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<br /> �r��y���' � 1. Pwyment ot PAnclppl�Intcreat and I.ale ChwrRe. Bunuwrr xhull pay when Juc�hc principul ol',und inlcrc�,�cm,
<br /> , �.�''�"�' "�''' `� ihe debt evWenrcd by thc Note und lutc rhurge.due under the Nuir.
<br /> • . • 2. Monlhly payme�t�oP'fAxew Insuraoce And Uther ChorRes. Bonowcr+hull inrludc in euch mon�hly puymcnt.
<br /> � ` tagether with the principal und imcre�t us+el fbAh in the Notc und uny lute rhurgc�,un imiuUmrm of any(u)tuxcx antl _�-,__
<br /> • - �;��. Fpecial ur�sessmen�s levled or to he Icvicd ugainat Ihe Prapeny,lb)Ica�ehnld puyment�or ground rent.on�hc Pmpeny,and
<br /> ` `�A Ic)premiums for insuruncc rcyuired by Purugrnph 4.
<br /> _� ,•-� R•,,�'. E'sach monthly installment for itemti lu►, (bl und lc► +hull eyuul one-Iwelflh uf 1hr annual am��untr. a. rea,unablY ����;-,;;�- ---_- -. , :
<br /> ~;�°'. estimated by Lender, plus an amount sufficient to muintuin an udditionul bnlunce of not more thun one-sixth af the ��-
<br /> � e�timated amounls. The full unnual umaunt fcx cACh item �hall be accumulated by l.cndcr within u peri�xi ending one `�`"' �
<br /> ° :: � momh before an itam wciuld become delinquent. l.ciulrr shull hold the amount�collerted in Irust la puy item�:(u1,lb1 und �'__��u... -
<br /> = ��'•" r` _ (c)before they become delinquent. ���--
<br />�=�-- ' . • If at ony time the total uf the pAyments hcld by Lender for items(ul,lbl and 1c1. tugrthcr wi�h �he fuwre momhly �--
<br /> puyments for such items payable io Lender prior �o the due da�e+ c►f such i�cm�, excecds by moR than onc-sixth the �u.�•°_
<br /> �� • eslimuteJ anwunt of puyments mquircd to Puy zuch items when due,and if pu;�mentx nn the No�r ure currcnt,lh�n t.cndcr ="
<br />