,; ' :tit. F > . . ;�;c��:r�; ���a�;�v�yso=r:..
<br /> ` ' . . • . . '�: , � ... . l
<br /> , , . . . �,.. ., ��'s tf. "'% .,).:�.i�.}J�;�fSrfS- �SI i�Cy t�t ! i
<br /> �� .,�.,fK�. �.s ��"u,��:xsS.L Y' c��.FILSf6F����f ..
<br /> �
<br /> , �� �`{Y♦il���i.! —_
<br /> paymeats rtt�y ca Eanger by rec�aisu�.at the optiora of l.ender.if mort};age ir.surance wverng�'(in eh:au�nant an�for die(:�xt� �':
<br /> tha2 t�en�.r �qui�e)ptnvided by an u�surtr egp�oved by L�ader again b�ontzs availabte and is c�bYained.�ar.ower s�"wll;�a�r. n;
<br /> the premiums n:quimd to msisct�a martg�ge insuan.s+�i�n eff�ct.aY t4 prc�vidg a ia�s r�.serve.unt�i the requirzment fnr cnorr,�#Ye =
<br /> inssu�nze erds in accar,fance�vith uny Nr�ttese ag,�ne iset�vee:�f2o�sorrer and Lender or a�piicabte la�v. --
<br /> 9.Ln.�oa.i,.fndCT or its�en4 cn�y make[e�sona�iQ entries eepon and i[tsp°„ctions of th�Fraprrty. Leastfar s�ntl.gava —
<br /> . , Borrower nutice at ttte dm�e of ar Prior to an ins�etiinn spesiP��tg c�sonable cause fnr tS1e inspectioa.
<br /> l�. CaA�:tanngto�.Thc praccods of an�r ��un;�d or ctai�for�ges.di�ert ar oonsequenrial. i71 COtIIICSi;Ail �Vttl]31T?+
<br /> condemnasion or other taking of any part of ti�e�operty.ar for conveyance in tieu of caademnatian.�h�zebtr�����. �
<br /> sf�116e Qaid to I.ender. =
<br /> �4�� In the eveAt of a tntal tt3Ecina cxf tbe�tngErry,the pmce�ds shali 6�apptied to tite sumP�cu�d 6y d�ia�in'ity Int�um�t.. -
<br /> wh�thea or not tben due. with an�r exre�s paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partial tuJ:�ng aE t5c Fmpcm;+�ia �riuch dtts�nir -
<br /> market vaht$of the Fmpe�j iamvedia�ety Gafar�tBe tagng is equal ta ar�ra,3tar t�tan�he amnunt of H�s stuns Eecurad 6a�tt�iu
<br /> Sxurity In�:trurt�ut imms�d3at�ely b�fore the taIanII,untess�rrocver tmd Lcn��sr u�eiarise a�c in wr?t€ng,ti�c s.img sr.cu�.b�+
<br /> • tius Sesurir�I�nsu��nent shal[6e r�dured.by ths amount of thc g�dx muitsplied by the t'ollowin� 6�rtian: (ay tha tatat, �"
<br /> amount of the�w�s sccurad imms�utely h°.,forz the takiqn. dSvi�ed 8y f�)the fair mark�et v�lue of the Frope�'y itnmadlpt�i��: .
<br /> 6efoie th$ts�Y.ing.A�y balanse rhtill 6e paid�to Bomotver. In tGe event of a partiai�g of the Frcgert3�In whtah ttta t�ir.�.
<br /> market vnlue of�he 1Pmperty Immedintety before thc�ng is less thau the ar�ount af t�e sums secuc�d�imm��stt hati�m�Jta' _
<br /> taking,unles�Ea:rnwet aad Lender atue�a�€in writmg os un[ess apis�icrble!aw athe�rrise p�mrt�tits.ilt�pmc�sdn a�Ihili 6
<br />'�, be agp2ied to d1e s�s s��}+[his�erur�nj IuStrumsnt vrhether or aQL the stims are tHeit,dus. ,':�
<br /> If tf�e Fmgeny is abandaned by Bar�o�ver.or if,after ao�ee hy Le�Bcr.W Sormver BtAtthc cntidca�nar.aff4�ta:smilfa�an . --
<br /> awacd or s�ttie a ctaim for d�n�,HarrawEr fm7s to�gqnd oo Leadtrr wlthin 30 rr#n�g aRex the dtttc:tha�att�is��gFven,
<br /> . Letider is autt�orlized ta calleci and appJy We gme�cds.at its op6an.eithRr tnr�n•or•repsur oFtha 4;a�tedt►,��ur ta`•the sons _-
<br />','~ �s�u�s�by this 3ec�rify:Insmunent,whether or nat tt�f dae. . . __
<br /> , .. � ,`::Xlnl�s L.ender a�d�arcbwer atIterwi�agcez in vmting, anY ag�ii�ttaa of.pn¢rceds tm prinajial;�haiE aoc e�az . °
<br /> . , �st�'it"r�t�ie due date af the a�ntLly gnymenta refeaed ta in.ppmgtaphs 1 and 2 or etwnqit.iit�,annaimr�of�ich payt�etrrs:
<br /> ' i. 2�..l�tsnruzv�Nat R�4e�d;�or$e,u�nr,e�By I.ead�PkCt 3�Wtiiver.Extension?irF tt��4ime fmc�sr�em or modifcaYian —
<br /> ..�� of sunastizlYion of th@ svms sti.curad by ttti�SE�ur�ty Iastrmr�ent�tanted by I.ender te any s�o�sar ia�t of Bormwer sGall
<br /> � nat aperaie to reicasa ths liabifii�j of the ori�rwE��orrower or Barrncver's suce�ors in intezeat.Lender s'nail.aoi be iequired to �
<br /> ? —
<br /> .. cam�eace pmczediagss.agaia�aa}.sucre��r ia.iuterest or r�fose to extend time for paya�ent ar otherwise t�odify aasordzation °
<br /> . af the sums sErured by thiu SzMirJtK.t��r�'me.±r.hy reason of any demaud made by t�e ori�nal Borrower or$armwer's =
<br /> � successo�in iriterest Any forhat�i'siirax by I�Bder in eaercising any right or reutxdy shntE aat be a waiver of or preciude the #
<br /> . eaercise of am►rc�6t or rniedy: !•:� � ' . -_
<br /> 12. Succ�a��t�nri�ssS��c�d.,Babtt aa�! Several Y.ia�i�E¢y;��rtfgpc�as. Ttne covenants and ageements of t�ir� ':'.;._:.J,,-,�—
<br /> -�� •;;.,.,, . �.^usi�1 7n�ument �i�:if�,bind aud 6+ene�t fhc�zt�ccesso�s and as..�igns of ta��r a,� Eo•rrower. subjcxt ta th,:�ss��risic►vz.c�:..:`?:,�-. ::'_
<br /> •`' Parngm�h 17. Eorax►wer's coir:�sust(c;�ttd agreements shati 6e j �, and•s�reaa:. Any Bormwer who oa�siga� t�ii;.��.'.' ..,;
<br /> � � 'IttsWit�isF"i�at da�not.ex�curo i1it��Inrr:(a)•is co-sigaing �.+s.�5ec�rity Instrumeat o�y tu mortgage,gra�C•and:cw�a�.�i;.t�t. : " --
<br /> --`� �arro�:r�"�intamsi in tUe Btup�g iis,�er the tems of t6is�ty IosYrumcnt;(lil is�nt pe�sonalty o6l,�,taLtd.���.a���tmes .
<br /> �; secared by this 3ecurin!tn�uemaent:and'(c)agc��faat I.eadEr aad any otb�n��xrower may agree to ealb.ad�1�fS.farbear or =
<br /> make any ascommo�i�tians�ith_regard to the t�s��L tbis Security Insmu-.�s��om ttsc N�te wlthout that Bo:ro�ier's co�sen�
<br /> 13.Y.daa,�Smr,�.If'the lQan s�ured byi't�rs Security InstrUmenc is subyCCt to a lav�whic�sets maximam la�an�chuSes. �.
<br /> and thm�,rnv is finally intm�rutud�so�t tt�icaetest or o�her la+n eF�arges collerXed or�ri be ooltected in connec�icus�'u�}w:the �
<br /> ;'; loan exceed tha parnilied Gmisa:tlf�ss:ga)a�sy�:�.b laan c�arge shall be redsaed Ysy c�e amaunt necessary to neduc�e t�e c�iargc �. . '.
<br /> � ' . to We permivad limit.aa�(�j�any si•�s�l;��.aa�ecced from Eorrovrer c�r.b�xc�ded permiaed limi�s wDl be nefw�ded co ;'���"''�:?�
<br /> ':'�;?,;:��.�'� •�.<;._:,•;. -
<br /> . ., Sosmw�r. Leadc�r msry chaa�c tu malce tbi�.�rpt by r�ductn�the pricr�c,r}s���o��ur.det�the Note ar by rnating a dir� .,;:�.�.:�,: ;
<br /> .,o-,, •
<br /> t..�� , . PaY��1 to Sumnvrrr. IP a•iati�nd reduces �¢fi�r{i�:a1, ttce ce�i�r.ti�n: wila:::�C.�rx�rl�aa:a�pariiat PrepaYment without aa9' :
<br /> P��X�Itti�.cbur�a nnd�s thu Stitrtu: � , .. ..; . ,
<br /> ; t9:;�J�'�at�cm..�p•nalide to Eenower prnvided for in tSiiti'�aariay Yn:,��ent sh�:.u_�' �rira 6y deliveriag it ac���'v,aailinS
<br /> ` � it by Bm.t clurs mail�anlu�s applica62e law requi��?,ue of another mc�h�ad',-�1i�notice s1�`6e dimcierEtz�:the Pmperiy�Addiesg —
<br /> :i;:;�.:f.�`� or any othur�d��,Btnto�er deslgnates 6y suaYixe W Lender: Any no�e to Lender sYiall be gtivsmz'ay Fust class mail to . _
<br /> Lendc�r's a1d►r�:sdt�¢v�Herein or any other addr�ss Lender daigi�atss by notice to Borsower. Any�tics provideci for in this
<br /> { , Secudnl Lfs�tumcau�st�all be deeme�to have been given to Borrower or I.eader when given t3s provided in this para�.aph.
<br /> 1�.(rtrv�ing� I.sw; S�verab�ity. 'Phis Security Instransent shall Oe govemed by fede� !aw and ttce !aw af t1�e
<br /> jurif,dicitan u�w1�i�ttte Froperty is tocated. 1n the event that any provision or clause of chis Secutiry Tnstramem or the Nate =
<br /> oonflict�wixU c�rpilcGble law.�such conflict sha11 rtat affect other provisions of th4s Secumty Lutrument or the Note which can be _
<br /> , giv�en ci�'ncs vsriWQUt the wnflicting pravision.To this end tIte pmvisions of this Security Inst�ument and the Note ate declarcd
<br /> • to ba F�:v�,'6�u. � . � �
<br /> : , ��..�mrn��er's Copy.Eonower sha1L be given one wnfupuod copy of the Note and of this Security Instrume�• .
<br /> ..., .
<br /> ':!' :,; ' , Conn 3028 9/90
<br /> 1�3,'''i,� ' � . Paalote ' � - --
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