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<br /> =��j--==- �t' • • ACKNOWLEDOENIENT OF DEED OF TRUBT
<br /> ,±�_,,"—
<br /> '"�'"=•���r$`�;r�'� . TRUSTOR FiEAO THtS 6EFORE SIONINb: 9�.r �� ----
<br /> "� � Trusto►und�rstand�th�t qw docum�nt tFU�t Tru�tor I��bout to�x�cub Is a Dwd o1 Truif and nol�mortpap��nd thpt the pow�r
<br /> ;ti"�. - � . �. . . of wN prorid�d for In qt�Dwd of T�wt providei wb�t�nt411y dlHer�nt Hphts�nd obllp�dom to Tru�tor than�morep�p�In tha w�nt
<br /> ol�dal�ult or brwoh of aDllp�tion undor the Desd ol Trutl,includlnp,but not IlmitW to,th���nd�r'�riphl to h�v�tlw P►qperty fold
<br /> � .��,,`:.• w. . by th�Tru�without�ny�udlald procNdlnO•Trut�tor r�pru�nt�• d w�mnh that thl� aknowl�dpun�nt wu�x�aubd by
<br /> ` :,,, , ° Tnata b�for�fla sx�ouUon ol the pssd o1 Trut�
<br /> . ..�1:,•:. _,. :.. . �: ,
<br /> ._�..,— -,�'F�, ( d C./Diers! Tru!~ � �-
<br /> '� ]r' .'1r '
<br /> - ;r,`.: � , 1� • �.t � .r
<br /> .�.::�,�µ;��,D.,,�' (Virg L. Diers) Truswr Wife
<br />_-�'=y=;�._ _'��.y:- _ 16�h April ,t9gz b and em -
<br /> -,�, . . , TH13 OEBD OF TRUST,I�made as of the dey of Y �
<br />=� Donald C Diers ar� V3_�inia L Diers, husband ar�d wife
<br />_ a�ac.:'.�,;:.:+..` tM TrottOr� �
<br />_-��' �
<br /> . � . . 'y� �'�- whos�mailinp addraa i� �a�� � n.,.,s. �t [,ranc3 7�a1 and, t� 68803—����in"Truotor;'whethar�one or morol,
<br /> � . .
<br /> . ' � • .. . . �- uw rn,swe, F'ive Points Hank. A Nebraska Coraoration _ _ �
<br /> ��' � .,
<br /> :�� . P O BOX 1507. GCArld Islend NE 68802 (he►efn"Truetae'1,end
<br /> . � . . whose mallinp addross fs
<br />::„�„ , ' tM Bonetfaiary� Five Points Bank , _
<br /> �4: . �
<br /> '.• �-� .•°` `~ whos�maiNnQ addresa io P O. Box 1507. Grand Island. NE 68802 _ (herein"Lender'q. as....___-
<br /> ' . �' FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,includinp lender's axtenoion of cradit Identllied herein to �8�d C. Diexs alzd �`�-��'_
<br />- ���A ° h � Virainia L. Diers, husb�and & wife (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the truet herefn a�eated, ='���y
<br />,_ • �� the recsipt of which is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby Irrevocabty yrante,translers,conveya end essigne to Trustee. IN 4�y_-�.
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF 3ALE,for the benefit and oecur8y of lender,under and aub�ect to the terms and canditiona herelnafler eet �
<br /> - _ -�a�.... �.._--_
<br /> • - ^���; . foM.Uw raal propeny.dwcnbed�s foiiowp: ��.��;_--
<br /> �' ��.li�.A..
<br /> , ° .�„ .: ,IAyt F�i�vLe,� (5) Block Nine (9)r P�khill '!'17ird Subc3ivi.8lori� C-�arld T�]�t1tu1� H6111 COUi1ty� � '`.�.,:.
<br /> �lei;�s.I._
<br /> R.:, " h `�N.QOIia. ` ,1N•,•
<br /> ' 6:_.��..CS�._
<br /> .., Topether with all bulldinys,improvements.lixturas,streets,alleys,passapeways,easements,righte,privlleges end appu�te- �LL_--
<br /> " n�ncea located ihereon or in anywise pertafning thereto,and the rents,lasues and protits,reveralons and remafndere the�ed,end -K•-=;�.ri s••.
<br /> "r'.`.�b." �� auch personal property thet ia ettached to the improvements so as to constltute a fixture,fncludinp,but not Ilmited ta,heatfnp and ��•
<br /> �� eoolinp equlpmenk and topether with the homestead or marltal intereats,if any,which Interests ere hereby released and waived:all
<br /> ' ol whlch,Includinp replacements and additlons thereto,is hereby declarad to be a part of the reel eWate aeaured by the Ilen o1 thfi . ..:�w+..
<br /> � „ � • • ' Oiad ot Trutt and all of the forepainy belnfl relerred to herein as the"Property".
<br /> ,'-, � This Doed ot Trust�hall aecure(a)the peyment of the prfncipal sum and interest evldenced by a promisacry nnte or oredlt
<br /> �;:, .'..;�� .
<br />_ . apreoment dated �pr� 16. 1992 ,havinp a maturity date ol O c�o 1�r 1 5. 1 9 92 , C_,_,.��::....
<br /> �� 15,026.00 �:�a:;�:`
<br /> . in the oriylnel principal amount o13 ,and any and all modllicatlans,extenaiane and►enewals `1,.s,_
<br /> thereot or thereto and eny end all future advencea and readvances to Borrower(or any ol them II more then one)hereunder 'yx
<br /> � ' + �� � pursuant to one or mora promissory notea or credlt agreements(herein called"Note"►;(b)the payment ol other euma advanced by �=��
<br /> � Lender to protect the security of the Note;(c)the perlormance of all covenants and agreementa of Truetor eet forth he�ein;and(d)all �.'�=`_._`_
<br /> ' � present and future Indebledness and oblf�ations ot Borrower(or a�y ol them il more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect, �;;��__-
<br /> • .�� � ebaolute or conpngent and whether arfsing by note,yuaranry,overdraN or otherwlae.The Note,this Dend ot Truat and any and all �,:��_--
<br /> - • • othe�docuents that secure the Note or otherwise executed In connection therewflh,including wlthoul Ilmitatfnn guerenteea,secu�iry --
<br /> ' � reemenb and essl nments ot leasea and rents,ehall be referred to herefn as the"LOan InBtrumeMs". ��' '°
<br /> N � �F�:�:-.-_.
<br />- ' , , Trustor covenants and agrees wlth Lender as lollowa: �u���=:_
<br />- • ' 1. Paymtnl 011nd�bt�dnhs.All Indebtednesa aecured hereby shall be paid when due. ���• �•' �-`
<br /> � ,•,.�r. �r
<br /> 2, Tid�.Trustor fs the owner of the Property,hes the right and author�ty to convey the Property.and warranta that the Ilen '•: ,;i,. .,�
<br /> created hereby is a firel and prior lien on the Property,except lor Ilens and encumbrences set lorth by Trustor fn writlnp and '
<br /> delivered to Lender betore executlon ol thls Deed ol Trust,and the execution and delivery ol lhls Oeed ot Truc1 ddes iot vlolate any E' • ,
<br /> , ContreCt or othet obligaUon to whlch Trustor 1s sub�ect. t ,
<br /> � � � 3. Taxh,Au�am�nb.To pey before delinyuency all taxes,speaal assessments and all olher chetpes epafnat the Property !
<br /> � ' now or hereaRer levled. � •
<br /> ' 4. (n�ur�nc�.To keep lhe Property fnaured agalnst damage by flre,hazards�ncluded wilhfn lhe term"exlended coverage",and
<br /> , ` such other ha2arda as lender may require,in amounts and with compames acceptable to lender,naminp Lender as an addilfonal .
<br /> n�med insured,wfth loss payable to the Lender.In ca3e ot loss under such pol�c�es.the Lender�s authonied lo ad�ust,collect and '
<br /> ' � ,. � compromise,all clelms thereunder and ahall have tlie option ol applying a11 or pnrt ol the inaurance proceeds(i)to any�ndebted�ess :
<br /> ; secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determ�ne.1��)to the Trustor to be used lor the repau o�restoration ol the Property
<br /> or(iii)(or any other purpose or ob�ect saUslactury to Lender wNhout aHecting the lien ol ih�a Deed of Trust for tha tull amount secured
<br /> hereby before euCh pAyment ever took place.Any appl�cat�on ol proceeds to mdebtedneas shall nol eztend or postpone the due �
<br /> ' d�tQ of any paymenta under the Note,ot cure any delault thereunder or hereunder
<br />_ _ � r��w� ��..........tw�..w�...e..A►�0 1 nnrlor Tn�etnr ahbll nay In Lander in such manner as Lender mav desinn9le.SufliCient
<br /> �� euma lo eneble Lender lo pay es they become due one or more of the Iollowmg:l�1 all taxea,essesaments and other chergess ayainst
<br /> the Propeny,(n)the premfums on lhe property insurance requved hereunder,and 1���)the premfuma on any mortpefle Inaurance
<br /> ' roqulrad by Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnhmne�, R�paln�nd Compllanc�wllh Law�. Truslor shall keep the Property fn pood Condit�on and repe�r;sha11
<br /> promptly repefr,or reylace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed; ahall not commlt or permit any waite or
<br /> deterloretfon ol the Property:shell not remove.demol�sh or substant�ally alter any ol the�mprovements on the Property,ahell not
<br /> ' commlf,suHe�or permfl any act to be done In or upon the Property In v�olation ol any law,ord�nance,or regulaaon,and shall pey and
<br /> promptly dltcharpe et Truator'a cost and expenae all liens.encumbrances and charyes lev�ed,�mposed or assessed ape�not the
<br /> Properry or eny part thereol.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Donlaln.Lender f�hereby asslpned all compensation,awards,damagea and other payments o►rel�el Ihereinafter
<br /> "Proceeds"►in connection wlth condemnation ot other tak�np ol lhe Property or paH thereof,or for conveyance�n lieu ot condemna-
<br /> Uon.Lender ahall be entitled at its opt�on lo commence.appear�n and prosecute m�IS own name any action or proceed�nps.and
<br /> � fhall also be entffled to make eny compromlee or setllement In connectlon wlth auch taklnp or d�pe.M the event an�pornon of
<br /> N�C]�6YINarp�cunw��O�NIMv f0 M �
<br /> O HM N�Iroti��M d Caw�n i.uu�nd Q�.�rot Aawt��ban l�nrdn N�d�Y�
<br /> . �' � _. . -- -� .. . .
<br />