<br />fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may cxercisc its rights under 5ection 9 aad pay such amaunt and
<br />$orrower shall then be obligated under Sectiau 9 to repay W Leader auy such ainount. Leqder may revoke the waiver ac to auy
<br />or all Escrow Items at any titne by a notice given in acco�dance with Section 15 and, upoo such cevocation, Barrower shall pay
<br />to Lender all F�ads� and in such amouats, that arc theprequired umler thig S�tion 3.
<br />Leuder may, at auy time, collect apd hald Funds in an amount (a) sufficient W permit Lender to app1y the Funds at the
<br />time specified uuder RESPA, apd (b) not to exceed tt�e ma�timum amouut a le�er can require under RESPA. Lender shall
<br />estimate the amount of Funds due ou the basis of current data and rea�dnab(e estimates of expenditures af future Escrow Itema
<br />or oWerwise in accordance with A�plicable Law.
<br />The Funds shall be held in aa ipstitutioq whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instnunentality, or entity
<br />(including L.ender, if Lender is au institution whose deposits are so insure�) or in any Federal Home Loan Bauk. Lender shall
<br />appl� the Funds tp pay the Escrow Items no later than ttte t�me specified under R�SPA. i.ender shall uot charge Borrower for
<br />hold�ng aud applying ihe Fuads, anaually analyzing the escrow aGCOUnt, ar verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays
<br />Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable Law pecmits I,�nder to make such a charge. Unless an agreemeqt is made in
<br />writing or Applicahle I,,aw requires intecest to be paid oa the Funds, t,ender shall not be required W pay Barrower any interest
<br />or earqiugs on We Funds. Borrower and Lender cau agc�ee in writi , I�owever, that interest sball be paid on the Fuads. Leadcr
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accauntw" gof the �unds as required by RESPA.
<br />If there is a sur�lus of Funds held in escrow, as defiued uader RFSPA, Le�der shalt accouut to Borrowcr for We excess
<br />funds in accordance with RESPA. If thete is a shoctage of Fun�ds held in eacraw, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender shall uotify
<br />Borrower as requited by RESPA, and Borrowar shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary tn make up the shorta�e in
<br />accordauce with RESPA, but in no more thaa 12 montWy payments. if there is a de�ciency of Funds held in escrow, as
<br />defined under RESPA, Leader sdall natify Borrower asrequired by RESPA, and Borrower s4a11 pay to Leuder the amouat
<br />necessary to make up the deficiency in accocdance with RESPA� but in Qa more Wan 12 monthly payments.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secuxed by this Security Ipstnuneut, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrawer any
<br />FY�nds b,eld by Lender.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assesaments. charees, fines, aud impagitions attributable to the
<br />Property which can ausin prioriry aver this Securiry lnstnunem. leasehotd payments or grnund reuts on the Property, if any,
<br />sud Communit}+ Association Dues, Fees, a� Assessments, if aqy. To the extent that these items are Escrow Items, Borrower
<br />shall pay ihem in the mauuer provided in Section 3.
<br />Bnrrower ahall pmmptly discharge any lien which has priority over Wis Security Iastrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees
<br />in writing to the paymeut of the obligation secured hy the lien lq a manner acceptahle to I.,cader, but only so Iong as Borrnwer
<br />is perforining suchag reement; (b) coqtests the lien iu gaod faith by, or defeuds against enforcement of the lien in, tegal
<br />proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to revent the euforcemeW. af the llen while thase proceedin�s are pendipg, 6ut
<br />oqly until such pmceedings are concluded; or (c� secures from the holder uf the lien an agreemept satisfactory to Lender
<br />subordinating the lien to this Security Iostrument. If I,,ender determines that any part of the Property is subject ta a lien which
<br />cau attain priority over this Security Instrument, L,epder may glve $orrower a eotice identifying the lien. WiWin 1Q daya of
<br />the date on which that notice ix given, $orrower shall satisfy the Iien or take one or more of the actions set forth above in Wis
<br />3ection 4.
<br />Lender may irequire $arrower to pay a on�time charge for a real estate tax verification and/ar reporting service used by
<br />Lender in connection wiW this Loan.
<br />5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemeuts �w existing or hereafter erected oa the Property
<br />insured against loss by fire, hazacds included within the term "extended coverage." and any other hazards including, hu[ uot
<br />limited w, eacthquakes and flaods, for which Leaderrequlres insurance. This insurance shall be maiotaiaed in tlie amaunts
<br />(including deductible tevels) aud for the pe�iods that L.ender requi�es. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding
<br />senteuces can chawge during the term qf the Loan. The insurance camer providing the insurane� shall be chosen by Borrower
<br />su6ject W L.endcr's right to disapprove $arrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised uoreasonably. Lender may
<br />requue Borrawer to pay, in conuection wiW this Loxu� either: (a) a anertime cl�arge for f14od zane determinatlon, certificatiou
<br />and tracking services; nr (b) a ouo-time charge for flood zoae determinatiot� and cectificstion services and subsequent cbarges
<br />each time rernappings nr similar changes occur whicti reasonably mtght affect such determinatlon or certification. Borrower
<br />shalt also be responsible for the payment of apy Fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Managemeut Ageacy in connectian
<br />witq tl►e review of any �ood zane determiqation resulting fmm an �bject�on by Sorrower.
<br />If Borrower fails to maiutain any of the coverages described above, l..ender rnay ahtain insurance coverage, at I,ender's
<br />option sud Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obllgation to purchase any particular ty�e or amouqt aF coverage.
<br />Therefore, such coverage s6all ec�ver Lendec, but might or might nat pmteet Borrower, Borrower s equity in tlie Property, or
<br />the contents of the Pmperty, against any risk. hxzard or llability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was
<br />previously in effect. Borrower ackaowledges that the cost nf the insurance coverage sp obUained miglu siguif'icaptly exceed the
<br />cost of iosurance Wat $orrower cauld have obtained. Any amouats disbursed by Leuder under Wis Seaion 5 shall become
<br />additiopal debt of Borrower secured by this Security Insttuntent. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the
<br />date of disbursement and s6a11 be payabLe, with such interest, upou notice from Leuder to Borrower requesting payment.
<br />All insurance policies required by Lender and reqewals of such policies shall be subject ta L,ender's ri@�ht to disapprove
<br />such policies, shall iuclude a atandard moRpa�e clause, apd sqall name Lender �s martgagee and/or as an addittonal loss payec.
<br />L.ender shall hava the ripht to hold the policies aud reuewal eert�cates, lf Lender r�ulres, Borrawer shall promptly g�ve to
<br />Lender all receipts of paud premiuws aqd reaewal natices. If Borrower abtaias any form of iasurance coverage� uot otiterwise
<br />raquired by I,,.ender, for damage ta, or destnection of, the Pcoperty, such policy shall include a staadard moR�age clause and
<br />shall name Lender as mortgagea and/or as au additional lnss payee.
<br />Iu the eveat of loss, 8orrower shall give prompt notir.e to the insurance carrier and Lettder. Lender may make proof of
<br />loss if not made promptty by Borrower. ilntess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, axty iusurance proceeds,
<br />whether or not the uqderlying insurauce was requircd by Lender, shall he applied to restoration or repair of the Pruperty, if the
<br />restoration or repair is ecoaomically feasihle and Lender's security is �ot lessened. During such repair and resWration per�od,
<br />Lencler shall have the right to hald such ipsurance proceeds until I..epder has had nn apportuuity to inspect such Propeety to
<br />eqsure the work has been completed tn Lender's satisfactioa� provided tpat such inspection shall be undertakeu promptly.
<br />Lender may disburse proceeds for the repa�rs aud restoration in a single paymeut or in a series af progress payments as We
<br />work is completed. Llniess an agireement is made in writing or Applicable Law reqtiires interest to be paid on such insurance
<br />procceds. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on such pmceads. Fees for public ad,�usters, or
<br />other tl�ird par[ies, retained by Horrower shall �t be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shal! be the sole obl�acion af
<br />Borrower. If the restoratian or repa.ir is �t economically feasible or l.,eader's securiry would be lessened, the msurance
<br />pr�eds shall he applie�t to the sums se�ured by t6is Securiry Iastrument, wh�her or not thea due. with the excess, if any,
<br />pud to Borrower. 5uch insurance proceeds shall be apptied in the order pmvided for in Section 2.
<br />If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may file, uegotiate and settle aay avallable ipsurance claim and related
<br />matters. If Borrower does not respoQd within 3Q days to a notice from Lender that the insurauce carrier has offered to settle a
<br />clairn, then Leader may negotiate aqd aettle the claim. The 30-daype rlod will begln when the nntice is iveu. In either event,
<br />or if Lender acquites the PropeRy under Section 22 or ntherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a� Borrower's rights W
<br />�nY ��u�� p��ds in an arnount not to exceed tlte amouats uupaid under the Nate or Wis Security Insttwnent, and (b) any
<br />other af Borrower's rights (other than the right W any tefun,d of unearned prenqiwanns paid by Borrower) under all insurance
<br />poticiee coveriug the Propeny, insofar as such rights are applicable to tlte coverage of the Property. Lender may use We
<br />msurance proceeds either to repair or resWre We propercy or ta pay amouqts unpaid uader the Note ar t�s 5ecurity Instrument,
<br />wheWer or not Wcn due.
<br />6. OccuRaney. Borrower shall occupy, establish. and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wit�ia 60 days
<br />after the executton of this Security Iustrument and shatl continue to accupy the Property as Borrawer's principa! res'rdence for
<br />at least oue year aftec the date of occupancy, unless Lender oWerwise ugrees ln writiug, which aansent sha(I nat be
<br />unreasonably wiWheld, or unless exteuuating circumstances exist wbich are beyoud Bor�nwer's control.
<br />NF.BRASKA—Single Family--Fantda Mae/Fraddie Mae UNlFORM INSTRUMENT
<br />8udcm S�nt�nu, Ina., Se, Cloud, MN pwm MD-1•NE B/17/2000
<br />Form 3028 1/01
<br />(P�d� � ol7paa�+1 s�,,. �
<br />