<br /> �_�=
<br /> ;s � —
<br /> ' '�5.
<br />. •, � ��
<br /> 4 Yh� Tru�tor ta meaY the rap�ym��t tc�rma in re�pflet to tKe�oan 6tgte�4n�nt end an� .?;�y.
<br />�' �� lB) Any 1ai[ure on the part o �''>.:
<br /> other advances under thia Dcsad of Tnast herQby sacu�:a��� �,;;;�.;
<br /> 4hls Doe¢!of Trust or any feiiure o1 , „
<br /> •=; tCi Any a�on by the T�usLor pt�fi�ibiisd b;�th:�te�ns o4 the Loan t�gg�At���+: ..;,:.
<br />� t h e T r u s t a r t fl�et as re�uirad by tRa Lnan Agr�ame�Y or th{��,at^«c�pfi Tru�Y.eaeh of�vNt�t►�'rustor heteby egres9 �.���
<br />" .'' hsve en adverse aftect on the �enaflcit►�5t's sacudtif for e h o I�n e o f c r e d t t e s t a h i i a h 8 d e rt d the rl gMs ot vYte -. ,;� .
<br /> :'F'p.
<br />, -•.i�' ... .
<br /> •: �t'' �tt�te4iciary irt such 5ecutitY•
<br />- and upon the hapg�ning of anY s�ch evenYJYO�e�e�o���A�Q�����d��Trusltea sh�hava the povver of sale a4 `•-�"
<br /> due end Bayabla by deiiver to Yrustee of ��`-`
<br /> �__
<br />. ' the property,end if Bs�afiaary desire�the�Rro�e��_��$���`���e�d sttail detiver ta Yi ustee a writton n/o e� �;•_-
<br /> promissory notes arsd documents evidenc g ex� �«_.;
<br /> x
<br /> of dafautt and etection to cause the PraFertt/� be satd, and�e Tv�stee in 4um shall preparo a nmiice ite tRe foren ���:
<br /> r�t:�-�;
<br /> reqaired by law, whici�shatl be duty flsd for record b�t T�uatea. _ -__
<br />..:;�;�.; tN After ths lapse of such tirne as may be re�uired by taw fat3n�ving tho record�tion of sai�ff n�tice of dofault,snd -. -
<br /> `, •��- noiIca of default and rtotice of sata havfng�aen givo�ea r4�uitsd by taw,Trus2ea, �v:th�ut darmand on Yrustcr, ___
<br /> Y�r� shali sefl th4 Prope�ey on tt►e date and at tho dm�end pinr�darign�ted in gel�e�oti�af sato.ai pu�iEtc a��dcs�ia i�
<br /> . thp highest bidder. the puraP�ase price pal�ahln in Iawful snonmy of the United StaYeFS ot 4hQ ti�►e mf sele. Thv r�:.,--
<br />���,:,'�°:E; person coaduc4in9 the sete may,tor�ny a�utto ha dnoma eztpadien4,pastAone tQta��a frarn drne ta timQ until tt �,-::
<br />.;�•,•t,;� sPeafl be comptAtad and.in every suoh cosfl, �a4ic.�ufi pna�ll�nt►�ent shall he gn�a�.4���pu�j{cdscl�s�ar�thereof �:____
<br /> t
<br /> ,��� by such por�aL the time and plece ta�t ap{�alntcsd for.tht�Ofl1H,Prov�ed,�m���u�PQ�9o��for Ioager thnn —
<br /> ,��;i
<br /> � , onelll day @��a�'�a thp!l�f1��t9n�d in dro nt�tiao of An1tr,nt�i�a 4hateof sh�fl be givon in the same manrter
<br /> �:. ;,.
<br />:. ;.;..� the original naticya ctf�. Trustee sha0 executr+and dpiiver,ta 4he purchassr its Qeed convoying the Property so �
<br /> ,�'�1''`r sold �ut witho�t arnt^�i.r�nanY or warren�l.exQcr�ts�or�i�149ad. The r�citals in the deed of any rr�att���or scts �-,_,_:
<br /> cr
<br /> �` ' !��(�16rt�ttn.inrdudir�g Bertoficiat5/.rt81t Pwchase at 4Ae oale. --
<br />`'.C;t � ahail Bs canctl�t�^�e pvaof�of 4�e Vuthfult�ss thorenfr. °�__
<br /> f h''� (a) When Ttus�istt•�etls pursuartt to thR p�+ars tto��ip,tha?+sut►tue sheli a�Ply the proc��s of the sats to�aYment �_
<br />'Yti�.
<br />���, ��',. afr the cout��rm�t oxpenses of exercising tho pa►�rr�of sele and af tha safe,including th��*raVment of the'iYuntos"s �.,.,,\ .
<br /> e�::-
<br />•:. 't� ' ,fi`es Bc�Ja3�Y ttl�uned,�+rBEc?�Truatee's tee3�hci�.no2 in the eggr�gate exceed�the faIItfilving amoe�ret based u¢on --
<br />,;�,��,;s:,.� the acaourlt secwed hereby and remaininn unpt�tl;5 percentum on the Rrst 87.00fl thereof. 1 �,c�anium an ttte �.
<br /> ,�.tS�F. --
<br />;•{;,5,:, balance th�!�f and 4hen to the itamo in�su�par�tgrs�ph(C1.in.dse ordar there steted. _
<br /> .'`=}°''•`. !Cl After pgytnff i}�e items specifted it� su�bjMtngrapf►tB)if tli�t �m'�ta by Tr�stee.or the�na�e�court and otte�r ccsts
<br />,,-���,;:.
<br /> '• of fttreclosure sttd selo if ths sa!e it►purcwc�nt,ta•3udl�ial 4orectasure,tha procesds af se:�b r�r�ii be appl�ed in the : �
<br /> , :...; < ..�...�
<br /> �tisiu�to the pW�nen2 of::, . -_
<br />.��.�"' (l) Cost of erNt t�+rf�ence of thle p�oautr�cf-in conneatlan�vitih utt�fr��f�artd c#any re�ctrr�sra�'tamps; ' Vc
<br />;;,f! ��,� Ilq All suma tha sg�urad hn�by: � :: _
<br /> . '� 111p Tties remainder, if eny,t�x ti�u porson iegaliy entitled ther�to.
<br /> ; � ,� .
<br /> t
<br /> ;; �': �3. puties and ObSt�ipRS ot Teus�. ta1 7Ma duties and oYstiQ��tona of trustee¢ks��il:?sa ddte�mine�sniais��+ti
<br /> - ti��:t�srpress prqvistons o��►i.�.Daed of Trust,and Tr,es�o shall not tso 1ia61e axcaAt for the perf�arm•�of such d�lias _
<br /> eiirfeatiligtstions es are ap�c331r.s�iV set iorih heraln��,��aF'�"uira Triustet e pand or�riske�its ov nfr�s,r�,;m 6oiherv+ioe ___
<br /> �'' Trustee; ib) Nea provtsions of this Deed of Tru3t R
<br /> incur eny fin�stc�7 obtigaiton in the pertamnance of e.tiy of its duties herauoeder,or in t�sa+�sc�r�so of ar.y of ii�s rk�4�t,3 _
<br /> � ae.pawor,if it shail hava grounds tor boliavi�sg that 41'�iepaY�flr►4 of sacb fuads or ad��'�indomnity againa�.��d'�•
<br /> . tl�bc or Us�ility is not reason�btY assur�d to it:4c1 'fn.t�se may consuit with counsei at its ovrn cha�sirt��nd th���v� :
<br /> .;.,,, ot�uch ceunset shatl bv 4ull�n�camptete authadr,��r•rn and p�otection In titxr•r,r•s�ect of arry eatlon taken or su���u�: ; ;(f' ��;x:;
<br />,::'�ry� '.,. by it hereund�r in go�d tai4h ond reliaace tharaom fti� �'ru�tee sha11 not!te IimFdl�fnr any action taken by n!n gao�i�2�i�r= �', ; ;�,� .
<br /> �.;;���i. and ressonabty Delieved by it ta�o autita�a�or witht�the t�iBCr�tion or rlgPUB 8nd���s��nterced upor�(t Fi�'{t�irs � �:
<br /> •??f,��'n Ooed of�tust. �
<br /> „�:'� 14. Additionai SscvuIN��st�m�►ts. fruomfi,:�t!te ex�anso, will ex�e and de'��vsr to the Trustee. Dre�s��►
<br />� {� � u{sun demand,such sacurdty insvumants as mad ts�r+o�uires!by Trusteo,in tisr►'o and substance�atl3factoN�'�N�•
<br /> ,:.���I covering any of tha PrapertY canveyad by thi�De�d of Trust,whtch secuttaty instruments�shail be eddWonal socuelty
<br /> . � for Trustor'a.f�tiihful p�rtorraance of.al of the terms, covenants ertd condttions ot thia Deed of Trust, 4hs �9Dn
<br /> ��• • Sr�J sact�on.Su h irts�tru sMs hall b�ecordod ar filed,a dere�eco�d d$�+a refit a et Trust r's expenae.�����S�ris s�
<br /> 15. Misc�ilan�ouo.
<br /> '- ��,..� �A) tn the event eny or.e or more ot the provisinna contairted in thu O�ox��s'�7�ust,or tho Loar►Agleerrtent or any , _
<br /> • ptornissoty nate,or anyioehe;Q unenfor+ceable n any espect su h�nvatidity,�iliag�i ty ar un ntorceability�ha 1. �^•_
<br /> to be held to be invafid, g d
<br /> at the opilon ot BeneflcEary,not aNect eny ot�Ar provist�n o4 thia Qeed oE TrusL�11et thts Deed of T►ust sha11 be
<br /> consvued aa if sucfi invatid,iilegal or uneninPCa�io�e provision had nevc�a{;�n corsY�inad hereirt,ar t7�eroin. �+�.
<br /> (D} This Ooad ot Tru�t shell be construed accordEt�g to the laws of the Stat�of Neb��s4ca.
<br /> '. ' (CI 4ho Caasi e�f Trust shall insure to and bind the heirs,leget�es,deviseea. sdminiatrar�rs,exeeu2crs.sueeossar,�ond
<br />- ��� � asstgns of the parttes hereto.
<br /> � (D) Trustor sh311 pay ali taxes tevied upon thi�Qead of Trust o�tho debt secured herehy,togs2her with any ott►ae.t�rr�s
<br /> or a;sessments whlct�rnay be tevie�ega;�st the Trusteo or Beneficiary or tho tega!hotdet of tho Loan Agroe�nen4 ��•
<br /> �`''����:: os�account of tho indnbtc3dnaua mvbdence thereby.
<br /> .'�..1,`. (E) Whenevar used harein,the olntiular���Q terma"Berteficiary'pshail/includeueny pey e ot the indebt dnesa h9 by
<br /> �'�� shat!be eppliea6lo to ail gandurtc,a
<br /> secured or any uansfor thoraof�w�ether by oporetion of law or otherwiso. �
<br /> 16. Succasaar Trutteo• 8enalic�ary maY hom time to time subatituto e successor or successora to any Trustee __
<br /> nemed herein or acdnp horaundar 4o execute this Trust Deed. Upan swcl�aPPo��ont and without conveyance to �.
<br /> '� the succossor Trustee.the lattor ohfl�l6a ve�ta0 v�i4h nll titto,powers end dutiae coMerred upon eny Truutao herain �
<br /> �� � namod or acting haraundar. Each such appointment or aubstatution shall be meda Gy writter�ins4rument by BenefFciory,
<br /> containing refarenco ta 4his Deed of Trust and its pt�ao of rocor6,wh3ch when recorded in tRe offico of tho�R��ant °
<br /> of Ose�is of tho counly or countios in vdhich�uld prcperty i�situated,shaif bo conctusive pr�f�C������D _
<br />. � ,� . of the�uccessor Trustoo. The foragoing power of subatitution and tfte proceduro therefore sha'�`not 6a exc�uslve of �
<br /> .. 404-3 f
<br /> . 9f�Jb '
<br /> -�-,----�
<br /> , . � . . . • .
<br /> • ,. . . . _ . .
<br /> . . . . . ,:' .
<br /> . , .. �� .
<br />. -.- , . . _ ' . .. - .. - , ; -rl+ _ - . a . . . . . _ �. . - ..�.� . . . . .
<br /> . . '� `: • . , . . . . .
<br /> . . � . a, . . � � - .
<br />. � � . . � . - � . . . i.i', . , � ..
<br />