<br />This Security lostrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, end all renewals, extensioos and modi�icatians of
<br />the Note; and (ii) the penformance of Borrower's coveoaWs and agrcemcuts under this Securiry Custrument and the Note. For
<br />Wis purpose, Barmwer irrevocably graots and comreys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described
<br />propertylocated in the ............................................. .. . COUNTX . ............................................ of
<br />•. ITyp� of Racarding Jurisdiodonl
<br />.}�.........�,. ... .. .............................
<br />.. ...... ............. •
<br />� (Nema of Recordinp JuriRdictian] �
<br />which currently has the aaaress of ..............................................14�.1l��AN$El�44.9P................................................
<br />�sav.t]
<br />..........................�R��R!$�ANQ..........................., Nebraska ............... .8�801. ................. ("Propecty Address"):
<br />�CityJ � IZip Cadal
<br />TDGBTHER W1TH all the improvements now or hereafter ercccte� on the �mperty, and all easements, sppuRenauces.
<br />aud fixtures now or tiereafiter a paR of the �roperty. All replacemeuts and addit�ons shall alsa be cavered by this Securiry
<br />Inst�ument. All of the foregoing is referred W►n this Security Instrument as the "Propercy."
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS that $orcower is lawfully seised of ihe estate hereby conveyed and has the right to graW.
<br />and convey the Property and that the Propecty is u�ncumbered� except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants aud
<br />wi11 defeud generally the tide to the Property against all claims and denuands, aubject ta a�► eacuunbrances of record.
<br />THTS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uuifa►�n coveaants far uazional use aud �n-unifo�n covenants with limited
<br />variatious by jurisdiction to consdtute a uniform seeurity inscrnment oovedog real property.
<br />UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower a�d I,ender covenant and agree as fallows:
<br />1. Payment oP Prindp�l, Ynte�est, Eacrow Items, Prepaymepk Charges, aad Late Chsiges. Borrower shall pay
<br />when due tb�e priucipal of� and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Nate and auy prepayment charges and late charges due
<br />under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funda for P.scmw Items pursuant to Section 3. Paymeqts due under the Note and Wis
<br />Security Instrumeut shall be made in i1 S. cumency. Hawever, if any check or other instrument c9eceived by Lender aspayment
<br />uuder the Note or this Security Instrume� is returned to I.ender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all su6sequent
<br />payments due uadec the Nate and thia Securlty Instnunent be made iu oue or moce of the following fotxns, xs selected by
<br />l.ender: (a) cash; (b) moQey order; (c) ceRified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check� provided any such
<br />check �S drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insw�d by a fe�eral ageucy, instnuncntality. ar entity; or (d) Electroruc
<br />Funds Transfer.
<br />Payments are deemed received by Lender when teceived at the location des►$nated in the Note or at such other locatioa
<br />as may be desigpated by Lender in accordance with the uqtice prmisions in Sect�on 13. I.,euder tpay retucn any payment ar
<br />partial �ayment if tl�e payment or partiai payments are insuff'icient w bripg the Loan current. Le�er may accept any payment
<br />ar partialpa yment iu�ufficieat to 6ring the Loan currept, wirhout waiver of any cights hereundcr or prejudtce to its r�gt�ts ta
<br />refuse sueh payment nr partial paymeuts in the future, but I,e�er is not obligated W apply sucti payraeqts at the time such
<br />payments are accepted. If each periodic Payment is applied as of Its scheduled due date, then Lender need nat pay interest on
<br />unappl►ed funds. Lender may hold sueh unappl►ed fuads uuW Sorrower makes paymeut to bripg tl�e L,oan current. If Borrower
<br />dces uot do so witpin a reasonable penod of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them ta Harrower. If na
<br />applied earlier, such funds will be app(led W the outstanding principa! balance under the Note immediately priar to focectosure.
<br />No offset or claim which Barrower might have �w or in the �uure against Lender shall relieve Borrower fcom making
<br />payments due uader tlie Note and Wis Security Inatnwvent or performing the covenants and agrecments secured by this Security
<br />[ostrument.
<br />2. Applicc�tt[�aa of Payments or Prooeeds. Except as otherwise descrtbed ;n Wis Section 2, all aymepts accepted and
<br />applied by Lender shall be appl�ed in the following order of priority: (a) iQterest due under the Note; �b) principal due under
<br />We Note; (c) anpaunts due upder 5ectiun 3. Such �yments aha(l be applied W each Periodic Payment in the order in which it
<br />became due. Any remaiaing amounts shall be app(ied first to late charges� second tq any other amounts due under this Security
<br />Iostrument, and then W reduce We principal balance of the Note.
<br />If LeQder receives a�ayment from �orrawer for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amount to
<br />pay any late charge due� tLe payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the laze cl�arge. If more Wan one Periodic
<br />Payment is outatanding. Leader may applq anypaymept received from Barrower to the repaymeat of the Periodic Payiqents if,
<br />and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in full. Ta the extent tpat auy exc,ess exiats after the payment is applied to tha
<br />full p$ymeni of one or more Periodic Payments� such exceas may be appl�ed to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments
<br />shall be applied first to anY Prepaymepi charges and Wen as described in the Note.
<br />Any application of paytnents, iasurance proc�eds� or Misceltaneous Prace.ecls W principal due under We Note shall not
<br />extend or postpoue tLe due date, or change the ara�uut� of the P�riadic Payments.
<br />3. Funds for Escrow It�ns. Borrower shall �ay W Lender ou the day Periodic Payments are duc uio�der the Note, uptil
<br />Wc Note is paid ia full, a sum (the "Funds") w Prov�de for paymeat of am�unts due for: (a) taxes aqd assessments aud other
<br />ite�ns which can attain priority over this Security Instrument aa a tieu or e�umbraace ou the Property; (b) leasehold payments
<br />or grou� rents on the Property, if a�ry; (c) p[�emiums for any and all insurance required by Lender uuder Sectian 5; and (d)
<br />Martgage Insurance premi�ms, if any, or any sums pa�abie by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the paymeat of Mortgage
<br />ipsurance premiums in aceordance witti the provisions nf ection 10. These items are called "Escrow Items." At origi�atiou or
<br />at any time du�ng the term of We Loau, Lender mty c�equice that Commuuity Associatiou Dues, Pees, an�d Assessments, if any,
<br />bc escrowcd b Borrower. and suctt dues� fees aad assessmeuts shall be an Exrmw Item. Borrower shall promptly furuish to
<br />Lender a!1 notices of amounts to be paid under this 5ection. Borrower shall pay Lender the Fu�ffi for Escrow Items uniess
<br />Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay tl�e Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower'a obligation
<br />to �ay to Lender Fuuds for any or all Escraw Items at any time. Any such waiver may only be iu writing. Ia the event of such
<br />waiver, Borrower shall pay d�rectly, whea and wtiere payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of
<br />Funds has been waived by I,ender and, if Lender requires, shall furaish to L,euder recclpis evidencing such payment within
<br />such tlme period as Lender raay requice. Bormwer's abligation W make such payments apd to providc receipts shall for all
<br />purpases be deemed to be a eovenant and apreement Coatained in tltis 5ecur7t�r Instnunent. as the phrase "coveuaut aad
<br />agreement" is used in Section 9. If Borrower �s obligated to pay Escrow ltems directly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower
<br />NEBRASKA—Single Family—Fanrds Mae/Fnd�e Maa UNIFaRM INSTRUMENT Farm 30 // 2 ll 8 ,,rr �1
<br />BaNun Sy�Hmr. lne., St. CMud, MN Fwm MO-1-NE 6/17l�000 (pqg� y oj7 pqgGtJ �_ Wr'
<br />U ��
<br />