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� - _ <br /> � -----: _--- <br /> .�ek. _ _ ' -- `_ - . :,..,--- <br /> -. ..:— � ; �-�.,w.,.... � .. � - <br /> � .� . . <br /> � � �-- <br /> � _ .,��-� 92— to�s�a <br /> _W—=�� <br /> _ _ ____x.� NON-UNIFORM COVENAN"1'S. Bn�rowcr und Lcnder funhcr crncnunt und ugrcc ux ti�lluwh: <br /> 17. Foreclosure Procedure. If l.cnder rcyuinti immcdiute paym�nt in full undcr purug�uph y,l.cmkr muy inv�►kc�he <br /> pnwer oi xule nnd Any nther rcmedfe.pem�ittcd by applicuhlc luw. Lender Khull i+c en�itled�o rnilect all expen+r�IncuRCd <br /> _ °�-� in purnuing the remedies providal in Ihix pura�ruph 17,inrluding,bu�nu�limitcd to,r�uwmuble uuc�rncyx'fee.r und crnir�►t' <br /> ��-"�� titicevtdcncc. <br /> :��� ��.� lr Ihe pawer of s�le is invoked�'IYustee shall recurd a nntice at detAUll In each county In whkh pny p�trl uf the <br /> � �^i_s" PeopeMy Is icepted And shall mpU a�opies oP such notice in Ihe manner prescribed by�ppIfcablc law lo Burraeer wnd <br /> �==�-x�:— to tbe other persons prescribed by Ap Ilcable Ipw Aner the timo reyulred by Applkable Iww.7lractee sholl���e <br /> �'��`•?-=-�4'-�: •�� public notke uf snle to Ihe persons anS In the mwoner prescribed bv Applicable Ipw 'llrustee, wHhout detnon �n ` <br /> Borrower,Ahpll sell the Property at pubik auction lo the highest bidde�wl the lime and pl�cc und undcr thc terms - -- <br /> -�"�` desi noted In the notice of sAle in one or more parcels and in Any order 7Y�u�lee determin�w. 'llrustee moy postpone <br /> _�._.i.�. 8 �.. � <br /> � � :� �: aAle of�II or any parcei of the Properly by publle Announcemeni At Ihe Ilme wnd place uf wny p�eviously scheduled <br /> .•�'---'??-�=.�.� :,,,�•;� s s�l e. l.e nd e r or Its deai gnee mp yp urchace the Properly at a�y sale. - <br /> _-,-_;pT���.�r ; =,- U p o n r e c e i p t o P p�►y m e n t a f t h e P r i ce b i d.7 Fus lee s ha l l de l ive r t o I h e p u r c h a s r r 7 l r u s l e e's d e e d c o n v e y i n g I h e <br /> '��+�:-*. � Property. The recitals in Ihe 71'ustee s deed xhAll be primA fpcle evidence o F Iru l h a P l he s ta temen ts mp d e I h e re t n. <br /> ����t��.:. : 1lrustee eh�ll a p pl y the proceeds uP the x�le in Ihe follawing arder: la) to all cost� and expenreg of exercisinR Ihe <br /> ,:.:-;�*;:-�-F.,: ,r'. �,.� <br /> -- �� : , power ot sele,and the Fale.includfnR the payment oP Ihe'Irn�tee's Pees actuully incurred.nat to exceed i ve `70 <br /> oi the principAl amounl oP the note et the lime of the declaration of default. and reu.5onable Attorneys'feeg as �:�'� <br /> ----- -=-`--===T;,• , perm;t(Hl hy I,�w; 1b)to all sums secured by thiR 4PCUrity Inatrument; and Icl any excesa to the penson or persons `_ <br /> <,�.'�''•"-'"''°3`� . le�ally entiqed la it. �_y <br /> ,,:,•;:��:,S�y_� � '• 1& Recomeyance. Upcm paymcnt of all sumh securcd by this Security In��rumcnt,l.cndcr.hull rcyue.t'Ihixtec to <br /> reconvey the Praperty nnd tihall rurrender�his Security Insln�ment und ull nMe.evidenring deM secumd by this Securiry �`� <br /> ',1-",i''�i,,�'"�''�'�,'�-';;�q ':� Instrumcnt l0 7Yustec. 7tustec shall r�tionvcy thc Propeny withuut wurnrnty und without churge ta thc per,on cir pcnons __ <br /> ,��.�S ,� � • ••:.� legally entitled lo it. Such perhan or penans shull puy any recordutian costs. , <br /> �"��,;�ls . !` ��� " 19, Substltute'I�ustee. Lcndcr,ut i1s option,muy from time lo timc remave'IYustee und uppoint u huccessar trustee �;;�� <br /> T 3r r� - � �o any'Ipustce appointed hereunder by an instrument recordcd in thc counry in which Ihis Security In�tmment is rccorded. <br /> ��1 ��=�F iF��' �,` Wi�hnut conveyance af the Property.the succewyor trustee shall succeed to nll the title,pnwer and du�ies canl'errcd upan <br /> - �- �S ` � '� 'Itus�ec herein and by upp8cable luw. �� ,: <br /> a��, �'�;:' s ;' � 20. Request for Notkes. earrawcr reyuesls that capics of 1he naticcs of detnult and �ale be xent to Barrowerl - � <br /> � ;;,,'1;�?,� � ,.f�.'.:�,'; addreas which is the Praperty Address. '..��u <br /> --= ;c;�,..,.:,,;,,. . .. ,•:�. ,.r.: '- <br /> ��.��' ,�!, ����`�Y ;���.���:.;� <br /> Rlders to Ihis Security lnstrument. It'one ar more ridcrs urc exccul�d by 8orrower und recorded together with thi� .111�f <br /> -�s�s.7 "•:{'.?`�,. �� . Security Instrument, Ihe covenums of each such rider yhull be incarporuted inu► und shall umend und supplemeat the ;' <br /> -�� • • � ' covcnants and agreemcmx of this Securlty Instrument us if the ridert+)werc in a pun M'this Sccurity lnstrumem. �.�� <br /> "� , �. �Check applicable boxles)�. Hr:. <br /> �_: <br /> -;.�� ' • � �� <br /> °.'�� ••�• . ' �Candominium Ridcr �Gruduuted Puymcn�Ridcr �(irowing F.Nuily Ridcr _._ <br /> --4G��.i_ _.�l9Lt�,: <br /> ��,'...•; ' � .. <br />:��,"�; ° �• ' ` ' �Plunncd Unit Ikvclopmrnt Ridcr n Olher�S�xcifYl �� <br /> :�.�` ,.^ �ti-�_• <br /> , f3Y til(iNING RELUW, Nurc�►wcr arcrpi,und ii� �hr trmu cunw�ned in pu�ew I lhruugh 4 of thi�+Security _ <br /> . ' � �; Instrumcm uncl in uny ri�kqal ez�K•ut�d by Nc�rrowcr unJ rccurJcJ with it. c�__ <br /> _ .' ; . - m�+scr: ] � � � �..... <br /> .. + ,,•, .. .. ... ` (� ��`.-- -- - - _ l'�'([+-ft�/1� " cscau �-=- <br /> � � � OD ALO R KNOX �O1TO"'�' ��`.F <br /> . � � � �1�e_e�. _�.�� �._ �--. <br /> �s�ei, <br /> ' REBECCA A KNOX Borruwer �-- <br /> �' <br /> :, .. . (SCaI) --m° <br /> " . ,. Bomiwcr �r,..;. <br /> . lSeal) �` <br /> . Botrowcr � <br /> ^ STATE UF NEBItASKA, NAI.L Cuum��.+: !__ <br /> r-.- <br /> c��-- <br /> On thi, 28t h ��Y�'I'Apr i 1 � 1992 .Ixli�rc mr.1hc uixlerwipncxl.u Notury {: <br /> �, � Puhlic duly cummi.,iuiud:�nd yualitird tiir�aid cuurny.Fur.anall�•rumr <br /> 'r DONALD R KNOX ANO RECECCA A KNOX HUSBANU AND WIFE <br /> � •• "� • .tn mr known to Ix Ihr <br /> ' icknticul�xnonl.l wFn„c namcl�i ur�.uh,crit►rd a�thc t�irr�omg imUumrn�;uu1�kknuwlcd�:cd ihc rxrcutiun�h�rcof�o Ix 4 <br /> t he i r volumary ari:md Jc�d. � <br /> ° Wilncxs my hunJ and n��turiul tic;d u� GF2ANU 15l.ANU in �aiJ c�wnly. Ih� <br /> ' ' dut�uiorcwiJ. <br /> , .. •z irc.: ��,�(..�L�tL^ ",�.. �_, �!�i- -- - -- <br /> My Commissi��n� p �' �mnn Puhhc <br /> .. _ _ - . . `�� tltt0 UTA 1 pCCfl L. . <br /> •_ � �� ���� ��v�Jy��rr� �. •�rrv <br /> JU�LltitlMYBJ;aIt�'Sinlc Jt���;ua�k; <br /> '+ pUBERTA L.REEO � <br /> ��M�Comm.ERp.1Wy30.19ya ItF:(�1��5TH(>RRI:('t)\V{iYANC'1: ; <br /> ?'Q TRUSTEE: ' <br /> . ' Thc undrnignrd i+the haldcr of Ilic niilc or�iulcx tircureJ hy thi.I)rcJ�►t'7n�,1. Said�wtr ur nulr,.logclhcr wilh all ; <br />• ' othcr inJcbtcdixss.ecurcd bp thi� Ihrd ol'1'ru,t.havc lxcn paiJ in full. Y�,u nrr licrrby dirrrtcd tu r:�nrcl �aiJ notr„r . <br /> notcs and this Dcrd��t'Iru+l.�vhich xrr d�li�•cr�d hrrchy,and lu rcc�,nvr). ��ilhum uarr.irn�•.:ill Ihc.•,�at�•no«•hcld hy)•uu • <br /> . undcr thix DceJ aT'Ihi�t tn�hc�nrsan ar per�imx Ictiully cmiilyd Ihrr.w, � <br /> . . ' • , . , � <br /> I}atc: — .----•- -- - ------------ <br /> �,;, I <br /> ��h,.e�•��q�p�,w•,� k <br /> ` f <br /> • I <br /> •' __ <br />