2 O� O O Q�� J Hall Co Easement #2U0407898
<br />V
<br />�. A trect of land consisting of a Thirty (J0.0) foot widn easamant which liea Fifteen (IS.0) feet either side of thr
<br />centarline of an ex3xting railroad dack which is located in a pert of'the Soucheasc Qurrter (5E1/4) of 5ection Seven
<br />(7), Township Elevcn (I1) North, Range Ten (Iq) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Coanty, Nebraska, the centcrline of
<br />aafd Thirty (30.0) fooc wide auement 6eing mowe particularly deacribed ns foliowa:
<br />�irsc to asaertain the point of beginning, start at the saucheast cororr of said Southeast Quarter (5E1/4);
<br />thenct runninY westcrly, alvng and upon thc sopth line af suid 5ontheast �srter (SEI/4), a distsnca of
<br />One Thvusand Six Hundrcd Thirty 5even and Forty Scvcn Nundredths (1,637.47) feer, thence da�lecting
<br />right 89°39'00" and running nnrthCrly, a distancc of Seven Hundrod Six and Thirty Seven Hundredtha
<br />(706.37) feet to a point, said point bcing the southcagt comer of a parcel, s�aveyed snd platted by Lce D.
<br />Wagner, L. S. Na. 557, dated Juty 24, �001 (revised 5eptember 25, 20U1 and November 29, 1001), pnd
<br />known as "TRAC'1' NO, 24", thente continuing nwrtherly, aiang end upon dx proviously describcd course,
<br />s distsnce of FiReen (I5.0) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence deflccting left 69°45'46" and
<br />running westerly, parallel with and Fifteen (15.0) Ceet north of (messured perpendicular tv) the svuth line of
<br />said "TRACT NO. 24", a diatance pf Six Hundred Twenry and Twenty Four Hundredths (620.24) feet,
<br />more or lesa, to s point of curvature; thence running wastnrly, elong and upvn the arc of a curve to the IeR
<br />whosn radius is 404.17 fee4 a diswnte ot" 5eventy Seven and Ninery Eight Mundredths (77.98) fett (lon�
<br />chord w 77,86', long chvrd deflecting left 05°31'39" ftom tht previously described course) to a point of
<br />reverse curvature; tbence running westerly, alang and upon the arc ot e curve to the right whosc redius is
<br />404.17 feet, a distance of 5evcnty 5evcn and Nincty Eight Hundredths (77.98) feat (long chnrd � 77.EG',
<br />Iong chord deflecting IeR QO°00'Op" from the chord of the previously described curve) tn e point on s wuth
<br />line of said "TRA►CT NQ. 24", said point being Sevcn Hundrcd Sevenry Five and Thr�e Tenths (775.30}
<br />feet, more ar leas, west vP thn svutheast comer of said "TRACT NQ. 24".
<br />� A tract of land consisting of a Thirry (30.0) foot wide easement which lies Flfteen (I5.0) feet either side af thc
<br />� centalinG of an existing rdilroad track whiah is located in a part of the Suntheesc Quarter (SBI/4) of Sectian Sevcn
<br />(7), Township Eleven (I I) Nvrth, Range Ten (IQ) West of the bth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, the centariine of
<br />said Thircy (3tl.0) foot wide easemnnt bein� morr pariicularly deswi6ed as fnllows:
<br />First ta ascercain the point oi" beglnning, start at the southepst corner of said Southeast Quarter (SB 1!4);
<br />thanca runnin� westerly, alan� �nd upon tha aouth line of said Soufhaast Quarter (SE1/4), a distanct of
<br />One Thousand Six Hundred 7"hirty Seven and Foriy Sevcn Hundredths (l,637.47) feet; thance deflecting
<br />right 89°39'00" and running northerly, a disWnca of Sevnn Hundred 5ix and Thirry Seven Hundredths
<br />(70b.37) feat to the ACTUAL point qf beginning, aaid point also b�eing the sputheast comcr vf a parcel,
<br />surnyed and ylaaed by Lec D. Wagner, L. S. Na. 557, dated luly 24, 2001 (revised September ZS, 2Q01
<br />and Tlavember 29, Z001), and known es "TRACT �+10. 24", thence deflecting leR 89°45'48" and running
<br />westerly, along and upon tha south line nf �aid "TRACT NO. 24", a distance of Nine Hundred Ninery
<br />Three and 1Vinety Six Hundradths (9A3.96) fcat ta a southwest corner of said "TRACT NO. 24".
<br />N13360p44 vl (1356422)
<br />