����'-:.! ' . - . .
<br /> � r�G�� . ,. �
<br />'y�, " �� ����
<br /> � ths pfl�var astd procedur�QrovBded for by!aw for tho�u��4u�orr of a Trust�e or�sEea3 in ttte place�f tPte T:t�t.�s
<br /> � ar Trt�mY�a�nnEn:d�sssin. -
<br /> 9F, ���a:���6���a��'a�n���da���`�arr. A forbaar�ns�by�sstvficiz�r or Tru�ia n.�c��ct�i�g �
<br /> � any rTgM ot ear����/4teraund�af,6T 04"i1E,?►���Ap£iYf07dSd I3Y 8PpI1C8��8 I$LV Sh� ROg b3 a ItdFlflt6T �� OP�3ICCt61d0 tRQ
<br /> exe��ias of any si��P�t or remady hereunsig�r.8t�7wise,the wa{var tiy ifar�efisiary or TeusYee o�ari+j dafauit of Yntstet
<br /> ur�fer tft�b Ce�ed oi 7rs�s�4 oti�ii aat be d�eecns+tl tQ ba e��:var of eiay aiha�r or simItar defauita subsaquerniy occurring.
<br /> 18. '�Ys�C�a2 t3�as:cri. Esi2enstan���hQ tim�far psym�n2 or madific�on or smorGZati�n of t4��sums&anu�d
<br /> -.�. �` by tha�ead of Tntst grlinte�by Benefi�ary io a�y succassar in irtier�st o€Yrustor shall rsat opetatg to r�lease,in any _
<br />: ":'�": manner,4h�liability ot tha arlginaD'f►ustor and Ynestor's successor i�(nterest. bensficisry sha9!a�ot tia re�uirQai Eo
<br /> ;:�'"', ` camm�n�e prc�aasiings againut aua#�succ�sar Qi aa�sa to s�c4�nd 41rr�for�symsnt ar oYF►ar�vtss�cdify amo��an
<br /> of ti�a suasa�secured by tho Qeed of Yres4 Dy r6�ce9;aa�.any dor•t�td ertrt�Q by Y�Sn ar3gin�i Yrus4ar and Tuctot�fs
<br /> � succas�csra in irterest.
<br /> r.� . 9�. Opt�an to Fcxsc�ase. Uann���ar�rl��„:�it�.�y dafaute hareu�dag,Baneficiar/ shail have ti�e a�t�an to
<br />� � foras�aa�ttiis Dee�of Srust in the ma�:�n���r:c�stY��:�ty!�v foT tt�foreciasurs og rranrtgsgas an ro�f prvpony.
<br /> . 20. Tnutor'��'ii�P.�.A6asst B3aiss�'fli:.Gtofif;t�!dw3�w3i in the payrrtsn8 of irtdelstednaas hure�y sseut�d.or urtit
<br /> . ' tRe breacb ot arry covs�art herein�a�I�nt�:�t1Y�•'�t�fs;�r. its succasscrs and as�i�ms, sbali�ossesa and�njoy tPta --
<br /> pro�erdy and re�siva the rerrts and prafsY�ttt�E�4Yf�1Y.; Uppn Q�ymem o� a11 sums seaured tsy thiA t�assf a3 Trust,
<br /> BeitaBctary sbaH request Tius�tc�io r�ca�v�rV tfi��tsp��s�?a�d s�aa1�surrender th[a Deed of Trust and e!!notaa and Losn
<br />..,, ��`• Agteernents evi�encing indebtu�ness.e��za:i,IIty,the�2�.��of TruSi to TrustEe. Trusi�a shalf reeoavcty the propar3y
<br /> cX ,s Y
<br /> �, .t�; <:
<br /> ..'::�,��, vsrithos�t�ra¢ratety.eat�v�ritiz�ouY c�!ar9u P.ti��3��gA�G��fagany erttitt�t�'�:�Aaroto. TTio GsanYea i�a any[eaonveyana�a�ze�r
<br /> bs described a�'Fftrto parson,�:pers�s�.�iitii�°.���3n��� ee�tti�s recitats therai�ot any msi�ars ru.f�cb shs�l.me
<br /> canctusivs pFaof di the�thii�r•iass th�`t��:�s��;t,����.ar pecs��s shait psy aft cost�oi eecor�in�;r.;i�:�ii►y. _
<br /> � • 2t. 7rancfear af f�Fraparty: .: t�;ti�i;�c;¢r►y.s p2,r�ot tt�e Ftoperty cr an in�9:'�',.,�•.s��n is rald ur _
<br /> �� . -
<br /> .. ``. : varsef�red wi�os�t Beneficisry:s P�p�. ..�`con�ant. �ex.ro�4��alv`�ennr:se�rovided bYJ�%,;.,��"'�enc3`ary r��y,�:��
<br /> :". �, : BeneR�an�o�.optiu�.�d�CtarO.�fi 'Rht�.�t�►#4�.��cured by tfiCs �!.Gt�t��af 'Crtts4 to �a tm►��t�{�'dtts art� p�yttt�i(��`..
<br /> '... .. Bsneficiary shatl h�x±�9r,�s�.�opt3�ti�;t�r�ccalae�ze if.g�ilur�.�fla seie ar unnsfer.�ana�"�y and the p�rsa�;ta�;:� .
<br /> . � . trlhom the Prr�rty.tg'��3���c,�ir traris€e:�v3d ressh a8fear�en4 fn wrriYing tt�atttte credit o!s�ch pere�rl is satisfact,iih��` .
<br /> • �;f �xo Seneficia�y end thet��".r�est p�pts on the surr�s sec�red by tha Deed of Trusi, shali 6e as sunfi`raie �s:�_.,. '
<br />�;. _ � Honeftciary shaif request:::�z;�anefici6r��t��u�rqiars tho o�tton to acaelarate Orovid�d in ti�ia ParaBreph 2i, artQ:E��.�:..•
<br /> Trustos's auc�csII�r tr�i�et;�i has ex�cu�.ra,wriYten assurtpp�fan eg�ea�ent accePted in wrtting.by Berreficisrrjy:,
<br /> t,. : .Senafcciapy shu11.P��aasa.'Pdci�fram siE.9b'i�tR�tt�s�t�ade��this�ae�of Trust and the laan Agreement. ff Beneftaiary�, ..
<br /> . euerc€ses such aption to"r.�w.�r�te.Ben$2��'�tr.►r{in�€P������s any�emadles panniYted by tAe Qeed of Trust. ' _
<br /> � , � �2: Rsa,i��tor llictie�%.�'�7ho 7rusYaa rec��rr,�:8ltS�im�copy of any not�ce o9 defau{t end ot any natice df sate ' _
<br /> .`^� •; hecsunder ise m�ile�,tc�Yru�r et.tha fs.�}31sas�Ft��t�t�.set�foreh. , � -
<br /> . ;�, , . . . , .
<br /> ':ti' , IN WITNCS�a'�tSi��OF,th�Yrust�t:!ttYr�nxacutst9 tPti31ttt3�.i��`.$eU3Y t013 d31/8Rd v6EE`�fl�Y ab01fQ Wf�LQOfl.' `.�..�`::
<br /> . .:i . . ,.
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<br /> �..`�. C��lM'Ylf OF �LALL f ' ' �
<br /> ' ::'�.. . . . .
<br /> � � ���� a . Before me,a Notsry Pu�t�r��asliti!t�rtarr said County. pareanatty camo Lo�nus c � ic�n coaans r,a�. �r�eu�
<br /> , : . E . u�a:xsrae . . . � . ;.... �:�;'.. .
<br /> ° .'�'s knowe�to me t�i:4se the idenS[cr+l paraapirs) who s�gnfld tfte foregoin�Instrument end a�+lctiio�vledged tF�e executioiqt•�'�
<br /> ,�,. _
<br /> � :; �tfi��;tcro�b�hialhz�lthEtr voS�vntary r�ct+er.td dead. .' -
<br /> .. ,. . .
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