. :.4;,;:i ' ._,t�.; . .. .. . . . . . • ..
<br /> t;. s , . �' . ,
<br /> 'R ., Li1f.y�J��' �$ ?p`2��7'k�ti�ya y1 -'�_ ._ _ c _ 7 i1y.,t . . � �.ti._:_s _ _ ..s_...,s.� — __.
<br /> + � � F �'� ,i`+:.:.` i�.+� '� �h .ca�',8rt�.• !. �:�
<br /> ��+:=.
<br /> ����
<br /> �p ��.`. _
<br />. '. �� ����1/ �'x`}-`.i�`.
<br /> '. �9`��Q$��� • ar an mterest in it
<br /> � or a Bett�tkf��a.*3.r�wt ia ffi��rotiser.If all o�any part oi the PropertY Y r�
<br /> ffia
<br /> ,,,is sold or uansferPed(or if a beaefic�al interest in&i,.rorrer[s satd o�r F����°��Rt°.n fuli of�11�suu►.g '�'ucured by�thia ��
<br />,r�'... `i,�nder's prior vrritten cunsen�. l.e,-edar mnJ. �. �t5 a�tic�: res�. PaY .
<br /> ;'�;:; . Security Instrument. However,this option shaU not be exerc►sed by l.erutes if exercise�s prohibited by fedeml Eaw as o�'the dai� �b=^L
<br /> , , of th4s Security Inste�ment. �""'"� .
<br /> If L,ender exercises this ap�on.[.eader st�all give Borrower rta3ice of acceler.�t�ar�.'[he afltiue shall provide a period of qat
<br /> (ess than 30 days from a�dace t4ie notice is deliveted ar mtil�within w4ueh Bcrnawer must pay ull sunts secured by ttcis �-r.-..,
<br /> Security Instrumsnt. If l�urmwer fails to pay tAess sams prior to tke eapiratian of th�s peri�cl.I.ec�der may invoke uvy eemedies `_�-^,�
<br /> .:::,. permitte�i by this Serurity Ynsuument a+ithout further notice or demand on�orrower. - .
<br /> =�,. I8. Brsrra�ea''s Right t.� Rc�.nstate. If Eorrower meets ccrt�in conditians. Borrower shall have ttie r'sght to have ���
<br /> - enforees�em of�is �rily Iu.'.u`uraEat di�aa t i n u a d at aay tune pROr t°the earlier of: (a)S days (or such other�eriod as _
<br /> l�calsie law m for reinstatsm�nt)beFare sate of tifs PkoP��Y Pu�t to any power of sa4e wmained iRa this
<br /> `. ���y,j�u. r�4b��ntry of a}udgaent e�f��ir��t�i�s Secusiry Instmment.Those oandidoas are cbat B�rroarer:(a)paYs =
<br /> ��:� ', ln�des a11 sums wEsich tfsen would b$�ue utder ttss�Secu�iry Instru�cnt and the Note as if no acceteratiun had occurr,.d;(b) �,.
<br /> ` cures any defau!�af any a;her oavenants cs agr�cnta: ts)Pays all expenses incmre�in enforring ttUS Sec�sity lnsuumean. �._`--
<br /> '��, to assure �,_ -
<br /> i�ctuding,but ncv�timit�d to,teasonahle att�meys' fe�s:and(d)takes sush asaon as Iand�er�m/reasoaably raquire =
<br /> ,i tTiat the lien of t6fis Security Ins�,L°„nder's rights in the ProAerty and Borrower's o6Eigatian to pay t�e sums serured by �, _
<br /> '•.::r;:;, d� Sec�rity Issst�eai shall con�uc: u�*.changed. Upon ceinstatement by Borrower. ti�is Secusity Iasnvmeat nad the �� '
<br /> �.i`:,. o+�?igations secured hereby shall c�nain.feifjr effective as if aa acceleration had�ccusr�d.Hovrever,tivs right w reinst�te shall _:y;_:"::
<br /> � °`, nct a�sply in t�e c.�ss of acc�leration uader paragi'arph i7. �'�=.n-.
<br /> �`�:°`'� Il9. �:frs ai�1�Inte; C�auurse ot Yr�.r��ervicer. The Note or a partial interest in tbe Note (tagethcr�vith tbis Securiry ,-��:,-..
<br /> • .��;.:
<br /> ,�;.:�� Iast�ent��y be sold oac or more�rs vrit�aut prior nnace tn Borravrer.A sate may result in a c,hat�ge in the eutizy(1�awa _
<br /> as the"��Ssrvicer")that coileds month3y paymcnts due ur.der tlse No�te and tliis Security Ic�en�T6ere also may be orfe
<br />:�'�>t` cs more char�es of t6e I�oan Servicer uart3tcd to a sal�of tLe Pdote.I�theae is a change of 4�e P,�r�Servicer,IIorrower vsr�t!�. -
<br /> �aen wriuea noiice flf�&e change in a000rc?aace wisls����above and agplicabte law.'�e notice wiU.�:=te the�ir�tti ��;
<br />=. .;:.,. �dtess of the aeu� I.oun Servicer and the add:�t•a�a'�*ch PaYmeats s�auld be made.'I7Fe notice will alsc��rontai�any�i� :---_
<br /> �' �':.�.. infomiatian required bY agplicable Isw.
<br /> ��=s;.:'. . 20. �iazardous Sni�taucrs.Sarrri'Ner shall aot canse or permit the presence, u�. di�asal. stora�e.or retease aE�y �4
<br /> "-Vm' Hazazdous Su bstanres on or in t h e F n�Q e rt y. B o r r o w e r shall not dn. nor allow anyoIIe c�se to iu������, or `__
<br /> �--` Property thai is in violation of azry En;-ironmental law. The precedin8 two seraeaces shai�a�ec�:�PPo lsc; ro riate to normal ----
<br /> ` � storage on the Propeity of small quantiues of kazardaus Substaurxs that ar�generalty rec.og,t3zed aPP P �'a
<br /> :� :Y' residential nses and to maintenauce of the Property. •
<br /> Borrower sdall promptly�ve I�n3er written notice of any iavesti�ation.clai�m,demand, Iawsuit or other action by any �;�,
<br /> � o y¢r p m�n i t r P•4 r r e g a l a t o r y a g e n c y or�i w.a 3 e P a r t Y involvin g�he fk�ertY and any Hardrdou<<�'a�bstauce or�nvimnnien2nl Laa �•�
<br /> of whi+�t iP�Lnmawer has actaal kaowt��'f Borrower teams,or js u��srifced by any governma�W�l or regui a tory a u t h o r i t*{�.�.6 a t __
<br /> .. ..;.d:`�l r,�ns?r�,..��st other remediation of anr�,lf�a�udous Su6stance affec2�g the Propertl'�s nec�.'�i.�Barrower shall prompt[�t�'ijce �
<br /> • ::; a�1;�ecessary remedial actioas in ascorr�,:with Eas�c�nmental Law.
<br /> �,--�= As used'sn this p3ragraPh 20* "��rd°us SJ is^ances"�are ttiose substa�«efined as toxic ar Y�ns substanc�s by r..
<br /> '.�>.;;•',:;.:.; Environmentai I.xw and the follawiu$su4�stanees: gasnline. kerosene, osher:�.�.�.^tmabte�or toxic_petrn�eum ptoducts, to;►ic_ ;� =t•,`
<br /> �"���;�"?!' pestirides and herbicides,votatile svlvaafa.materials containing asbescos or fom�aideGyde.,.mf c�dinactive materiats.As ased in , � ._ .
<br /> �� thts parags�pb 20, "F.uvironutental �:uist" means fedeial laws and laws of tiie jurisdictic�H,�ua-:,tI�Prop�nY u located that �,`_
<br /> '•:::;: �.;'� �� ralazc to l�slch,safety or eaaim��r:+'7u��tcctios. �_
<br />-,:';[i!'''.� T �Y...
<br /> IHON-UNIEOREn J;s�k'��`FAx'b�8onrower and L,ender further covenant��ee as f�i�Xbavs: :
<br /> � . ' . Zl.AsceterAt�an:�les.i:Cnder s6afi�tve aot[ae 4o Bormwer pefa�x t�r�,ccetera4iam foQowing BQrmwes's bre�.6 ,
<br /> :,{: ; . .
<br /> • ot any coQe�ant or��ui in tbts Security Iasirument (bni not���P�:��teierutflon ander para��aPb 17 � r.,:�... ,
<br /> � to snre the deYautt: '�`;:��!�.,�
<br /> • ugpticafsL�1s�r gra�v�des oihet�cLse},'L`�e nottce S6aD s(s�ify: (Al t1�e dC[aa�:i 6L�tUe stc�tinn reQufred �
<br /> . : (c)a datr.,uot less th�n 3d days�¢�»�t�e date the no2ice is�iv¢a 8c�F,assrrower.by w?�Fa'��.be idefa��tI��a�����d ..:.'�-
<br /> . . � (�9.t1�t fai'.ar�e to a�e t�e det'auZ�a��or before tl�e date s�eci4�e�B iYa tLs Bat6ce may s�r�: , ---
<br />° seca¢ed by thts Sevcnrity Iastrament and saie o�S t�e�perty.l7�aot���nlg farth�er irt�rnn�rrower ot t�e�4�?�. ;�.s,�� „
<br /> . . reLmt2.¢atter u�eceleration and t�e ri�ht to l��fJzC�'a court actton to s�i�.",e noa-eafstencP o���ite�-�xt�¢a� aay ot6er ,';:': �:.;;,.
<br />";s}r:,�4...` . dr.�ranse mY Borra�r W xcelerat6aa stad sat�: }3'►�e defaui3 is nnt cared aa or befone�he date sp��"���n4�t�out �`� 'Y;.'
<br /> 1,ender,ot[ts ogtioas rn�Y�u,i�;��n�dl�te paymen4 tn full o�ali suens secared hg:C.'��:5�1•�� �,�,;;,
<br /> ,•°;;�`t'.:.: � r���a��a�,a�y+��ufce lDtte�sr.v�r oT sele an8 any ot6er r+em�dies pesmit4e�1 C�}�... �uble law.I.eader sball 6e �.:.:.
<br />�;:��. �titi�to adlect�il espenses inLttr�na���p�s�tng the ecmed3es pcavtde�In thfs pzrs�:n�t��,iac4uding�6ut no41ImI4ed
<br /> a . ,.
<br /> . . W.t�tasonabte attoriaays'�ces a�ad!t�rs oY 4ttta evidence. • • . _
<br /> �� U the�ower of srtt�is Eav���i{;�'�ustee�6�i1 recard a natice of def,l�lllr�in e.:sb conatY io wh9sh an�p�rt ot the
<br />.,.<<, ,; �� proPertY is I�ted an8 shs�ti�'���e�s of s�cf�nottce iu t6e manuer�Se�siriioed 6y oppltic�ie Basv.�o�torrower and to� _ —
<br /> tLe othe� , as pr�rr€bevl by a{��tiiarlb�law.AfiPa.the ttme reqWr�l by applIcabie ta�.:�lkuste�`�lht�},9.`aive put�lte nptice
<br /> a
<br /> ,.�,�':: `� � o!s�e c����ersons'and in tite i'ilmnm:r p�escsibe�l by applira6le t�w.Trastee,wi4ptouL•,ii�.?��'�iir+:l�rrower,q1�1.seU =
<br /> n
<br /> � � . ; �. the�,ir,�ty st�ab�c aucttoa ta td�re t�Yghest bidd�at the time and ptace and under the terms d��ti�9,tn �t� �
<br /> i • ' �a:e in�xae or moee parcels aad in a�+order'�'cu�tee determines.'IYustee maY PustpOne sate at ��(i��ny pami�f
<br /> • � �. P�operiY�Y I�►blk annouacement at tbe ttme and pluce o4 any prevtaasiy schedni�sate.Leadeir.n�;ts cic�i�may rr��
<br /> ..::.. . purcitase ttiete Pro�erty at any sale. �-_:
<br />.;,r .
<br />,s�fi(?_:; • '
<br /> a?i:� . �
<br /> . Form 302� 9190 =
<br /> va�sms
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