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<br /> qf�Prop�rfy I��o qk*n or d�m�p�d���shul hav�Ih�oPUQn,in Iq wl�end atrtoluW dltaradonr�'o apnlY al wch P�ocMds�
<br /> `��-��:,,��, �.•y �Il�r d�duednp tMnfran all co�u�nd��p�nMS Inaurr�d by It In conMCtion with wch Praawd�.upon�nx 1►F�kbl�dn�t�iund
<br /> '�`"'�'�`-�����•}� •`" ' h�nby and In wah ord�r a L�nd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,or to epply oll�uch PraNd�,sftM wch drduonom,to N+�rMwr�don ol tM
<br /> "• ai'`'. • ' : •' . PropKty upon wch condlUons n L�nder may d�t�►mfn�.Any applicadon ol Procwda to Indpbbdna�sfuill�n41�xt�nd a P�'P�
<br /> �!:'• ° ` th�dw dat�of anY paYmimv una�r th�Not��a cun any d�faWt th��undK or h�►eundpr.Any un�ppliqd lund�th�ll b�pald b
<br /> •°,;ti"•' a. T�wtO►.
<br /> '"• `''"�� � ` U n th�oCCUnonc�01 en Ev�nt of Od�ull horeund�,or II any act fq hNv�or�sp��Procwdlnp
<br /> � _�._��_�� 6. P�rbnn�ne�byL�nd�►• 1�
<br /> cpmmMC�d which mauri�lly�B�cq L�nd�r's int�r�t in Iho P�oporty.Londar mAy in iq cwn dlacr411on.Mir wUhout obllflptlon to do �,- � ,--
<br /> sp,�nd without noNc�b a d�mand upon Truftor�n d w l t hou t r N qsi n�TrusWr from�ny obllyption,do u�Y�Ct whlch Tru�tor ha�
<br /> _,; s�.;1 �,,.� �prNd but/dls to do md m�y alw do any ath�r oct It daom�Mc�ssary W P►ptect tlw securlty horeof.TtuqWr shNl,fmm�dlobly
<br /> ' �._;°������,�"'`` upon dam�nd thmlo+Oy l�ndK,p�y to Lendar ell ca�ts and�xpvn��Incurred and aums oxpondod by lvnder in conn(�cdon wlth
<br />— ., dded t'th� nLd�bt�de�sr s�cu��d h�ribY�Land�rsh�l ot InCUr any Ilab Ifty�pbocauw�ol nythinp it m y�do oh�omlthfoll b�
<br /> `-_ " �'::; •. ha�under.
<br /> • ���. � 9. M�aaMous MaMri�Y•Trustor 4ha11 keep the Properlq in compllance with all appll�eble lawi,ordl�nces and repulatlons i
<br />- ' _ _ .�,,,��_.�`' roiatinp to Indu�trlal hy�bn�a�nv�ronm�ntal protection(collectively rel�rred to here►�n aa"Envlronmental Lawa'1.Truaror�h�ll _
<br /> ��. ,'�y , keep the Property Iree Irpm a�t substa�acs deeme�to L+e hatardoux o�taxic undor anY Cnviranmental Lawa(COIIecNvoly raferred to r
<br />'�`�` ,� ' hereln a�"Hosardous M atorfala").TrusWr hereby warranta and reprasenLS to Lender thqt ihara are no MHSardous Meie�iatn ua�r
<br /> ,_' •a•F�` under tho Property.Yru�tor hereby apr�to indemM(y and hotd harmlqss Lendor,its direclara,officers,empt4yoes and apenta,and
<br /> � �r+._ ;. °• eny eucces�ora W Lend�sr'�Interest,from and apalnat any and all claims,dwnayei.lo�ea and IIabIllUes ariqinp THE FORECiOIN[i _.
<br />- �'°�••��� the presance, uao,diapoael or tranepoA o1 any Ha=erdou�Meterials on,under,Irom or about Ihe Prppertg.
<br /> � �p, A�sip�n�n!dq�nts.Truetor hereby aselpna to Lander thv rents.Isaues and protits ol ihe Pro rovided that Trustor
<br /> shall,undl tha occurronce o�en Event of Oefault horeunder,have the rlyht to collect and retein suah renfa,lusues a�d prollts as they
<br /> � become due ond payebte.Upon thQ occurrence ot en Event ol Dolault Lender mey.either In person or by apent,wfth or wlthout
<br /> ;'�,, b►inpinq eny aadon or praceedMg,or by a recelver appolnted by a couA and wlthout regard to the adequ�ucy ol ite security,enter � R.___
<br /> n�,,;;���.��r�:rs��'•�� upon and teke possesalon al the Prope►tY.or any part thareof,in ita own neme or In th�,neme o11he Trustea,and do any ecte which it
<br /> deema necesaary or des i�a b le to pr e s e rv e t h e v a l u e.m a r k e t e b d i ry o r r e n t e b f l i ry of t he'"ro p e r t y,or an y partlhRreof or Interee!thereln,
<br /> � Increase the Income tharefrom or protact the securly horeof and,wllh or wlthout tekir.p poesesslon of the Property,aue for or
<br /> •• �;,.i_� otherwise collect the rents,isaues and proffte thereof, includfn�thoae past due and unpaid,and apply th�same,less costs and —
<br /> ;',4•, expenses of opereUon a nd collection fncluding attorneys'faes.upon eny indebtedness secured hereby,all In ruch order a�Ler.der
<br /> ` �`��'"' , may determine.The ontering upon and teking posseasfon of the Property,lhe collection of such rents.l9auea end protita end the
<br /> '' esponse t,suc detault or pursuant to euch notice oldefaul endr notwdhstandinp he Contfnua ceen poeaeaatlon ol h Property or
<br /> the collecdon,receiptand aDP��cetlon of rente,fssuos or proffts,and Trustee and Lender shall be entlUed to exerciae e�ery rlpht
<br /> provided for in any of the Loan Instrumanta or by Iaw upon occurrencn ui e�ir�vont at�ofautt,Includir.p�r{tt�ont Ifmilet�4n thw right __-____
<br /> -•� to exerc�se the power of sele.Further.Lender's rfghts and remedfes unCer thls parayreph shall be cum ulative with,end In no way a —
<br /> ', Nmitation on,Lender'arfghta and remedies under any asaignment ot leases and rents recorded apalnsl tlse Proparty Lendar,Truelee
<br /> � Q ' .. . and the recelver shall be Ileble to account only for those rents actually received. —
<br /> -� 11. Ev�nb of D�+�I.The tollowing ahall cvnstltute an Event of Default under 1�is Deed of TrusC
<br /> ' � L (a) Failu►e topay any fnstallment of principal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby wher�due; ��.,•�---
<br /> .. ' � (b) A breaah of or delault under any pravlaion containad In the Noto.thls Deed of Trust,any of lha Loen Instrumento,or any
<br /> , other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Propertyc _ -�-
<br /> '� (c) A wrlt of executlon or attachment or any simllar process shall be entered apaf not Tru4tor w�iCh ahell become e Ilan on
<br /> the Property or any portion the►eof or intereal therein; �„���—
<br /> � •• (d)There shell be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under eny present or future lede�al,stete or other =
<br /> d • atetute,law or reyulaUon relating to bankruptcy,fnsolvency or other►eiief tor debtore:or there al+all be appolnted any trustee, ��'�,:.� ,..
<br /> • � �' • receiver or Ilquidetor of Truator er Borrower or ol all or any part of the Property,or the renle,�asues or proUte thereof,or Tru4tor
<br /> � or Borrower shall make any general asaignmQnt ior the benellt ot credltora: •��"'.
<br /> �.�,.
<br /> � ' (e) The sale,tranefer,laase,as�ignment conveyance or lunher encumbrance of all or any part ol or any intereet M Me �� ' .. , .,
<br /> 1 � Properly, ellher voluntarlly or involunterlly, without Ihe express wrftten consent of Lender: provlded thet Trustor ahell be � . ;
<br /> ^ .. �� permtUed to oxecute o teasv of the Properly that doea n�t contafn an optlon to purchase end thet�rm ol whlch doea not exceod �° r.,•.� ;_
<br /> one year,
<br />; , � (�Abandonment of the Properry;or
<br /> ;;��:,:• (�) If Trustor�s not an indlvldual,the iasuance,eala,transfer,assiynment,canveyance or encumbrance ol more than a total �
<br /> n. .l�f,'1 ,
<br />��.i'�':'.i"��1'• t:;'�..:` 9 ••'.�°�i,:
<br /> , , .,ti.;, ,.,,. of. percentof(If a.:orporation)Its issued and oulstand�n 9tock or(i18 pertnership)a tdal of percent of �. ._
<br />';,"'�`:��•`'1}�;� � '-�.� partnerahlp Interests du�ing the perlod thfs Oeed ot Trust remains a fien on lha Properry. � � _
<br />•.,:��;';'i;...��`: ' 12, p�m�dla;�cc�luaflon Upon DNeulf.In Ihe avent ot eny Event of Defauu Lender may,w�tnout noGCe except ae requlred by ���4j
<br /> ' � �" lew,declare all IndebtQdnesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the seme shell Ihereupon become due end peyable �•.,,�,:
<br /> �`�'.•!'�!',:�_;' � wtthout any preaentmer�t demand,pratest or notice o1 any kind.Therearier Lender may: "
<br /> ' � • ��•�t`' t Tru�tee exerClse Ihe POWER OF SALE granted herefn, end Trustee snall Ihereafter cause Trustor's � , " ,V
<br /> - (a) Demand Iha •
<br /> '-c.�'':•�� , inte�est in the Property to bs sold end the proceeds to be di3trl bute d,a l l in t he ma n n er p r o v i d e d I n t h e N e b r a s k a T r u o t D e e d s
<br /> . , Ack
<br /> .�.• � � ' (b) Exerciseanyand all riflhts provided for in any of the loen Inatruments or by law upor occurrence of eny Event ot ;
<br /> ,�.��{ . : ., . Defaul�end
<br /> � ` "".�����•�. (c) Commenc�an actlon to loreclose th�s Deed of Truat as a mortyaqe,appoint a recewer,or specrticelly enlorce any of the
<br /> . �;�,: � ,�• ,' : covenants hereal. .
<br /> � � No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is�ntended to be excluswe of ar.y other remedy he�eln,In the
<br /> ' ,�'' ��,��� Loa�Instrumenta or by law prowded or perm�tted.but each shall be cumul�t�vo.shell be m addlUOr*to every other remedy gwen
<br /> �� hereunder,In the Laan Inatruments or now or hereallerex�sting at law or�n equ�ty ur by statule,and muy bv exerased concurrently,
<br /> � • independently or succeasively.
<br /> � � • 13. TrustN.The Truatee may resign at any time w�lnout cauae,and Lender may at any I�me and w�tfioul couae appumt a
<br /> � successor or substitute Trustee.7rustee ahall not be I�ebleto any party,�ncluding w�thout Ilmilatfun LenGer,Borruwvr,Trustor ar any
<br /> pu►chaser of the Property,for any losa or damage unlees due to�eckless or w�llful m�sconduct,and eh nll not be requ�red tp tnke e�y
<br /> ection fn connection wlth the enforcement of tnia Deed of Trust unless indemnl(ied,in wnting,lor all costs,compansatfon or
<br /> ....��tie......��h �w n.in�t�nn r.��aeoe mav become a uurcheser at anY Bale of the Property Uudlcial or
<br /> . _----�— expenaeawnici����nr`voeo�:.G7a.�...................._'_..- . - -
<br /> under►he power of sale granted hereln);postpone the sale ot all or�any pordon ol the Property,as provlded by law;or aeu tne
<br /> . Property as a whole,o�in separate parcels or lots at trustee's d�screuon.
<br /> 14. F�and Eap�nN�.In the event Trustee sel Is the Propery by exercise of power ol sale,Truatee shall be entltled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst lo payment ot all costs and expenaes ol exercfs�ng power ot sale.mcludmg all Truetee's lees,and Lender's
<br /> and Trustee'S ettorney's fees,flctually fncurred to extent perm�tted by npplicable Ipw.In the event 80rrower or Truetor ezercrees eny
<br /> rfyht provide�i by law to cure an Event ot Defeult.Lender ahall be entftled to recover Irom Trustor all costs and expenaea aclually
<br /> Incurred as a result of Trustor's delault, Includlny without IfmrtaUOn au Truatee's anJ atto�ney s iaes.to tho uxtent perm�lted by
<br /> appllceble law
<br /> 15. Futun Adv�ncM. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,nt �ts optlon, make addltfonal and luture advanCes and re-
<br /> advancea to Borrower. Such advences and readvances,wRh mterestthereon,shall be secured by th��Oeed of Trusl.At no tlme shall
<br /> the prinefpal amountot the Indebtednesa secured by th�a Deed ol Yrust.not��clud�ng suma advanced ta pr� t�p soaurfty ot th�s
<br /> � � Deed of Truat,exceed the orlqlnal princlpal amount atated here�n,or$_---- wh�chever�s yl'ateF!'
<br /> . . . � _
<br />