_ :_. .: : . . . . .. _ .
<br /> . . ... . . .
<br /> ; , __
<br /> : . ;. , . .
<br /> .:,..,.. . . .
<br /> . ::,- _,. .. . � :: . o • .. , ��.�.. -=`�:
<br /> %�" ' .
<br /> ..� Sv.,'� ..�- c-- ---..""" - . . . '� 5 ,r-..:5�.
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<br />� g�-� �,�V�� �.:�.n.
<br /> I C:..• "'
<br /> t3[C ItilptOV�III�[tiS rtOC�i eRIStilla or hereafter e�cted a� �xe ���..:;
<br /> s 5. H�zaaal ar��tY Y�..� Borrower shall kee� � . other 4ta�ards.taeiudiisg
<br /> � p�perty in,ynred against toss by fre.hazards iucluded within the term�I�maintsined in the umounts ansl for th�peri�s __ _- -_
<br /> f�s�s or fl�ing•for whic,�I.eader requires iaswai:oe.'Igi'ss insuranoe SQ,�ower snt'�t to Len�*�s a9P�� --
<br /> that L.ender requires.'I�e iasurauwidslieldr If�wer fails tuo�sintain covemge descdhEd a5ove. Leader may. at LeadeB's ����
<br /> tivitich shall ¢ot bC unre�sot�ablY der's ri hts in tl�e PrapeAY in aocordnnce v�+�th ParaB�h 7. �''`��-�.:�
<br /> option,obtain cover�e ta protec¢Len g te to I.suder and s�a11 inriude a smnd�ud �an�s,°e clause. Leadsc
<br /> d�ud
<br /> At3 icssuranc�.(�olicies�.nnd:enewals shall be accep�b ve ta#..ecuter ctti r�eipts o€ .�:_.=':
<br /> : - � �
<br /> • s6a11 have tht right to hQld the palicies aad rene�vals.If Lender e'equues.Borrower shalt prompdY 6►
<br /> � • Barraaer shaU give prompt notsce to the ic+sursnce carrier and Le�cder. � <.• .;,
<br /> - paid p�miums and mnewal aotices.In the event of toss,
<br /> Lender Q�y m2tce prcaf of ioss if aot�e prompvy by Boaawet. hed to r�storatcurs os c�air of the �..`,:�,.,=
<br /> UnIes.s[,en�ler and Borrower atherwise agtee ia writing.insuaanoe P�ocxxds shaU be a�P� �,#„��.
<br /> properiy damaged•if eha restnration or repair is ecanamicullY feasible and I�eadsr's s�curity is uot les�6e aPp s rescasation or `
<br /> ��; li�d ta t�e�ams
<br /> ,.t regair is nai economic�}1y feasible ar Ler.der's securitY wo'ald ha less�t�,�e insu��pI°°e�ds -
<br /> s:..;
<br />;'} : Instnureent, cvhet6er os�nt then d�e, with ar+Y excess Paid to Bosower. If Eorrower ab�udons the �:_:
<br /> $ securEd 6�thes Serudtl► cariier has offer�l w seitle a claim.o�en ---
<br /> �'i pro�terty,vs d�nut answer vrithia 3a days a notir�fro���r that the�u�surdnce or r�Lore the Property or to �Y� �'�"'�,
<br /> ccll�t t3�e insurauce proceeds. Leuder may use the prace�ds a reP �����-='
<br /> .`�` ixnder maY erias!will�wflen the IIatice is given. a�yzs..
<br /> 8 this Sc�l�Instrument.whe�ther or not then d�e.The 3Q-day P a � �t ��i or �—=`�"`�:,
<br /> +. sacar�l Y lic�sian of pmceeds to PriB I�
<br /> ,:{. Unless I.ender t�c�Eosm�ver otherwise a� in writing. aoY �P L �2 or chat+ge the ama�(c�tF�he PaY�II�•� ��--
<br /> �.�' po�mitts t3s�due date of the monthiY Payments refesrad to in paragiap kcies and piia�cei�ls c�stelti�s from
<br /> ±. �g i.eader,Bormwea's�ight Eo�ny insm�c�po� �'
<br /> :.�. ander(r�aph 21 the Property' acquire�bY �,T.�.-:_-
<br /> damag�&ir�e Ptapert3+Frior to the scx�ulsition shall pass to I.��e to tI�e�at of the swns secu.t�ed by t4is�ecuxftui�ttument :
<br />` ��•� imn',edrifiely prior ta t�te acquisition. Opi L�1d4. ,;.-:
<br /> 6.��I��Y+F�s2rvafFon,Maintenance smd Prot�on of the Ftcs�c+ertY+fdorrower's Loan�s after the e�ecution of �_;
<br /> Bbc�sr4�"�a11 a�aPY•�b3isls�.uturn:��use the Pm�►ertl+�Eotccuver's priacipal resideace witloin sixtY Y
<br /> t end shull s����PY���Y as Borrowet's princip�l�esideaoe far at least one year atter
<br /> tIus St=c�rity Inst�mea wbich'cansent shull tpao:•he unreasonabiy witt�held,ar u�nless '���
<br /> �h �:;:�_._
<br /> the dai�of accupancy.vnless Lendf:�r othetwise agtees in v�ulms� e oz imp�ir t� ;�.y�_
<br /> ,•'r ` exteuuatmg cinv�stences exist wflich are hep:s�td:�urcnxs7.'S oo�trol. �orro Borrower s�hall be 'us�defaultgif any forfeinue -,
<br /> j:..,�• ll .
<br /> p r e p e r t y, a l t o w t d e P r e p e r t Y w d e t e r i o r a t e.or i�n u n i t a a�t e on We P��Y w W d r z s W t i n f o r f e i t u r e o f t h�� .` �,
<br /> `.':�: . . whdher civ►�or criminai,is begun ttut m Lender'�.�.f d fait h ju d g m e n t
<br /> �' ;•� acdoa•or proce�lin�, • mteres�Iiormwec umy:�
<br /> pmpece�j ar otieerwise m�terial2y imPair the lien cieated by dn�s�ritY�'��ument oz L�ader s seau'►ty� ,. ;i���.
<br /> ctuc such.a de�ault a�reinstate,as pmvided in pata„'r�Pb 18.`t'�,►causia��tis�action or pmceedinS w be dismissed with a rusttt�:.
<br /> or at�i�• ,... ��^-_--
<br /> � tQat, in Leeder's�ud faith determination, Precludes forfeinue of ti�;f3�isuwer s interest in the P�v�ertY °}�t�``,, -
<br /> ` �rer also be�in de;�lt'�fs;.: �
<br /> ,� Instrument or I.ender'�=';:�'-tY �rest. �arm 'c� " I�a
<br /> -•�� ��,pairm,,ai af the lien created 6y.this 5ewritY Ye �os;r�accats infot��n or statesnenis to I,ender(or�a��'.,::•r . ;s��;,;,.
<br /> %;`,;'; Sursawu,dnring the loan applicarion pracess.8a �Y , t�tot I'�;•;: ,
<br /> � to p�fr',.e Lender with any mnter3�t infdr�tion)in«�nnecai�.with�alpan�a�l i�i�Nthis Security Ins� t�s an�_.`�:'� �'
<br /> Bcax�tcer's oxupancy of the firESr rtY P �°. . i�f,£�;y;
<br /> ��i��ntations concemie� �f�Y. ..•,l, .._
<br /> " �`•'• ' . lease�otd, Borruwes shall cas�lY vrith ati the provisians'c;�Yhe tease. I€Borroiveg�tbtiyufires fee titie W the F'e. ,tYte'.. . �""�;
<br /> •,,.g�-..,
<br /> 1��.,:: t�asehotd and tLe fee ade shall not�mzrge unl�.�r�..rnder agrees to the me�tar.in wnting. ���ii�e:��.;'.;:, ��'t
<br />. . I�,.Rrotecitna af Y�ender's Rig�ts in the�3�rt3'.If Borrower faiL�'ai patform the oovenants acad agt�ee .
<br /> � 'ti 'tbis�g'itY InsUvme°t�or there is a legal praceadins thut m�y signific�at3Y affect Lender's nghis m the PropereY.(sueh ss,•��r�'' li��: .
<br /> then LEndar iru.q.a�a� t�►:
<br /> . , p�;,�{;;�g in 6aniceuptcY,Probate,for condemnation or fqiiic.�iura ar to enforce lavrs or regulatio�as), �r'S;f.►r+��"�a�aY
<br /> .% PaY�gur whatever is neces.�arY to protect ti�ee valae of the 1�,+�.n3'and LendePs rights in the ProPerty • � ,�--.;r:,
<br /> ave�t,l�i.s Secur�tY Insuttment. ayDearin8 in oo�itt, Payi�}�....
<br /> include paying any sums secured by.a lien which h� pi`.+G�Y 4 take actiaa under Uus parzig'a�'��:�
<br /> r gr
<br /> :, { reasnn�bie attorneYs'fezs and entQring on the Property to roake rePairs��::hJliwugh I.ender may -.
<br /> . ;. t:, , : ,
<br /> ��` 7,�;�s dnes nat have to da so. � , � � :�r�`
<br /> r< '� 7 st�ill b��ad���a1 6eEst of Bomower secured bY this ;�_.
<br /> . s'. :;;:��ts�c•,�ama�4s dis6urs�d.�t�?•1..enderunder this paiu� a
<br /> amounu shall bear iaterest fram the :�:1;
<br /> ��.�;:�.;��. � 5o�i;.�?r tr,suuritt�xt�'Jsil� , ;4�r,'��ver aad Lender a�nee ur:�tsnms of�aym�r�:'t� .
<br /> �°; .:: � d�e�of disb���'�the Note rate and shall be payable, with i�uix'i`�t;;upon niaticc from LEadcr to Borrower reguestiag
<br /> :,��:•. . pa�stt�eni. � � the loan secured by 4his Sr.wrizy .'
<br /> e
<br /> t ;:,.;.a?:Mortgage IaSUrance.If l�nder reqairal mortga�e fu-tp�s:ce i��s�ondition of malcinS
<br /> Irti�p�i�ssni. Bonower shall pay the premiunas reqviral trY.mi��ain the moRgage�insurance in effeix. Ig, foz simy reason.the -
<br /> '� � at�ti�v.���insurar.�e coverage nquired by Lender Iapses or'��i�s to�i us�e�t,effect�at a cost ubstann'ally equiv�l�w� ��_
<br /> .� obtai�l caverag�:�it�„stantially oquivafent to the mortgage insut�nee P. • ed by Lend�r. If �
<br /> t . cast to Borro�r�;n;'the mortgage insurance previously in effect. frou�aa altemate.mortgage insurer approv ',`
<br /> � su�stant�ltY e4uiva2ent mortgage ins�asancs coverage is not avaitabfe,Borrower shsill yay to Leader each month a�um equ�l co
<br /> ��.,. anc,�l�t�::f'tih of tha yeurly morc�e insurnnce premiuro being paid by Bocrower when tha insurancc coverage lapsai or cea�ed to I�
<br /> ' �.:
<br /> .,:;,;s.v be se:i�fect.t.er��r wiII aoct�e>�.,�and retain these payt�x•ss as a lass reseive in lieu of mortgage insulanc� 1Loss nsetve ,
<br />,,,:,'�� . , .' , iorm 3028 8190 �_�e
<br /> :,;�, - , , � v�ao�s --
<br /> � • ' � �` i�:,
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