 6ight Hundradths (77,98) faet (iong
<br />chord � 77,Sb', Iong chord detlecting right QS°31'39" frnm tba provivusly dascribed cnurx) to a point af
<br />reverse eurvaturc; thence running westerly, afong �rd upvn che arc of a curve tv the left whose radius rs
<br />40A.17 feat, a distsnae of 5eventy Sevm end Nincfy Eight Hundrodths (77.98) feat Qong chord w 77,86',
<br />long Chord deflecting Isft 00°00'UQ"from tha chord qf the previously described curve) to p point nf
<br />tar+gency; thence detlecting�left 05°31'39" from the chard vf tha previously deacribed curve and running
<br />weste�ly, a distanae of Qne Thousand Fvur Nundred 'f'hirty pne and EiBht Hundredths (1,431,08) fcet,
<br />more or tess, to e polnt on dn west lina of a parce�, surveyed and platted by Lee D. WaQner, L. S. Nv. 557,
<br />dated August 15. 20Qi (rovised Octobcr S, 20U1 and Novcmber 28, 200i), end known as
<br />"TItACE NO. 25", said poiqt being Seven Hundred T'�enry qne and Thirry Seven Hundredths (721.37)
<br />feet north vf the south line pf said 5autheaat Querter (5E1/4) (as mcesured Along and upon thn w�st lina of
<br />said "TRACT Np. 25'").
<br />(p � A tract of land consisting vf a Thirty (30.0) foot wide casement which liea Fifteen (15.0) feet eithar sidn of the
<br />centerline af en existing raiiroad aaek which ia locaced in a pett of the Southeast Qur,rter (SB1�4) of Sectinn Saven
<br />(7), Township Elcven (11) North, Ranga Ten (10) West nfthe 6th P.M., Hall Countr, Ne6reska, the centerline af
<br />said '1"hirty (30.0) font wide n�sement baing mare particulsrly dcscribed as foilows:
<br />First tv astcrtain the polnt of beginning, start at the eautheast cnrner of said 5outheast Quarter (5E1/4);
<br />thence ronning northerly, alang and upan tha east tinc vf srid Southaast Quarta (SE1/4), a diatance of
<br />Seven Hundr� Nine nnd 5ixry Ona Hundredths (709.b1) Ceet 10 the ACiUAI. point of beginning; thrnce
<br />daflecting leR 89•53'37", more cr less, and runnrng westerty, a diatance pna Thoua�nd Six Hundred Thirry
<br />Nlne and One Hundredth (1,639.U1) fect, moro or less, to a point on the wcst line of a parcel, survcyed and
<br />platted by Lee p. Wagner, L. 5. No. 557, datcd August 1 S, 2UU I(revised October 5, 20Q 1 and Navembcr
<br />28, 2�01), end kovwn as "TRACT NO. 25", said point being 5oven Hundred 5ix and Thirry 5even
<br />Handredths (706.37) foet norsh of thc svuth line of said Southeast Querter (5EI/A) (as meaaured slang end
<br />upon the west line Af said "T1tA1CT NO. 2S").
<br />#13360044 vt(1356422)
<br />