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�osoos2s5. <br />tiall Co Easement #200407898 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ASS'[GNED EASEMENTS <br />!, A traat oF land cpnsisting of e Thirty (3p.p) Fovt wida oasement which lics Fifteen (IS.0) feet either sidn of che <br />centerline oP en exiating railroad trsck which is locatad in a part of rhe Soutf�wast Quarter (SW1/4) of 5ection <br />Twelve (12), Tuwnship Elevnn (11) Nortb, Renge Eleven (i t) Wast of the 6th P.M., Hall Counry, Nebraska, the <br />centerline nf said 'R�irty (30.0) foot wide easernent being more particalarly described as follows: <br />Firs� ta esrettain the pntnt of beginning, stsn at the svuthwest carner of aatd 5authwest Quaner (SW i/4); <br />thencn running northerly, alnng a�d upon �h� west tine oF said Southwnst Quarter (SWI/4), a distance pf <br />Six Huadrad Fifty Seven and Eight Hundredths (657.Q8) feet; thenrx defleCting right 89°5Z'30", mo�c or <br />iess, nnd running eaztarly, a distenae oF Forty Ei�ht and One Hundredth (4$.01) feet tv the AC'i"UAL pnint <br />nf beginning; said point being a point of curvature; thence running eastarly, slong and upnn the arc pf a <br />ourva to thc Icft whose radius is A04.17 fnef, a distn,na of 5eventy Seven and Ninery Eight Hundredths <br />(77.98) fnet (long chord � 77.$6', long ahprd deflacting leR OS°31'46" Cr'om the previously described <br />course) tv x point of revcrse curvature; thencc running eastcrly, along end upvn the arc of curve to the right <br />whose radiu; is 404.17 fee4 a distanco of Sevenry Saven and Ninety Eight Hundredths (77.98) fcet (Iong <br />chard � 77.Eb', Ivng chard dnBecting right W°00'00" from tbe chord of the praviously described curve) to <br />r point of kangency; thence defTecting right OS°31'46" from the ehord of tbe previously dcacribad cuwe and <br />nmr�ing easte�ly, a distante nf Ona Thousand Eight Hundred and Tlrirty t?nc Hundrcdtha (1,80U.3 I) feet tv <br />a point of curvature; the�e running easterly, aJong and upon the src of a curve tv thc right whose redius is <br />404.17 fee� e distance of Sevenry 8aven and Ninety Eight Hundrodths (77.98) feet (lnne chord � 77.86', <br />long chord deflaecing ri�ht p5°3 �'46" fram the previously descr'ibnc! course) to a point of rovcnn curvaruro; <br />thencc running easterly, along snd upan tha arc vf curve to the leR whvse radlus is 404, t7 faet, a distance <br />af Sevoaty Seven and Ninety �ight Hundredths (77.98) feet (Inng thord - 77.66', Ivng cbord dcflecting IcR <br />00°00'00" frpm the chard of the previoualy descrlbed curve) ta a pnint of tengency, said paint being vn the <br />centerline of the south railroad track, and being Fifty Two and Twenty Pour Hundredths (52.24) fa�t west <br />af (as measared along and upon said centerline of the aouth raitrnad track) the east line of s parcel, <br />surveycd and p{attad by ❑, Wagner, L. 5. Na 537, dated August 28, Z(101, and Itnown av <br />"TRACT NO. 22". <br />�- A tract oF land consisting of a l"hirty (30.0) foot wide easement which lies FiRean (15.0) fect aitlier side of the <br />centcrline vf an existing ra'rlroad trsck which is locat�f in a part of the Sauthwest QuarCar (5W1/4) of Section <br />1'wetve (12), Township Eleven (i l) Narth. Range Elevnn (i i) West vf thc 6th P.M., HaU Cvunty, Ne6raska, the <br />r.�nterline of said Thirty (30.0) fvat Wide e�nseroent being mvre particularly described as fullows: <br />Fint ta ascertaln the point of beginnin�, start at the southwest rprnpr af aaid Southwest Quarter (SWl/4); <br />thence running northerly, along nnd upon the west line af ssid Svuthwaat Quarter (SW1/4), e distance of <br />Six Hundrad Fifty Seven and Eight Hundrcdths (657.08) fnct tn thc ACTUAL paint af beginning; thence <br />deflecting right 89°5Z'30", mare or lass, and running esaterly, a distance of Two Thausand Two Hundred <br />Tcn and Fvrry Nine Hundredths (2,� 1 Q.49) feet to a point on the east line vf a parce! surveyed and platted <br />by Lee D. Wagner, L. 5. No. 557, dated August Z8, 2001, end known as'"t"FtACT N0. 22," said point <br />being Six Hundrad 5evanry Fvur and Eight Tentha (G74.80) ftet narth pf the anuth lina af said 5outbwast <br />Quarter (5W 1/4) (as measured alanQ snd upon the crost lina of said "7'ftAC'i' NQ. 2�"j. <br />#13360U44 vl(135642.2) <br />