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<br /> �'�:y,f ��,-• _ TOOE7'HER WITN nll thc impruvementx now on c�ruaf�cr crcc�cd on thc pr���x:ny.and ull ru+cmcnt.,uppurtenancc+. _;,,';_��,�..�.:;,._�.�•
<br /> ..�r °. . .'�`�` �,....
<br /> . �.: , and fixtures now ar hereafler u pun af the property. All replucementn and udeliti�m+ +hull ul�:��lx covered hy thix�iecurity
<br /> �+•� • ��'�= • Inxt�umem. All oi thc foregoiug is refrrted tu in�hix Secu�ity In`Irument ax Ihc"Propeny." ��:_=`=-`-'"�
<br /> • wti�a• �•.'s
<br /> '�'"�'�� BORRQW�R COV�NANTS Ih�t Norrawcr ix lawfully sci�ed of�hc cslut�hcrcby comcycd und hu��hc righi tu t:runt ,.•��• :�.•.:,:;--.---k,�
<br /> � L.. :� .� �vL n _ _
<br /> . and canvey thc Property And Ihut thc Prapeny in unencumbered,.:::cept fur enrumlxuncc�of rccar�l. liurruwcr wuRUnts und �- - " '�- '�"'"' "
<br /> - ���^°�� will defend generally�he ti�le a�the Property aguinst ull cl��ima ond demundr,xubjecl w uny encumhrance.of recurd. =-- �
<br /> _«. .
<br /> �^�m�.�m,.
<br /> ;,�-' "�:,�:._.._-•�� .. 7'NlS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbine, unif�xm cov�nant. fur natiunal ute and nnn-unifam� em•emmt� with �_. T::-� __--___-
<br /> �''=�--..._..r�
<br /> . �� limited vu�ialions by judrdiction to conslitute u uniPorm aecurity in+lniment covcring reul propeny. _
<br /> ��'� " h��: UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Qorr�wcr and Lendcr covcnant und ug�cc u+I'ullaw•s:
<br /> ��� • �•• • , � 1. PaymeM ot Principal and Interesti Prepayment and L.pte Churges. Horr��µ�cr�hall promptly puy whcn duc 1hc ;*� ::��1.-
<br /> . o-n �� . P..c,�. .
<br /> y, , .,�r�,. princ�pul of und interest on the debt evidenced by the Note nnd any prepuyment and Inte churges due under Ihe Nutv. � • � �"
<br />'�.. ,� . • 2. Funda for 7baces ond lnsurance. Subject ta applicuble law or to u wrilten waivcr by l.ender,Borrnwer shull puy I�� ;;,,,��;��,�,�
<br /> • . • l,ender cx�the duy manthly paymcros are due undcr thc Nate,until Ihe Note is puid in full,u sum("fundr:'1 fur.lul curl -•�� � ��•--�
<br /> Y Y �r.�,��,:�--
<br /> � tuxes and ati�essments which may attain priarity aver this Security Instn�ment us u lien on thc Pro{xny:Ib1 ycurly Icu+chulJ '`v��,,�•�..��• R
<br /> e ..., . . ..
<br /> - --.._,_,:__ ., payments or g�aund rentc on the Pmperty. ii' uny: Ic) ycurly hazard or propeny inxurunce premiums: (dl yearly floa! .;:�.:,a,` „ ••,.
<br /> ' �" imur�nce premiums. if ur.y; (el yenrly mongage insuraucc prem{ums, iT uny; and (f) un)' sum. payt�hle• hy Rurruwer to �""Q'�"'—"''-"a"�-��'"'�'�--"6Y"�'�:�-
<br /> Lender,in accordance with the pmvisians of parngrAph 8,in lieu of the payment of martgnge imurunce premiums. The,e 1+`-_ ��
<br /> � � items are culled"�4cmw Items." Lender may,at any time,collect ond hold Funds in un umaunt not to exceed the mnximum �.�,._.-..�____
<br /> �• amount a lender far a federully �ela[ed mortgage loun may rcquire for Barrowcr's escrow uccount undcr thc fedcrul Rcal �:��;;�_
<br /> ` � Estate Senlement Prncedures Act of 1974�s amen de d irom time to lime,12 U.S.C.�2601��r s����.("RF.9PA"),unlcxs anothcr �..,�<<.:�`�,�,
<br /> � � law that applieF to the Funds setg a lesser umount. !f so,Lender may,nt nny Nme,collec�und hold Funds in un umount not to .��--=---_- __ __
<br /> exceed the lesser Amount. Lender mvy estims�te the amount of Funds due on �he basis of currant da�n und raaxanable :f,�,:r"�:.;:,,��
<br /> ti " ' estimutes af ezpenditures oP future Escrow Itemc or otherwise in accordanee with upplicable luw. '"��` � °_
<br /> Thc Funds xhull be held in nn institution whose dcposits urc insured by u federnl ugency, instrumentulity,or entiry •�'�•%�"'? `'F'�''�
<br /> •• � (including L.ender,if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federnl Home Lo�n Bunk. Lcnder xhull upply the Funds to pAy • r�``
<br /> �'�`�-�� • ''' the Escrow Uems. l.ender may not chnrge aorrower for holding�nd applying Ihc Ponds,s�nnuully nnalyzing the escrow '-�-='=` ��
<br /> ,., ,��„ • ' account, or vcrifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Barrower interest an the Funds und �pplicuble law permits �""' ���'_-
<br /> � '. .t.,,,.ti��.• . •
<br /> Lender to make such n charge. However, Lender may require Borrawer to puy u one•time charge for an independent real � .- . '"'—''"'''�
<br /> , ••`•�.;.,. . �l�i�i.�!�
<br /> q � � }:�`.�;;,;,;, estate tax rcpnrting service uced by l.ender in cunnection with this loan,unlcss applicublc Inw provides othenvisc. Unless un �`��g�
<br /> • •?„; ��" , agrcement is mude or nppQcable luw rcyuires intcrest to be paid,Lendcr shr�ll not bc requircd to pay Borrower uny interest ur . --�
<br /> earnings on thc Funds. Borcower and Lender mny ugree in wridng,howcver,lhat interest shall be paid nn thc Funds. Lendcr �§';�,;;�_-,�---_--
<br /> �� R I I A I)g 1 V C l 0 B Q 1 7 0W C f,wilhout chur�te,un annuul uccuunting of the Funds,showing credit�unJ debit+to the Funds und the � '::����� �L
<br /> �
<br /> - '• purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was mude. The Funds nre led ed as udditional securit for nll sumti secured by f�'��'��• �•-
<br /> P 8 Y '" �P�''S'* �=
<br /> - —""'�------ Ih�s Security instrument. L.r ��.��. Y� ,
<br /> - �''.,,,' �
<br /> _. � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the umount, permittcd to be held by�pplicablc Inw, Lender ahall uccaunt ro ,:.-
<br /> � BoROwer for Ihe excess FUnds in accordance wilh thc requ�rements of applicable law. If the umount of the Funcls held by j�_
<br /> • � . Lender at uny time is not sufficient to pay tlx �scrow Items when due.Lenck:r may so no�ify BoRUwcr in writing,ond, in �
<br /> .,,:. , •,��;��,
<br /> � . ' � such case Banawer shull puy to Lender the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borro��•er shyll makc up Ihe '�'.� a� •
<br /> � '� . deticicncy in no more tbon twelve monthly paymentr,at I.ender 5 tiole discretion. �r• -
<br /> �; Upon puymeot in full of all sums secured by thix Sccuriry Invtrument.Lender shall�promplly rofund to Barrow•er any - ;,��;;, :..
<br /> ' Fundti hcld by Lcnder. if,undcr parugraph 21. Lender sh:�ll acyuirc or xell ihe Wnperly,Lender, prior to thc acyuisitfon or �� .
<br /> ' � �� sule of Ihe Praperly,shnll upply any Pbnds held by l.endc�ut the time of ucquisition or sul�us a credit ugains� the sums • ,
<br /> secureJ by this Security Inxtrumem. � ��
<br /> 3. Applieation of Paymen��. Unless upplicuble luw provide�s ntt►erwiae, ull puymenlx received by Lender under
<br /> • ' parngmphs I und 2 :ehull be upplicd:firs�,to any prrp�yment chargez duc undcr the Note:second,to amounts payuble under .,,. -- �
<br /> paragraph 2;Ihird,to imerest due;fourth,to principul due;:u�d Iust.lo;►ny latc churges Juc unJcr the Kote. � _ _,A
<br /> , 4. Charges; Licna. Borrowcr shall pay all tntcx, asne,smentx, char�es, �ncs und imposilions uttrihu�able �o the
<br /> Propeny which muy nuain priority ovcr�hiz Security Insuuman�,and IcasrlwlJ puymcntx or ground rents, if any, Borrower ._ '_ ..
<br /> � �� � sholl pay th�Fe obliguiiom in ihe manner provided in p•rragraph 2,or it'not paiJ in that munner,BoROw'er shall pa��them on �• ���'" -•.��.-
<br /> � • time dircctly to the penon owed payment. $orrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder ull noticec of'nmounts to he paid under - �• ��?=___
<br /> �•'• :� �his uru ru h. Ii Borrower mukes these a enls direcU Borrower�hall rom d fumish to Lender recei ts evidencin , �"�--"v°`
<br /> P 8 p P'Ym Y• P p Y P B .-,�,,�.,_-
<br /> ' � the payments. _ , "":�"•`�
<br /> Borcowcr tihall promptly dischurgc uny licn which has priority i�vcr this Scruriry Instrumrnt unlc�s Borrowcr:(•r)agrces !�:'•.',,���:�`�;:.,�
<br /> in writing to the paym�nt of thr ohligntion xecurcJ by thc lien in u munner ucceptable to Lendrr;(b)contests in goad faith the •�;s ;�'��=�;"�•��.m
<br /> . • lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of'Ihe licn in,Irgal proceedings which in�he Lendcr's upinion operute to prevent the - .nu��'�
<br /> � �'•�. • enforcement of the lien;or(cl secures Gom thc hoWrr of Ihc lien un agreenunl sulisf'uctory to Lender suhordinating the lien
<br /> `` ' ^ ' to this Security Inxtrument. If L.emler determines thut any pun of the Piroperty ix auhwct to u licn which may alluin priorily
<br /> over this Security Instrument,Lendcr may�cive Borrowrr u nuticc idcntifying tlx:licn. Borrowcr aha11 sutixfy the lien or tuke ;�b;,.
<br /> � one or more of tlx�Actions sel forth•rlwvc wilhin 10 day.of the�!iving i�i notice. �; � �
<br /> �• S. Hezard or Property lnsurance. Borr�iwer.hall kcep thc improvemrni, now exiuing c�r hercafter rrcctcd on Ihe
<br /> � Propeny insured uguin.t lo,.hy tire.I�aeurJ.includcJ�vithin thr trmi"extcndcJ covrragr' and•rny nth�r ha�arJti,inrluding �.
<br /> ; , floods or flooding. for which Lencicr rcyuires insurance. Thi� in.ruran�e ,hall lk muintuin�d in the •rmount�and i'or the F. .
<br /> � .
<br /> � FwmJD21i 9�90 il�dRr:uJn��Rea �
<br /> I ,
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<br /> , �
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<br />