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t�� . ��t°�fl . . .�; ��j1i�I �;/:4ljL:� � � .` ,tf��?���a_ . <br /> .tw :-r�. ,�, . . .ea- -_ .ir�:^--- <br /> � t,. . •-..,..�e.,�--�i�^�•-�-� - :� ._- <br /> _ �; <br /> -- � — � — --- _.� <br /> ---- . . � __ , �... r . S rr. —_. ++`- —- <br /> . �,��t,"��?�;lll �4�"' <br /> . xh � -- _..� ``�' l" - <br /> _ . - - <br /> . - — -- <br /> ,_ �� <br /> � . <br /> . �.��„� • 92--so�s'�!5 `�-�- - <br /> . -���n•'ra .� ,s. <br /> � ��z <br /> _=-�=:.-�.�fr.��+�.' periads�hut Lender rcquires. The insurunce caRier providing Ihe inxurunce xholl be chuun hy HnROwer�uMja:t�a 4enderk F==�-„�.� <br /> upproval which Rhall not t�c unrcusonably withhcld. If Barrowcr fuils�n maintain covcruge dcycrfbeJ utwve.l.ender mry,n� _ <br /> _ ._ �,,. . L.enderk option,aMAin cuverage ta protec�Lenderk righ�s in�he Propeny in ncrnrdanre wi�h purug�Aph 7. <br /> � �`s� All insuronce palic�es und renewalti shull be ucceptuble lo Lender und nhul)include u Ktandunl murtgugr rluuxe. Lender <br /> .-',�, ' ^"'"`'"'" shall have thc right to hold Iha paNcics und�enewalx. If L�nder reyuitrc,Borrowcr r�hull pn�mpUy givc to l.cndcr ull reccipl� �_•a-,��,�.-- <br /> '�ti '!i�' � ,;� .., , of paid premiums and renewal notices. In tl�e event uf losx,Bortowcr xhull gi�e pm�npt naUce tu�hc in�urwice currier and �=-�� = �� <br /> r^•�•�.'�;�. Lender. Lender muy make pmuf of loxx if not made prompqy by Sormwcr. ---- <br /> _ '_. _._.,....... , , a�— ---_. <br /> ;�,�;:.� +�, •�'. . Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise aEree in writing.inzur.uice pnxecJ,�hc+ll 1►e npplicd�a rc,lurutiun ur r�puir af � -=- �°--- <br /> ��'� ', :.� the Pr rt duma ed, if ihc restara�ian or� air is econamicall fenxible und Lender+ .cruriiy ia mx Ic+�encd. If ihe <br /> ,���.�.�y : � � Y � p y• <br /> '+x .��. � '°'� . msto�et on or repuir ix �ot economicnlly feusible ar Lender's secu�Uy would be IcsxcneJ, thc in�u�unre prcx:red� xhull be _ __ <br /> �:���;�:;�,;' . `;�° ' applied to the xumw secured by Ihis Security Instrument, whether or na then due, with uny exce.r+puid �o Burrower. If <br />��.�t,,.,;_; ,,,. „� Botrower ubandons Ihe Prapeny,ot dnec rx�t un�wer within 3Q dayti u naticc from Lender thot �he in�uruncc carrier hus __ <br /> ��:_,,;;....; , offercd to seple a clnim,then Lendcr may callect ehe in+urance prarced.r•. Lender muy utic the pr�xccds to repuir or restore �,,.___�_, <br /> '.��:��' �' the Property or to pay sums xecured by thi�Secutity Inc�nimem,whelher ar not�hen due. The;Il�day periad will tx:gin when _ <br /> j�" . . --•: _ . the nodce is gi�en. ��.-_ .- <br />£ �' �'�'%i'+b• � Untesx Lender and Born+wer dhen��i�e ngree in w�i�ing, uny upplicution of proceedz tu principul xhull not extend or 'n`'-_ <br /> '�e_.s_�.;:;h�j ...�_ � - <br />���r '.. , _ � • po�tpone the du�date of'the mcxuhly payments rete�red to in parugrupha 1 unJ 2 ur�hu��ge ILc.u��uuut�f zhc�aytttcttts. If -_=----- <br /> ,� �� •�'�" r'' � ' uc�d¢r parag�ap� 21 the Property is ucquired by Lender, Bortower 4 ngM ta Any insurunce policler and proceedx resulting <br /> f:>� ' r':r,:,.•.;:• .. -- <br /> y;.,t .;.,��,:�•-- • from damage ro the Property pcior to the acquisition shnll�pass to Lender ta the extent of the sumx xecurcd by this Secunty ��,:,.,�_�, rn <br /> ,,,�., .: �f'`� �� Ins�rument immedintely p�iar to thexq uisitian. e°i'�• <br /> �4' � �.��s�' 6. Occupancy, PreservAtion. Malntmance aod Proteclion oP the Property: Bor�ower'� I.oAO Applkattom. �;-_,�_ <br />��..�t" c^-[.;c--= <br />,;,- .: - - -� l.caseholds. Barrower shall orcupy,e�tublish,ancl uu:the Pmpeny as Borrower's pr�n�.�pul residence within sixfy doys nfter ,3..���, ----- <br /> .�� � ' . the execution of this Security Ins�r u m e n t u n d s h u l l c o n t i n u e to�xcupy the Property us Borroweri:princi pul rexidence for ut �%a�e��-`-_ <br /> f: �� 5,;.�,;;, .. least ane year After the datc of occupAncy, unless Lender whenvi.r•e agrecti in writing, which consent shall na be �,�n.,`�.�` <br /> � :��"��`' unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuutingcircumytunces exis�which ure 6eyond Borrower's control. Bartower shull not +��''`� ��"� <br /> �..,, � �.•;��'�'• , <br />;• , � de4t�oy,damage or impuir�he Property.allow the Propeny to deteriarutc,ar commit wu.te on the Property. Borrower sholl +:•',r��;`.=-r�-, <br /> � ' be in dePAUU if Any forfeiwre ucUan or procceding,whether civil or criminul,is begun Ihut in Lenders gaod fuith judgmem -�"'�'—'""``-�' <br /> � � � � . c�uld resuit in forl'�Nure of the Propeny or aherwise materiully impuir the lien creuted by tbis Security lnsttumenl or '��.�A�;�+.. <br /> . , ,�,.�_�; ,.:�. <br /> � Lender's secudty intere�t. Borrower muy cure such u defuult And�einstute,as provided in pArugruph 1 ti,by cuusing the ac�ion <br />; . � •� � , �,�, or proceeding w be dismisaed wiih a ruling thut,in Lenderk gex�d Puith detertninudon,precludex fnrfeiwre of the Borrower S „����L• <br /> .�.:�.__ <br /> interest in the Praperty or o�her mu�eriul impairmen� of the lien creuted by this Security Inslrument or Lendere security Lt;�-� <br /> � ^ �•: interest. BoROwer shull also be in defnull if Borrower, during the loun upplicutian praces�, gAVe mater�ully false or ___;:'u <br /> � , ° „ � inuccurn�e iaforrr�ution or s�utements to Lender lor fuiled to provide Lender wi�h any mu�eriul informution)in cannecticm wi�h ,,.:�;s,i; <br /> the loun evidenced by the Nate, including,but not limi�ed to, repretientntions concerning Borrower�uccupuncy of the �►��� <br /> • - '" Properly u+u pri�KiNdl ie;idcttcc. !f ttli:;Srcutity lnsirument ix on a lc:s.,ehold.9orrower s4tall comply with rll the pr�vixlons ���-��.�.�.':_.. <br /> '•;}�;;�';',1•.�_ �� nf the Icusc. If Barrower ucyuireq fee�itle ta ihe Propcny,the Icatiehold und the fee ti�le shull nut merge unleax Lender aFreex �<<?:'•�= <br /> '`� `•'�:,�`�' ro the mer er in writin ��`°`` <br /> � ' e•;;'�i;; A 8• <br /> �'`� 7. P�Mection oP I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails ro perfonn the covenants und ugreements `. r�y�� �,. _ <br /> • " . contained in �hir Securi�y Insttvment, or there ix a Iegul prace�ding tha� muy significundy affect Lender's rightc in the , �•,"1''. _._. <br /> • p mperty(surh ati a proc:eedin g in bunkruptey.prohate,far condemnution or forieitun:or to enforce luwti or regulations),then '�_�=r �*=��.; <br /> ' Lendcr muy do und puy for whn�ever ir neccssury to pmlec��he vulue of the Propeny und Lender's rightti in the Propeny. • <br /> Lender's ucti��ns muy include p�iying uny tiums securcJ By u lien which hu+prioriry over ihis Security Instrument.appeuring �',�, , <br /> , in court,paying reu�unuhle u��omeys'fees und entcring on the F'ro�xrty ta muke repuirs. Al�hough Lender may take uclion - ..�• <br /> ., ' undcr this pnrngruph 7,Lcndcr dcx+nut huve�o do sn. -����� _^ <br /> ' Any amounlx di�huned by Lcndcr undcr this puragraph 7+hull Ixcomc additinnal Jcbt of Borrowrr secured by Ihis -°� �--, <br /> ' • Securily Inswmcnt. Unlex,Borrnwer und Lcndcr ugree t�othcr tcrnix uf paymenl.�hr,r unuwnts s ha l l b ear intercst fmm t he <br /> date of dishuncmem ut the Nole rmc and xhull t►c puyublc,with intcresb up�m no�icc I'rom Lcnder to Bonower requesting . . . ;�;� <br />�� pnyment. • °: <br /> , 8. Mort�age Insurunre. If Lrnder myuircJ mongugc in.urancc us u conJitinn of muking the loan ticrured by this :-*��•• �,.•,•�,--� <br /> - . Securily Instrument,Borcawer xhall puy thr premium+requireJ lu moinluin the mort�uge inxurunce in effect. If, for nny l; � ;°;�, .,., <br /> reution. Ux� niortguge intiurunce coveragc rcyuimd by LenJer Ic�p+c. or ceu:c. to 1,� in effect. Burtower xhull pny �he , <br /> � prcmiums reyuired la ohtain coveruge +ubsluntiully eyuivalent I�i thr nx�n�!u�r insurancr previouvly in effect, ut a cost �*" <br /> � '�;�'` ' substunliully eyuivulent to�he co�t w Borrowcr of thr monEuEr inwrunce in�t�fert,from un altemute morlguge <br />' insurer approvcd by Lender. It'.uhs�un�ially cyuivulent m��ngugr in.ururxc covrrage i.not avuiluble.BoROwcr shull pay to ��;�,��;.��: _ <br />� Lender euch monlh a sum eyuul ta one-twclfih of Ihr ycarly roun�;age inwrunce prrmium hcing p•rid by Borrower when the = <br /> ° insurunce coverage Wps�d or ceaxed�o tx in el'f'ert. Lendcr will iircrpt.u,e:mJ rrtain�hesc puymrnt.a�a lotix re,erve in lieu .•,�� <br /> - , of mongagr insurarxc. Los.rrxervr puyment�muy no longcr i►c requind, ut thr option �►f Lendrr, if murtguge insurunce �-•� -:— <br /> �,•;,� .. � � coveruge(in the amount und for the Fxrial thut Lcndcr r�yuirc,)pr�widrd hy un in+urcr upproved by�Lender uguin becomes ..r-��,.�,���,�. <br /> . •�t:_ � <br /> uvailabk und is obtuined.Borsnwrr tihall p�y thc premium+rcyuimcl lo maintuin mongage in.urancc in effect,or to providr u ;.. .. ;•;�r .� <br /> ;�I. �� loxs re�ervc,until the reyuirrmenl f'or moilgu�r in.uramrr ends in uecordunrr��ith uny wriuen u�!rcement txlwrrn Bom�wer �"� � � ��`t°.: <br /> .�,. <br /> ,� and Lendcr or upplicuble luw. � , � <br /> ..;.� +,�' 9. InspecNon� Lcndrr ar ih a�;cnt rnay mukc rcu,unublc cmrie�upun:inJ ii�.�xrtiun+uf thc Pruperty. LcnJrr.hall <br /> . , give Burcowcr notice.0 thr limr M�or prior to an in��xc�iun,�xcilying rru,unnhlr rau.�li�r�hc in��xrtian. � <br /> . , 10. CondemaMion. Thc pr�xecd.ot'any award ur claim fur d,un:�geti.Jinrt ur ron, connrrtiun wilh uny ` <br /> timglr hamil�••-Funnk\1re�FreddM�tac t'\IFt1N�t I�S7'RI'�1F:\1'..l�nil��nu('u�.uam. 9;�N1 �p��er?,�f n���e�•�� i <br /> ';,���' � Iql'.11 WIM INNIMTr Fmn+_iM � . . .. <br /> - TUIMdfT1:011 IdMMK..IM111:1!Il.'F�\U�147'll�ll.l� <br /> ! <br /> . '. � . 1 <br /> . i. <br /> ,. � <br /> ' . .,s , . .., ,. _ . <br /> �'r .. � <br /> f <br /> � <br /> • �, � _ _ _ _ <br />