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<br /> - 18. MMcWamou�P�ovMlons.
<br /> i��n (�) �,p�rowK Nd IIdMMd.ExWnliWn ol tho qm�for p�yment or mod111c�UOn ol�mortizaqon of th�wm�waurW Dy thl�
<br /> ,� .,�;,,.�t ONd of Trutl pr�nbd by L�ndar to 1�n�r�ucc�uor In Int�red ol8orrowar thall not op�rate to nl�aN,In�nY manner,th�Iisblllh
<br /> •°�'�'���„ � � o!th�oripinal Borrow�r end BorrAw�r�y euccossors in inte�e��Lertdor�hell not bu�squlred to aommonc�proawdinps ap�lnq
<br /> tuah wcc�swr or rduw w�xqnd tlrt�lor paym�nt or otl�rwis�modly�mordz�tlon of th��ums acu��d by thls ONd ol Trwt
<br /> — ���r by�esson ol eny d�m�nd�m�d�by tha ori�inal Hurrower and Borrower's 4uccestors in Int�resL
<br /> �:.._....�._.....:,._. �__�--� ,...r-
<br /> =�. • - __;.• •.;�° , (b) LandK's Pow�n.Without fllf�Gtinp Ihe tlabflity o1�ny other person liable for the payment of any oblipaUo�hare n -
<br /> .Y;,_''`'`" �.":�''„• e mentloned.�nd wlthout Af1�GUny thp Ilqn or eharpa of this Daad ol T►u�t upon eny portfon o1 the PropeAy not Mon or thsrNofon
<br /> °��'�"�����•:%�� � relw4ed as esauriry�or the lull emaunt 41 all unpald obllpetions,L�ndar may,from tfine to time and without noUc�(f)nl�aN any _
<br /> .'"`�-'r°�'�"�=� °, po�oon w 1f�bls,(II)extend the rtwluriM qr elter any of tha terms ot any such obll�adons,(Iip Qrant other Indulpencos,pr)nt�aeo
<br /> ���r � � or reconvey,or cause to be reNused ar reconveyed at eny dme at Lender'�optfon any parael,poAfon or dl of tha Property.
<br /> ;''�'"'~'�'�:� (v)take or relaase any othor or addltlG�nal eecurity for any obUpeGon horaln nwndonod,or(vl)mako compo�idom or otlwr
<br /> � ' '' � . .. . ananpeme�t�wilh debton in rel�tlpn thereto. _
<br /> _ '_�"; ""',�;;,; �� (c) Fo�ranc�bJr I.�nd1K NA1 A W���H•Any torbearance by Lender fn exercialnp any ripht or remedy hereundar,or
<br /> �� .i ' ,�d�ij•., :- --
<br /> �.�•� otherwiw aflorded by appliaable laW, �hall not bQ a welver of or preclude the exercise ol any such rfpht or remedy.7tw
<br /> ----'"'�—�---""`" pracurqmont at inau�anco Cr thp paymc:nt of tar.es or other Ilena ar aherpes by Lender shall not be a wafvor ot Londor's rlQhl w � ----
<br />`�~ � o.. ° acc�le►ate the maturiry ot the indeptadne�s aecured by this Deed of Truat
<br /> . • • (d) gucc�ors and Aalpn�8au�d;Joint�nd Sov�ral LI�bIIMp:C�ptloni.The covenenta and epreemonta hereln con-
<br /> �•�;`••"'°�'•�••�"^'�° � tained ahell bfnd,end the riqhq herpunder ehall inure to,the raapective succesaors end aseipns ot lendor and Trustor.All
<br /> .:.,;��
<br /> ,�f��I-t:r`p:��f j,,;�,?.'•, covonents end apreements ol Trugca�ahell be Jolnt and several.The ceptions and headfn�s of the parapraphs ol thla Oead ol
<br /> X,�. � Truu are for convenienco only ond are not to be used to Interpret or detine the provlalons hereol.
<br /> -�`----�-- -� (e) R�qual for Notkt�•The partfa�hereby request thet a copy of eny notice ol delault hereunder and a copy of any notice _LL___
<br /> ° a�' �~ ot aale hetaunder be malled to each perly to thls Deed of Trust at the addreaa sel forth above fn the manner preecrfbed by e
<br /> ' eppUcable law.Except lor any oth�r notice requlred under epplicable lew to be given in another manner,any noUce provided ='
<br /> �� for in thls Deed of Trust ehell be piven by malling auch notice by ceAHled meil addreaaed to the other perties,atthe eddreaa aet ��
<br /> ' . •• lorth ebove.Any notfce pravlded f0t in thls Deed of Truat ahall be eHective upon mallfng In the menner deslQnoted herefn.If __
<br /> � � T�uttor is more than one person.natfce�ant to the eddreas set forth above ahell be notice to all such pereons. �,. :,,_:.
<br /> " � (Q Insp�cUon.Lender may make or ceuse to be mede reasonabte entrles upon and inapections of the Properry,provided ��
<br /> � ' � that Lendar ehell pive Trustor notic�e prfor to any euch inspectlon specifylnp reesoneble ceuse thereior rolatal to Landar's _
<br /> ��::�., fnWrast in fhe Proparty.
<br /> - r- Qr:�_'_=:--.
<br /> ':�• (y) R�aonv�y�nc�.Upon paymPnt of all sums secured by this Deed o1 Trust,Lender ahell request Trustee to reconvey Me
<br /> � Property and ohall surrender Ihis O�ed ot Truat end all notes evidencfn Indabtedneas secured b lhis Deed ot Trust to Trustee. ��-—
<br /> �,!!,.� p Y �::,,,:'.:=-
<br /> Truetee Yhall�econvey the Proparly without werranty and wllhout cherqe to the person or pereons lapelly enUtl�d lhoroW. �_-_
<br /> T�wtor shall pay ell costa of recordetfon,It any. �:;�.�.
<br /> _ �' ' t�� p����=ppQStp; geutr►t�r l�qreen�nl, As?dditlonel security /or the payment of the Note,Truator hereby yrants �.,._,,�,�,,-
<br /> ` � Lender under ihe Nebraska Unifarm Commercial Code a aecurlty Intereat fn all flxtures,equfpment and other personel prOFWrly ��c=*�r.�-
<br /> uaed 1n connection wllh the rewl estale or Improvements loceted the�eon,and not otherwfse declared or deemed to be a part ot
<br /> �.,, , r • the real eatate secured he►eby.Thls instrument ehall be conadued as a SecurRy Apreement under seld Code,and the Lender ��:�.+,;-.
<br /> �• ��•;�;- . '�''�. shell have all the riphis and rem�diea ol a secured party under said Code In addition to the rights and remedfes created under
<br /> �� '��: ..-• and acCOrded the Lender pursuant to thfs Oeed of Trusf,provfded that Lender's rights and remediea under thia paragreph sha11 �,;,,�,�,._
<br /> � be cumulative with,and in no way a Ilmltalion on,Lender's rlqhte and remedfes under any other securUy eyreamantsipned by ��"'=�"="�"-
<br /> Borrower ar Truslor. e�.,a._,.�-
<br /> � �• �' • (i) l.l�n��nd Encumb�Anas.Truator hereby warrants and represents thet there Is no default under the provislons oi any ----
<br /> � ��., mortgape,deed ol trust,leaee a purchasa contract deacribing all or any part of the Property.or other contract,inst�ument or ,•.—«.._:
<br /> epreement constltuting a Ilen or encumbrence ayainst all or any part ol the PropeAy(collectively,"Llens"),exietiny as of 1he
<br /> � • ,� � dete of thie Deed ot Truat,and Ihat any and ell existing Llons remaln unmodliied except as disclosed to Lender In Truetor's ��;,,�,3��
<br /> �� .� • � wriUen dlsclosure o1 liens and encumbrencea provided 1or hereln.Truator ahall timely perform all of Trustor's obliqeUons, ,�;�;R.
<br /> - •. � cove�ants,representatfons end warranties under any and all exfsiling and luture Liens,ahall promptly torvverd to Lender coples ' ' ��?"�= -
<br /> " • of all notfaee of default aent In connection wNh any and all exleting or future Lfens,and shell not without lender'a prior wrifWn ;r!r...�:"'- ,_
<br /> �' conaent In any manner modity the provlaiona ol or allow any luture advances under any existinp or future Uena. . � ����,
<br /> �� • :;'; Q) Applle�Non ol PaynNM�.Unleas otherwlse requfred by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,Including without IlmUatlon �n;�i�-.;:F; - ��
<br /> � �'�� ' � • peymenta ot princlpel and fnterest,insurance praceeds,condemnation proceeda and rents and prolfts,ahell be applled by
<br /> ' •� � Lender to the amounts due end owinp hom Trustor and Borrower in auch order as Lender In Its sole diecretlon deeme desirable. ���,.���
<br /> , .��'��� (k) Sw�rabl�ty.If anY provfslon ol ihis Deed o1 Trust conflicts with appliCaWe law or is declared InvaUd or olherwise �• .''~:.;�,�.
<br /> unenforceable,such conlliCt or Invalidity shell not affect the olher provisons of this Deed of Trust or the Note whlch cen be � -
<br /> " , given eHect wJthout Ihe con111cting provislon,and to thls end the prowsions of this Deed of Truet end the Note ore dectared to be �
<br /> serorebte. -
<br /> � (I) T�rm�1.The terms"Truator"and"Borrower"ahell include both aingular and plural,and when the Trusbr and Bwrower
<br /> � aro the�ame peroon(e),those terma as used in this Deed of Trust a►�au be interchangeable. ��������-6w'"'�
<br /> (m) GOV�mNp L�w.ThIS Deed of Trusl ahall be governed by,t�e laws of the State of Nebraske. F� <<''� ��'"`
<br /> ' Truetor he�executed lhle Deed ol Trust as ol the date written above.' � � ��
<br /> ,� '- . �
<br /> (Donald C. Diers) Trustor Husband '
<br /> ti (Virginia L. Diers)Truator Wi£e �
<br /> . . -�• {'.�." .
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> . , � - _ _. _ --- -- �--- -- _ _
<br />