. ��`1 . Y�� .��I . .; �;. 1 .� �J.itV�.+'.!.t!1!.P41flN/awISNLir•��•. _ ....
<br /> .-_. — _�.�,i _ ' �' `�; ' _-:�+�r-._._'-� _'.,.. __a_ .
<br /> �il�lnr.
<br /> �'�rn __ . ___ . .- _
<br /> .� . .-f- a+��•� - _ — _ .._. .- .
<br /> ._. _ -. "�M:. . . '�� �' _
<br /> . :�5��.�,g �
<br /> _ ., 'IwP.�jrr w•r2�lY... � _.- . `
<br /> - ;� �.i�i�reo��i
<br /> .,. �� , ,. .. ,..,.� � 92- 1�8 �..
<br /> ,:' �:;.���:W.�:•..�,� �..•:o::.-
<br /> ;� a..�-_� .-,-.�......�, ��:�....�__:.-.
<br /> i,��������,~= payment�. which ure�eferrcd to in Purugruph 2,or chunge Ihe umount of�uch paymemw. Any exce4�prcxeeJr;uver un
<br /> ti. pmauntrequired lo pay ull aut�iwulinQ indeMledne�s under�he NcHc und�his Securi�y in�trument shi+ll bc puid to tho enlity
<br /> ''• ' . , • le�ally entilled Ihereto. ^
<br /> 8, Feee. I.ender may collect tecs und chu�gc�uwhuriied by the Serretury, ��_
<br /> �•- 9. Grounds�or Ac��ekraUon o�Uebt. '°-'
<br /> �� � " (�►lkfAUll. Lendcr may,carept as limilcd by reguludona igsucd by�hc Sccrc�ary in the cu�c nf paymcnt Jefaults,
<br /> - �- qr.:��;:�';r.; reyuire immeJiutc payment in full af all sums securcd hy ihiy Securi�y In�tnimem ii': �,- __,_ _ ___�_
<br /> • �. . � ' (i)Bortower defo»Its by failing to puy in full uny monthly paymcnt rcyuircJ by thi�Sccurity Inslrurr�nt pnor
<br /> � ' � �o ar an�hc duc dute of�he next mon�hly puyment,or
<br /> ' (ii)Borrowcr defuults by failing,far a perial of thiny days,ta periiirm any ather ubligationx conwinrd in thiti —
<br /> y Security Instrument. �'°=
<br />�.a�, � . � (b)Sale Wilhout Credlt Approval. Lender xhull.if{x:rmi�tcJ by Applicuble law and wi�h�hr priar upproval of the
<br /> Secretury reyuire immediate puyment in fuH of all the xums xecured by lhir Securily Im�rument if: �-_.
<br />� r • ' . 1i)AII or pan of thc Prnperty,ur u bcncficiul intcresl in u tru5� owning ull��r puh of thr F'mperty. is xold or _`__
<br />�•,�� otherwise tran.rferred(other thun by devise or desceml by thc Barnawer,und _.__
<br /> ,. : .,�,,,,;,:.,� ;, (fi►The Pruperty i+nat cecupied by the purchase�or grnn�re us hi�ur her principul retiidence,ur the purchutier ___
<br /> �. _.-� �::�-r-�----_ o: grantet dae� so occupy the Pr���xr1y hu� hi. ur Iwr credit Iwti ixd Ikcu appruv�d in nc•�•or�iun['!` _-.:- ----
<br /> � ` b ' with the rcquirements of the Secretary. °"°"�
<br /> • ° • " • 1e)No WAiver. If circumstoncec ckcur that wauld permit Lender to reyuire immediate payment in full.Mu�Lender ��'_:
<br />, " dacs not reyuire such paymems.Lender dacs nat waive its rights with retipect ta tiubceyuent events, r' :%r`•.,
<br /> (d)Regulotions of HUD Secretary. In many circumstnnces regulutionti iasued by the Secretary will limit Lender ti �
<br /> �, - � '-� - � ctghts, in the cnr,e nf payment defnults, to reyuire immediatc puyment in full und foreclose iF not Puid. This '
<br /> • Security Instrument does not uutharixe accelernt�on or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations af Ihe S�crC�ury. �._� - ------- -
<br /> •� • ��;�� (el Mortgage Not Insured. Borrower agrces thut xhould thiti Serurity Instniment and thc nate secured�herehy not �o=:
<br /> '� � �"� � be eligible far insurance under thc Nntional Hour:ing Ac�within g mOnt hs from the
<br /> � ; ., ���;•
<br /> ' .�.'`''�'`� ' dnte hereof,Lender may.At itx option and notwi�hsianding unything in Purugruph 9,reyuirc immediate puymcnt in �:..:.���
<br /> • � full of all sumz securcd by thic Security Instmment. A written s�utement of�ny uuthorized nFen�of the Secretary �,,v:,� ��`'�'
<br /> • , ' dated subsequent to 8 moqths from the dute hereof,declining to insure this Securiry ��Y�,-��'.���-�
<br /> '� '•' 1, � lnstrument and the note xecured�hereby,shnll be deemed conclusive prooi i►f such ineligibility. Notwithstunding �� '� _
<br /> ; �'� �� , � the fareRoing,thiti�pti�m muy not tx� exercised by Lender when the unavuilabiliiy of inturance is�lely due to �.yy:�,�; ��
<br /> .. ..ti�.t,:
<br /> Lender's fAilure to remit a mortgage inxurance premium to the Secretury. :t.us-�`�
<br /> ' !.� 10. Re1nslAtement. Borrawer hAS a right ta be reinx�ated if Lcndcr hus required immediulc puy�ent in full t►c�cause , �.-'.-�� •"
<br /> ' of Borrawerk failure to puy un amount due under the�Note or thi. Securiry Inctrument. This nght uppliez cven after �;;
<br /> •• , "�-
<br /> ' ' f�n�clo,ure prckccdings arc isr:tituted. 'fi relmtatc thr Se�•��rity In�c�rument. Borrower shull �ender in ii lump sum ull ' ' :• '
<br /> — ---
<br /> amaunts reyui�d to bring Fiorrower:uccount current including,tu the exteM they are obligutionti of Bcxr�iwer undrr�h�ti -- ;,;.y� . - !
<br /> Security Instrument,Poreclosurc cost,und reazonuhle und cuxlomary attomey+'feeti und ex�:n.r�properly u�xociuteJ with '
<br /> the foreclosurc praeeding. U�wn rcin+tutemem by B��rruwcr, thi+Srcuriry In.trumcnt und thc ohliFauum Ih��t it.crure. � '�f� �
<br /> � ahull remuin in efl'eci us if Lender hud nal rc�uireJ immcdi�nr paymrnt in fulL Huwcver,l.cnder i�not rcquired In pemiit �`' ''"�"'�"
<br /> reinslutemem ii: lil Lender hu, ucccpled rein+iutrnunt �d�rr thc ri►mmencement ul li►rcelown pnKreJing�wiihin Iwu
<br /> . yeur.� immeJiutely preceding the rommencemrnl o( u cuRrn� li�reclu.urr pr�x•erJin�!. lii 1 rein,iutement will prrclude , �.,..'
<br /> . forecloxure on diff'crcnt gmunds in thc fuwre.ur liiil rrii��l;�lement will udv�ruly ullcrl tlk pri��rily of tlK lirn crca�eJ by ��:1��.,. .
<br /> " � Ihix Security Intilrumcm. `:h*.�.:` '�-
<br /> 11. Hor�owcr Nol Rcleatied: hi�rbeurunce by l.ender Nol u Wuiver. I:xicn.N�n of �hr timr ul p:rymenl u� . _y:�
<br /> ., modificution of umuniiutiun uf�hr,um..rcurrd by�hi.ticcuri�y bi.trumrnt grurnrd h� l.cnder to uny,urcc..or ro m�rrr.t � �
<br /> . . of Hormwcr xhull nrn u�n�tc to rclrau the liuhility ul'tlir uri�:inal H��rn�wrr ur HuRUwrr� wccc,.ur in in�rn+�. t.endcr _-
<br /> ,hull not t�e rcyuired tu commenrr prik�rding+n�:umti� :my.urcr+.or in in�cr���ur rrfutic to cx��nd �imc tiir puymcnl ur ',�<i
<br /> athenvise malify umoniiulion of�hr .um�,rcurrJ hy �hi� Securiry lu+trumrnl by reatiun uf uny Jrmund mude hy �hr -
<br /> originul Borrower or Rorrower;tiuccrs.or+in intrrea. Any li�rlxuranre hy LrnJer in excrcixing uny right�tt n medy�holl , __
<br /> not be a wuivcr of or precludc thc rxcrri.r uf any right ur rcmedy. '�'ti:_»:
<br /> 12. Successors and Awsi�ng Buund:Juint and tieveral 1 iability; Co•tiiRncrs. 'T'hc covcnan�,and u�!recmentti of • x�,'�
<br /> �. thi+Security In�trumcnt xhall bind anJ lknclit thr,ucrc+�un+�nd asxign.��t Lendcr unJ Burcuwcr.��njCel to IhC pRtviyio0s ^;:�„-;—
<br /> of Purugraph 9.b. Bonower: covcnunt. anJ a�:recmcntx.hall tx,jnint anJ .rvcral. Any Borcowcr who co-sign� this _ _ _
<br /> Security lnslrumem hut does not rxrcute thr Nutr: lu)i�co-�igning thi+Srruri��•In.tnmxnt only tii im�rtgage,grnnt and --_--
<br /> ;�•! convey that Borrower�imrresl in thc Pr���xrty under lhr tenns uf thi�Security In.Irum�M:lh)i.nat�xnonully oMliga�ed�o • �.�.,"�-.
<br /> puy the sum+secured by thi.Srruri�y In�trumcnl:unJ Ic)agn•c+Ihat Lendrr und an��rnher Banowcr may agree to rxtend. � • ,
<br /> mcxlify,farbear or make uny xramm�xiulium with mgurd to thc Icrmti oi'thi+Serurity In.irumcnt ar�hc Notc wi�houl thut � __�_
<br /> . Borrowcr ti conzcnt, ^`1-�-��c
<br /> � 13. Nolirea. Any noiice w Horrowcr pruvideJ ti�r in thi+Srcurity Inrtrum�nt shall tx�!iv�n by delivering it or by `
<br /> mailing it by tirxt cla+ti mail unl�++ upplirablr luw rcyuirc+ uu of unuthrr mr�h�xi. Thr nutirc +hall Ix dircctcd to thc I
<br /> Property Addrc�+or miy uther uddres+B�irrowrr dr�i�nu�eti hy na�irr lo Lr�xter. Any•niHicr lo l.endcr.rhall Ix given My , •
<br /> tinl clas, muil to l.endrr: addrrs,titatrJ hcrein or any addre.� Lrnder Jetii}�na�r. h) nuticr to Burn�wrr. Any nolirr ,
<br /> �mvided fnr in thi�S��uriry In,lrument.htdl Ix d�rmrd lo h:rve Ixrn�iven t��Horri,���rr ar l.endcr when�ivcn u�providrd �
<br /> m thix puragraph. I
<br /> 14. (:ovcrnin�Law�:tieverabHiry. 1'hi,Srcurity Im�rununt .hall Ix�:�»•�ni�J hy I�rder:�l I:�w und tlic law uf�hr
<br /> juri�Jictinn in which Ihc Pniprrty i� lixatrd. In thr rvrm Ih:U.m�• pro�•i.iun�►r rlau.e �,f thi�Scrurity In.trumcm�►r tha
<br /> Notc contlirl. with applicablc la��.�urh.•unllir� .hull nut altir� ulhrr pro�•i,ian,��f thi,tirruriiy bi+lrwnrm ur thc Niitr
<br /> which run Ix�ivcn rffrrl without Ihr cunllirtin�provi�i�m. 'Ii�thi.cnd�hr pru�i�i�,m�,f�hi,Security Imtrumrm unJ thr .
<br /> Note urr Jrrl��reJ t��tx��veruhl�.
<br /> IS. Horrower's C'��py. Horro�vrr.h:�ll tx�i�rn��ne ruufuinud rup� ul thi,tirrunq In.lrumenl.
<br /> , 16. As.tiiRnmenl of Kcnts. Borru�err unrondi�iunall�:�..iEn,an�l tr;�n.frr�tu Lrndcr al)Ihe rcniti and revrnur.uf thc
<br /> ; f'roperty. Hurrowrr aWharin.I.rnJer ur Lcnd�r;agen��tu.ullert Ihe nnt�an�l rc�cour,anJ hrreby Jircrt�rarh��n;inl u( ,
<br /> � thc Nro�xrty�o pary U�c �c�n,tu Lrndrr ar I.cndrr;:igrmti. H�»�r�•cr,priur to Lcndrr',nuticr lo Hurruwcr uf Barc��wrr� '
<br /> . brcurh of uny ruvcnam ur agrccmcnt in thr tirrurit��In.irumrnl.Nurru�+•cr,hull r�dkrl.md rcrcivr ull ren�.:mJ r.�•rnur,uf .
<br /> Ihc Pru�xny oti tro�lcc ti�r Ihr Ixnrfi�ol Lrndrr and Nurrou�cr. 1 hi.a..i�:nmrnt ul rcnt.run,iituir.:ui ah.�►lui�:�,•ignnxnt
<br /> , . _.i.. ....�1:.....I.Ii�i..mJ.•.•urit�•nnit�
<br /> -.- :._ uuu :.7t«7«.....
<br /> .. ��11'Lcndrr�ivc,nulirc uf bmurh���H�irro���rr: lu►all rrnl+rcrricrJ hy liurru��er.hall tx hrld hy N�,rru��rr u,�ru.trr
<br /> f'or t►encfit i�f l.rn�kr only.lo Ix applicd tu�hr >um, .rcured h�• ihr tircuri�� bi.trument: lhl I.cndrr�hull tx� cmidcJ ti�
<br /> �•��Ucct ut►d rcrcivc all ol'Ihc renh ut'thc F'm�xrty: ;md�rl rarh Irnant ul'Ihr 1'rup.rt�•�h:�ll pay�all rrnt,duc aisd unp:iid lu
<br /> Lender�x Lender�agent�m t.cndcr:wriurn demanJ tu Ihc Irnant.
<br /> �. Borrowrr ha,nut exrrulcd uny priex ax.igmmnt uf�he rcnt, anJ ha� n��t and will n�n perliirni any ucl thal wnuld
<br /> pnvent Lcnder frum rxrrcitiing itti right.under Ihi�Poiiigraph I6.
<br /> • . Lendcr shull n�,t Ix nquireJ lu rnlrr upnn, wkr romrul uf ur m:iintain ihc I'r„pert��Ikfarc ur aflcr Eiving nulicr of
<br /> • breuch to Bcirruwcr. Huw�evcr. Lrnd�r or u judirially uppnimcd rrrrn�rr ma� do .0 ul an�•tnnc th�rc i.a brr;kh. Any
<br /> � applicati�in ul'rrnts xhull no�rurc ur Huivc any defvult��r in�•alid:►t�an� othrr riEht ur r�medy uf Lendrr. 'fhi. :�,�ignmrnt
<br /> , o!':�:ts::�tne Property�hall tcrminalc when the JeNt sc�und b�Ihr tircurity In.trumrnt i.puKl in full.
<br /> I/h�er?nj J pd�r��
<br /> �
<br />