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�I� n`I,•. �, i�74�� i}„r `�Yt';• �� 1{�.s:�►:-�'�MQr�.,r'.�Sy�t4� r�`Y.�r�.rl '`+.i�4j�' �I,li� Ar..,. . .��..w�..c.;als�� ..!l+t,4�tNC:4+.PWT. �w_� � <br /> ,—_ ' r., r ,�:' � �� 1a� ��; _ nk _� . <br /> . } '7�rab n i ki� s�rm� <br /> ;:)- ��f�t ,p.f, f�r��l�' .. : .... <br /> ... <br /> � - <br /> _ -_ <br /> .. ___...- . . . ._.._:_-"�__ � '1.:—___.._ '" .. ' • .-_ <br /> . � ,,.�tIy.... � . — <br /> . "IY'�1Tf7-L�r2y,t!�'�r��r ' __ <br /> � . r'•1' ' '._. <br /> ' _ __.4.�. _—� ....... <br /> ._L. . - __.'_ <br /> . �.._ ln. .r u'°'�' <br /> � i4�75 �=J=�.:�.�--- <br /> �,,. ..,.: . 92_ �v__-- <br /> ,.: . . .�r;�`' ,V -- <br /> , i��t�'�.> �.�:r:,—.'�:.. <br /> � '=�°"�~•��-• candemnatia�or uthe�laking ot'any purl of tho Propeny,or for comcyuncc in licu of condemoation,un hcnhy u.+i�sned and e�snrr.._=-- <br /> —°- �'�`'�� shull bc uid to Lcndcr. <br /> ,�.;"'s;. : • n p =_ - <br /> �7.�.r.;��,:;;:T�•°�. .. . In �he evcat uf u�otal�nking af Ihe Pm(x`ny. Ihc pracecdti shull tx: nppUed to Ihc �um� kcurcd hy Ihi� tir�urity <br /> " �' '�' lmtrument, whethcr�r n�u �heu due,wiih uny rxceys puid�o Borrower. In ihc cvem of u purliul luking uf thc I'roperly in <br /> •"" a which the fair murkct vuluc of thc 1'roperty immedlutcly hcforc�hc�uking iti equul w��r greuter�hun thc umoum��t'�hc,um+ ---- <br /> '"'��` -•''.�°^" y:._r recured by Ihis Securily In+�n�mem immed�atcly bel'ore Ihe tuki�g,unles, Bcxrower und I.enJer oiherwi+c ugRC in wrl�ing, __-� <br /> � s�.:�+=ti-k'�-=�-�'....�-�' Ihe sum�cecurod by this Sccurily Inxtrumenl sholl tx reduced by�he nmuuni uf'thr pnxccd�muUiplird by Iho folluwing <br /> _.._ . <br /> • *�'•�:�;:� �.,� fruction: (ul�h�mtul umounl of the rumx r;ecurcd immediutely bcforc tUe suking,dividcd ny�h1�hr fuu murhr�vuluc ul'i ic �="� '"�"_� ��� - <br /> •�-y:�t-:.:.:n•��..�• ��• Pmperty immcdfa�cly lx�fore�he�uhing. Any bulunce xhall l+c pnid to BoROwcr. In the rvem ol'+i puniul �ul�ing of thc <br /> ,r Pirnpcny in which the fui� marke�vuluc of the Propeny immediu�ely hef�rc�hc tukinu i� kss�hun ih� umoum af thc .um+ �`.�--- <br /> +.,� - ' :'t' . ��i-'�` • secured immediu�ely before thc tukin�e,unless Burrower und Lender aherwi,c ugr�r in wriling �►r unlc�. u�liraMc li�w m.v_Y_-�_--__ <br /> � • •�� �'. , otherwi�pmvide�.the proceedK shull be a�+lied to tiu+um+recurrd by this Secu�fry Inxtrumrnt whr�her or noi ihr.umv arc �_.,_,q,,.__ <br />_�_,,,— ' . . , �hen due. =;7,�„�:.�__ <br /> � �� �r.,r,=�r=..�_ <br /> �=�� . ' It Ihe PrnpeAy i�.aihandoneJ by Borr���cer.�,r ii,aper ni,ticr by I.cndrr lu RoROwcr thul Ihc conJemm�r oflcr+lo muke :�,;��-�;,�:�_��: <br />.t;: , <br /> ��' un uwurd or u:ltle u claim far dumage.r•.�urr��wer fail,t�,rc.�xmd ta Lendcr xithin?0 duy,ul'ter thr dntc the noiire i,givcn. ' � <br /> .., y' ; •:�c.�.�;:t: <br /> -° Lrnder is s�aih��ri�ed �o c�llcct unJ upply tl�c pr�kceds,a1 i�s apti��n,either�o re�turu�iun a�rep.�ir ol'ihe 1'r�►Exriy or to�he qu-�--.�.,�, <br /> ., .y _._ _�..,_ -�.t... sumx�ecured by Ihig Sccuriiy in.lwwrut,a hclh.r oc nnt th�n Jur. '���.. <br /> - - - .�.,,:�•>�.;..,, <br /> .;;- � , . Unleti.Lendcr und BaROwer<►thr�•i.e�g�e� in«�rilioe.uny a�+�+liruti�m ut'pr�xecJs tu prinripal .hull not extend�x �-��,,�,.:�_�a;, <br /> � - � poslpone thc due dute of Ihc momhl}paymcnts referrcd to in puragraphs I und 2 arch�nge Ihr amuunl af surh paymenl.. �;:_•��• =:,�:,,e._�_- <br /> ,�•�� ��,,��, 11. Borrower Not Releaxed: Forbearance Ry I.ender Not a Wai�•e� Bx�cn.i�•n ul' �he iinh ti�r paymcnt or 's ��;;,.,;_,,,. <br />''� '��''�'' madifiwtion of umoreiuniun of ihe rum�secured b� ihi�Sccuriry Inw�rumem gramed hy l.ender to uny xucce.�or in in�rrr.t �.��.;,.,�,,.-_—__=� <br /> • . . �#�:�'�a�'; ,:,;- .:., .'•; uf Burrower rhull nnt o�ra�c �o rcicu�ce the liahilit}•of Ihc ariginul Borrower or R��rrnwer�succc��or. in iote�etit. LrnJcr �'':, ' _ , - <br /> �!� �iF<;n't � ���<<r �i} shull nat be rcquired ta rommencc pmcecding� a�t�imt any +ucre,.or in in�erest or refuxr u�cx�end �ime iur paymcnt or Z.,�;�."` <br /> , :'� '` r"�ts�.{�t,i s othenvixc madify umoMizuti�n of the xum.xecured h}thi�Securily In�nvmcnt by nasan o f un�•deman d madc hy t he ii rigi n,d <br /> . • " �, ,:dh��:%':�• Bormwer or Burrower's tiucces,or, in interes�. Any farlkuruirce hy l.ender in exercixin�! uny rigM or remed� sh:dl not tx u :., ..� �{ -= <br /> ' "'' '� r4;i�`;:` wuiver oP or prccludc thc�xcrcise of am riiht or remcdy. <br /> 1:i�,;ei �. �•,; , ',.��� -� <br /> � �..I ,-, rA..-.�•..t; �'- )� <br />• �r..•• " :� `° � � .. l2. 5ucce.ssors and Aa4i�nx Bound;Jol�t und Several Liability;Ca•si�ners. The cuvenunt+und ogrcemcnt+of thi� �3��;��.._ <br />`r,',�t� ' ` ...�'• .. " ' .. Security Ins�n�ment xhull bind und hcmeGt �he successars und uxsigm of Lendcr and Burrower.subject �o the provi.iom of �-�:,- <br />�r',�;�" . ' parogruph 17. BoROwer+ covrnunt,and Agre�:mentti.hull tn joint unJ,everul. Any Bortower N•h��co-tiigns thiti Securi�y s — <br />``�;r,.;,i:" , •, . • � ,, Instn�ment hut daes nai execute thc hoie: (a►i:�co-tiigning thi.Security Inhtn�mem unly ro mortguge.grunt und r��nvey lhat ______ _ <br /> _;, << Borrower ti intcrcst in�hr Prup�:ny under thr tcm�h of ihi+Sccurity Inx�rumcm; (bl ix no�personully obliguted to pay ihc sums �`—��� � <br /> _..� _ <br />";;,:� " :;ecured by�his Security(n+trumenr and(r)ugmex thai Lender und unv other Borcower muy ugn�r to exlend.modify,fo�txur �,.�,�,y,+�,,ky :;!!',�._ <br /> ' � , �� • ar muke uny +�ccomn�datian� wi�h reFard to tln term. af.thi, Securit Inctrument or �he No�e wilhow �hat Hnrcower+ -��•'��i�w'°i°'"� <br /> Y ��.�� <br />� conxcm. � -— <br /> -_= • 13. Loan l;hargec. ii the ioan xcrund by iiii, Sr�uao�� �r„��ur��nt i: suhjctt sc3 a I:�w• ti.hich ,et� s�:axienum lear .:����— <br /> > r.: <br />:.;,i• ''�� chur�c..und thal luw is tinally interpreted�o�hut Ihr im�rcsl or o�her luan churge�collerteJ or�o be co!Iccled in ronnection r��!�,),?,J{,',�,,�w <br /> .�� ,.<.:� ,;.�..• <br /> . . ,"• �r;;Tr.�. with�he loun exceed the�+.rminecl limiix,then: (lU uny�uch loun chur�!e shull tx�reduced hy U�r ameiuii necessary to reduce ''___, <br /> �,;��k,;'ik;;'?:;; thc churgc to�hc Exnnined limit:and Ib)smy sum�idreudy coUccted fn�m BoROwcr which exccedcd�x:nnU�cd limitti will bc <br /> ..Y�.,.,.,•,,:;�-.�. <br /> .a� . �.� �..,.t.ti�a,d�„ � ,__;r <br /> � .�;�4,i ti. mfunded to Bnrrower. Lender muy ch�x��c tu mukc thi�refund by reducin�,tlk principal owrJ undrr the Note or by making u :�,;;•,+ , ,� , <br /> . :�".�:.`'. �-•:� ; rF i�'s dirert puyment lo Burrow�r. If u refund reduce�pri�xfptd.lhr reduction wlll t�e Ircuted ux u puniul pnpuymenl wilhout uny £c�;�'�--- <br /> �..1?'�'�:':�?y4:t. .$��.� �lJii%`'W_` <br /> S �• �" � , '_•f:�{'i�,�;fi:.��`,:�,, prcpuyment rhur�tc unJer Ux N�Ie. �,.u�,., --=-- <br /> , . •:'�i�-�:;,;:;;! 14. Nolices. Any nixirr lu Bnnowrr pruvidcJ ti►r in thiti Srcurily In.trunxnt,hull lx givcn by deliverinF it ar hy �„;W_:,_;,_- <br /> � �•l;�e:..�� - <br /> , •,�y,.,, muiling it by tir�t clus.muil unlctiti upplfrnblc luw reyuire.usc of anuthcr mctlxxl.Thc n�►ticr�hull lx dircctrd to thc Pro�xny �,-s:;���.:.-;�_,� <br /> .,,,.., <br /> '; . . Addrctix ur uny uthcr addre�� Borruwcr de�iEniu�, hy noiicc to LenJcr, Any no�icr ���Lcndcr tihull Fx given by fir.t rlu�s �•'� �:pru <br /> muil lo LenJrr±uJJrc..�tut.d hcrrin ur uny uthrr nddtr+.l.cndcr dr.ignatc.hy nulicc�o Burrowcr. Any m�ticc providrJ 1'or � -",• <br />. i ••p.:. . , <br />;�•� ;�,,1: � in thiz Sccurity Instrumcrn,hull Ix dcrmed to huvc Ixrun tiivrn tu Hurroµ•er ur LenJer whcn given u. providcd in thi. �� <br /> , �t�•;;;�., _ <br /> , .. parugruph. :��.;_.,:_._ <br /> ' " „ � ,. IS. GoverninR•;tie��cruhilily. Thi� Srrurity Imlrumcn� +hull Ik gaecnmJ hy tcJcad luw und �hc luw ut' �hr '� "_ <br /> , '`�" .Iuri�dictKm in which Ilx�Prnprny i,kxalcd. In thc rvrnt Ihul any pruvi+iun ur cluu+r al thi�Scrurily Imtrument��r Ihr NMc •'_t'.-. <br /> . ��-i;.,,,;�`': conllicts wi�h upplicuhlc liuv.�uch rontlicl,hull nut nllccl o�hcr provi�iuns ul thi.Srcurity In,lruntrnt or thr Nnlr whirh ram '.."_;:'��-.. — <br /> '�a.• . : �:�,,.. , �� r � �•;.,�lT"" <br /> . ,,, Ix givcn cffcr� wiihuui �h�runllic�in ro�•i,ion, 'Ib thir.cnd thc ru�•itiium uf'�hf�Srcurit� In,trumrnt nnd thr Notc ure -. +-,;T'""� <br /> �r.v;'•.:`. •;,'.'.;(;',;.•' declarrJ tu Ix,rvcruhlc. ;�•�,��y� <br /> . ' ,,•,}•:.;:,�. � 16. Borrowcr'ti Cop��. Hnrco��•rr�hall ik piecn onc cunl'��m►rd rupy u(ihc Nalc and�►t'Ihi.Srru�ity Imin►nunt. - . <br /> ,. ��"� r.r r'°- __ <br /> : 17. 'IYanxfcr of Ihc Propert�•or u Hernficiul Inlrrest in Iturrower. II all ur:ui�•��an uf�hc Pru�xny��r unv int�rc�t in t ..�,__ <br /> -'�;��� �:..':� � <br /> � •;)� ' i� i,uild ur tran�l'cRCJ(i�r il'+i hcnrl'iciul imcrrti� in Burri�u�cr i�.old nr �ran.tcrrrd :uid Rum��err iti nut u ni�turul� � <br /> ,, ..� : wilhout Lrnder:priur u•rilten con�enl.Lriidcr may,al il�aplian,rrquirr imnxdiatc payrornt in full ul'ull ,mm urured hy "'-.=== <br /> „„'"`= <br /> "�• �hi.Sccurity In.trumcnt. Nmvcvcr.lhi�u�,ti�x��hull not Ix by Lrnd�r il cxrrci�c i+prohihitrJ by fcJrru)luw us ot' � —_� <br /> ''' �hr dute��f'Ihi,Sccurity In�vuntenl. , <br /> ,. � >i.;r; It'LcnJcr exrrci,c.thic�+pliun.Lcndrr+hall�i�•c Hurcuwrr nulicc uf ihr�Icrntion. Thc n��tirc.h:dl pro��idr a�xri�xl i�t' � <br /> , �f'•,'',t. nul I«+than�ll Ji�y.iram tlx dalc Ihc nu�irc i,.Irlivrr.�l„r mailyd�vi�hin��hich liurru��•er n►util pay all.unt,urur�d by thi. <br /> �„�'�(• Serurity bi.�rumem. If H�Kru�►•cr I'�iil� ta p:iy tlx�e .um. pri��r 1�► Ihe c�piratiun ��I'Ihi, ��eriud. l.cnder miiy invu6c any ; <br /> rerncdic��xnninrd hy Ihi,tircuriiy In.uumcnl ��ith��ul funhrr natirr urdcmand un Hurmarr. • • <br /> 18. Borruwer's ki�hl to Reinslale. It' Hurru��rr nurh rrn��in runditiun�. Rurro��•�r .h:dl h:i�•c �hr righ� Iu hacr � <br /> }�' enfurcemrnt uf�hi�5ecurii}• Iminnnrni�li.r��n�inurd��1 :m� iiroe priui tu Ih�•��urller al': liu S Ju�•.1or+uch uthrr�xri�xl a. <br /> � �.�;� . <br /> � Sm}I.Iamily..F'�nnk�fae;FiedAk�lAC1�NIF(IkA11Kti1Nl'\1F:\"I ..I+iill���ml'���.n:uu• 4�411 yu�c�•�„Ir��ti�c,•�i <br /> , . � . <br /> . .,. <br /> . � . � � <br /> i <br /> � � <br /> � ' <br /> ' � - -- ---- . _. _ <br />