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<br />Wards used tn mtrttiple sections of this document are defined belaw and other words are deflued in Sectlous 3, 11, I3, 18, 20
<br />and 21. Ccrtain rules regarding the usage of words used in this dacument are also provided in 5eaiaq 16.
<br />(A) "Securtty L�strume�t" means this document, which is dated ........................11:91:�A1Q............................., together
<br />with ail Riders tp this document.
<br />(B) "Borrower" is ���i4Y �T�Y�N PA�N$K1! an�.J4�lJE.ANN P.A4EPlSKX.�1l�Ss�9Pl4ANR 1�YlF.� AS.�l4lMT.TEN9NTS.Y�R4S .. .... .... ........ ............. ..
<br />Borrower is the trustor under this Security Iastnunent . ............. ........................................................................... .
<br />(C) "Lender" is .H�t�B�.�4t►k ....................................................................................................................... .
<br />L.euder is a.GOtR4t�l4p ........... ................................................................................... organized aad existing under
<br />the laws of .tl��atp.qtNab�aaka ............................................. . Lender's asidress is .1.1R].l�t���r�S.PrQ.�wt��9
<br />8@�1� .................................................................................................................................................. .
<br />Lender is the be�seficiary under this Secucity Instrument.
<br />(D) "1�ustee" is �erltgSeBardc,110I ��T�l$Ti�E�T AURO�.N� �$$�� ............ .................................................................. .
<br />.
<br />(E) "Note" meaps the promissory uote sigued hy Bormwer at� dated .1.1•R!•�41Q .................................................... . The
<br />Note states that Borrower owes Leader tv�ahwtd►arlaareatf►�ireihaua�rude�uloaLlOP .................................................................
<br />..... ...................................... DoUars (U.S. $.�?$�44��.................... .) plus interest. Borrower has prqmised to
<br />...... ,
<br />paY Wis debt in regul�r Periodic Payments aad to pay the debt iu full uot later than ................. .... ]J: P.1: TAZ4. .... ,..... ..... .... .
<br />(� "Property" means the prpperty that is described below upder t6e he�ding "Transfer of Rights ia the Property." ............ .
<br />(G) "Loan" means the debt evideuced by the Note, plus iaterest, any prepayment charges and late charges due uuder the Note,
<br />and all supns due under this Security Ipstrument, plus interest.
<br />(� "ltiders" means all R,iders ta this Security Inatrument Wat are executed by Borrower_ The following Riders are to be
<br />executed by Borrower [check box as applic.�ble]:
<br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider GJ Condominium Rider ❑ 5econd Hame Rider
<br />C7 Balloon Rider ❑ Planned Unit Developmept Rider C] Other(s) [specify] .......................
<br />❑ l-4 Famity Rider ❑$iweekly Payment Rider
<br />(n "Appllcable Law" means all contralliug applfcablc federal, state and local statutes� regu,lattons, pirdioances and
<br />administrative rules and orders (Wat have the effect of law) as well as all applicable �nal� non-appealable judicial opiniaus.
<br />(� "Community Assaciation Dues, Fees, apd Assess�nents" means all dues, fees, assessments and othcr charges Wac are
<br />imposed on Borcower or the Property by a conddminiwn association, homeowners assaciatian or s'rmtlar organization.
<br />(� "Electronfic Fuads Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a trapsacxion originated by chcck, draft, or similar
<br />paper instrument. which is initiated through an etectranic terminat� telephoNc iustrument. computer, or magnetic tape so as to
<br />order, iustruct� or authorize a�nanclal institutioa W debit or credit an account, Snch term includes, but is not limited to,
<br />point-of-sale transfers. automated teller mactiiBe transactioas, transfers initiated by telephone. wire traqsfers, and automated
<br />clearinghouse trausfers.
<br />(L) "Fscrow Items" means those items that are described in 5ecdan 3.
<br />(1Vn "Miscellaneous proceeds" means any compensation, settlement� award of damagcs, or proc�eds paid by any third party
<br />(other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages descri6ed in Sectian 5) for: (i) damage to, or desiruction of, the
<br />Property; (ii) condempation or oth�r taking of all or any part of the Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnatiou; or (iv)
<br />misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, Wa value and/crr condition of the Property.
<br />(1� "Mortgage L�surance" mesns insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment af, or default on, We Loaa.
<br />(0) "Periodic �'ayment" means the regularly scheduled arnount due far (i) principai anct iaterest under the Note, plus (ii) any
<br />amounts under Section 3 of this Security Iqstnunent.
<br />(P) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlemeut Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. �2C�1 et seq.) and ita implementing regu(ation,
<br />Regulation X(24 C,F.R. Part 3500), as they might be aaaended from t�rne to time� or any additioaal or successor lagislation ar
<br />regu(ation tqat governs the same subject matter. As used in this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to at! requirements and
<br />restrictions Wat are imposed in regard to a"federally related martga�c loau" even if the Loan does aot qualify as a"federally
<br />related xnortgage loau" under RESPA.
<br />(Q) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means aay part}+ that has taken t1Uc to the Property, whether or not that party has
<br />assumed Borrower's obiigations uuder the Note aud/or this Securiry Instnunent.
<br />Form 3028 1107
<br />NEBRASKA—Single Family—Fannie Maa/Fraddte Mac UNIFdRM INS7RUMENT II��I"IIIIIII���'I���I
<br />B�nk�n Sy�t�ms, lne., Se. Claud, MN Fvrm MD-t-NH 8�17lT000 [ IIU 1111 � U u
<br />rsl: 1/7001
<br />� 1 �/ �P�+ii�1 J 6 2 A 0
<br />