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<br /> � by ownePm and operetarg of eisrailar progertiaa end ea Bsnsficiary may raguit4 for ita protectlon. Trustor wUl compty �t
<br /> w(th such other roquieamente a�Bensftciery �rtay tram t!e�o tm time raqueflt for the peotect€Qn by insurc+nce ot the '�°
<br /> � � int�tesR of Fhg r28p�cYlve�mrtfa3. Ali tnaurQnce polictn�mai�4�frsod puvsuant to thta Qead of Truot shall nama Trustor =_
<br /> end Benafir'g►y �in3uted,a�their ra3�ce�3ive int�rQat rr�ay oR�ose a�td�sovids th�t there shail tse rto e�naeite2len or �.:
<br /> � rrtaditiccF►tttar��rlltno�s 4if��en(t61 daye prtor�v�f4ten natifiaattar�to Trust3s en��oneficiary. l�!the ovenY any{tolicy L-
<br /> �� h�teund¢r fa rt�t rertevot�$�a�or lsaforo�ftoen t15!d�ya pnoa to[ts e�6retic�n data,Tfustea or Ban�fictary may RTOCUre -
<br /> '° " such inauranca in accor�ae�co vuith the provioions o4 F�ngraph 7. Trus4vr shaU delivor to Benoficeary the�rlginal �'
<br />_},� �alicles of insurence and ranavrats tiiereaf or copie3 of a�a+�h p�llcies snd renewals theroof.. Fas{ure to fumish such ��;
<br /> in3uranca�by Ttuster.oa renevsrats as rsquired hereur,dar,shatl. &t the aption of BeYte�ecisTy, constit�e a dr�aufY. A!1 �
<br /> � unearned Qromiumn are hereby assiflnad 4o Truatee as eddit[onel securfty, amd a safe�rtd c�nvey�nco af 47+e R�ape�i;i E:
<br /> by tha Trustee shall opere3e Ya c�nvey ta tho purdtaae�tho Trustor's interest In and to aif gaolicies of insu�ance upan "�
<br />`,. '�. tEv3 Y��t Property. �
<br /> 6. Tt�tR�a�d Asse�s�ten6� TrusYCr shall pay aN tattx�ss end spaciai assessmer�ts levied ar assessed ag�irbst,et �"�
<br /> due uRora,the F�e�y before delirtgaoncy er�d wilt dolivor to Benefcciary copies of�eceipts showtng payrnent of such _
<br /> taues and aRacial assessments.
<br /> � 8. Addt�Qa�st 6lena. Trustor sHall mako a1i peymonts of interast ared prtncipal,artd�yments of any o4her ch�ges, -
<br /> • fees, en�expanses c��trac2e�4 to be paid ta any existing tien hotders or �orior baneficiarfe3 under any prIor Oeed of _
<br />'�'�:',; Trust,Mortgage as ot�er secur3ty agreement, bafore thQ data ths�ere delinquan2 aad to�ay any otfier cleirr+ which _..
<br /> ..ti:4;;f. -
<br /> :;,1; jeopatdi2es the security gran4¢d heruire. -_
<br /> ,_;,;,; ?, pra�s�fiea df Benafld�y'o Senu733y. Should Truawr fall ts rteake eny paymonY,f�!t���a any ect a4 hereln
<br />! ;;,.`, pravidsd or i�sny sctton ar proeeciding ia cemmsaced wMch matertalSy aFfects�eneficiary'�t�c in the P�opert4/.
<br /> � '• Inc�ud►ng, Du2 na Flmited to, eminent domIIir,. Insoivency, aseangements or prece�cliRgs i�a��ring a bankrupt or
<br /> decedant,than 6erteftciary or Tn�stee,i�ut witha�t a�ligatian tc►do so,and witi►out rtofIce t�ar cfaEna�d upan Tiustor,
<br />�"°; ` and witt�out reteasing Tnistor trom a�y o�ligetion hereunder. may make or do tFie aume, eru!tttay pay.�urs�dtase, —
<br /> cor�Yest or comAromise andy encum�arartce, chIIrge or lten, evhich i»the judgerna�st af eitiaet appeaTa t�a a4i��t saId
<br /> � � Praperty;in exercisirtg 8r►y such pov�ers,the�enegiciary�or Trustee mey incur a IIa6Itity and expottd whatever emaants, --
<br /> ��. . j
<br /> ��� including d3sburserrsants�fr reasonabte attam��s fees, whieh in 4iiciir a�3cluto dic�cetIon mr�y Bo ner.ossary. In Yhe F
<br />�?_�" eveM that Trustor shati fai� to procure insurance, fait to pay taxes and speciat assessmerttg ar fail to maRe any _—
<br /> `'�'� � payrnertL�to euistirtg or prior lIen ifntdsra or benaficiaries,the Baneftciary may procure such insurance and mako sucP�
<br />";•`:��' paycRe�ts. A(1 surns incurred or cv^�ended tsy Baneficiary or Trustee in accordanco v�fitfi the provisto�ts of th�9oad�f —
<br /> ±;-.': Trust ere g�cur�d itc�eah�/and,withaut demand.shait be immediatefy d�e end Payabia�y 1'ruscar r�a�sQ�a1!��a f�terest —
<br /> �the rate provided fr��vanees under the L.Q.x�Agreament;pravided,however,thet ei the a;stiz�s��s�tt2e�.�c�aN
<br /> - �. rce Tnastc3a,n�ch sr,�rs nr�Y be added to ttfis pzirdpal batance of any irtdebtednoss se�cured her�+i m�:�sH�L�ear the —
<br /> � s8ma i:zc�v��s sucn in�btedRess and shall�e payable r8tabty ovor the remairting term 37iereo�. � . , ��
<br /> "`'`: ` 8. L��1�°�ae►t o9 R�4s. 6eneficiary shall fsavs tha rf{�Yis.�ower artd au2hority duringtPea ctinntinuancc3 aM�"r�beed
<br /> .r', � '
<br /> ;:~�s ��f Trust ti�aolt�act the�erns.issuea end profit�s r#�the Pro��riy and of any persona!proparty locute�thereois::vri:4h or
<br /> :.v,�:.. ' '
<br /> • f•� wtth�ut teking pe3�essEon of the Properey efrt'r�,�'�herepsy,and Trustaa hareby absmlut�ly ortd unaon�ltion�Ily a�igrta
<br /> � all such rer►ts,issues end proftts to Benaf�ciary. �eneficiary,however,Qareby consems w the Trustos's colloctlon ar►r3 �'.
<br /> retentton at Euch rents,issuea artd peof�4s[��thay sccrae end Decome payable so tang as Yrustor ia rtot,at such time, °
<br /> '�`` �.: irt dofaulC v�tt�respact to paymenx o#any indabtedness secured hereby or in thc,��C►�fflrmance of any a8s�ement
<br /> hereu�sdQr. U�on any such default.C'�nof�ciary may at any timo.erehQr in persc�i,..Ly;;�gent or by e receiver to he -
<br /> �� � �pointed by e court,w6thout notice and wit4sr.w.t�egard to the adeqa�of eny sec►,�j fi�r ttsrn i�webtsdness 6tereby .
<br /> � �uecured: {a) enter upon and take posse5si�rr.a� the Property or an��rsrt th�reof end irn i�t�ur,r�. �ame su� tor or -
<br /> . . .��,::hsrwt�.�woliect such renfs,issues and profft�,ir•,ct�ding those past dua and unp�Sct,en a�pty��lte same,lr�ss cosYs
<br /> ' and e 'x�r�.;ss�f operation and coitectton,inctudfi��reascnabfe at4omey tees,upacr,sts�tndebtedeass se�u��eby
<br /> . ar.rd in�:5�order as Betteflciary may deterrnim�°Z�)pertorm such act�s of repatr ar�?�tact�on as may be ne�ary or �
<br /> , ��roperto coreserve the vatue of the Propertyr:G:��;fiasse tha same or eny psrt hereof for such rontel term and upon such
<br /> -`%v'��� .r„an�itlon�as fts j�sdgmeni may d[ctate. Uittr��rustor and Benaficiary egres othoTwise in wrtting,any applfcadan dt
<br /> ,;;���;�:� ;, �ents,lssues or pro�te to eny indabtednoss se�ured hereby shall not extsrtd or po�t�ru�r:the due date of the inataliment '
<br /> :�.,�;:;;j,; ppytrtsritmr.4�s provided in the I.�arr�l€��eemoM�and the appOcation ihereot as afax+�`d shatl not w�ivo ar r�e any
<br /> ��`�:i'";� ` ���.,�utC��x:'�ratica of default hereut��i or invatidate any ect dope pursua�t to su�tie�e:atice. Trustop�Iso�t�gns to
<br /> .�...,:.�•
<br /> i�e;��c��,fi��ss fu�ther security tor the perfaamance of t�to obflgations secured horeby;e11 prepai�tr,ents and mS�monies
<br /> �t4t►.��h.muYf^:ava t�u�.r�r may hereaft�r be dc�sited with satd Trustor by arry lessee of��i'�.i�er'tY,to sscure the
<br />" •• Q3ya;al�t�a�any rem,and upon dafeuit in the performenca of any of the proviatons hereog,�'Satt�c�t��s��e�sct» doltver �,
<br /> � � sucPi crnL�ana deposits to the f3�ssQ.`iciary. Delivery of written notice of BeneiEciriry'�oxercEse��r tt;Q r��lctn��.rant�d r
<br /> [terein to any tertant occupyin{� sui� ptemises shait bo 3ufftctsnt to require s�id �nant ta G�w�d ��� ►���YO the
<br />� (3eneficiary until further noUce. '
<br /> � S. Cand�nxtadon. i4 titlo 40�e�y 03�oi t1s� Property shall bo tatc�n its coRdQSr.�atEo»�ea�riir�g�,qy right oT
<br /> eminent daneain or sfmilar actia�, os at.�fl be sotd urtdet threat of condem+natlon,at!mwards,Qarrt�gea artd psoceeds
<br /> aro horo6y0 aasignod and ahall bo paf�to Hsnoficta►y who shetl eppty such eward,d�aages ert�proceeds bo tito sum9
<br /> secured by the Daad ot T�ust,vriti►4ho excase,if any, paid to tAe Tre�stor.
<br /> 10. Fu4ur�da�vattcss. Tho l.,oan Agrcement provfdea tor adv�rt�oa ira�n time to time to 4rustor by Baneflciary
<br /> as pravided therein. in eddidon,upon request of Trustor, Benoficiary,et Beneficiary's opiion,prlor to reconveyanco �
<br /> 04 tMe PropertY to the Trustor, may make additionel future sdvences to the Trustar. Such tuture edvances, with
<br /> ir�terest thereon,she1)be secured by this Oeed o1 Trust whon evldancad by ptomissory notes at�4ing thet said nates _
<br /> � are aecured hereby; provided that et no dme shall the sacured princlpat end future edvances, n�t inctuaing sums `-
<br /> edvancad to proYect the security, excead ono hundred percent 110096I of the oNginal principal amounts sec�srad. �
<br /> haroby. -
<br /> 11, R�tf�diy CumW4tive. All remediea provfded ln thls Osed of Trust are distinct and cu�ia�kg�t�r�►o4i►or =
<br /> . rtght or remedy under thta Gsed o! Trust or efEorded by law or equity, artd may be exer iseZt cdlR`urrent(y, _
<br /> indspend�ntiy or succasEiveiy. -
<br /> 92. Acce�eraEfan: Fusmodte�;Saie. A dafault shatl oxi�t in tho event of: -
<br /> (A1 Any gvaud or miorepresen4fttion fay the Truator ir� eonnoction vuith tho line of credit which thi� Deed of Truflt �
<br /> SECUfOS; t
<br />---- • -
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