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<br /> '�•..a�� ' unuam tu un wcr of sale a�maincd in �hir�
<br /> �„�fiy,.�ec,r;►,��d�y,s�:, °f applic�ble Iww may apecify far reinstotemenq befam enle of the Pmperty p Y P�
<br /> •��, Security lnsuumant�ar(b)entry oi'a judgmeN enfarcing�his Security Inx�n�ment. Those conditians are thAt Bonowe�: (u)
<br /> �•��!��;��� " ' - poya l.enckr ali xumA whlch Ihen would l+e due under Ihia Securily Instrumeot and Ihe Nate us if no accelerutbn had
<br /> •� ""•'"',:•:�`:i:;• cecurted;lb)cu►es ony default of uny cither covenanth ar agrcernentx;lc)puyx all expenses incurre d in en iurr ing Ihiti Secudt y
<br /> ,;:�''.,;', :, •,, '•+� 4 ��• Insrn�ment, includfng,hut not Ilmited tc►,rearunablc altomeys'fees;und ld1 tukes xuch u¢Ifan u+� LcnJcr may masunuhly
<br /> ,�•.°� ' ,;'^'� �` require to usaurc that ihe lien uf�hi+:Security In�tn�mem. Lender4 right�in thc Propcny und Borrowcrk�ihliga�ion lu pay ihc
<br /> • ,• � sums sccurcd by �hix Securi�y In�ln�ment +hall contlnue unchanged. Up►n reintitalcment hy Horrowrr. Ihi+ Securlry � _^ _ ,
<br /> ,.1�,,;.5�+!'�a�`�•' Inatrument and�ha abligutianM1 xecured hereby Rhull remnin fuily eff��tive ns if no uccelerutian had c�ccuRed. H��wevc�,tl�is _
<br /> r;,::.,,,,,, .. . r ig ht to re instate s hu l l na t upp l y i n�h e c u s e o f u c c e l e r u l l a n u n�e r p u r a g r u p h 1 7.
<br /> n_ .,; • 19. 5plo oi Natei Chpnge ut I.aAn 3ervicer. The Note ar u partial intcre�t in the Nme(lagclher with Ihix Secudly
<br /> �= � '. ' ' Instrumenq may be:uild ane or more tfiner: withoW priur notica �o Bormwer. A ude muy resull in u change in the enlity
<br />.x_� � .... �. • (known ae tho'I.aun Scrviccr"1 Ihut collectn monlhly paymcnts duc undcr Ihc Notc und IhiF Security Instrument. Thcrc ulsu
<br />�r,.. . ° .. may be one or mnro changen af the Loun Scrvicer unreluled to u�ala of Ihe Note. If there ir�u chunge of the Laun Servicrr,
<br /> . . Borrower will be given writlen notice of�he change in accordunce with puragruph 14 ubnve and upplicuhle luw. 7'he nalice v �
<br /> :+-�� • ' will xlute thu name and addresn of the new Laan Scrvicer und thc uddresr;t�which puyments zhould bc mude. Thc nMice wiil
<br /> • •� . alwconlpin uny other infurmntian required by upplicAble luw.
<br /> - — •� v 2�. Nuxurdoua Seebstence9. HnrmW�•r«hull nol cause or�x:rmit Ihe pmyence,uxe,di�pnsal,suKi�ge,or releu+e i►f nny 6---__ — _
<br /> u ---..
<br /> ,�� � `" Har;�rd�ws Subslance+nn or in the Property- Bwroµ'er sha��a�t da. nor ullow uny�nc else to do,nny�hing oUccting�hc -
<br /> Property Ihu�is in viulatian oT any Envimnmental Luw. The pmccding�a•o sentcnccs whull not apply tv the presencc,use,or
<br /> � : �%� � e on the Pro rt oi'xm;ill uantitiex i�f Hc�zardous Substances Ihut arc gencrully rccagnized ta t�e�ppmpriutc to normal �.s;��''''= _
<br /> ' .torag P� Y 4
<br /> ,:f,�!��•. asiden�i�l uses and to maintrnanre uf thc Propeny. , _ - --
<br /> ". ..�;.,'}4r.�;:;-,:.
<br /> �,�=. „;.s�,, f Borrower�hal�prumplly give Lenckr wdttcn noticN of any investigution.cluim,drm�nd,IawsuU nr other uc�i�m by uny � ' ,Ft
<br /> ' ' ' ,• '�t��4'•��! governmemnl ur reFulutory ugency or privute party involving the Prapcny and any Ham�dous Subxtance ar Environmental ;,...�.��;;_;,..-�
<br /> `}' �`:�'"•z;rr�t:�� _�, Lnw of which Borrowcr hus ucwal knowleJgc. !f B�rrnwer learns, or is notificJ by uny govcmmentul or regulutory � , :•�
<br /> ''"{:�. � uu�hority.that uny removal or rnher rcmeJiA�ion oP uny Har.nrdous Subswncc afl'ecting the Propeny is necex�eury. Burrower �� ,:u�.�'� '
<br /> ' .�r(t{f�t,� ; �_
<br /> • ,•!��;5!�' , shall prompUy tuke ull neces+ary ramediul uctionx in uccordunce with Environmentul Luw. �•!„�.-..
<br /> • :,-r,;,::..�;...• •'•��..,..:_,,
<br /> �"� �•+;c.,�;�t•�, As uscd in thia pur�►gruph 20."Hoxurdc►ux Substanceti'nre thoxe subztuncex dcfined u+tnxic or huzur�touz�ubstanres by ;j.�i�.,.•�.;,._
<br /> � � `� Environmenlul Luw nnd th�: follawing+ubstonces: gasoline, kcroscne,o�her Oummable ar toxic pctrolcum producis, toxic ':�, ,-�-
<br /> , � ' "'�� ' pesticides und herbicides,volatilc sulvents;, mutcrlAls comaiointi asbe+ta, ar formaldchyde,und rudiouciivc muterials. A� ����' _.,
<br /> ' ��" '� used in this paragroph 20."Environmental Luw"mcuns federnl luws und laws uf the urisdiction where the Pir rt is loca�ed ��'�''�"-
<br /> . j �P�' Y ��,:�,uti:-
<br /> , � ',,;' — -
<br /> �, ��;�n���r
<br /> � �hat relutc to hcul�h,xufety or envir�x►men�ul protection. �rmr-
<br /> • ' �� ' „��. NON-UNIFQI2M COVENANTS. Borrowcr and L.ender furlhcr nrvenunt and ugrce us followr: ���,�w;;�;:
<br /> ,,;;..;,. ,, • i?�.::�°; �:.-.-
<br /> �'''� 2L Acceleralion; RemedieR. I.ender shall Rive notice to Borrawer prior to accelerution PullowinQ Borrower s .
<br /> � . -. ••������:'�!';�� breach of any coven�nt or agreement in this Security Instrument Ibut not p�ior to acceleration under parasrAph 1� ;�;;.�y;L+;'.,::;`�
<br /> • —_- ,----._,,_,�":..":.` P� J'' 8 ��,:.;_.__�
<br /> , ��;:;,,,., ; unless applicable lew provides otherwi.qe►. The notice abali s if . tai the deisuii:ini ihe�cilao rr ulrcd!o careltsr - _
<br /> �� � • „ �� �;��, dePeult;lc)a dale.not less than:10 daya Pram the dale Ihe notice is siven to Borrower.by which the defaull must be �--.._
<br /> � .�'+�•�•�y;.,'•' cured:and(d1 that fpflure tu cure the dePault on ur bePore the date specified in Ihe notice m�y�ecult in accelerution oP ��r3--
<br /> �'���'�:�`' the sums secured by thig Securitv Inslrumenl und sak oP the Pro erl t The nutice shall fbrlher ini'urm Burrower oF �°6���
<br /> p S �+�«�..
<br /> •• ••'•� the rl�ht tu relnstete afler acceleration and the ri�ht to brin�a court uction to ussert the aon-exixtence uP a dePauU ar ,..,Y,_r`. ,_-_
<br /> " . ;�,�,,.�;� any other defense of Borrow•er b acceleration and+ale. Ii the defuult is not cured on ur bePwe the dete specified in . �;
<br /> " '� Ihe not�ce.Lender at its option muv reyuire immedlate paymeot in full uf'all sums secured by Ihis Security Inslrument
<br /> � •• withuut iurther demand and may invnke the puwer oP sale and uny other remediey permitted b�� apppcable lu«.
<br /> " ' •• l.ender shnll be enlitled lo cullect all expensez incurred in pursufnR the remediec provided in thi,� paroy�raph 21. ��, �'„�.T
<br /> . includlnR.bul not limited tu.reasonable attornevs'fees und custs oi'title evfdence. �'t'�.'��•,y ,�--
<br /> If'lhe power oi'sale Is im�oked.'I1�uslee shuU recard u noUce uf det'uull in each cuunt�• in��•hich any part oi the '"'.`." •"" ' :-►E;_
<br /> ' ,.;��.,,�� Prnperty is loculed und shall muH coplex oisuch nmfce in tUe manner pra�cribed by upp8cuble luw lo Borrower und to . '.•, .�,1_ "•'�''
<br /> �� - the other persons prescribed bc uppUcable lae�. After the time required bv vpplkuble luw,71�ustee shull�i�•e public �:-�;.-•;�aa:,;�s:`�
<br /> noNce of xale to the persung ond in the munner prescribed by upplicublc luw. 'Irustee,without demund on Bnrrower, � _--
<br /> - shall sell the Propertv el public aucthx�to Ihe hi�qhest biddcr ul lhe lime uod plucc und under Ihe lerms deriRnated in ._ � '�`
<br /> � , the notice of sale in one��'more parcek und in un�order 7}�ustee delermines. 7'rurtee muy pnslpune xale uP all or uny Y� '���-
<br /> �� „ parcel of the Properl,v bv public unm►unrement at the time und pluce of un�•pre�•inuslv schedukd swle. Lender or ils _ -.
<br /> " • dcxignec may purchaxe the Property ul uny sale. �`
<br /> Upnn receipt aP payment oP the price bid.Truslee.r•hull deli�•er to Ihe purchuser 7Yuzlee+deed conveyins tNe ..,,._"—
<br /> Properly. The recitals in the Tirustce ti decd shull be primu furie e�ideme oP the truth nP the xtutements made therein. -�-,
<br /> 'fYustc�shall apply the pn►ceeds aP Ihe sule in the iullowin�nrder: Iu1 to all coxlr uad expen,e+oP exercisiog the power ��,_;,
<br /> , „ .. � • - -,�'�n--�
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