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� <br />2oioosii� <br />7. �reservatiop, Maiiaatenance and protection af the Propecty; L�spedions. Bnrrower shall not destroy, damagc ar <br />impair the Property. allow tl�e Property to deteciorate or coaamit waste on the Property. Whether or nat $arrower is cesidiag in <br />the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Pmperty ia order to �c�vent the Pro�ecty from deteriorati�ag or decreasing in value <br />due to its cnnditian. UNess it is determin�l pucsuant to Secqon S that repa�r or restoration is nat ecouomically feasibie, <br />Borrowcr shall promptly re�air the Properly if damaged to avoid fuRher deceriocation or damage. If insurancc or <br />condemnation proceeds a�e paid in counection w�W damage W, or the takiug of, the Froperty. Bormwer shall be respoqsiblc far <br />repairinp or restoriug the Property only if L,ender has released pmceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse Qroceeds for <br />the repaus and restoration in a sin�le �aymcnt or in a sedes oF progress payments as the work is compleTed. If We uuucance or <br />cdndemnation �raceeds ace not su�'ficieW. to repalr or restore tbe Properry, Borrower is not re(ieved of Borrower's obligation <br />for thc complet�vn of such repair or reatoration. <br />Lender or its agent may mal�e reasonable entriesupo n and inspections of We Propeity. If it has reasonable cause, <br />I..ender ma�+ ipspect the intertor of the improvemepts oq the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time nf or prior <br />ta such aa interior inspection sp��fy Ing such reasonable cause. <br />8. Bnrrnwer's Laan App$cs�tina. Borrower shall be in default If, during the Loan application process, Bnrrower or <br />an�► persons or entides acting mt We dlrectiou of Bormwer or with Barrower's ku�wledgc or consent gave materially false, <br />m�sleading, or inaccurate infonqnation or statemeWs w Lender (or failed to provide L,euder wiW matetial iuformation) in <br />connection with the Loan. Material represematiaus include, but are not limited ta, representations conceraing Borrower's <br />occupancy of the Prope�ty as Bornower's principal tcsidence. <br />9. Prote�ctian oP Lender's Xnte�rest in t1�e Property aud Riphts Under t�is Security Instrwnent. If (a) Borrower fails <br />to perform tqe cavenants and agreements contained �n this 5ecur�ty Iqstrument, (b) there �s a legal procecdiag t6at might <br />s'rgnificantly affect Lender's interest in the Propecty and/or rights uuder Wis Security Instruunept (such as a proceeding in <br />bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeituc�e, for epforcenient of a lien which may attain prinrity over this Security <br />lostrument or ta enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower das abandoned the Propercy, theu Lender may do and pay for <br />wqatever is reasonuble or appropriate w protect Lender's interest in the Pmperty and ri�hts under this Security lustrument, <br />including protecting and/or assessi the valuc of We Property, and securing and/or cepauing the Properry. Leuder's actlons <br />can include, but are not Iimited to:�a) paying any sums secured by a lleu which has priority over this Securiry Instrument; (b) <br />aPpeariug in court; and (c) paYing reasonable attorniys' fees ta prote�t its interest in the Property and/or rights uuder Wis <br />Securiry Iustrument, including its secured position ia a bankruptcy proceeding. Securipg the PmQerty includes� but is not <br />limited W. entering the Property to make rcpairs. change locics, replace or board up daors and windaws, draia water from <br />pipes, eliminate building or other code vi�lations or daogerous conditions, apd have utd�des turned �n ar off, Although Lender <br />may take action under this Sectian 9, Lender does not pave to do so and ls not under a�+ duty or abligation to do so. It is <br />agreed that Lender incars no liabiliry for uat taking any or all actions authorized u�ter this Secuoa 9. <br />Aay amouuts disbursed by Lender under thi�s Section 9 shall beoome additional debt af Borrower secured by this <br />Secarity Iqstrument. These amounts shall bear ipterest at the Note rate from the dat� og disbursement and shall be payable, with <br />such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesdpg payment. <br />If this Security Instrument is oa a leasehold, Borrower shall camply with all We pmvistons af the lease. If Borrower <br />xcquires fee tide to the Propetty, the leasehold and the fee tide ahall not merge unleas Lender agr�es W th� merger iu writiug. <br />10. Mortg,age Insurance. If I.,ender required Mor[gage Insurauce as a candition of makiug the Loan, Borrower shall <br />pay the premiutns required to maiptatu the MoRgage Insurancc in effect. If, for any resson, the Mortgage Cnsuranee coverage <br />required by Lender aeases to be available from the mongage insurer that previausly pravided such iosurance and Borrower was <br />r�qu�red W make separatei� designated payments toward tl►e p�+emiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the <br />premiums required to nbtaua coverage substantially equivaleut to We Mo�tgage rnsuranc� prcwioustq in effect. at a cost <br />substantially equivalent to the cost W$orrower of the Mortgage ]nsurance prcwiously in effect. from an alternate martgage <br />insurer selected by Leader. If substand�lly equivaleni Mortgage Iasurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall coutjnue to <br />pay to Lender the amount of the separately destgnated payments that were due when the insucance caverage ceased to 6e ia <br />effect. L.ender will accept, use and retain Wese payments as a non-refundable loss teserve ia lieu of Mortgage Iusurance. Such <br />loss reserve shall be non-refundable, noiwitbstaading the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid i� full, and Lender shalt uot be <br />required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on sucd tass reserve. Lender can no torager require loss reservepaymeuts if <br />Mortgage Iusurance coverage (m the amouat and for the period tbat Lender requires) provided by aa insurer seteaed by L,ender <br />agnlu be�omes available, is obtained, and Lender reqaires separately dosignated payraeats tawacd the premiams for Mortgage <br />Iusurauce. If Lender required Mortp e Ipsurance as a condit'�on of making the Loan and Borrower was requirrr,d to malce <br />separately designated paytnents Ww� the prett�ums for MoRgage Iosurance, Borrower shatl pay the P�epaiums required ta <br />mainta�n Moctgage Insurapcc iu effect, or to pmvide a non-refundable lass reserve, untll Leqder's requuremcut for Martgage <br />Insurance ends in accordauce with any wriaeu ag�eement between Borrower aad Lender providing for such termination or until <br />termination is rcquired by Appiicable Nothiug in this Sectioa 10 affects Borrawer's obligation to pay interest at t6e rate <br />provided in the Nate. <br />Mottgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entiry Wat purchases We Not�) for cectain losses it may i�nr if <br />Borrower does not repay the Loan as agteed. Borrower is not a parry to We MoKgage Ipsurance. <br />MoRgage insurers evaluat� their total risk an all such iusncanee in foree from time to time, and may enter into <br />agreemeuts witl► ather parties tha[ share ar modify thcir risk, or t�duce tosses. These agrex.ments are oq terms and conditions <br />t1�at are satiafactory to the mortgage i�asurer and tbe other �rty (or parties) to t�ese agr�ements. These agreements may c�quire <br />the mortgage iusurec ro malce payments using any source oP funds that the moctgage insurer may have available (which utiay <br />include funds obt�iued from Mortgage Iusuraace premiums). <br />As a result of these agreements, Lender, aay purehasec of the Note, another insarer, auy reinsurec. any other entity, or <br />auy affiliate of any of the foregoiag� may �eceive (d�r0ctly or indirectly) anwunts that derive from (or might be characterized <br />as) a paRiou of Borrower's payntents for Mortgage Iusurance, in exc.�apge for sLaring or modiafyying the mactgage insurer's <br />risk, or reclueiag lasses. It' such agrcement provides that au affiliate of Lender takes a share of insurer's risk in exchange for a <br />share of the premiums paid to the iusurer. thea�angement is ofteu termed "captive reinsurance." Further: <br />(a) Any sucL agreements will not a�'ect ht e amnut�ts that Borrower has �eed top� for Mortgage Insqtance, or <br />any other terms of the Y.o�an. Such agreemepts wID n� increASe the annount Boe�rower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, <br />and they wW dat entitic Borrower to sny ret�nd. <br />(b) Any such agreements w111 not �[t'ect the rights $orrower has--it auy—with respect to the Mattgage Lusurance <br />under the Haneowners Protection Ad oI 1998 or aqy ab,er law. These rights may include the rl�ht ta receive certai�a <br />disclosures, to request and obtain canaenatlon � the Mott�e L�sura�nce, to hs�ve the Moctgage Insurance term�itated <br />autamaticslly, and/or to teceive a rePand of aqy Mortgage Insurance pre�niuro� that vvexe unearned at the time o� such <br />cancellation or te�aninadan. <br />11. Assign�ent of Miscellaneous pi,oceed�; F�fdtute. pll Miscellaneous Proceeds are heceby asaigned to and sha!! <br />be paid to Lender. <br />If the Pmperty is damaged, such Miscel(a�o�s pro�ds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Prnperty. if the <br />reswration or repair is economicalty feasible and L,euder's securiry is noi lessened. Dudng such rep�ir and restoration period, <br />L.euder shall have the rigttt W hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds untit Lender has 1►ad aq; ap�►ortuqity to inspect such Pmperty <br />ta ensuce the work has been completed ta Le�er's satisfaction, provided that such iuspectwn ahall be undertakeu promptly. <br />i.euder may pay for the repairs aud restoration iu a single disbursement or in a serles of progresspa yments as tlte work is <br />completed. UNess an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires intemst to be �aid on suCh Miscellaneous <br />Praceeds, Leuder shall not be rec�uired to �ay Borrower any interest or earqings on auch Miscellaneous Proceeds. 1F the <br />restoration or repair is noc econom�cally feas�bie or Lender's aecurity would be lessened. We Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be <br />apPl�� ��� sums secured by this Securiry Instrumeut, wheWer or uot thea due, wiW the excess, if any, paid ta Bormwer. <br />Such Miscepaneous Procecds aha116eapplied in the order provlded for iu Sectioq 2. <br />In the eveat of a Wtal taking, destruction. ar loss in value of We Property, the Miscellaneous proceeds shall be applied <br />to the sums seaured by this Security Instrument. whether or nat Wep due, with the excess. if anq. paid ta Borrower. <br />NEBRASKA—Single Family�--Fan�e MaelFred�e Maa UNIFQRAA INSTpUMENl" „ �orm 3028 1/ 1 <br />8ankm Syae�ms, Ine., Se. Gloud,ldN Form MQ-1•NE 8/17/�000 �� 4 of ���� �� <br />